I propose that the democrats give nothing for a wall , Zero

Walls work, especially high walls. I saw videos of people jumping down from the existing low walls and breaking legs and ankles. So no matter what ladder you say to use, getting down off a 30' high wall is too dangerous to try. The dems do not control the government and need Trump and the Senate to approve all bills, so they need to compromise or nothing happens. Then the government workers either starve or find new work.
Funny , empty ridiculous laughable response. All we have to do then is supply two ladders instead of one. I would also think that a program to get money support to spend on "welcome to the USA ,The land of opportunity" signs in neon at every few miles of the border.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
First two sentences made sense. The rest, not so much.
Simple simple solution, go somewhere else. Don't waste our bandwidth with you don't like me you think I'm stupid remarks. Tell me just for the hell of it, why would anyone care what you think of me . This has always amazed me.
I’ll trade the wall for Agreement of Extreme Vetting of Immigrants and Continuous Monitoring of the Immigrants once they are in the US waiting for Asylum hearing and accountability for becoming a processed US Citizen.

As much as the Left fights the Wall they will also fight my suggestion because they will consider it to be “profiling” or holding Immigrants accountable to be ‘racist’.

The Left has no answer to Immigration outside of Open Borders, which, most of them are too much of a pussy to admit.
Well the rights solution has been to just let them stay, done twice in history. So I'll agree with that Right wing idea.
Walls work, especially high walls. I saw videos of people jumping down from the existing low walls and breaking legs and ankles. So no matter what ladder you say to use, getting down off a 30' high wall is too dangerous to try. The dems do not control the government and need Trump and the Senate to approve all bills, so they need to compromise or nothing happens. Then the government workers either starve or find new work.
Funny , empty ridiculous laughable response. All we have to do then is supply two ladders instead of one. I would also think that a program to get money support to spend on "welcome to the USA ,The land of opportunity" signs in neon at every few miles of the border.

I guess kyzr has never heard of tunnels. Or shovels.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.

You MUST put actions behind your words. I don't assume you own property, but try and talk your parents into removing their fence, interior walls and door locks.

Then move to south america where you're more comfortable.
So I don't support your hate routine,so I have to move. I think it makes more sense to take away you ability to control any part of the government in this country by my vote and the vote of all the people who don't support your ugliness.. Like I said I would take anyone of them as a neighbor over you .
I pray every day that someone like you ends up a victim of a Radical Muslim driving a box truck on your sidewalk. Or be shot because some Illegal decided to hate on a US citizen.
^ this type of inbred insanity is what has me convinced that if 9/11 happened again conservatives would celebrate and cheer

Like Democrats did on 9-11-01?

What, they didn't?

Neither would Republicans, so how about you stop being an ass?
As long as it is understood that the terrorist violence in this country is just about all coming from the right,
Walls work, especially high walls. I saw videos of people jumping down from the existing low walls and breaking legs and ankles. So no matter what ladder you say to use, getting down off a 30' high wall is too dangerous to try. The dems do not control the government and need Trump and the Senate to approve all bills, so they need to compromise or nothing happens. Then the government workers either starve or find new work.
Funny , empty ridiculous laughable response. All we have to do then is supply two ladders instead of one. I would also think that a program to get money support to spend on "welcome to the USA ,The land of opportunity" signs in neon at every few miles of the border.

I guess kyzr has never heard of tunnels. Or shovels.
Like I said two ladders would work fine.
Wouldn't it be refreshing if Trumpanzees and company would just admit to the real reason they want a wall on the southern border. It's not about safety, and keeping Muslims out. it's to slow down the browning of America, pure and simple. There is no other reason for Trump and his white nationalists. They are obsessed with the perceived loss of their "white culture," and they view Latinos the same way they view blacks, as a threat to their "whitness."

If they were really concerned about terrorists entering the country, they would also be screaming for a Canadian wall, since the 9/11 terrorists entered the country through Canada. NOT MEXICO!

