I never thought it possible for our country to go to war based on assumptions

Originally posted by Psychoblues
Goodness, jimnyc, did you take your Prozac today?

No, I had a few drinks actually. I'm a bit buzzed and in a foul mood.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Get a goddamned grip, jimnyc. Oil is the only possible explanation for this over reaching and ill conceived war. Or maybe it was supposed to be the ticket for creating new but non creative jobs? I dunno. Beyond my pay scale.

So, basically you're saying you don't have any facts to backup your statements. That would be called an unsubstantiated theory. You claim they either went to war for oil and/or jobs. That would be conspiracy.

What do you get when you put the 2 side by side?

That's right, good guess! Conspiracy theory.
Dig it, jimmy, I get that way sometimes as well. But I don't want your "pretty please" and I don't want your apology. I just want you to kiss my ass. :)
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Dig it, jimmy, I get that way sometimes as well. But I don't want your "pretty please" and I don't want your apology. I just want you to kiss my ass. :)


Ok, I like you again, that made me laugh!
Self explanatory, Sir Evil. I admitted the allegation to be beyond my pay scale. But I also implied a perception that many Americans will deal with in the next few months. You got that?
Blood runs red, jimmy. The Blues is just blue. White is the total or absense of color. Glad to accomodate your sense of humour, jimmy. But you can bet your ass that this ol' man is Red, White and Blue through and through. But, like you, I think, I don't apologise for political exploitation or incompetence. We need a true leader but for the time being we don't have one.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Blood runs red, jimmy. The Blues is just blue. White is the total or absense of color. Glad to accomodate your sense of humour, jimmy. But you can bet your ass that this ol' man is Red, White and Blue through and through.

I don't question your patriotism for a second. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I have as much respect for our veterans as I do for our men and women currently engaged in hostilities throughout the world. I think you heart is in the right place and you want the same thing we all want - a better country.

I just think your brain ran afoul somewhere. :D
Psychobabble ,
I'm curious , someone with your obviously superior intellect and worldly experience must have a leader in mind that would meet with your approval , care to share with us lowly unwashed ?
I do have a problem though , I'm wondering what kind of American military man accuses half of the United States of belonging to the Nazi party . I had an Uncle I never met killed by those pricks so I am greatly offended by that and don't believe you to be who you say you are , or are you just a shell shocked asshole? Maybe a cook for real soldiers?
Oh by the way white light is all colors combined .
Wasn't my brain, jimmy, it was my stomach. My appetite for comparable goods and services as compared to same outran the "reasonable" expectations of those in powerful positions that demonstrated less effort, failed to reach even minimal expectations, dodged even the most trivial of assignments yet somehow exceeded, financially, even my own expectations. Does this register at all with you, jimmy? And don't give me that "life ain't guaranteed to be fair, bullshit".

I'll repeat, Republicans are fuckin' me and probably you as well. "That's business" is no excuse for it. But maybe you disagree. I'm cool with that. But watch out, sooner or later the piper will be paid.
Hang around, sitarro. I don't think I've met you before, I really don't care if I ever see you again and I don't give a damn about offending you or even stirring your ignorance into education. I learned long ago that inspiration is a personal thing that can't be taught or even successfully encouraged. But, I'm a Democrat. We tend to take these things as universal and not personal. You, on the other hand, tend to make your arguments personal and incomprehensive. Troll your Psychobabble ass somewhere else is about all I care to say to an idiot like you.
I hear ya, Sir Evil, and I take back all that ol' shit I been sayin'. But like a few others around here, ain't I entitled to have a little fun as well?
In 1898 our country went to war with Spain. It was based on an assumption. It was assumed at the time that the spainards had blown up the battleship Maine. So there is a presedence.

We assumed hussien had wmd's because our intelligence and every other country's intelligence agency said he did. He had used them in the past. He was supporting terrorist organizations. Hezbollah, jihad, hamas and others. He even gave sancuary to many of them. He's gone now.

Our troops are there now to keep order and help establish a new government. If they weren't there the place would fall into chaos and we would have another ayatollah or worse in that place and have to go back. Better to finish the job now.

One of the main problems is the liberal socialist democrats, spouting how Bush is wrong and we need to get out and all there other hate speech saying the country is divided. It makes them feel that if they keep up the attacks long enough we will pick up and leave and they will be free to take over the country. Its an old tactic used very successfully in vietnam.

Many years from now, when they put all the facts together, I am sure your boy clinton, the lying draft dodger, will be shown to be responsible for most of what has to be done today. Mainly his failure to act. And Kerry will be regulated to an also ran.

So your retired military. I'm a Vietnam vet myself. If you were there tdy three times you must have been Air Force or posibly Navy. What years were you there? Based out of?

You know why I'm asking this.
As the World Trade Center disintegrated, so did the old ways of confronting threats. Iraq was deemed a threat and it was. If we waited a year or two, who knows what would have happened? Anyone that sponsors terrorism is a threat. In the age of terrorism, we don't know what an imminent threat is until it is too late, therefore every threat is imminent. When did the threat of 9/11 become imminent? July 2001? April 2001? More like somewhere in 1999.

Iraq was a strategic hurdle in this long campaign, and for the sake of our resolve during this campaign, we must endure whatever hardships we have there.

The passivity of public opinion and the liberal media cannot turn the tides of the War on Terror. If it does, and we cut and run, and the terrorists win, I'm devoting my entire life to defeating liberalism.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Hang around, sitarro. I don't think I've met you before, I really don't care if I ever see you again and I don't give a damn about offending you or even stirring your ignorance into education. I learned long ago that inspiration is a personal thing that can't be taught or even successfully encouraged. But, I'm a Democrat. We tend to take these things as universal and not personal. You, on the other hand, tend to make your arguments personal and incomprehensive. Troll your Psychobabble ass somewhere else is about all I care to say to an idiot like you.

Very impressive ,
I went through the sixties also , I just didn't get stuck there. . . "can you dig it?'' . That ringing in the ears must be really annoying so go ahead and squeeze , not pull , that trigger.
Tell me before you go , does Edward Kennedy get your stamp of approval ? Since he is the poster boy for the Democrat party , is he someone you are proud of ?
Sorry, gaffer, I can't answer you, and you should know why due to your own experience. Your quips about "clinton being a draft dodger" are noted as well as your remarks about "liberal socialist democrats". Although I don't know any of them, I'm sure that you can provide some names or faces that we, common Americans, can identify with. Or is your description just some more bullshit that you might but are not sure of from when you entertained yourself while listening to Rush Limbaugh or possibly Fox News?
Sorry Evil ,
I don't like arrogant , condesending jerks that call me and almost everyone worth a crap that I know , a Nazi. Not to mention the President of this country . I'll just leave , a hug with this twerp would just leave a stench all over me . SeeYa.
Believe me, my brother, Sir Evil, group hugs mend more fences than courtrooms or battlefields. I'm tickled to see that you recognise that.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Wasn't my brain, jimmy, it was my stomach. My appetite for comparable goods and services as compared to same outran the "reasonable" expectations of those in powerful positions that demonstrated less effort, failed to reach even minimal expectations, dodged even the most trivial of assignments yet somehow exceeded, financially, even my own expectations. Does this register at all with you, jimmy? And don't give me that "life ain't guaranteed to be fair, bullshit".

I'll repeat, Republicans are fuckin' me and probably you as well. "That's business" is no excuse for it. But maybe you disagree. I'm cool with that. But watch out, sooner or later the piper will be paid.

Is that a threat? you're just a common criminal. Socialists always are. they don't want to work. They just want to whine and take short cuts, and steal other people's money.

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