I never thought I would say this - but man I love this guy!

P@triot announcing his love for Trump is about as surprising as George Micheal outing himself after being caught giving blowjobs in a public park.
G-string crying about people acknowledging the astounding success that President Trump has achieved is about as surprising as a Clinton lying.

G-string claims to be "right-wing" but is an ultra left-wing fascist. He loses his shit any time liberty is protected, constitutional government is restored, or conservatives win.
I for one will vouch for Patriot, I had to talk to him in a thread after Trump was elected, he really was worried.
True story! With one small correction. It wasn't after he was elected - it was after he won the Republican Party nomination. I was absolutely disgusted. I was certain that we were getting MaObama II.

To Buckeyes credit - everything he told me about Trump has come to fruition. He said Trump would act like a conservative. I found that absolutely impossible to believe. I was wrong. Dead wrong.

Now, would it shock me if he ended his time in office exponentially more liberal (like George W. Bush or worse)? Nope. But so far, President Trump has been a true conservative and he has had the most successful first year and a half of any president in the modern era.
Thanks man, yeah my bad on the timing. yeah he might go a little more liberal, but I think he's in it to win it now. He hates the media and the democrats, I've never seen a republican call both of those groups out anywhere near what he does. And he campaigns hard for the senators and house members, he's been better than I even thought. The only thing I would like to change is a more moral private life, but he really raised some great kids and in his presidency, I didn't like him calling out Harley Davidson, I think he should have had a private conversation with them. Outside of that he's been spot on. I mean how many Presidents could get away with calling shit holes, shit holes? It's like honesty is back.....imagine that.
P@triot announcing his love for Trump is about as surprising as George Micheal outing himself after being caught giving blowjobs in a public park.
G-string crying about people acknowledging the astounding success that President Trump has achieved is about as surprising as a Clinton lying.

G-string claims to be "right-wing" but is an ultra left-wing fascist. He loses his shit any time liberty is protected, constitutional government is restored, or conservatives win.
I do agree with G on a few issues, and I will say when he sticks to that, he does a great job with details, but he really gets a kick on the cultural Marxist stuff, where we vehemently disagree.
P@triot announcing his love for Trump is about as surprising as George Micheal outing himself after being caught giving blowjobs in a public park.
G-string crying about people acknowledging the astounding success that President Trump has achieved is about as surprising as a Clinton lying.

G-string claims to be "right-wing" but is an ultra left-wing fascist. He loses his shit any time liberty is protected, constitutional government is restored, or conservatives win.
Dude, it's okay. Everyone already knew you were in love with Dear Leader. It's nice to see you no longer denying your nature and being your true self at last.
P@triot announcing his love for Trump is about as surprising as George Micheal outing himself after being caught giving blowjobs in a public park.
G-string crying about people acknowledging the astounding success that President Trump has achieved is about as surprising as a Clinton lying.

G-string claims to be "right-wing" but is an ultra left-wing fascist. He loses his shit any time liberty is protected, constitutional government is restored, or conservatives win.
I do agree with G on a few issues, and I will say when he sticks to that, he does a great job with details, but he really gets a kick on the cultural Marxist stuff, where we vehemently disagree.
"Cultural Marxist".

A phrase created by White Nationalists for right wingers who don't hate blacks or gays or Mexicans or Muslims.
P@triot announcing his love for Trump is about as surprising as George Micheal outing himself after being caught giving blowjobs in a public park.
G-string crying about people acknowledging the astounding success that President Trump has achieved is about as surprising as a Clinton lying.

G-string claims to be "right-wing" but is an ultra left-wing fascist. He loses his shit any time liberty is protected, constitutional government is restored, or conservatives win.
I do agree with G on a few issues, and I will say when he sticks to that, he does a great job with details, but he really gets a kick on the cultural Marxist stuff, where we vehemently disagree.
"Cultural Marxist".

A phrase used by White Nationalists for anyone who doesn't hate blacks or gays or Mexicans or Muslims.
Well I don't hate gays, blacks or Mexicans
I just don't' hate whites, straights or America, either.
A phrase created by White Nationalists for right wingers who don't hate blacks or gays or Mexicans or Muslims.
Here we go again. G-string the "right-winger". I don't understand why the left plays this immature game. Rightwinger did the same thing when he joined USMB. Picked that name and tried to convince everyone he was a "conservative".

Liberals think they can sway a conservative by pretending to be one of them and then supporting marxism. They don't understand that conservatives think for themselves. We don't care what you call yourself - we look at your policies.
A phrase created by White Nationalists for right wingers who don't hate blacks or gays or Mexicans or Muslims.
Here we go again. G-string the "right-winger". I don't understand why the left plays this immature game. Rightwinger did the same thing when he joined USMB. Picked that name and tried to convince everyone he was a "conservative".

