I never thought it possible for our country to go to war based on assumptions

Originally posted by tim_duncan2000
Psycho never addressed my point about others who have said Iraq had WMD. I guess they lied too.

Psycho never addresses any points. He babbles on about oil, yet I see my gas prices rising, anyone else see the same.

I don't believe for 1 second that he is a veteran, that he served in all these different places, that he knows Palestinians of stature or that he bleeds red, white and blue. More like he bleeds red with a hammer and sickle in the corner. He's bought hook, line and sinker every bogus claim that Demos have made for the last 30 years.

The Demos have nothing really to hang their hat on this election cycle so they harp on unsubstantiated conspiracy theories and refuse to address their flip flopping on the WOT.

Psycho is going to be 1 unhappy anti American for the next 4 years.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Sorry, gaffer, I can't answer you, and you should know why due to your own experience. Your quips about "clinton being a draft dodger" are noted as well as your remarks about "liberal socialist democrats". Although I don't know any of them, I'm sure that you can provide some names or faces that we, common Americans, can identify with. Or is your description just some more bullshit that you might but are not sure of from when you entertained yourself while listening to Rush Limbaugh or possibly Fox News?

Yes I know why. Your branch of service is not classified, the year or years you were there is not classified. What base you worked out of is not classified. Even if you had made raids into North Vietnam, its no longer classified. Therefore your nothing more than a wannabe.
Wow! You stunned my by your first point. Touche! It's true that it had happened in the past and no one will really ever know if the Spanards did blow up the Maine or not. And it's a good parallel to what happened with Iraq today. But after that you TOTALLY went downhill. I don't even know where to begin with all the wrong things you posted after that.

2nd paragraph: You are right about the fact that Saddam did host terror camps and give resources to all kinds of Islamic fundimentalist groups. Yet I find those that bring this up, only use this to prop thier GOP favorite and really have little care in the world for wanting to defend Israel from the terrorists that Saddam supported let alone to actually attack those Jihadists.

3rd paragraph: If you actually believe that we will be successfull in bringing Democracy to Iraq (which is ironic since Democracy is a government that values a level of freedom that we do not enjoy since we are a Consitutional Republic) then you have no sense of the history of that former territory of Babalyon (can't spell, I know)

4th paragraph: I thought you said you fought in Vietnam? Shame on you for not knowing this, if that is true, because the reason why we lost had little or nothing (really) to do with any casualties we suffered. It was blatent tactical blundering. We had enough men and material there to form a few lines streaching from the East Vietnam border to the West Vietnam border and we could have walked to China wiping out all resistance along the way. But what did we do? We engaged in bombing runs that pushed the North Vietnamese resistance to the point of breaking and then stopped. We air lifted men and equipment into mile X mile sections of North Vietnamese held territory, clear the enemy found there, and then air lift those troops out. Many of the men on those missions told how they could see the Vietnamese swarming back into the section of cleared territory as they were being pulled out of a mission 'Well Done'.

5th paragraph: You know, when Clinton attacked and tried to kill Osama back in '98 all of you GOPhers were saying, "Oh, he is just wagging the dog!", "This Osama guy isn't a serious threat anyway." Have ANY of you loudmouths taken ANY responsibility for your ignorance and apologized to the rest of the US for making little of a serious threat and give the man credit for trying? No.

Also, you should read my post about how I had a better plan than George Bush did. I think it's great that Saddam is gone, but the blundering way he went about doing so really F*<ked us ALL over.

And also, I am always weary of those who talk about Socialism being this terrible tyrany. Because for anyone that would crack and book instead of a beer (but I will admit it's not bad to do both at the same time), you would know that Socialism goes together with Democracy like chocolate and peanut butter. Just ask Canada, the LOVE Rieces Peanut Butter Cups! And you know what ELSE they love? Thier HEALTHCARE SYSTEM! Yes they do, I talk to MANY of them since I live only about an hour away from the border. The ONLY complaint they have about it, is that because of our Capitolistic system, we have most of the best talent in medicine here abusing our system to rape us all of as much money as possible! You know if there wern't so many people as blind and one sided, black and white, they have figured everything out that all men that has lived,or will ever live, on this Earth, then we might be able to PICK AND CHOOSE peieces of all walks of Philosophy and Ideaology that has the desired effects that we, as a whole of people, want. But instead, everyone is mesmerized by the TV into believing the hype and image of thier particular party. The 2 main parties this country has have polarized every issue into 2 equal and opposite extreme ends of a connecting sliding scale in between. That is the VERY DEFINITION of TWO DIMENSIONAL thinking!

