I predict hat Hillary Clinton will not debate Trump

Abortion has been legal in this country since 1973.
Fail and off topic.
You are one dumb fuck.
I am all for abortion being legal, because you get to kill your kids...........................Chop chop
Of course you are dear.
I know, but you are the one who helped do this..................... https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/59/b4/03/59b403343130167d102f8b71750bfb62.jpg

You should be proud, and again thanks for not sharing your children with the World
like the ignorant fuck you are you are going to blame me for the legal acts of other people , that are in no way your fucking business.
That law was on the books 7 years before I could vote.
I do not blame you for anything, I just want you to know that your vote counts and that I thank you for helping Hillary voters continue to kill their children, because there are some that want to take this right away from Hillary voters. I am not one of them, so kill away http://mikeaustin.org/AAA/Partial Birth Abortion/DavidFront-1.jpg And as always your vote counts to someone.
Your attempt at psychology is a farce .
In your case a retro active abortion is in order.
I might be moved by your faux outrage but then I think of all the children who die from abuse and neglect because someone forced their morality on the "mother" and denied them there right to make their own decision.
I am all for abortion being legal, because you get to kill your kids...........................Chop chop
Of course you are dear.
I know, but you are the one who helped do this..................... https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/59/b4/03/59b403343130167d102f8b71750bfb62.jpg

You should be proud, and again thanks for not sharing your children with the World
like the ignorant fuck you are you are going to blame me for the legal acts of other people , that are in no way your fucking business.
That law was on the books 7 years before I could vote.
I do not blame you for anything, I just want you to know that your vote counts and that I thank you for helping Hillary voters continue to kill their children, because there are some that want to take this right away from Hillary voters. I am not one of them, so kill away http://mikeaustin.org/AAA/Partial Birth Abortion/DavidFront-1.jpg And as always your vote counts to someone.
Your attempt at psychology is a farce .
In your case a retro active abortion is in order.
I might be moved by your faux outrage but then I think of all the children who die from abuse and neglect because someone forced their morality on the "mother" and denied them there right to make their own decision.
Again how can I possibly be anti abortion when the mental imbeciles that are voting for Clinton are butchering their own kids? So in all seriousness I fully support your right to end your child's life by any means necessary.

Of course you are dear.
I know, but you are the one who helped do this..................... https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/59/b4/03/59b403343130167d102f8b71750bfb62.jpg

You should be proud, and again thanks for not sharing your children with the World
like the ignorant fuck you are you are going to blame me for the legal acts of other people , that are in no way your fucking business.
That law was on the books 7 years before I could vote.
I do not blame you for anything, I just want you to know that your vote counts and that I thank you for helping Hillary voters continue to kill their children, because there are some that want to take this right away from Hillary voters. I am not one of them, so kill away http://mikeaustin.org/AAA/Partial Birth Abortion/DavidFront-1.jpg And as always your vote counts to someone.
Your attempt at psychology is a farce .
In your case a retro active abortion is in order.
I might be moved by your faux outrage but then I think of all the children who die from abuse and neglect because someone forced their morality on the "mother" and denied them there right to make their own decision.
Again how can I possibly be anti abortion when the mental imbeciles that are voting for Clinton are butchering their own kids? So in all seriousness I fully support your right to end your child's life by any means necessary.

Ass backwards as always .
It's the imbeciles that are voting for dump.
You no the child abusers who use god as crutch.
Not to mention the didn't graduate high school crowd .
I know, but you are the one who helped do this..................... https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/59/b4/03/59b403343130167d102f8b71750bfb62.jpg

You should be proud, and again thanks for not sharing your children with the World
like the ignorant fuck you are you are going to blame me for the legal acts of other people , that are in no way your fucking business.
That law was on the books 7 years before I could vote.
I do not blame you for anything, I just want you to know that your vote counts and that I thank you for helping Hillary voters continue to kill their children, because there are some that want to take this right away from Hillary voters. I am not one of them, so kill away http://mikeaustin.org/AAA/Partial Birth Abortion/DavidFront-1.jpg And as always your vote counts to someone.
Your attempt at psychology is a farce .
In your case a retro active abortion is in order.
I might be moved by your faux outrage but then I think of all the children who die from abuse and neglect because someone forced their morality on the "mother" and denied them there right to make their own decision.
Again how can I possibly be anti abortion when the mental imbeciles that are voting for Clinton are butchering their own kids? So in all seriousness I fully support your right to end your child's life by any means necessary.