Liberals think they can sway a conservative by pretending to be one of them and then supporting marxism. They don't understand that conservatives think for themselves. We don't care what you call yourself - we look at your policies.
BINGO...the left is so brainwashed, they don't see that we can spot fakey jakey's a mile away. It's in the language and policies they espouse.
Thread has been cleaned up. A lot of inappropriate conversation going on. Stick to the topic.
Donald Trump can go fuck himself
Nah, he's fucking Melania and porn stars........it's great to be DJT.
It's nice to see you pseudocons reject everything that used to be holy to the Right.

I hope Melania has taken an AIDS test.
I'm sure she has, and no, we just love to rub it in, because it irks the left so much. Watching them suffer and complain and get violent is hilarious. Like Dennis Green said, they are who we thought they were, their mask is off. As for Trump's personal conduct, I think it's horrible, if true, and I'd much rather have a righteous man, but God works in mysterious ways and often uses really imperfect people to do his bidding.

BS, the powers to be got him elected, money and Russia.
A phrase created by White Nationalists for right wingers who don't hate blacks or gays or Mexicans or Muslims.
Here we go again. G-string the "right-winger". I don't understand why the left plays this immature game. Rightwinger did the same thing when he joined USMB. Picked that name and tried to convince everyone he was a "conservative".

Liberals think they can sway a conservative by pretending to be one of them and then supporting marxism. They don't understand that conservatives think for themselves. We don't care what you call yourself - we look at your policies.
To a nazi like you, everyone else is to your left. I take it as a compliment you do not consider me one of your kind.
P@triot announcing his love for Trump is about as surprising as George Micheal outing himself after being caught giving blowjobs in a public park.
G-string crying about people acknowledging the astounding success that President Trump has achieved is about as surprising as a Clinton lying.

G-string claims to be "right-wing" but is an ultra left-wing fascist. He loses his shit any time liberty is protected, constitutional government is restored, or conservatives win.
I do agree with G on a few issues, and I will say when he sticks to that, he does a great job with details, but he really gets a kick on the cultural Marxist stuff, where we vehemently disagree.
"Cultural Marxist".

A phrase used by White Nationalists for anyone who doesn't hate blacks or gays or Mexicans or Muslims.
Well I don't hate gays, blacks or Mexicans
I just don't' hate whites, straights or America, either.
That makes you a cultural marxist, too, then.

cultural marxismunknown
A social and political movement that promotes unreason and irrationality through the guise of various 'causes', often promoted by so-called 'social justice warriors'. These causes and their proponents are often contradictory and are almost never rooted in fact. Indeed, true argument or discussion with proponents of these causes is almost impossible, as most attempts at discourse descend quickly into shouting, name-calling and chanting of slogans.

Otherwise known as the 'regressive Left' - a play on their contradictory nature, specifically on how SJWs describe themselves as 'progressive' yet display strong authoritarian, 'regressive' tendencies. This term is even often used by members of the true Left who take reasonable stances based on logic and evidence, and are eager to distance themselves from the fanatics who have effectively hijacked their side of the political spectrum.

I'm not even close to that.
Donald Trump can go fuck himself
Nah, he's fucking Melania and porn stars........it's great to be DJT.
It's nice to see you pseudocons reject everything that used to be holy to the Right.

I hope Melania has taken an AIDS test.
I'm sure she has, and no, we just love to rub it in, because it irks the left so much. Watching them suffer and complain and get violent is hilarious. Like Dennis Green said, they are who we thought they were, their mask is off. As for Trump's personal conduct, I think it's horrible, if true, and I'd much rather have a righteous man, but God works in mysterious ways and often uses really imperfect people to do his bidding.

BS, the powers to be got him elected, money and Russia.
OMG why don't you throw in James Comey as well. Russian Collusion didn't happen, just learn to live with it. Mueller is trying anything to get Trump, he can't
A phrase created by White Nationalists for right wingers who don't hate blacks or gays or Mexicans or Muslims.
Here we go again. G-string the "right-winger". I don't understand why the left plays this immature game. Rightwinger did the same thing when he joined USMB. Picked that name and tried to convince everyone he was a "conservative".

Liberals think they can sway a conservative by pretending to be one of them and then supporting marxism. They don't understand that conservatives think for themselves. We don't care what you call yourself - we look at your policies.
To a nazi like you, everyone else is to your left. I take it as a compliment you do not consider me one of your kind.
Wait, we're not the ones attacking people in public for political beliefs, those are you fascists aka NAZIS.
G-string crying about people acknowledging the astounding success that President Trump has achieved is about as surprising as a Clinton lying.

G-string claims to be "right-wing" but is an ultra left-wing fascist. He loses his shit any time liberty is protected, constitutional government is restored, or conservatives win.
I do agree with G on a few issues, and I will say when he sticks to that, he does a great job with details, but he really gets a kick on the cultural Marxist stuff, where we vehemently disagree.
"Cultural Marxist".

