I never thought I would say this - but man I love this guy!

I'm not even joking. There are a lot of pseudocons here who would find that a visit to the White Nationalist web sites would feel as comfortable as putting on a pair of old worn-in jeans.
You make theses statements like a cultural Marxist then get mad when I call you out on it.
I haven been to their websites, and don't give a fuck about them, why do you care so much?
Congrats, you hit on it!

In fact, the term “cultural Marxism” is descended from actual Nazi propaganda — a distrust of modernism and the spread of non-Germanic culture that Hitler called “cultural Bolshevism.” In his book A History of Nazi Germany: 1919-1945, historian Joseph W. Bendersky notes that the phrase was code for the cultural purging that preceded the Holocaust. “Hitler referred to ‘cultural Bolshevism’ as a disease that would weaken the Germans and leave them prey to the Jews,” Bendersky writes. “A moral struggle was underway, and the outcome could determine the survival of the race.”
congrats, and those people act just like hitler, ironic!!!! All you lefties need now are you brown shirts.
So political correctness, social justice warriors, and multiculturism, are all NAZI terms!!!!!!!!!!!!
nazis were a mono-culture. Only the white aryans.
All that is nazi is the opposite of the left.
incorrect....LBJ was racist as fuck, yet you guys adore him as a great civil rights leader.
fascism is a left wing ideology, started by a socialist name Mussolini.
All that is nazi is the opposite of the left.
Nazi is short for National Socialist, stupid. :lmao:

Nazi is as left-wing as left-wing gets. Unless the left's new false narrative is that socialism "isn't" left-wing?
All that is nazi is the opposite of the left.
Nazi is short for National Socialist, stupid. :lmao:

Nazi is as left-wing as left-wing gets. Unless the left's new false narrative is that socialism "isn't" left-wing?
Time for a snopes fact check...
Richard J. Evans: ‘It Would Be Wrong to See Nazism as a Form of, or an Outgrowth From, Socialism’

From wikipedia:
The majority of scholars identify Nazism in both theory and practice as a form of far-right politics.
Warren was waiting tables at the age of 13 while he in a private school.

All that is nazi is the opposite of the left.
Nazi is short for National Socialist, stupid. :lmao:

Nazi is as left-wing as left-wing gets. Unless the left's new false narrative is that socialism "isn't" left-wing?
Time for a snopes fact check...
Richard J. Evans: ‘It Would Be Wrong to See Nazism as a Form of, or an Outgrowth From, Socialism’

From wikipedia:
The majority of scholars identify Nazism in both theory and practice as a form of far-right politics.
Snopes? Really? Snopes? :lmao:
Thanks man, yeah my bad on the timing. yeah he might go a little more liberal, but I think he's in it to win it now. He hates the media and the democrats, I've never seen a republican call both of those groups out anywhere near what he does. And he campaigns hard for the senators and house members, he's been better than I even thought. The only thing I would like to change is a more moral private life, but he really raised some great kids and in his presidency, I didn't like him calling out Harley Davidson, I think he should have had a private conversation with them. Outside of that he's been spot on. I mean how many Presidents could get away with calling shit holes, shit holes? It's like honesty is back.....imagine that.

pc needs to die, Trump is facilitating that everyday. Most excellent. He calls a spade a spade and calls out the bs of the left playing by their rules. The left reacts by revealing their true selves every singe day: Fascist. Socialist. Authoritarian. Nondiverse. Intolerant. Violent. Racist. Thugs.
He’s caustic but is getting the business of the USA done in a fine fashion.
Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do.

That drives his detractors crazy.

I've never written so many letters to the WH in the last 18 mo.'s ... most of them including lots of thanks (yes I know they are 'token' letters) but it's cathartic none the less... lol
I'm not even joking. There are a lot of pseudocons here who would find that a visit to the White Nationalist web sites would feel as comfortable as putting on a pair of old worn-in jeans.
You make theses statements like a cultural Marxist then get mad when I call you out on it.
I haven been to their websites, and don't give a fuck about them, why do you care so much?
Congrats, you hit on it!

In fact, the term “cultural Marxism” is descended from actual Nazi propaganda — a distrust of modernism and the spread of non-Germanic culture that Hitler called “cultural Bolshevism.” In his book A History of Nazi Germany: 1919-1945, historian Joseph W. Bendersky notes that the phrase was code for the cultural purging that preceded the Holocaust. “Hitler referred to ‘cultural Bolshevism’ as a disease that would weaken the Germans and leave them prey to the Jews,” Bendersky writes. “A moral struggle was underway, and the outcome could determine the survival of the race.”
congrats, and those people act just like hitler, ironic!!!! All you lefties need now are you brown shirts.
So political correctness, social justice warriors, and multiculturism, are all NAZI terms!!!!!!!!!!!!
nazis were a mono-culture. Only the white aryans.
All that is nazi is the opposite of the left.
incorrect....LBJ was racist as fuck, yet you guys adore him as a great civil rights leader.
fascism is a left wing ideology, started by a socialist name Mussolini.
Nazism and Fascism are two peas in a pod.
Most scholars place fascism on the far right of the political spectrum. No less than 6 references to that fact.
The litmus test for fascism if anti-democracy. If somebody wants more people to vote, their not a fascist.
I don’t know of any true “scholars” who consider fascism on the “far right of the political spectrum”. That is so idiotic, it defies logic. Here is a true scholar - F. A. Hayek - who held three PhD’s (including political science):
fascism and communism are merely variants of the same totalitarianism which central control of all economic activity tends to produce, this has become almost a commonplace”
First of all, Nazi is short for National Socialist. Secondly, fascism is totalitarianism. You cannot have right-wing totalitarianism. It is literally impossible. The further right you go on the spectrum, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all.


