I Need To Ask This Question To All Biden Supporters Before I Go Mad

Military alliances are already dissolving and a big part of it is because China has successfully demonstrated a peaceful alternative.
Ah there we go. The Canadian is in alignment with the Chinese Communist Party while bashing President Trump and the REAL AMERICANS who support him. You just outed yourself.
And just to prove my point, if somebody were to ask my why I'm a Trump supporter I could give you a whole entire list why:

1. He provided millions of Americans with jobs.

2. He helped protect our constitutional rights.

3. He lowered taxes. (Even though I currently don't have to pay them being on SSI)

4. He kept our borders safe.

5. He got rid of Obama Care.

6. He developed the Covid-vaccine ahead of schedule.

I could keep going here but I would be here all night. Now you ask why somebody supports Biden (other than the fact he isn't Trump) and all you get is: (Sorry, I can't get rid of the bold for some strange reason. :/)

A return to evidence based science and policy approaches.
. . the problem here? You only read and listen to media that is in bed with establishment politicians.

You have no idea how science actually works. Especially when it comes to current scientific issues.

World politics, and foundations are playing games with the funding of science, the global media cartels, global NGO's and international political organizations to only push one side of, and fund one side of scientific inquiry.

Unless you are a qualified expert on this yourself? You are deluding yourself for a partisan agenda. . .

There are, in fact, studies that support multiple ontologies which determine competing epistemological research paradigms. There is evidence for more "science," on this than I believe you are aware, or will give credence.

When you talk about what you support, as if there is only "ONE TRUTH," it comes off as arrogant, as much as those who are chauvinists or conservatives.

. . . and then? You resort to calling those who disagree with your POV as, "conspiracy theorists," or "not believing in science," because of your echo chamber.

Based on your media consumption? You are constantly begging the question, and I do not believe you even realize it.

Now, I do not necessarily believe you are wrong, but there is no real evidence that you correct either. There is only evidence that the very powerful, and all the financial powers on the planet have been arrayed, to make sure you believe what you do.

I really do believe you want social justice. . . but? Like the Pide Piper? You are following the wrong folks, folks that will inevitably enslave the planet and are lying. And you have no proof that they aren't.

Not anymore than when Galileo was censored and placed under house arrest by the establishment for supporting the Copernican system rather than the Ptolemaic system, so too, we very well may have the same thing going on here. You have no proof that the global elites that control everything, aren't doing the same thing.

Why censor opposing scientific voices if they are not?


Okay, now I can respond to this. What makes you think that he has helped our voting rights and strengthen our alliances with other democratic people and countries? Because everything I've seen so far out of him proves entirely the opposite. No voter ID for one to prove that the voters are actually legal Americans and are in fact alive and witnesses say from affidavits that poll watchers were thrown out and republicans weren't allowed to vote.

What he wants to do on issue of voting rights is in the bill he wants to get passed that addresses the steady chipping away at rights over the years.

If you are going to pass legislation that has the potential to restrict the abilities of legal voters to vote, then it needs to be based on sound evidence, not conjecture or conspiracy theory.

Some examples:

Republican legislation attempting to restrict or ban Sunday voting. What does that have to do with election security? What it does do, however, is target a specific group, known for it’s church based “souls to polls” activity where after the church service, they bus congregants to the polls to vote. That group is primarily African American.

Restrictions on early voting. How does that effect security?

Gerrymandering, also addressed in this bill is a huge bipartisan problem now that we have big data and ability to use computers to fine tune political boundaries in a way that gives permanent advantages and leads to entrenched party control despite representing only a minority of voters.

Also, how exactly is tearing down the wall and letting the Chinese government into this country strengthening our alliance? All that's done is invite them to murder us because that's not going to strengthen our alliance. If the China virus hasn't told you that then I don't know what will
I disagree with your premise here. What wall is being torn down? How is the Chinese government being let into this country?

Currently, we are at the bottom of a hill watching China’s butt and scratching our heads wondering how in tbe hell they got there...because we Americans have no “long game” . China has been steadily (and in ways reminiscent of colonialism) been investing around the world...in rare earths, in development in Africa...places we have ignoring, because with our America First (and often America Alone) policy...we are anti foreign spending. Yet China now has a lot of influence over key resources and strategic areas of the world all done right under our nose. That doesn’t even include what is going on in the South China Sea. China now has enormous economic. You know was incredibly revealing? When an American basketball player tweeted a pro Hong Kong tweet, and Chinese government exerted economic pressure in the NBA, to censure it. China is able to apply economic pressure on Americans, to censure their free speech rights.

