I propose that the democrats give nothing for a wall , Zero

Yessss.... Let the hate flow through you, wingertard...
I would rather see the hate filled Radical Muslim run your ass over. That would be a hoot.

And I would rather personally deport scum like you. But we don't always get what we want, do we, assface?
So better to deport US citizens who follow the law, but hate you, than keep a diseased illegal or radical Muslim who would kill you in a NY Minute? Boy, you have some mental issues.

No, stupid. I would deport them too.
if they were deported like you say, I wouldn't hate you anymore...

Hate away. Hating Caucasian American citizens seems to be in fashion these days anyway.
^ this type of inbred insanity is what has me convinced that if 9/11 happened again conservatives would celebrate and cheer
We'd be LUCK if all they did was cheer.

If 9/11 occured under a Democratic President the story would have been much, much different.

Instead of being dubbed "America's Mayor" Ghoulie-yani himself would have been leading the chants decrying the US President for not protecting the country and be clamoring for impeachment.

These rightwing bastards are nothing, if not partisan, party first. It's Republican now, Republican tomorrow, and Republican forever as far as that gang of thugs are concerned.

The irony is hilarious.
I would rather see the hate filled Radical Muslim run your ass over. That would be a hoot.

And I would rather personally deport scum like you. But we don't always get what we want, do we, assface?
So better to deport US citizens who follow the law, but hate you, than keep a diseased illegal or radical Muslim who would kill you in a NY Minute? Boy, you have some mental issues.

No, stupid. I would deport them too.
if they were deported like you say, I wouldn't hate you anymore...

Hate away. Hating Caucasian American citizens seems to be in fashion these days anyway.
And you vote for the very people why want those that hate US to be in this country. Egad man, you are some type of retarded...
I’ll trade the wall for Agreement of Extreme Vetting of Immigrants and Continuous Monitoring of the Immigrants once they are in the US waiting for Asylum hearing and accountability for becoming a processed US Citizen.

As much as the Left fights the Wall they will also fight my suggestion because they will consider it to be “profiling” or holding Immigrants accountable to be ‘racist’.

The Left has no answer to Immigration outside of Open Borders, which, most of them are too much of a pussy to admit.
So anyone who crosses the borders illegal get to move to the front of the line of all immigrants who try to come here legally? Yep, and then you wonder why CRIME is on the rise, dumbasses like you have no clue who the real criminals are...

Evidently, legal immigrants are fools in the eyes of Liberals.
Wouldn't it be refreshing if Trumpanzees and company would just admit to the real reason they want a wall on the southern border. It's not about safety, and keeping Muslims out. it's to slow down the browning of America, pure and simple. There is no other reason for Trump and his white nationalists. They are obsessed with the perceived loss of their "white culture," and they view Latinos the same way they view blacks, as a threat to their "whitness."

If they were really concerned about terrorists entering the country, they would also be screaming for a Canadian wall, since the 9/11 terrorists entered the country through Canada. NOT MEXICO!

Their wall goals are clearly racist. Period!

Therefore we can conclude all Democrats who supported border security in the past are white nationalists too? Ah of course not, you're just a progressive who doesn't think things through. Your emotions and an undeveloped brain prevents it.

A. The most crime per capita occurs south of the border. Logic, which is well beyond you dictates they bring the crime with them. But you insist this isn't about security.

B. Immigrants commit far more crime in the USA than U.S. citizens. But I get it, progressives crave chaos.

C. People from the south are poor. I doubt you pay taxes, but if you did you might recognize the more UNWELCOME people we allow the higher the taxes, and the lower the standard of living. It's common sense, but you don't know what that is.

D. Progressives are on a mission to destroy US culture, tradition, education and unity. What better way to accomplish that than open borders numb nuts?

E. Immigrants use more welfare than U.S. citizens. But again, you don't pay taxes and don't have a critical thought in your head.

F. We're over-populated. What better way to destroy us than open immigration?

G. Progressive immigration policy promotes socialist oligarchy, as demonstrated by Mexifornia. Progressives love to complain about the distribution of wealth and costs, yet everything they believe in promotes what they complain about, primarily because they lack normal brain function due to progressive propaganda.

G. And yeah it's a brutal fact that brown generally means third world livelihood. If I'm wrong, I'm sure you can explain why "brown" countries are so poor and have such high crime. So explain to us all why progressives like yourself desire to convert the USA from white to brown.
When I stopped laughing I decided I was going to google all this and bury your lies but then realized I don't give a fuck what you think , 100% fox crap news
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
I love how Trump has manipulated Democrats into screaming for open borders just as 2020 kicks off.
Open borders have been so unsuccessful in the past , like all of civilization in Europe. Maybe it's not taking in the fat old white men coefficient. Its only ugly when your ugly to start with. Watch out for dem commies de are every were.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.