Ass backwards as always .
It's the imbeciles that are voting for dump.
You no the child abusers who use god as crutch.
Not to mention the didn't graduate high school crowd .

Now you are in full scale psychological denial...................... http://www.fletcherarmstrongblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/22_weeks-03_medium.jpg

But that's OK, you go on and have your cheerios like usual.

Others will choose right
like the ignorant fuck you are you are going to blame me for the legal acts of other people , that are in no way your fucking business.
That law was on the books 7 years before I could vote.
I do not blame you for anything, I just want you to know that your vote counts and that I thank you for helping Hillary voters continue to kill their children, because there are some that want to take this right away from Hillary voters. I am not one of them, so kill away http://mikeaustin.org/AAA/Partial Birth Abortion/DavidFront-1.jpg And as always your vote counts to someone.
Your attempt at psychology is a farce .
In your case a retro active abortion is in order.
I might be moved by your faux outrage but then I think of all the children who die from abuse and neglect because someone forced their morality on the "mother" and denied them there right to make their own decision.
Again how can I possibly be anti abortion when the mental imbeciles that are voting for Clinton are butchering their own kids? So in all seriousness I fully support your right to end your child's life by any means necessary.

Ass backwards as always .
It's the imbeciles that are voting for dump.
You no the child abusers who use god as crutch.
Not to mention the didn't graduate high school crowd .

Now you are in full scale psychological denial...................... http://www.fletcherarmstrongblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/22_weeks-03_medium.jpg

But that's OK, you go on and have your cheerios like usual.

Others will choose right
Hey dumbass what the fuck is full psychological denial?
Oh yeah that's right , that's you trying and failing to sound more intelligent than your 5th education.
The right or wrong of choice is personal and subjective.
The poster presenting dead fetus porn is the mentally ill one.
Besides I'very seen much worse in real life .
Subsequently your ignorant empathy ploy was dead before it started.
Are Republicans replacing their old tried and true charges of communist, socialist, fascist with health issues now? Will Republicans replace their communist chant to sickly-sickly? Maybe it's not a good move. people are really used to the communist bit.
Why should she, all we can learn is that she has no memory and since there are no teleprompters or aids to hold her up how will she survive. Also since she ha a lead over Trump all that can happen is for her to lose that lead anyway, or pee herself again and spend an hour wiping in the bathroom again...................

LOL--If anyone is going to try to get out of these debates it will be Donald Trump.

1. He doesn't have 16 other candidates that he can insult to divert attention.
2. He won't have screaming fans saying lock her up.
3. Moderators will be asking him very SPECIFIC questions--that he will be required to answer.
4. He won't be able to go into his typical platitude speak (mouth opening words coming out but never really answers the question.)
5. If he tries to platitude speak, the moderators will be right back on his ass to get an answer out of him.
6. When he answers, Hillary Clinton will have 1 minute 30 seconds to show what a dumbass he really is.

You really couldn't have found a more incompetent, unqualified, dangerous candidate than Donald Trump, if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

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Why should she, all we can learn is that she has no memory and since there are no teleprompters or aids to hold her up how will she survive. Also since she ha a lead over Trump all that can happen is for her to lose that lead anyway, or pee herself again and spend an hour wiping in the bathroom again...................

LOL--If anyone is going to try to get out of these debates it will be Donald Trump.

1. He doesn't have 16 other candidates that he can insult to divert attention.
2. He won't have screaming fans saying lock her up.
3. Moderators will be asking him very SPECIFIC questions--that he will be required to answer.
4. He won't be able to go into his typical platitude speak (mouth opening words coming out but never really answers the question.)
5. If he tries to platitude speak, the moderators will be right back on his ass to get an answer out of him.
6. When he answers, Hillary Clinton will have 1 minute 30 seconds to show what a dumbass he really is.

You really couldn't have found a more incompetent, unqualified, dangerous candidate than Donald Trump, if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

I read up to number one, so if you want to be read keep it short.

