“I need a favor” was about Cloudstrike! Not Biden, not Burisma


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019
Democrats keep saying I need a favor was towards Biden, to help trump in the election..

After the president of Ukraine congratulates the President Trump a rooting out corruption in the United States the conversation proceeded to javelin missile’s when Trump said I need a favor about cloud strike and do you know a cloud strike is?
It was about election interference in the two thousand and 16 presidential election the Democrats are begging Trump to fix.

lol this is like the twilight zone!!

The favor was about cloud strike! lol not Biden or Burisma in fact the Ukraine president brought up first. This is going to be so embarrassing for Democrats
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
Democrats keep saying I need a favor was towards Biden, to help trump in the election..

After the president of Ukraine congratulates the President Trump a rooting out corruption in the United States the conversation proceeded to javelin missile’s when Trump said I need a favor about cloud strike and do you know a cloud strike is?
It was about election interference in the two thousand and 16 presidential election the Democrats are begging Trump to fix.

lol this is like the twilight zone!!

The favor was about cloud strike! lol not Biden or Burisma in fact the Ukraine president brought up first. This is going to be so embarrassing for Democrats

Not really.

First of all, if Trump had asked his intelligence officials instead of relying on the internet, he'd have known that Crowdstrike was a debunked conspiracy theory.

Second, all the actions by Rudy the Bagman that the Diplomatic people were objecting to, including getting Ambassador Marie sacked, were to pressure the Ukrainians into opening an investigation into Biden.
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
Wrong the President of the United States sets foreign policy, he is the chief executive he can see whatever he likes and whatever he wants it is not against the law to ask the president about the 2016 foreign interference. Democrat media urged trump in a press conference to tell Putin not to interfere in the elections..
The language absolutely exonerates Donald Trump
Democrats keep saying I need a favor was towards Biden, to help trump in the election..

After the president of Ukraine congratulates the President Trump a rooting out corruption in the United States the conversation proceeded to javelin missile’s when Trump said I need a favor about cloud strike and do you know a cloud strike is?
It was about election interference in the two thousand and 16 presidential election the Democrats are begging Trump to fix.

lol this is like the twilight zone!!

The favor was about cloud strike! lol not Biden or Burisma in fact the Ukraine president brought up first. This is going to be so embarrassing for Democrats

Not really.

First of all, if Trump had asked his intelligence officials instead of relying on the internet, he'd have known that Crowdstrike was a debunked conspiracy theory.

Second, all the actions by Rudy the Bagman that the Diplomatic people were objecting to, including getting Ambassador Marie sacked, were to pressure the Ukrainians into opening an investigation into Biden.
Do you have more access to foreign intelligence than Trump does yes or no?
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
Wrong the President of the United States sets foreign policy, he is the chief executive he can see whatever he likes and whatever he wants it is not against the law to ask the president about the 2016 foreign interference. Democrat media urged trump in a press conference to tell Putin not to interfere in the elections..
The language absolutely exonerates Donald Trump
You miss my point. The president does set foreign policy but the sole instrument of that policy is the US State Department. He tells his Sec. of State what he wants and they try to achieve it within the limits of the law. That way the president is insulated from any blunders or impropriety. Trump was stupid to directly engage in hanky-panky especially for something as fleetingly valuable as political dirt.
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
Wrong the President of the United States sets foreign policy, he is the chief executive he can see whatever he likes and whatever he wants it is not against the law to ask the president about the 2016 foreign interference. Democrat media urged trump in a press conference to tell Putin not to interfere in the elections..
The language absolutely exonerates Donald Trump
You miss my point. The president does set foreign policy but the sole instrument of that policy is the US State Department. He tells his Sec. of State what he wants and they try to achieve it within the limits of the law. That way the president is insulated from any blunders or impropriety. Trump was stupid to directly engage in hanky-panky especially for something as fleetingly valuable as political dirt.
So Trump should be impeached for saying hey Ukraine don’t interfere in our elections .?? Lol
Gotcha lol
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
The State Department works for POTUS. Not the other way around.

The bureaucracy only protects itself.

The bureaucracy in this and many cases, is the problem, not the solution.
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
Wrong the President of the United States sets foreign policy, he is the chief executive he can see whatever he likes and whatever he wants it is not against the law to ask the president about the 2016 foreign interference. Democrat media urged trump in a press conference to tell Putin not to interfere in the elections..
The language absolutely exonerates Donald Trump
You miss my point. The president does set foreign policy but the sole instrument of that policy is the US State Department. He tells his Sec. of State what he wants and they try to achieve it within the limits of the law. That way the president is insulated from any blunders or impropriety. Trump was stupid to directly engage in hanky-panky especially for something as fleetingly valuable as political dirt.
Your premise is clearly intentionally false.

You miss the point.

