I propose that the democrats give nothing for a wall , Zero

I pray every day that someone like you ends up a victim of a Radical Muslim driving a box truck on your sidewalk. Or be shot because some Illegal decided to hate on a US citizen.
^ this type of inbred insanity is what has me convinced that if 9/11 happened again conservatives would celebrate and cheer

Like Democrats did on 9-11-01?

What, they didn't?

Neither would Republicans, so how about you stop being an ass?
That was then. See above, the guy that “prays everyday a liberal is killed in a terror attack?” I fully believe conservatives would celebrate.

I fully believe conservatives would celebrate.

Seek professional help
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.

That’s fine. Then the President should bring in a 55 gallon barrel of India ink to sign all the Vetos of EVERYTHING that comes out of the Democrat controlled HoR (pronounced Whore).
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
What has been asked for to ensure our sovereignty, to secure our borders ,and to protect American citizens - to prevent murderous cop-killing illegals like the one on the loose now - is 4 one hundredths of 1% of our debt.

Democrats added 4 - 5 times that at least in more than 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork they packed Obama's $1 trillion failed Stimulus Bill with.

Democrats just promised to give the corrupt governments of Venezuela, Argentina, and Mexico - countries who are facilitating the illegal invasion against us - more than twice that in 'foreign aid'.

So, I completely agree.....Democrats should continue to stand with violent illegals rather than Americans in order to advocate globalism, open borders, pro-illegal immigration, non-enforcement of existing US immigration law, and federal law-violating sanctuary cities that protects violent illegals like this cop killer...

...and every single time a US citizen is victimized by al illegal - not just murdered by them, theft, assault, vehicular manslaughter due to a DUI, rape, etc... - the GOP ought to publicize it and declare publicly, "DEMOCRATS, YOU OWN THIS!"

Make sure Americans know that the blood of American citizens is on the hands of the Democrats who stand will illegals over American Citizens

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

In Memoriam to Those Who Died in the Line of Duty | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

FNCIC-VOIACM Foreign National Crime Information Center - Victims of Illegal Alien Crime Memorial

What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
Tough shit, asshole. Trump is going to ram it down your throat.
I pray every day that someone like you ends up a victim of a Radical Muslim driving a box truck on your sidewalk. Or be shot because some Illegal decided to hate on a US citizen.
^ this type of inbred insanity is what has me convinced that if 9/11 happened again conservatives would celebrate and cheer

Like Democrats did on 9-11-01?

What, they didn't?

Neither would Republicans, so how about you stop being an ass?
That was then. See above, the guy that “prays everyday a liberal is killed in a terror attack?” I fully believe conservatives would celebrate.

I fully believe conservatives would celebrate.

Seek professional help

You said that to the wrong guy.
Walls work, especially high walls. I saw videos of people jumping down from the existing low walls and breaking legs and ankles. So no matter what ladder you say to use, getting down off a 30' high wall is too dangerous to try. The dems do not control the government and need Trump and the Senate to approve all bills, so they need to compromise or nothing happens. Then the government workers either starve or find new work.
And welfare checks stop going out in 2 weeks now. That is going to be a real eye opener, when you see who ends up burning cities and possibly Washington DC. It wont be the British doing to burning...


Dude, that is in California, where the state is running out of money to pay Disability payments. I have not heard this is a problem elsewhere.

" California's fiscal future lurched yet another step toward oblivion on Friday as state Controller John Chiang announced he could no longer make payments for services to disabled and blind people who need the money to pay for rent and food.

Chiang said payments would most likely have to be stopped by Feb. 1.

"Delaying these payments will hurt real families," Chiang said.

About one million people would be affected by the non-payments,Chiang said. "

Panic Grows In Ca As Welfare Checks Set To Stop
Is the person below in the picture a candidate for welfare benefits?

Dont give me the shit that someone with a disability needs to have a government take care of them.

Net worth of Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking has an estimated net worth of $20 million. Hawking is a famous scientist, star gazer, and professor, he is accredited for unlocking new theories gravity, cosmos, and black holes.
Stephen Hawking Net Worth - TheRichest
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
I can only wonder what you'd say if and when one victimizes or even kills one of your family. You are clueless. Maybe you should be asking yourself why they so bad off down their when they've been at it longer than this nation and all the natural resources they need. Just what is it that makes them so poor and disadvantaged in the first place? Are they lazy, stupid or is it just bad luck for all those years? Whatever it is, why import it and risk turning this nation into a shithole too? Have you noticed Venezuela lately? It's the same scenario. I have nothing against legal immigration, it's the illegals I have issue with because they start out as criminals by stealing what doesn't belong to them. Maybe you should get a clue or two and realize that nothing worth having is free.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
I pray every day that someone like you ends up a victim of a Radical Muslim driving a box truck on your sidewalk. Or be shot because some Illegal decided to hate on a US citizen. Karma is a bitch, and you will end up a victim of liberalism and it will kill you...Dumbass...

This is your typical conservative/republican.

Proud to pray to their god for their fellow American to be murdered in a very violent way.

This person is so proud of their hate for their fellow American they pray to their god for it to happen.

What kind of person does this?

Yet this person and people like this claim to be Americans who love our nation. If they were real Americans they wouldn't pray to their god for their fellow American to be violently murdered.

This is just disgusting. It's nothing to be proud of and nothing all real American would ever do.

It's just too disgusting for words.

Get help. Normal people aren't like this. A good therapist and time can help you see that your hate for anyone who isn't like you is killing your soul.
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What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.

LMAO Sure lets continue to spend billions of tax payer dollars on illegals.

You ain't to bright.
Wouldn't it be refreshing if Trumpanzees and company would just admit to the real reason they want a wall on the southern border. It's not about safety, and keeping Muslims out. it's to slow down the browning of America, pure and simple. There is no other reason for Trump and his white nationalists. They are obsessed with the perceived loss of their "white culture," and they view Latinos the same way they view blacks, as a threat to their "whitness."

