I predict a 6-3 decision

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I predict 3 votes to keep Obamacare as is, 4 votes to toss the whole law, and 2 votes to toss the mandate and the insurance reforms. This will give a 6-3 decision against the mandate.
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Flip it. 6 votes to end it all. 3 (Kagan, Ginsburg, Sotomayor) to keep it.

Both parties seem to favor voting along party lines. The Supreme Court is a joke.

If its found unconstitutional, thats actually bad news for Republicans. It means the only other choice for universal coverage is single payer, government run.

If the mandate is struck down, the movement for single payer will grow to epic porportions.
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I predict 4 votes to keep Obamacare as is, 3 votes to toss the whole law, and 2 votes to toss the mandate and the insurance reforms. This will give a 6-3 decision against the mandate.

I think you guys predicting 6-3 think the Court has more balls than it does. It's gonna come down 5-4 on the Mandate, the Rest I believe will stand.

Hope I am wrong, but I don't have much Confidence in this court, Despite the Spin from the left that it's the Most Right wing Court ever.

Both parties seem to favor voting along party lines. The Supreme Court is a joke.

If its found unconstitutional, thats actually bad news for Republicans. It means the only other choice for universal coverage is single payer, government run.

If the mandate is struck down, the movement for single payer will grow to epic porportions.

I have said all along, as much as I don't like Single Payer, it would be a Huge Improvement on the Joke Obama and the Dems Sold us.
I predict 4 votes to keep Obamacare as is, 3 votes to toss the whole law, and 2 votes to toss the mandate and the insurance reforms. This will give a 6-3 decision against the mandate.

I predict Quantum Windbag is going to be wrong.

There is no logic behind my prediction other than that the odds are in my favor.

Both parties seem to favor voting along party lines. The Supreme Court is a joke.

If its found unconstitutional, thats actually bad news for Republicans. It means the only other choice for universal coverage is single payer, government run.

If the mandate is struck down, the movement for single payer will grow to epic porportions.

I have said all along, as much as I don't like Single Payer, it would be a Huge Improvement on the Joke Obama and the Dems Sold us.

I agree.

isnt it funny though...how the mandate was a conservative idea...until it was a liberal one...and then it was unconstitutional?

I mean sheesh...shouldnt the Republicans have claimed victory and spkied the ball?

makes no damned sense at all.

I hate the mandate. I understand its value...but IO hate it. Because without price controls it allows for MAJOR price gouging.

And yes, though my wife works in the health insurance field ( and does quite well ) I am in favor of a single payer government run system. Ill take the jerks I can vote out over the jerks I cant any day.
I predict 4 votes to keep Obamacare as is, 3 votes to toss the whole law, and 2 votes to toss the mandate and the insurance reforms. This will give a 6-3 decision against the mandate.

I predict Quantum Windbag is going to be wrong.

There is no logic behind my prediction other than that the odds are in my favor.

Works for me.

On the other hand, if I am right I am going to look really smart.

Both parties seem to favor voting along party lines. The Supreme Court is a joke.

If its found unconstitutional, thats actually bad news for Republicans. It means the only other choice for universal coverage is single payer, government run.

If the mandate is struck down, the movement for single payer will grow to epic porportions.

I have said all along, as much as I don't like Single Payer, it would be a Huge Improvement on the Joke Obama and the Dems Sold us.

I don't think you fully understood the joke at all. This was NOT the package that was originally specified or even asked for. ACA, as we have it today is actually what was handed back to the Dems after the Reps got through with it. They were obviously hoping that the measure would either fail a legal challenge or, even funnier, that it would pass and then fail to live up to it's promises. Either way, they get to smirk and point their finger at Obama.

What a way to run a country.

Both parties seem to favor voting along party lines. The Supreme Court is a joke.

If its found unconstitutional, thats actually bad news for Republicans. It means the only other choice for universal coverage is single payer, government run.

If the mandate is struck down, the movement for single payer will grow to epic porportions.

I have said all along, as much as I don't like Single Payer, it would be a Huge Improvement on the Joke Obama and the Dems Sold us.

I agree.

isnt it funny though...how the mandate was a conservative idea...until it was a liberal one...and then it was unconstitutional?

I mean sheesh...shouldnt the Republicans have claimed victory and spkied the ball?

makes no damned sense at all.

I hate the mandate. I understand its value...but IO hate it. Because without price controls it allows for MAJOR price gouging.

And yes, though my wife works in the health insurance field ( and does quite well ) I am in favor of a single payer government run system. Ill take the jerks I can vote out over the jerks I cant any day.

Would you like a list of conservatives that opposed the mandate way back when it was first suggested as an alternative to Hillarycare?
I have said all along, as much as I don't like Single Payer, it would be a Huge Improvement on the Joke Obama and the Dems Sold us.

I agree.

isnt it funny though...how the mandate was a conservative idea...until it was a liberal one...and then it was unconstitutional?

I mean sheesh...shouldnt the Republicans have claimed victory and spkied the ball?

makes no damned sense at all.

I hate the mandate. I understand its value...but IO hate it. Because without price controls it allows for MAJOR price gouging.

And yes, though my wife works in the health insurance field ( and does quite well ) I am in favor of a single payer government run system. Ill take the jerks I can vote out over the jerks I cant any day.

Would you like a list of conservatives that opposed the mandate way back when it was first suggested as an alternative to Hillarycare?

Well there is that newt guy.
I predict 5-4 against the mandate at worst- in which case it'll go forward WITHOUT the mandate, as Obama wanted originally. Big fekking deal, it'll be the most popular thing ever.

Both parties seem to favor voting along party lines. The Supreme Court is a joke.

If its found unconstitutional, thats actually bad news for Republicans. It means the only other choice for universal coverage is single payer, government run.

If the mandate is struck down, the movement for single payer will grow to epic porportions.

It may actually be a good thing, because you are right about it moving us closer to a one payer system. The good thing is that any one payer system we come up with would almost certainly resemble that of the UK rather than that of Canada. Private insurance would still be an option for those who chose it as extra coverage.
Personally, I think the SC reflects our ideological times. I don't consider them the voice of reason anymore and that's what scares me. B/C they're making all types of BS rulings nowadays.
I predict 4 votes to keep Obamacare as is, 3 votes to toss the whole law, and 2 votes to toss the mandate and the insurance reforms. This will give a 6-3 decision against the mandate.

I think you guys predicting 6-3 think the Court has more balls than it does. It's gonna come down 5-4 on the Mandate, the Rest I believe will stand.

Hope I am wrong, but I don't have much Confidence in this court, Despite the Spin from the left that it's the Most Right wing Court ever.

I was thinking about this and after Robert's decision on the immigration law I am thinking Obamacare mandate will not be overturned. I hope I am wrong.

Both parties seem to favor voting along party lines. The Supreme Court is a joke.

If its found unconstitutional, thats actually bad news for Republicans. It means the only other choice for universal coverage is single payer, government run.

If the mandate is struck down, the movement for single payer will grow to epic porportions.

It may actually be a good thing, because you are right about it moving us closer to a one payer system. The good thing is that any one payer system we come up with would almost certainly resemble that of the UK rather than that of Canada. Private insurance would still be an option for those who chose it as extra coverage.

If single payer is the best thing since mom's apple pie, why on Earth would anyone need the 'extra coverage"? :eusa_eh:

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