I Need To Ask This Question To All Biden Supporters Before I Go Mad

but everything that he said he was going to do he got done
Balance the budget? Fixed healthcare? Got Mexico to pay for a wall? Beat the Chinese in trade? Come on man. Even you’re not dumb enough to believe that propaganda. Trump was a blow hard who gave up on everything hard.
I even have enough understanding to know this election was stolen, because how on earth does basically the whole fucking country go from red to blue overnight and how on earth did a man who didn't do anything get so many votes!?
Trump narrowly beat Hillary Clinton with the right 50,000 votes in the right states. He then preceded to say stupid shit for 4 years, insulted a bunch of folks daily, including our allies, screwed up messaging on covid, then like a dumbfuck the most well guarded man in the world got covid and was rushed to the hospital in a helicopter like a failure.

All that happened and you think it’s inconceivable that he lost a few votes here and there? Seriously? None of that adds up so you leap to assuming the largest fraud and cover up in the history of the world which involved many Republicans? Get out of here with your batshit crazy ravings.
Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And Trump gives that to you how exactly?
Were you asleep for 4 years?

You are delusional. Sorry.

I'm delusional?? And Coyote as soon as I'm finished eating I'll explain why I believe everything you believe to be false. Cause unlike some people in this thread I can do that.
I'm just not going to take the bait. If you have no concept of issues affecting the country then you are too stupid to waste my time with.
Why on earth do you support him!?! You do realize that the Biden/Harris administration is letting people into this country that want us dead and want to take away our rights and make America a communist country right? I just can't seem to understand why you want that as that's not what America is supposed to be or what it's supposed to represent!! Sure, Trump isn't perfect,.. but everything that he said he was going to do he got done, and even though he's not the sitting president anymore, he went to the border anyways because the spawn of Satan Kamala Harris refused to and she hasn't done anything since becoming VP and neither has Biden come to think of it.

It's just the people controlling him that are destroying this country, but since he wants to make it look like he's the mastermind behind it, of course he's not going to take a bloody cognition test. I mean just please help me to understand your reasonings. Do you just not understand all this or are you just all asleep!?

For those of you who don't know, I have special needs and I am mentally challenged and I understand all this. I even have enough understanding to know this election was stolen, because how on earth does basically the whole fucking country go from red to blue overnight and how on earth did a man who didn't do anything get so many votes!? Plus, there were more votes than the voters themselves. It was the biggest election fraud in US history and all of the evidence doesn't just go away because somebody refuses to look at it or says that it isn't there. What's going on America!?
The 3 year old girl in diapers wants to kill you and turn you into a commie?
Why on earth do you support him!?! You do realize that the Biden/Harris administration is letting people into this country that want us dead and want to take away our rights and make America a communist country right? I just can't seem to understand why you want that as that's not what America is supposed to be or what it's supposed to represent!! Sure, Trump isn't perfect,.. but everything that he said he was going to do he got done, and even though he's not the sitting president anymore, he went to the border anyways because the spawn of Satan Kamala Harris refused to and she hasn't done anything since becoming VP and neither has Biden come to think of it.

It's just the people controlling him that are destroying this country, but since he wants to make it look like he's the mastermind behind it, of course he's not going to take a bloody cognition test. I mean just please help me to understand your reasonings. Do you just not understand all this or are you just all asleep!?

For those of you who don't know, I have special needs and I am mentally challenged and I understand all this. I even have enough understanding to know this election was stolen, because how on earth does basically the whole fucking country go from red to blue overnight and how on earth did a man who didn't do anything get so many votes!? Plus, there were more votes than the voters themselves. It was the biggest election fraud in US history and all of the evidence doesn't just go away because somebody refuses to look at it or says that it isn't there. What's going on America!?
You actually believe that some immigrant crossing the border with only the clothes on his or her back is going to take away your "rights"?

And nobody stole the election. It's the biggest lie ever puked out by anyone in the history of this country. Trump & his mob including Fox News have proven how gullible people are. They're playing you for a fool.
China isn't going to tolerate either the Uighurs or the trouble making minority in H.K.
Their system of government has already proven to be a huge success.

Minority trouble maker's heads will have to roll.

A small price to pay for world supremacy.

Contrast that to America which slaughters hundreds of thousands (millions) in it's ongoing 40 wars of aggression throughout the world.

And contrast America's choice of ignorant louts as their leadership, as opposed to China's choices of the leading minds in their country. (snicker)
Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
That's a long and complex story. I'm more interested in first hearing about where this "dictatorship" of Trump's was. Why don't you ask Synth to embellish this. I really want to know what Trump took from me that Joe has given back considering that Trump got ZERO cooperation on anything from the democrats and only limited support from his own party often.

So just how did Trump run his dictatorship, from the roof of the White House alone with a Thompson machine gun? :auiqs.jpg:
Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
That's a long and complex story. I'm more interested in first hearing about where this "dictatorship" of Trump's was. Why don't you ask Synth to embellish this. I really want to know what Trump took from me that Joe has given back considering that Trump got ZERO cooperation on anything from the democrats and only limited support from his own party often.