Glad that I inspired you to be Stephen King though.

Why should she, all we can learn is that she has no memory and since there are no teleprompters or aids to hold her up how will she survive. Also since she ha a lead over Trump all that can happen is for her to lose that lead anyway, or pee herself again and spend an hour wiping in the bathroom again...................

LOL--If anyone is going to try to get out of these debates it will be Donald Trump.

1. He doesn't have 16 other candidates that he can insult to divert attention.
2. He won't have screaming fans saying lock her up.
3. Moderators will be asking him very SPECIFIC questions--that he will be required to answer.
4. He won't be able to go into his typical platitude speak (mouth opening words coming out but never really answers the question.)
5. If he tries to platitude speak, the moderators will be right back on his ass to get an answer out of him.
6. When he answers, Hillary Clinton will have 1 minute 30 seconds to show what a dumbass he really is.

You really couldn't have found a more incompetent, unqualified, dangerous candidate than Donald Trump, if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

...and she's a loopy kunt
Why won't der donald fucker release his tax records? What is afraid of?
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der Trumpendummy is polling with big...really big...huge....really huge ZERO with African-American Voters in Ohio and Pennsylvania. If der Trumpenfucker is lucky, he might 10% of the Hispanic Vote, which may or may not include the insidious Taco Truck faction.

Never mind losing the Women's Vote.

der Trumpenfucker might do one debate and then run off with his tail tucked between fat ass butt cheeks.

Says a lot about der Trumpendogfucker supporters.

He loves America so much he won't even marry one.
Why won't der donald fucker release his tax records? What is afraid of?
He should(not that it's anyone's business least of all the federal governments)... The hildabeast will not release her medical records.
der Trumpendummy is polling with big...really big...huge....really huge ZERO with African-American Voters in Ohio and Pennsylvania. If der Trumpenfucker is lucky, he might 10% of the Hispanic Vote, which may or may not include the insidious Taco Truck faction.

Never mind losing the Women's Vote.

der Trumpenfucker might do one debate and then run off with his tail tucked between fat ass butt cheeks.

Says a lot about der Trumpendogfucker supporters.

He loves America so much he won't even marry one.
LOL you forgot that Martin Luther Kings niece is voting for and has endorsed Trump, and so is the leader of the black panthers.........................

She'll debate if:

1) Someone can hook her lardazz up to a siphon with the cork deep in her azz so that she doesn't leak for at least 2 hrs.
2) Depends creates a HEFTY diaper for Madam PeePee
3) The Media promise to ask her what she cooked for dinner last night, while trashing Trump
4) There's a brain surgeon on call at the debate

Hillary is going to make Comrade Trump look like an idiot. The Dems know which buttons to push to reveal the real "flaming idiot" Donnie.

Everyone knows how unpredictable he is without a teleprompter.

But will Helly need a two hour bathroom break to change out her colostomy bag? Inquiring minds want to know?!

Of course I will have to reduce the red tent on my TV when the debates begin. Comrade Trump's orange glow is a little too much for our cats. They hide in the closet when he comes on TV.
Why won't der donald fucker release his tax records? What is afraid of?
He should(not that it's anyone's business least of all the federal governments)... The hildabeast will not release her medical records.

LOL- I love the hypocrisy of the Trumpsters.

Trump won't release his medical records- no problem
Clinton won't release her medical records- SHE IS HIDING SOMETHING!

Clinton released her tax records- Trump refuses to release his.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than even Tricky Dick.

And that is a fact.
der Trumpendummy is polling with big...really big...huge....really huge ZERO with African-American Voters in Ohio and Pennsylvania. If der Trumpenfucker is lucky, he might 10% of the Hispanic Vote, which may or may not include the insidious Taco Truck faction.

Never mind losing the Women's Vote.

der Trumpenfucker might do one debate and then run off with his tail tucked between fat ass butt cheeks.

Says a lot about der Trumpendogfucker supporters.

He loves America so much he won't even marry one.
LOL you forgot that Martin Luther Kings niece is voting for and has endorsed Trump, and so is the leader of the black panthers.........................


Okay that is two African American voters......

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