How are we going to handle this without strong alliances with other countries who are also chaffing under China’s trade practices? Canada, Australia, EU, UK, Australia...we need a team effort here and that is what Biden is attempting to put together (yet the rightwing calls it a “surrender tour”). Bombastic language and tariffs are not enough.
And just to prove my point, if somebody were to ask my why I'm a Trump supporter I could give you a whole entire list why:

1. He provided millions of Americans with jobs.

2. He helped protect our constitutional rights.

3. He lowered taxes. (Even though I currently don't have to pay them being on SSI)

4. He kept our borders safe.

5. He got rid of Obama Care.

6. He developed the Covid-vaccine ahead of schedule.

I could keep going here but I would be here all night. Now you ask why somebody supports Biden (other than the fact he isn't Trump) and all you get is: (Sorry, I can't get rid of the bold for some strange reason. :/)

Slight correction here....he did not get rid of Obamacare, and worse, he had no plan to replace it with. He would have left thousands,if not millions, uninsured during tbe pandemic had he had his way.

Okay, now I can respond to this. What makes you think that he has helped our voting rights and strengthen our alliances with other democratic people and countries? Because everything I've seen so far out of him proves entirely the opposite. No voter ID for one to prove that the voters are actually legal Americans and are in fact alive and witnesses say from affidavits that poll watchers were thrown out and republicans weren't allowed to vote.

What he wants to do on issue of voting rights is in the bill he wants to get passed that addresses the steady chipping away at rights over the years.

If you are going to pass legislation that has the potential to restrict the abilities of legal voters to vote, then it needs to be based on sound evidence, not conjecture or conspiracy theory.

Some examples:

Republican legislation attempting to restrict or ban Sunday voting. What does that have to do with election security? What it does do, however, is target a specific group, known for it’s church based “souls to polls” activity where after the church service, they bus congregants to the polls to vote. That group is primarily African American.

Restrictions on early voting. How does that effect security?

Gerrymandering, also addressed in this bill is a huge bipartisan problem now that we have big data and ability to use computers to fine tune political boundaries in a way that gives permanent advantages and leads to entrenched party control despite representing only a minority of voters.

Also, how exactly is tearing down the wall and letting the Chinese government into this country strengthening our alliance? All that's done is invite them to murder us because that's not going to strengthen our alliance. If the China virus hasn't told you that then I don't know what will
I disagree with your premise here. What wall is being torn down? How is the Chinese government being let into this country?

Currently, we are at the bottom of a hill watching China’s butt and scratching our heads wondering how in tbe hell they got there...because we Americans have no “long game” . China has been steadily (and in ways reminiscent of colonialism) been investing around the world...in rare earths, in development in Africa...places we have ignoring, because with our America First (and often America Alone) policy...we are anti foreign spending. Yet China now has a lot of influence over key resources and strategic areas of the world all done right under our nose. That doesn’t even include what is going on in the South China Sea. China now has enormous economic. You know was incredibly revealing? When an American basketball player tweeted a pro Hong Kong tweet, and Chinese government exerted economic pressure in the NBA, to censure it. China is able to apply economic pressure on Americans, to censure their free speech rights.

How are we going to handle this without strong alliances with other countries who are also chaffing under China’s trade practices? Canada, Australia, EU, UK, Australia...we need a team effort here and that is what Biden is attempting to put together (yet the rightwing calls it a “surrender tour”). Bombastic language and tariffs are not enough.

Mind breaking this up a piece at a time for me since this is a lot for me to try and follow and I don't follow most of it. Oh btw, you weren't one of the brain damaged people that I was referring to just because we have different political parties. A lot of other people in this thread are loaded with it though.
Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
That's a long and complex story. I'm more interested in first hearing about where this "dictatorship" of Trump's was. Why don't you ask Synth to embellish this. I really want to know what Trump took from me that Joe has given back considering that Trump got ZERO cooperation on anything from the democrats and only limited support from his own party often.

So just how did Trump run his dictatorship, from the roof of the White House alone with a Thompson machine gun? :auiqs.jpg:
Come on, that is a cop out.

C'mon, Coyote, quit evading. Ask Synthabolic first about how Trump was a dictator! Why aren't you curious? First things first. Why do so many get a free pass to make such absurd claims (like the election fraud was debunked) yet NEVER answer any questions or provide evidence supporting their claims! We call that MUD-SLINGING. Synth is an EXPERT in cop outs. Besides, as Synth just pointed out, I'm not smart enough to answer questions. I'm really a very dull boy, not the perspicacious individual that folks on the Left are.

Let me know when Synthaholic has given his/her erudite explanation complete with examples of Trump's "dictatorship," then I'll be glad to sit down and waste my valuable time detailing the hundreds of ways the Harriden Admin has already diminished my life that you won't believe, understand or agree with, and he/she/it/them just got into office.
Dictators refused to be held accountable.
Thanks for beautifully describing the Harriden Administration!

  • Not complying with Congressional oversight
Neither did Hillary, Obumma and many other democrats. All dictators?