Their wall goals are clearly racist. Period!
Yup their job now is to stop all immigrants coming into this country that are anything less then pure right , everyone that comes across and votes is a automatic vote for democrats , after the right has treated all colors but white like shit . They will never vote for your hate group.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
What has been asked for to ensure our sovereignty, to secure our borders ,and to protect American citizens - to prevent murderous cop-killing illegals like the one on the loose now - is 4 one hundredths of 1% of our debt.

Democrats added 4 - 5 times that at least in more than 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork they packed Obama's $1 trillion failed Stimulus Bill with.

Democrats just promised to give the corrupt governments of Venezuela, Argentina, and Mexico - countries who are facilitating the illegal invasion against us - more than twice that in 'foreign aid'.

So, I completely agree.....Democrats should continue to stand with violent illegals rather than Americans in order to advocate globalism, open borders, pro-illegal immigration, non-enforcement of existing US immigration law, and federal law-violating sanctuary cities that protects violent illegals like this cop killer...

...and every single time a US citizen is victimized by al illegal - not just murdered by them, theft, assault, vehicular manslaughter due to a DUI, rape, etc... - the GOP ought to publicize it and declare publicly, "DEMOCRATS, YOU OWN THIS!"

Make sure Americans know that the blood of American citizens is on the hands of the Democrats who stand will illegals over American Citizens

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

In Memoriam to Those Who Died in the Line of Duty | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

FNCIC-VOIACM Foreign National Crime Information Center - Victims of Illegal Alien Crime Memorial
I'm glad you have a sense of humor about this , that was funny.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
Tough shit, asshole. Trump is going to ram it down your throat.
well it's time for you to move on, it has been a slice but your out of here. I don't except wasted bandwidth.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
I can only wonder what you'd say if and when one victimizes or even kills one of your family. You are clueless. Maybe you should be asking yourself why they so bad off down their when they've been at it longer than this nation and all the natural resources they need. Just what is it that makes them so poor and disadvantaged in the first place? Are they lazy, stupid or is it just bad luck for all those years? Whatever it is, why import it and risk turning this nation into a shithole too? Have you noticed Venezuela lately? It's the same scenario. I have nothing against legal immigration, it's the illegals I have issue with because they start out as criminals by stealing what doesn't belong to them. Maybe you should get a clue or two and realize that nothing worth having is free.
I've been in literally every state in Mexico , Your right wing is 10 times the threat of any Mexican I've met. Open the doors for them and keep it open in the hope you people will leave.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.

LMAO Sure lets continue to spend billions of tax payer dollars on illegals.

You ain't to bright.
One problem they contribute more to the economy then they take from the economy, that's just another hate answer that has zero merit.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
Tough shit, asshole. Trump is going to ram it down your throat.
well it's time for you to move on, it has been a slice but your out of here. I don't except wasted bandwidth.
ROFL! When did I start taking orders from you?
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.

LMAO Sure lets continue to spend billions of tax payer dollars on illegals.

You ain't to bright.
One problem they contribute more to the economy then they take from the economy, that's just another hate answer that has zero merit.
No they don't, dumbass. You're ignoring all the welfare and other government benefits they consume.
Wouldn't it be refreshing if Trumpanzees and company would just admit to the real reason they want a wall on the southern border. It's not about safety, and keeping Muslims out. it's to slow down the browning of America, pure and simple. There is no other reason for Trump and his white nationalists. They are obsessed with the perceived loss of their "white culture," and they view Latinos the same way they view blacks, as a threat to their "whitness."

If they were really concerned about terrorists entering the country, they would also be screaming for a Canadian wall, since the 9/11 terrorists entered the country through Canada. NOT MEXICO!