Excerpt from The Road to Serfdom
F. A. Hayek. This material may be protected by copyright.
I don’t know of any true “scholars” who consider fascism on the “far right of the political spectrum”. That is so idiotic, it defies logic. Here is a true scholar - F. A. Hayek - who held three PhD’s (including political science):
fascism and communism are merely variants of the same totalitarianism which central control of all economic activity tends to produce, this has become almost a commonplace”
First of all, Nazi is short for National Socialist. Secondly, fascism is totalitarianism. You cannot have right-wing totalitarianism. It is literally impossible. The further right you go on the spectrum, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all.

View attachment 203548

Excerpt from The Road to Serfdom
F. A. Hayek. This material may be protected by copyright.
"National Socialist" is a label. Its a marketing label like a window dressing used to present to the outside. Its just like north korea calling themselves the "Democrat Peoples Republic of Korea" even though there's no democracy in north korea at all.
Nazi's supports socialism, just like North Koreans support democracy.

You should read a basic description of totalitarianism and fascism. This teaches us that right-wing totalitarianism enforces private ownership of industrial wealth.
I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.

Instead, President Trump has been the quintessential constitutional president. He has rejected power to the Oval Office and restored it to the states where it belongs. He has cut taxes to allow people to keep the money they earned (which in turn has increased incomes, decreased unemployment, and allowed businesses to invest and expand). He has put the American people first - above party, politics, his personal agenda, and other nations. And, as a bonus, he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

Wrong, Warren was waiting tables at the age of 13 while he in a private school.

He brought the swamp to Washington including himself, I see Pruitt just resigned, but he only hires the best.

You like him because you are like him, a disgusting fool, but he likes the "poorly educated".

PS: trump inherited his start in life and swindled many out of money.

Trump likes all Americans, liberals hate most of Americans. You know, the deplorables.
I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.

Instead, President Trump has been the quintessential constitutional president. He has rejected power to the Oval Office and restored it to the states where it belongs. He has cut taxes to allow people to keep the money they earned (which in turn has increased incomes, decreased unemployment, and allowed businesses to invest and expand). He has put the American people first - above party, politics, his personal agenda, and other nations. And, as a bonus, he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

Wrong, Warren was waiting tables at the age of 13 while he in a private school.

He brought the swamp to Washington including himself, I see Pruitt just resigned, but he only hires the best.

You like him because you are like him, a disgusting fool, but he likes the "poorly educated".

PS: trump inherited his start in life and swindled many out of money.

Trump likes all Americans, liberals hate most of Americans. You know, the deplorables.

“Former Obama Aide Is Sorry for Saying Obama Hates People

That happened on Tuesday when a quote by Neera Tanden, a former Obama aide and current president of the Center for American Progress, appearing in a story by John Heilemann in New York raised eyebrows:

"People say the reason Obama wouldn't call Clinton is because he doesn't like him. The truth is, Obama doesn't call anyone, and he's not close to almost anyone. It's stunning that he's in politics, because he really doesn't like people."
Former Obama Aide Is Sorry for Saying Obama Hates People

“…Tanden, who "served as senior advisor for health reform at the Department of Health and Human Services, advising Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and working on President Barack Obama’s health reform team in the White House to pass the bill," according to her bio at the Center for American Progress. She is currently president and CEO of the liberal organization.” Former Aide on Obama: 'Stunning that He’s in Politics, Because He Really Doesn’t Like People'
I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.

Instead, President Trump has been the quintessential constitutional president. He has rejected power to the Oval Office and restored it to the states where it belongs. He has cut taxes to allow people to keep the money they earned (which in turn has increased incomes, decreased unemployment, and allowed businesses to invest and expand). He has put the American people first - above party, politics, his personal agenda, and other nations. And, as a bonus, he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

Wrong, Warren was waiting tables at the age of 13 while he in a private school.

He brought the swamp to Washington including himself, I see Pruitt just resigned, but he only hires the best.

You like him because you are like him, a disgusting fool, but he likes the "poorly educated".

PS: trump inherited his start in life and swindled many out of money.

Trump likes all Americans, liberals hate most of Americans. You know, the deplorables.

“Former Obama Aide Is Sorry for Saying Obama Hates People

That happened on Tuesday when a quote by Neera Tanden, a former Obama aide and current president of the Center for American Progress, appearing in a story by John Heilemann in New York raised eyebrows:

"People say the reason Obama wouldn't call Clinton is because he doesn't like him. The truth is, Obama doesn't call anyone, and he's not close to almost anyone. It's stunning that he's in politics, because he really doesn't like people."
Former Obama Aide Is Sorry for Saying Obama Hates People

“…Tanden, who "served as senior advisor for health reform at the Department of Health and Human Services, advising Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and working on President Barack Obama’s health reform team in the White House to pass the bill," according to her bio at the Center for American Progress. She is currently president and CEO of the liberal organization.” Former Aide on Obama: 'Stunning that He’s in Politics, Because He Really Doesn’t Like People'

He did rely on the stupidity of his supporters to get Obama care passed.
“Former Obama Aide Is Sorry for Saying Obama Hates People”
Not the least bit surprising when you consider his arrogance. If you believe that everyone around you is significantly intellectually inferior - you’re not going to have an ounce of respect for them. You will hate them. And MaObama has convinced himself that everyone is intellectually inferior to him.
I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.

Instead, President Trump has been the quintessential constitutional president. He has rejected power to the Oval Office and restored it to the states where it belongs. He has cut taxes to allow people to keep the money they earned (which in turn has increased incomes, decreased unemployment, and allowed businesses to invest and expand). He has put the American people first - above party, politics, his personal agenda, and other nations. And, as a bonus, he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

Trump tards listen to me trump doesn't care about anyone including you wake up!.

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