  • Ignoring subpoenas
Upon the legal counsel of the federal agency in charge of giving it because Nancy refused to follow the law submitting the request in WRITING?

  • Not putting forth nominees to be confirmed by the Senate, as required by the Constitution
I thought democrats like Nancy just called that shrewd politics. Like changing all the election laws to allow unlimited unverified paper ballots even when they failed to meet state requirements.

  • Installing puppets as "Acting" in crucial positions
You mean like Obumma's 23 "czars?"

  • Firing inspector generals without cause
You mean firing people who serve at his will he's not required to give any reason for? OR do you mean like firing enumerable generals and military for failing to come under the thumb of Biddum's ruthless injection of CRT politics into our fighting forces?

  • Taking money illegally from DoD to build his failed wall
Taking money from one agency to finance another. What law did that break again? Gee, I bet no president has ever done THAT before!

  • Refusing to concede an election that even his own administration said was not stolen
Go cry us a bucket of tears. Nothing depends on anyone conceding. I can't blame him after the way the media shamelessly showed blatant severe prejudice towards him during the debates, election, and his ENTIRE term.

  • Starting an insurrection
Now you're just getting really stupid, even for a dull-witted, knuckle-dragging, uneducated, mouth-breathing, inbred, deplorable, high-school drop out farm boy like me.
Slight correction here....he did not get rid of Obamacare, and worse, he had no plan to replace it with. He would have left thousands,if not millions, uninsured during tbe pandemic had he had his way.

Well maybe he didn't get rid of it entirely but he didn't make it a requirement anymore.

Okay, now I can respond to this. What makes you think that he has helped our voting rights and strengthen our alliances with other democratic people and countries? Because everything I've seen so far out of him proves entirely the opposite. No voter ID for one to prove that the voters are actually legal Americans and are in fact alive and witnesses say from affidavits that poll watchers were thrown out and republicans weren't allowed to vote.

What he wants to do on issue of voting rights is in the bill he wants to get passed that addresses the steady chipping away at rights over the years.

If you are going to pass legislation that has the potential to restrict the abilities of legal voters to vote, then it needs to be based on sound evidence, not conjecture or conspiracy theory.

Some examples:

Republican legislation attempting to restrict or ban Sunday voting. What does that have to do with election security? What it does do, however, is target a specific group, known for it’s church based “souls to polls” activity where after the church service, they bus congregants to the polls to vote. That group is primarily African American.

Restrictions on early voting. How does that effect security?

Gerrymandering, also addressed in this bill is a huge bipartisan problem now that we have big data and ability to use computers to fine tune political boundaries in a way that gives permanent advantages and leads to entrenched party control despite representing only a minority of voters.

Also, how exactly is tearing down the wall and letting the Chinese government into this country strengthening our alliance? All that's done is invite them to murder us because that's not going to strengthen our alliance. If the China virus hasn't told you that then I don't know what will
I disagree with your premise here. What wall is being torn down? How is the Chinese government being let into this country?

Currently, we are at the bottom of a hill watching China’s butt and scratching our heads wondering how in tbe hell they got there...because we Americans have no “long game” . China has been steadily (and in ways reminiscent of colonialism) been investing around the world...in rare earths, in development in Africa...places we have ignoring, because with our America First (and often America Alone) policy...we are anti foreign spending. Yet China now has a lot of influence over key resources and strategic areas of the world all done right under our nose. That doesn’t even include what is going on in the South China Sea. China now has enormous economic. You know was incredibly revealing? When an American basketball player tweeted a pro Hong Kong tweet, and Chinese government exerted economic pressure in the NBA, to censure it. China is able to apply economic pressure on Americans, to censure their free speech rights.

How are we going to handle this without strong alliances with other countries who are also chaffing under China’s trade practices? Canada, Australia, EU, UK, Australia...we need a team effort here and that is what Biden is attempting to put together (yet the rightwing calls it a “surrender tour”). Bombastic language and tariffs are not enough.

Mind breaking this up a piece at a time for me since this is a lot for me to try and follow and I don't follow most of it. Oh btw, you weren't one of the brain damaged people that I was referring to just because we have different political parties. A lot of other people in this thread are loaded with it though.
Not sure how to break it up....you mean just answer one part?
So you worship the orange Voldemort?

No, I worship Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior and my question has yet again has failed to be answered.

Shame on republicans
How does any cognizant person oppose investigating attack on our capital? Other than the intent to hide republican involvement

I never said anything of the sort and it wasn't Trump's fault. He wasn't involved in it. He was telling people to go home.
The responsible forethought idea would be to not have a rally on 1/6 for the reason to impel fanatics to the Capitol.
Yet Liberals burning down a Federal Court House doesn't bother you Liberals and don't say it does because you're full of crap.
Anyone burning down a federal courthouse bothers me a great deal. They need to be caught, charged and put away. If this is what you are referring to: Portland protesters smash courthouse doors, set fire to U.S. flag
looks like you exaggerated the court house "burning down"...and an arrest was made...
Maybe they agree with him more on the issues. The two parties have fundamental differences on the issues. Have you considered that?