POTUS did not ask for dirt.
The CrowdStrike Conspiracy: Here’s Why Trump Keeps Referencing The Cybersecurity Firm
The CrowdStrike Conspiracy: Here’s Why Trump Keeps Referencing The Cybersecurity Firm
  • According to the theory, which has been prominent on right-wing blogs and news websites and repeated by Trump and former campaign consultant Roger Stone, Democrats and CrowdStrike concocted evidence to frame Russia for the hack in order to discredit Trump’s win in 2016.
  • The supposed evidence of Russia’s innocence relies on the belief that a DNC server has been hidden in Ukraine, possibly by CrowdStrike’s cofounder Dmitri Alperovitch.
  • That belief may stem from a statement by President Trump in a 2017 interview with the Associated Press, in which he questioned why the FBI didn’t look at the DNC server, that CrowdStrike is owned by “a very rich Ukrainian.” Alperovitch is actually a Russian-born American citizen.
  • Breitbart and the Daily Caller also claim Alperovitch has anti-Russia leanings, solely because he’s a nonresident senior fellow of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council, which the outlets claim takes a hawkish stance against Russia and is funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros.
  • In a statement to Forbes, a spokesperson CrowdStrike stated: “With regards to our investigation of the DNC hack in 2016, we provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI. As we’ve stated before, we stand by our findings and conclusions that have been fully supported by the US Intelligence community.”
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
The State Department works for POTUS. Not the other way around.

The bureaucracy only protects itself.

The bureaucracy in this and many cases, is the problem, not the solution.
Proper channels protect president from impeachment. Don't know how to make it any clearer.
Wrong the President of the United States sets foreign policy, he is the chief executive he can see whatever he likes and whatever he wants it is not against the law to ask the president about the 2016 foreign interference. Democrat media urged trump in a press conference to tell Putin not to interfere in the elections..
The language absolutely exonerates Donald Trump

No, it really doesn't. Using foreign policy and federal funds to advance your own political campaign is against the law.

Do you have more access to foreign intelligence than Trump does yes or no?

Trump ignores his intelligence, that's the problem. That's why the intel agencies are turning on him.

It only gets worse for you guys.
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
The State Department works for POTUS. Not the other way around.

The bureaucracy only protects itself.

The bureaucracy in this and many cases, is the problem, not the solution.
Proper channels protect president from impeachment. Don't know how to make it any clearer.
So you think presidents should be impeached for telling another country to stop interfering in our elections? Lol we pray for your sanity ha
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
Wrong the President of the United States sets foreign policy, he is the chief executive he can see whatever he likes and whatever he wants it is not against the law to ask the president about the 2016 foreign interference. Democrat media urged trump in a press conference to tell Putin not to interfere in the elections..
The language absolutely exonerates Donald Trump
You miss my point. The president does set foreign policy but the sole instrument of that policy is the US State Department. He tells his Sec. of State what he wants and they try to achieve it within the limits of the law. That way the president is insulated from any blunders or impropriety. Trump was stupid to directly engage in hanky-panky especially for something as fleetingly valuable as political dirt.
Your premise is clearly intentionally false.

You miss the point.

POTUS did not ask for dirt.
So why did he circumvent his SoS to do this himself? The only possible explanation is that Pompeo was not giving him the answers he wanted.
Wrong the President of the United States sets foreign policy, he is the chief executive he can see whatever he likes and whatever he wants it is not against the law to ask the president about the 2016 foreign interference. Democrat media urged trump in a press conference to tell Putin not to interfere in the elections..
The language absolutely exonerates Donald Trump

No, it really doesn't. Using foreign policy and federal funds to advance your own political campaign is against the law.

Do you have more access to foreign intelligence than Trump does yes or no?

Trump ignores his intelligence, that's the problem. That's why the intel agencies are turning on him.

It only gets worse for you guys.
Didn’t you want trump to get to the bottom of the 2016 for an interference? How would stopping that help him? Lol
We are praying for you Democrat’s to rebound from your mental break down lol
Didn’t you want trump to get to the bottom of the 2016 for an interference?

Trump was the bottom of 2016 interference... that's the whole point. Russia didn't interfere because they did an all night vodka bender in the Kremlin and said, "Hey, wouldn't it be hilarious if we screwed with America's elections, Ivan?"

They had a specific goal in mind. Get a guy elected who would turn a blind eye to what they were doing.
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
The State Department works for POTUS. Not the other way around.

The bureaucracy only protects itself.

The bureaucracy in this and many cases, is the problem, not the solution.
Proper channels protect president from impeachment. Don't know how to make it any clearer.
So you think presidents should be impeached for telling another country to stop interfering in our elections? Lol we pray for your sanity ha
I think they should be impeached for acting to much like an autocrat. Even most autocrats had a prime minister to blame if international relations hit the fan. Trump cannot look at Pompeo and say it was he who did the dirty.
Didn’t you want trump to get to the bottom of the 2016 for an interference?

Trump was the bottom of 2016 interference... that's the whole point. Russia didn't interfere because they did an all night vodka bender in the Kremlin and said, "Hey, wouldn't it be hilarious if we screwed with America's elections, Ivan?"

They had a specific goal in mind. Get a guy elected who would turn a blind eye to what they were doing.
Ahhh sure sure lol
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
The State Department works for POTUS. Not the other way around.

The bureaucracy only protects itself.

The bureaucracy in this and many cases, is the problem, not the solution.
Proper channels protect president from impeachment. Don't know how to make it any clearer.
So you think presidents should be impeached for telling another country to stop interfering in our elections? Lol we pray for your sanity ha
I think they should be impeached for acting to much like an autocrat. Even most autocrats had a prime minister to blame if international relations hit the fan. Trump cannot look at Pompeo and say it was he who did the dirty.
Do you know the definition of autocrat. And did you take your meds yet?

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