If they were really concerned about terrorists entering the country, they would also be screaming for a Canadian wall, since the 9/11 terrorists entered the country through Canada. NOT MEXICO!

Their wall goals are clearly racist. Period!

Therefore we can conclude all Democrats who supported border security in the past are white nationalists too? Ah of course not, you're just a progressive who doesn't think things through. Your emotions and an undeveloped brain prevents it.

A. The most crime per capita occurs south of the border. Logic, which is well beyond you dictates they bring the crime with them. But you insist this isn't about security.

B. Immigrants commit far more crime in the USA than U.S. citizens. But I get it, progressives crave chaos.

C. People from the south are poor. I doubt you pay taxes, but if you did you might recognize the more UNWELCOME people we allow the higher the taxes, and the lower the standard of living. It's common sense, but you don't know what that is.

D. Progressives are on a mission to destroy US culture, tradition, education and unity. What better way to accomplish that than open borders numb nuts?

E. Immigrants use more welfare than U.S. citizens. But again, you don't pay taxes and don't have a critical thought in your head.

F. We're over-populated. What better way to destroy us than open immigration?

G. Progressive immigration policy promotes socialist oligarchy, as demonstrated by Mexifornia. Progressives love to complain about the distribution of wealth and costs, yet everything they believe in promotes what they complain about, primarily because they lack normal brain function due to progressive propaganda.

G. And yeah it's a brutal fact that brown generally means third world livelihood. If I'm wrong, I'm sure you can explain why "brown" countries are so poor and have such high crime. So explain to us all why progressives like yourself desire to convert the USA from white to brown.
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What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
I love how Trump has manipulated Democrats into screaming for open borders just as 2020 kicks off.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.

I would be happy to take in some "poor endangered family" in exchange for you claiming asylum in another country.
Wouldn't it be refreshing if Trumpanzees and company would just admit to the real reason they want a wall on the southern border. It's not about safety, and keeping Muslims out. it's to slow down the browning of America, pure and simple. There is no other reason for Trump and his white nationalists. They are obsessed with the perceived loss of their "white culture," and they view Latinos the same way they view blacks, as a threat to their "whitness."

If they were really concerned about terrorists entering the country, they would also be screaming for a Canadian wall, since the 9/11 terrorists entered the country through Canada. NOT MEXICO!

Their wall goals are clearly racist. Period!
Is that why Clinton and Obama wanted a wall?
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
I pray every day that someone like you ends up a victim of a Radical Muslim driving a box truck on your sidewalk. Or be shot because some Illegal decided to hate on a US citizen. Karma is a bitch, and you will end up a victim of liberalism and it will kill you...Dumbass...

This is your typical conservative/republican.

Proud to pray to their god for their fellow American to be murdered in a very violent way.

This person is so proud of their hate for their fellow American they pray to their god for it to happen.

What kind of person does this?

Yet this person and people like this claim to be Americans who love our nation. If they were real Americans they wouldn't pray to their god for their fellow American to be violently murdered.

This is just disgusting. It's nothing to be proud of and nothing all real American would never do.

It's just too disgusting for words.

Get help. Normal people aren't like this. A good therapist and time can help you see that your hate for anyone who isn't like you is killing your soul.

Nice try dumbass, I am a libertarian conservative, and I believe in actions for your consequences of who you vote for. You vote for people who want more Radical Muslims in this country so I hope one day you get your ass run over. You vote for people who want diseased illegal criminals to come to this country and I hope one meets you or your family and removes you from society. You Choose to want the invasion and with invasion there are consequences.. So in other words fuck you.
I pray every day that someone like you ends up a victim of a Radical Muslim driving a box truck on your sidewalk. Or be shot because some Illegal decided to hate on a US citizen.
^ this type of inbred insanity is what has me convinced that if 9/11 happened again conservatives would celebrate and cheer

Like Democrats did on 9-11-01?

What, they didn't?

Neither would Republicans, so how about you stop being an ass?
That was then. See above, the guy that “prays everyday a liberal is killed in a terror attack?” I fully believe conservatives would celebrate.

I fully believe conservatives would celebrate.

Seek professional help

You said that to the wrong guy.

What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
I pray every day that someone like you ends up a victim of a Radical Muslim driving a box truck on your sidewalk. Or be shot because some Illegal decided to hate on a US citizen. Karma is a bitch, and you will end up a victim of liberalism and it will kill you...Dumbass...

Yessss.... Let the hate flow through you, wingertard...
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
Not one red penny

Sent from my N9560 using Tapatalk

Your right. Not one red penny just billions to support illegals.

You ain't to bright either.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
I pray every day that someone like you ends up a victim of a Radical Muslim driving a box truck on your sidewalk. Or be shot because some Illegal decided to hate on a US citizen. Karma is a bitch, and you will end up a victim of liberalism and it will kill you...Dumbass...

Yessss.... Let the hate flow through you, wingertard...

I would rather see the hate filled Radical Muslim run your ass over. That would be a hoot.
^ this type of inbred insanity is what has me convinced that if 9/11 happened again conservatives would celebrate and cheer

Like Democrats did on 9-11-01?

What, they didn't?

Neither would Republicans, so how about you stop being an ass?
That was then. See above, the guy that “prays everyday a liberal is killed in a terror attack?” I fully believe conservatives would celebrate.

I fully believe conservatives would celebrate.

Seek professional help

You said that to the wrong guy.

What is that supposed to mean? Are you upset?
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
Not one red penny

Sent from my N9560 using Tapatalk

Your right. Not one red penny just billions to support illegals.

You ain't to bright either.

Well said....as always.

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