I think there are some who don't love the healthcare system up there, and I hope the US never tries to go to the socialized medicine route.
What you believe seems to differ from reality. Has your therapist ever told you that? Why wouldn't you want a system of healthcare that would gaurentee you medical treatment no matter where on the social economic chain you may placed at? I would really hate for that head trauma of yours to continue to go unattended just because you don't have insurance. And why should ANY of us use insurance anyway? We pay extemely high premiums for services that we have to, at least, partially pay for anyway, and will probably reject you altogether if you have to have some major life-saving treatments or proceedures. Now I know you could say, 'Well insurance companies wouldn't do that if doctors wouldn't charge so much.', however, the two biggest reasons doctors and hopspitals HAVE to charge so much is:
ONE: Malpractice insurance rates skyrocketing because of an overly ligatious nation and an opportunistic insurance industry.
BEE: Because it COSTS so much for doctors to actually COLLECT from insurance companies because they have so many loopholes that can exuse them from the liability of the claim. This is getting so bad that some doctors have banded togather to ban the use of insurance alltogether. And because they do not have to burden the costs of collecting from insurance companies, thier rates are FAR below the national average. The usual doctor visit fee is $50. Compare that to your $200 premium and a $15 co-pay if you visit the doctor that month!

I know that America at large was programmed to recoil at the word 'Socialism'....but if you educate yourself to FACTS, you will see that it is not such a scary thing and can have some useful answers to some of the problems we are experiencing in the US.
Now how do you wish us to pay for a socialized healthcare system? Hint: raising taxes is not a viable answer.
We would not have to raise taxes if we FORCED corporate America to pay thier tax burdens and offer NO loopholes and we FORCE them NOT to pass on thier expense to the consumers. Yes that's right. After years of Conservative whining about how terrible and Communist it would be to restrict the freedoms of Big Business, whilste pecking away at the freedoms of the individual, I think the only way to 'right the ship' is to bind US born companies to this country and not allow them to leave for another. Then we turn all the current and former CEO's upside down and shake the change from thier pockets to pay for all the taxes they slid by on all the years before. Then we set a price freeze on all thier goods and services for some, as of yet, undetermined piece of time. Then we will set them free again and give Big Business a chance to run things more responsibly this time around.

And don't even go there that they can't afford it. In '83 the average CEO made 45 times more than thier average worker. In '93 it was 150 times. And by 2003, it was 450 times more. These fu<|<ers have stolen from all of US! Class warefare? YOU BETCHA! It's about time the middle and lower classes start fighting back!
We would not have to raise taxes if we FORCED corporate America to pay thier tax burdens and offer NO loopholes and we FORCE them NOT to pass on thier expense to the consumers. Yes that's right. After years of Conservative whining about how terrible and Communist it would be to restrict the freedoms of Big Business, whilste pecking away at the freedoms of the individual, I think the only way to 'right the ship' is to bind US born companies to this country and not allow them to leave for another. Then we turn all the current and former CEO's upside down and shake the change from thier pockets to pay for all the taxes they slid by on all the years before. Then we set a price freeze on all thier goods and services for some, as of yet, undetermined piece of time. Then we will set them free again and give Big Business a chance to run things more responsibly this time around.

And don't even go there that they can't afford it. In '83 the average CEO made 45 times more than thier average worker. In '93 it was 150 times. And by 2003, it was 450 times more. These jerks have stolen from all of US! Class warefare? YOU BETCHA! It's about time the middle and lower classes start fighting back!
Hey Jeff ,
Do you need a map to get to Canada? How exactly are you going to force "corporations" to do anything ? I can't believe that I am not only wasting my time responding to your rediculous posts but I actually took the time to read them in the first place . I'm so ashamed . . . . .
Originally posted by sitarro
Hey Jeff ,
Do you need a map to get to Canada? How exactly are you going to force "corporations" to do anything ? I can't believe that I am not only wasting my time responding to your rediculous posts but I actually took the time to read them in the first place . I'm so ashamed . . . . .

He's just another antI corporate anti capitalist looking for ways to stretch out his 8.00/hr from BK.

Yeah price freezes worked so good back under Nixon.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Dont sweat it Sitarro, just another someone behind a computer!
Not worth leaving over even thought it's been 24hrs.:D

Oh Evil One ,
I can't help sweating , I live in Southeast Texas . It's a bit offensive if I do say so myself .
Another great avatar bud .
The proof is in the width, breadth and depth of my posts and expressed ideology, OCA. I don't know who you are either but I know you for what you post. So far I'm not impressed. Tit for tat, I think not.
Also I would like to know proof what public offices you've held and your military service, until its recieved you are nothing but a farce

You will get the same answer I have in the past, none !
*Note, split thread. The topic of the original thread changed focus. Go here for Jeff's Government One Thread.*

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