I would be happy to take in some "poor endangered family" in exchange for you claiming asylum in another country.
The puppy stopped wagging his little tail, I have to throw him a bone. They either seem to want me murdered by someone or chased out of this country. All because Their wall is stupid.
Wouldn't it be refreshing if Trumpanzees and company would just admit to the real reason they want a wall on the southern border. It's not about safety, and keeping Muslims out. it's to slow down the browning of America, pure and simple. There is no other reason for Trump and his white nationalists. They are obsessed with the perceived loss of their "white culture," and they view Latinos the same way they view blacks, as a threat to their "whitness."

If they were really concerned about terrorists entering the country, they would also be screaming for a Canadian wall, since the 9/11 terrorists entered the country through Canada. NOT MEXICO!

Their wall goals are clearly racist. Period!
Is that why Clinton and Obama wanted a wall?
This is how stupid is created , democrats voted for a fence, not a 20 billion dollar wall 35 to 50 feet high made out to cement. I would still go along with a fence to make the wieners happy but I still want the neon signs saying welcome to the USA , the land of opportunity every few miles. This is all you ever get from this group ,lies or distortions.
I’ll trade the wall for Agreement of Extreme Vetting of Immigrants and Continuous Monitoring of the Immigrants once they are in the US waiting for Asylum hearing and accountability for becoming a processed US Citizen.

As much as the Left fights the Wall they will also fight my suggestion because they will consider it to be “profiling” or holding Immigrants accountable to be ‘racist’.

The Left has no answer to Immigration outside of Open Borders, which, most of them are too much of a pussy to admit.
So anyone who crosses the borders illegal get to move to the front of the line of all immigrants who try to come here legally? Yep, and then you wonder why CRIME is on the rise, dumbasses like you have no clue who the real criminals are...

Evidently, legal immigrants are fools in the eyes of Liberals.
Why is that? I like all immigrants. In fact to repeat myself I'll take a dozen illegals living nest to me before one of you gun toting bubbas.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
Not one red penny

Sent from my N9560 using Tapatalk

Your right. Not one red penny just billions to support illegals.

You ain't to bright either.

Well said....as always.
For the hate driven logic , illegals contribute more to our country they they take by a long shot. They drive the economy at many multiples over their cost to this country. Try logic , try to get a education on the subject before you come out with your nonsense comments . you will look better that way.
Wouldn't it be refreshing if Trumpanzees and company would just admit to the real reason they want a wall on the southern border. It's not about safety, and keeping Muslims out. it's to slow down the browning of America, pure and simple. There is no other reason for Trump and his white nationalists. They are obsessed with the perceived loss of their "white culture," and they view Latinos the same way they view blacks, as a threat to their "whitness."

If they were really concerned about terrorists entering the country, they would also be screaming for a Canadian wall, since the 9/11 terrorists entered the country through Canada. NOT MEXICO!

Their wall goals are clearly racist. Period!
Is that why Clinton and Obama wanted a wall?
This is how stupid is created , democrats voted for a fence, not a 20 billion dollar wall 35 to 50 feet high made out to cement. I would still go along with a fence to make the wieners happy but I still want the neon signs saying welcome to the USA , the land of opportunity every few miles. This is all you ever get from this group ,lies or distortions.

They want to come in using legal channels, no problem.

they want to break in illegally....


The wall is a foolish and embarrassing waste of money, but if the majority of voters want to build a wall, they should have at it.
It's one country, and there are always things that get done despite being despised by someone. Constructing this memorial to binary thinking in its clearest form is better than tearing the fabric of the nation even further. It isn't as if 'they' want to invade Mexico; 'they' just want to keep it out. That is not the best of American spirit and thinking, as many Americans see it. Their brothers and sisters, see it differently, so we need to look at it as if it were an F35 project again; excessive expenditures due to excessive desires.
Then don't worry, even right wing radical Rasmussen poll shows that the people in this country don't want a wall and that by 20% margin The wall is totally stupid.
The wall is a foolish and embarrassing waste of money, but if the majority of voters want to build a wall, they should have at it.
It's one country, and there are always things that get done despite being despised by someone. Constructing this memorial to binary thinking inits clearest form is better than tearing the fabric of the nation even further. It isn't as if 'they' want to invade Mexico; 'they' just want to keep it out. That is not the best of American spirit and thinking, as many Americans see it. Their brothers and sisters, see it differently, so we need to look at it as if it were an F35 project again; excessive expenditures due to excessive desires.

then there's this ..

Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
Who paid for that poll and what were the demographics?
Try the Rasmussen poll that is totally against building a wall. By a 20% swing. That is the most conservative pollster in this country with a broad reach.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.

LMAO Sure lets continue to spend billions of tax payer dollars on illegals.

You ain't to bright.
One problem they contribute more to the economy then they take from the economy, that's just another hate answer that has zero merit.
No they don't, dumbass. You're ignoring all the welfare and other government benefits they consume.
I'm not either. but it does break your bubble knowing that these people contribute more then they cost.
Wouldn't it be refreshing if Trumpanzees and company would just admit to the real reason they want a wall on the southern border. It's not about safety, and keeping Muslims out. it's to slow down the browning of America, pure and simple. There is no other reason for Trump and his white nationalists. They are obsessed with the perceived loss of their "white culture," and they view Latinos the same way they view blacks, as a threat to their "whitness."

If they were really concerned about terrorists entering the country, they would also be screaming for a Canadian wall, since the 9/11 terrorists entered the country through Canada. NOT MEXICO!

Their wall goals are clearly racist. Period!
Not at all. We fully understand that the Democrat socialists are replacing the population with one more obedient to what they want. That's what the browning of America is all about, population replacement. It has three components, overwhelm with immigration, out breed, murder as many as possible as quickly as possible. Special attention to be paid to killing white women. They are perceived to be the mothers of white America.
Yup that's why you people have to go, no one hates like that unless they are sick . This country won't buy your hate anymore , you had your big time and it's over now.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.

LMAO Sure lets continue to spend billions of tax payer dollars on illegals.

You ain't to bright.
One problem they contribute more to the economy then they take from the economy, that's just another hate answer that has zero merit.
No they don't, dumbass. You're ignoring all the welfare and other government benefits they consume.
I'm not either. but it does break your bubble knowing that these people contribute more then they cost.

Take a hint, Clem.

And I propose this JBander almost fractal-looking arrangement of fecal matter was one of the people who took the notorious "brown acid" at Woodstock. I also propose this elderly abomination, this sick, stupid, violent, slime-drizzling ASS, this unfortunate genetic grab-bag of nature's most grievous errors - please do the right thing and commit suicide. You are a lifeform with ZERO redeeming qualities of any kind, old fool, and I think it's time you did the right thing, relieve humanity of YOUR violent hate, and slither into an urn where you belong. You're a senile, violent old thug who serves no useful purpose to humanity whatsoever. No offense, but I believe you should be destroyed.
Boy I'm hitting the right nerve here. I enjoy this.
And I propose this JBander almost fractal-looking arrangement of fecal matter was one of the people who took the notorious "brown acid" at Woodstock. I also propose this elderly abomination, this sick, stupid, violent, slime-drizzling ASS, this unfortunate genetic grab-bag of nature's most grievous errors - please do the right thing and commit suicide. You are a lifeform with ZERO redeeming qualities of any kind, old fool, and I think it's time you did the right thing, relieve humanity of YOUR violent hate, and slither into an urn where you belong. You're a senile, violent old thug who serves no useful purpose to humanity whatsoever. No offense, but I believe you should be destroyed.

Damn, WillMunny, I didn't realize you were so articulate. A regular Skakespeare!
The wall is a foolish and embarrassing waste of money, but if the majority of voters want to build a wall, they should have at it.
It's one country, and there are always things that get done despite being despised by someone. Constructing this memorial to binary thinking inits clearest form is better than tearing the fabric of the nation even further. It isn't as if 'they' want to invade Mexico; 'they' just want to keep it out. That is not the best of American spirit and thinking, as many Americans see it. Their brothers and sisters, see it differently, so we need to look at it as if it were an F35 project again; excessive expenditures due to excessive desires.

then there's this ..

Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
Who paid for that poll and what were the demographics?
Try the Rasmussen poll that is totally against building a wall. By a 20% swing. That is the most conservative pollster in this country with a broad reach.
Isnt it amazing how easy it is for the MEDIA to MANIPULATE some people minds when 93% of all news regarding anything to do with Trump is negative!
Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative
Washington Examiner

May 19, 2017 · How negative was press coverage of President Trump's first 100 days in office? Far more than that of Barack Obama, George W. Bush, or Bill Clinton, according to a new report from the Harvard Kennedy School's Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy.

How much does CNN hate Trump? 93% of coverage is negative - Washington Times
Washington Times › news › may

May 23, 2017 · The fledgling network covered news -- real news, not fake news ... Watch any 10 minutes of CNN, and now you'll see nothing more .

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