A phrase used by White Nationalists for anyone who doesn't hate blacks or gays or Mexicans or Muslims.
Well I don't hate gays, blacks or Mexicans
I just don't' hate whites, straights or America, either.
That makes you a cultural marxist, too, then.

cultural marxismunknown
A social and political movement that promotes unreason and irrationality through the guise of various 'causes', often promoted by so-called 'social justice warriors'. These causes and their proponents are often contradictory and are almost never rooted in fact. Indeed, true argument or discussion with proponents of these causes is almost impossible, as most attempts at discourse descend quickly into shouting, name-calling and chanting of slogans.

Otherwise known as the 'regressive Left' - a play on their contradictory nature, specifically on how SJWs describe themselves as 'progressive' yet display strong authoritarian, 'regressive' tendencies. This term is even often used by members of the true Left who take reasonable stances based on logic and evidence, and are eager to distance themselves from the fanatics who have effectively hijacked their side of the political spectrum.

I'm not even close to that.
White Nationalists have been using the term for a very long time. I saw it bleed over into right wing rhetoric a few years ago. First, with the "culture wars" rhetoric. Then the whining about "multiculturalism", and finally out in the open as "cultural marxism".

I figured you were ignorant of its origins.

It's just another example of how the modern day rightists are being sucked further and further into the nazi camp.
I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.

Instead, President Trump has been the quintessential constitutional president. He has rejected power to the Oval Office and restored it to the states where it belongs. He has cut taxes to allow people to keep the money they earned (which in turn has increased incomes, decreased unemployment, and allowed businesses to invest and expand). He has put the American people first - above party, politics, his personal agenda, and other nations. And, as a bonus, he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

Wrong, Warren was waiting tables at the age of 13 while he in a private school.

He brought the swamp to Washington including himself, I see Pruitt just resigned, but he only hires the best.

You like him because you are like him, a disgusting fool, but he likes the "poorly educated".

PS: trump inherited his start in life and swindled many out of money.

Why don't we take a look at why you have such a hate for Trump.
I guess we need to start with Hillary lost. Next time put up a better candidate. Elections have gone this way since the first election.
Next we need to look at the border. We are stopping illegals from entering the country and deporting those already here. You obviously want lower wages since you want those that come here illegally will work for less.
You are upset that he wants to build a wall. Even the border patrol says this would be a very good idea. It would eliminate almost 400 deaths each year from those attempting to cross illegally. But you are only concerned with illegals after they are here so that they can help lower wages.
Have I gotten your outlook correct so far?
A phrase created by White Nationalists for right wingers who don't hate blacks or gays or Mexicans or Muslims.
Here we go again. G-string the "right-winger". I don't understand why the left plays this immature game. Rightwinger did the same thing when he joined USMB. Picked that name and tried to convince everyone he was a "conservative".

Liberals think they can sway a conservative by pretending to be one of them and then supporting marxism. They don't understand that conservatives think for themselves. We don't care what you call yourself - we look at your policies.
To a nazi like you, everyone else is to your left. I take it as a compliment you do not consider me one of your kind.
Wait, we're not the ones attacking people in public for political beliefs

You can't possibly be this blind and hypocritical. You just can't be.

Then again, you are just a parrot. So you probably don't even register any cognition when you obediently repeat what you are told to repeat.
I do agree with G on a few issues, and I will say when he sticks to that, he does a great job with details, but he really gets a kick on the cultural Marxist stuff, where we vehemently disagree.
"Cultural Marxist".

A phrase used by White Nationalists for anyone who doesn't hate blacks or gays or Mexicans or Muslims.
Well I don't hate gays, blacks or Mexicans
I just don't' hate whites, straights or America, either.
That makes you a cultural marxist, too, then.

cultural marxismunknown
A social and political movement that promotes unreason and irrationality through the guise of various 'causes', often promoted by so-called 'social justice warriors'. These causes and their proponents are often contradictory and are almost never rooted in fact. Indeed, true argument or discussion with proponents of these causes is almost impossible, as most attempts at discourse descend quickly into shouting, name-calling and chanting of slogans.

Otherwise known as the 'regressive Left' - a play on their contradictory nature, specifically on how SJWs describe themselves as 'progressive' yet display strong authoritarian, 'regressive' tendencies. This term is even often used by members of the true Left who take reasonable stances based on logic and evidence, and are eager to distance themselves from the fanatics who have effectively hijacked their side of the political spectrum.

I'm not even close to that.
White Nationalists have been using the term for a very long time. I saw it bleed over into right wing rhetoric a few years ago. I figured you were ignorant of its origins.

It's just another example of how the modern day rightists are being pulled further and further into the nazi camp.
I have nothing to do with white nationalists, send them to an island with the fascist left and let them kill each other, I'm cool with that. The issue is white nationalism is a joke, it's got no power and no one gives a shit about their 300 members. The left though is fascist and they are now attacking people in public, that's disgusting and must be stopped. they also need to get some heroin and let it go for the next 6 years.

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