So just how did Trump run his dictatorship, from the roof of the White House alone with a Thompson machine gun? :auiqs.jpg:
Come on, that is a cop out. I asked you what you specifically lost since Biden, what is between is between you and Synth Is between you and Synth.
Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
That's a long and complex story. I'm more interested in first hearing about where this "dictatorship" of Trump's was. Why don't you ask Synth to embellish this. I really want to know what Trump took from me that Joe has given back considering that Trump got ZERO cooperation on anything from the democrats and only limited support from his own party often.

So just how did Trump run his dictatorship, from the roof of the White House alone with a Thompson machine gun? :auiqs.jpg:
Twitter was the vehicle to tweet lies to the unwashed cult members
Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
That's a long and complex story. I'm more interested in first hearing about where this "dictatorship" of Trump's was. Why don't you ask Synth to embellish this. I really want to know what Trump took from me that Joe has given back considering that Trump got ZERO cooperation on anything from the democrats and only limited support from his own party often.

So just how did Trump run his dictatorship, from the roof of the White House alone with a Thompson machine gun? :auiqs.jpg:
Come on, that is a cop out. I asked you what you specifically lost since Biden, what is between is between you and Synth Is between you and Synth.

I'll let others embellish on just the tip of the iceberg, here:

and here:

Potterhead2021 You are asking why I support Biden?

On the issues, I agree with him more than disagree.

A return to evidence based science and policy approaches.

Climate change.

Voting Rights.

A return to diplomacy and multi-lateral approaches to global problems, such as China.

Strengthening our alliances with those allies who share democratic values (Trump cozied up to populist autocrats such as Putin, Bolsonaro, Erdogan, bin Salaman, Modi).

Less corruption, nepotism, and lying.

Character. I feel Biden will respect rules of governance and conduct, and our Constitution and will be held accountable If he doesn’t.

Lastly, he is boring. No late night tweetstorms leaving you wondering what the hell his policy actually is or why we subject to his latest expressions outrage over how unfair the world is to him.

The border is a mess, but was also unsustainable under Trump with his policy of forced family seperation for the punative purpose of discouraging immigration, of parents deported with out their children, children lost in the system. Frankly I just do not understand how that can be supported. Biden can and should do better, but it is going to take time, I will re-evaluate when he has been in a year. I’d like to see many more immigration judges and a speedier process for determining asylum claims. Also rapid deportation of those convicted of serious crimes. I would also to the “coyotes” and anyone else responsible face serious justice for abandoning kids In the desert. I think those traffick migrants should long prison terms and restorative justice towards their victims.

That is my opinion on why I support Biden, I doesn’t mean I support everything he does or I think he is perfect, but he is the right choice for our country at this time.
Biden offered Americans a return to sane leadership.
No daily drama, no petty namecalling, no picking fights with everyone in earshot, no incessant lies and misinformation

America jumped at the chance
Xi is a murderous dictator and a violent genocidal racist !

Donald J. Trump​

Just finished a very good conversation with President Xi of China. Discussed in great detail the CoronaVirus that is ravaging large parts of our Planet. China has been through much & has developed a strong understanding of the Virus. We are working closely together. Much respect!

Mar 27th 2020 - 1:19:02 AM EST·Twitter for iPhone

Donald J. Trump​

....he will be successful, especially as the weather starts to warm & the virus hopefully becomes weaker, and then gone. Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!

Feb 7th 2020 - 5:31:23 AM EST·Twitter for iPhone

Donald J. Trump​

China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!

Jan 24th 2020 - 4:18:15 PM EST·Twitter for iPhone

Donald J. Trump​

I know President Xi of China very well. He is a great leader who very much has the respect of his people. He is also a good man in a “tough business.” I have ZERO doubt that if President Xi wants to quickly and humanely solve the Hong Kong problem, he can do it. Personal meeting?

Aug 14th 2019 - 6:59:13 PM EST·Twitter for iPhone

How many more do you need? There's probably 50 more tweets praising Xi.
Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
That's a long and complex story. I'm more interested in first hearing about where this "dictatorship" of Trump's was. Why don't you ask Synth to embellish this. I really want to know what Trump took from me that Joe has given back considering that Trump got ZERO cooperation on anything from the democrats and only limited support from his own party often.

So just how did Trump run his dictatorship, from the roof of the White House alone with a Thompson machine gun? :auiqs.jpg:
Come on, that is a cop out. I asked you what you specifically lost since Biden, what is between is between you and Synth Is between you and Synth.

I'll let others embellish on just the tip of the iceberg, here:

and here:


Previous post too stupid to comment on.
Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
That's a long and complex story. I'm more interested in first hearing about where this "dictatorship" of Trump's was. Why don't you ask Synth to embellish this. I really want to know what Trump took from me that Joe has given back considering that Trump got ZERO cooperation on anything from the democrats and only limited support from his own party often.

So just how did Trump run his dictatorship, from the roof of the White House alone with a Thompson machine gun? :auiqs.jpg:
Come on, that is a cop out. I asked you what you specifically lost since Biden, what is between is between you and Synth Is between you and Synth.

I'll let others embellish on just the tip of the iceberg, here:

and here:

Can't articulate your own answer to Coyote's question? :laugh:

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