All I keep getting is that people support Biden, they agree with him on the issues, he earned the votes, and Trump is a dictator but yet nobody will just answer the freaking question of why!!!! :banghead:
You dense? We are telling you why. I guess we aren't speaking in trump-speak enough for you.
Why on earth do you support him!?! You do realize that the Biden/Harris administration is letting people into this country that want us dead and want to take away our rights and make America a communist country right? I just can't seem to understand why you want that as that's not what America is supposed to be or what it's supposed to represent!! Sure, Trump isn't perfect,.. but everything that he said he was going to do he got done, and even though he's not the sitting president anymore, he went to the border anyways because the spawn of Satan Kamala Harris refused to and she hasn't done anything since becoming VP and neither has Biden come to think of it.

It's just the people controlling him that are destroying this country, but since he wants to make it look like he's the mastermind behind it, of course he's not going to take a bloody cognition test. I mean just please help me to understand your reasonings. Do you just not understand all this or are you just all asleep!?

For those of you who don't know, I have special needs and I am mentally challenged and I understand all this. I even have enough understanding to know this election was stolen, because how on earth does basically the whole fucking country go from red to blue overnight and how on earth did a man who didn't do anything get so many votes!? Plus, there were more votes than the voters themselves. It was the biggest election fraud in US history and all of the evidence doesn't just go away because somebody refuses to look at it or says that it isn't there. What's going on America!?
They hate America, obviously.
How's that Babbitt family lawsuit coming along? You brought it up as if it were eminent back in April.
Burning down our country with hate is sure not what JESUS preached, and is not what some of us seek. Wanting nothing but some measure of equality & honesty to return.
The Christian bibles in fact didn't condemn hate against others. It in fact is full of examples of hate over race, and toward other opposing religions.
Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
That's a long and complex story. I'm more interested in first hearing about where this "dictatorship" of Trump's was. Why don't you ask Synth to embellish this. I really want to know what Trump took from me that Joe has given back considering that Trump got ZERO cooperation on anything from the democrats and only limited support from his own party often.

So just how did Trump run his dictatorship, from the roof of the White House alone with a Thompson machine gun? :auiqs.jpg:
Come on, that is a cop out.

C'mon, Coyote, quit evading. Ask Synthabolic first about how Trump was a dictator! Why aren't you curious? First things first. Why do so many get a free pass to make such absurd claims (like the election fraud was debunked) yet NEVER answer any questions or provide evidence supporting their claims! We call that MUD-SLINGING. Synth is an EXPERT in cop outs. Besides, as Synth just pointed out, I'm not smart enough to answer questions. I'm really a very dull boy, not the perspicacious individual that folks on the Left are.

Let me know when Synthaholic has given his/her erudite explanation complete with examples of Trump's "dictatorship," then I'll be glad to sit down and waste my valuable time detailing the hundreds of ways the Harriden Admin has already diminished my life that you won't believe, understand or agree with, and he/she/it/them just got into office.
Dictators refuse to be held accountable.

No, idiot. Dictators autocratically and ruthlessly impose their will as THE LAW over all they rule.

Dictators don't:
  • Allow leftist courts to endlessly obstruct his plans.
  • Allow cities to refuse to follow federal law.
  • Allow states to go their own way during a pandemic.
  • Allow journalists to print endless lies and smears attacking him.
  • Allow past presidents to wiretap his phone and leak it to the hostile media.
  • Allow reelections to be hornswaggled.
Actually, if you want a dictator, Joe comes far closer to the ideal model. Name me ONE THING that hasn't gone his way so far except his economic policies, his border policies, his foreign policies and most every interview with the Press!
Difference between leftists and right is vast.

Trump earned his support and there's a lot of it. Part of that is the left has decayed so deeply.

The left hates Trump's supporting base. Say Trump 2024 they get their panties in a big ole' bunch because that's what they're trained for. We're talking a very complex, fragile, dependent & victim loving people. They can only hang the "moral compass" on you because it has no meaning to it, just makes them feel good and superior.

Xiden doesn't receive any support because leftists are cowardly people who are inclined to vote for someone due their dependencies, but cannot articulate why they make their decisions with anything substantial.
Anyone burning down a federal courthouse bothers me a great deal. They need to be caught, charged and put away. If this is what you are referring to: Portland protesters smash courthouse doors, set fire to U.S. flag
looks like you exaggerated the court house "burning down"...and an arrest was made...

Seems to me like more than one arrest was made.

You dense? We are telling you why. I guess we aren't speaking in trump-speak enough for you.

No,.. so far the only one who has told me anything about why you support him is Coyote. The rest of you all have brain damage like I already said.

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