Their wall goals are clearly racist. Period!
Not at all. We fully understand that the Democrat socialists are replacing the population with one more obedient to what they want. That's what the browning of America is all about, population replacement. It has three components, overwhelm with immigration, out breed, murder as many as possible as quickly as possible. Special attention to be paid to killing white women. They are perceived to be the mothers of white America.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
I can only wonder what you'd say if and when one victimizes or even kills one of your family. You are clueless. Maybe you should be asking yourself why they so bad off down their when they've been at it longer than this nation and all the natural resources they need. Just what is it that makes them so poor and disadvantaged in the first place? Are they lazy, stupid or is it just bad luck for all those years? Whatever it is, why import it and risk turning this nation into a shithole too? Have you noticed Venezuela lately? It's the same scenario. I have nothing against legal immigration, it's the illegals I have issue with because they start out as criminals by stealing what doesn't belong to them. Maybe you should get a clue or two and realize that nothing worth having is free.
I've been in literally every state in Mexico , Your right wing is 10 times the threat of any Mexican I've met. Open the doors for them and keep it open in the hope you people will leave.

You just proved that you're a traitor that hates America, douchebag. It's too bad that we can't deport scum like you.
Mass deportation needs to be supplemented by agitation to the various immigrant communities. They remain fiercely loyal to their home countries. Start a few wars. Cortez did it in Mexico with some success.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
I can only wonder what you'd say if and when one victimizes or even kills one of your family. You are clueless. Maybe you should be asking yourself why they so bad off down their when they've been at it longer than this nation and all the natural resources they need. Just what is it that makes them so poor and disadvantaged in the first place? Are they lazy, stupid or is it just bad luck for all those years? Whatever it is, why import it and risk turning this nation into a shithole too? Have you noticed Venezuela lately? It's the same scenario. I have nothing against legal immigration, it's the illegals I have issue with because they start out as criminals by stealing what doesn't belong to them. Maybe you should get a clue or two and realize that nothing worth having is free.
I've been in literally every state in Mexico , Your right wing is 10 times the threat of any Mexican I've met. Open the doors for them and keep it open in the hope you people will leave.

You just proved that you're a traitor that hates America, douchebag. It's too bad that we can't deport scum like you.
NOW do you understand. To the Democrat socialists it is ALL ABOUT population replacement.
^ this type of inbred insanity is what has me convinced that if 9/11 happened again conservatives would celebrate and cheer
We'd be LUCK if all they did was cheer.

If 9/11 occured under a Democratic President the story would have been much, much different.

Instead of being dubbed "America's Mayor" Ghoulie-yani himself would have been leading the chants decrying the US President for not protecting the country and be clamoring for impeachment.

These rightwing bastards are nothing, if not partisan, party first. It's Repbulican now, Republican tomorrow, and Republican forever as far as that gang of thugs are concerned.
I pray every day that someone like you ends up a victim of a Radical Muslim driving a box truck on your sidewalk. Or be shot because some Illegal decided to hate on a US citizen. Karma is a bitch, and you will end up a victim of liberalism and it will kill you...Dumbass...

Yessss.... Let the hate flow through you, wingertard...

I would rather see the hate filled Radical Muslim run your ass over. That would be a hoot.

And I would rather personally deport scum like you. But we don't always get what we want, do we, assface?

So better to deport US citizens who follow the law, but hate you, than keep a diseased illegal or radical Muslim who would kill you in a NY Minute? Boy, you have some mental issues.

No, stupid. I would deport them too.

if they were deported like you say, I wouldn't hate you anymore...
And I propose this JBander almost fractal-looking arrangement of fecal matter was one of the people who took the notorious "brown acid" at Woodstock. I also propose this elderly abomination, this sick, stupid, violent, slime-drizzling ASS, this unfortunate genetic grab-bag of nature's most grievous errors - please do the right thing and commit suicide. You are a lifeform with ZERO redeeming qualities of any kind, old fool, and I think it's time you did the right thing, relieve humanity of YOUR violent hate, and slither into an urn where you belong. You're a senile, violent old thug who serves no useful purpose to humanity whatsoever. No offense, but I believe you should be destroyed.

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