I read all the "Official Critic/Reviews" of the movie Persecuted.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Fiction is --- Fiction. I liked the movie.

However, all of these reviews from "Official Sources" like the "New York Times" CRITICIZE the movie because it is FICTION.

Persecuted - Rotten Tomatoes

Let me give you seem examples:
"Persecuted squanders the talents of its impressive cast -- including James Remar, Bruce Davison, Fred Dalton Thompson and Dean Stockwell -- with its bizarre premise and inept execution."

We could say that MANY movies have a BIZZARE premise --- it's called --- FICTION! Harry Potter certainly has a BIZZARE PREMISE --- MAGIC!

Their criticism of the movie don't focus on the Acting or the Script or Plot Structure, they criticize the movie because it has FICTION.

Straw-man cinema doesn't get much more ludicrous than this heavy-handed, Christian-themed minister-on-the-run thriller.

Yes, how dare anyone make a fiction movie that contains CHRISTIANITY.

"The movie's entire concept is fatally flawed."
Jeffrey M. Anderson, Common Sense Media

So are movies that involve a submarine swimming through the mantle towards the Core of the earth.

IN other words, this author is upset that the movie was Fiction.

It seems that Progressives want to ban themes of Christianity from the Fiction genre.

Funny, how they are actually proving the entire PREMISE of the movie. The Premise is that "flawed" after all, is it?

I liked the movie. Go see it.
So I looked up this movie I have never heard of on Rotten Tomatoes.

Wow! A solid ZERO percent of critics liked it. I've never seen that before!

And then maybe it's just a bad movie

seems kinda daffy to rip what people are saying about a movie until you've seen it.
So I read a little about it. Sounds like the makers of the movie have a persecution complex.
I guess people should just see it for themselves to see if it's good or bad.
Wow "bizarre premise" of a fiction movie? Is it a movie review or a political review? You can't dial up HBO without a ton of preposterous zombie movies these days. A movie that depicts a romance between a girl and a vampire is described as an "unorthodox romance". Oh really?
What could be more preposterous or offensive or have more of a bizarre premise than a movie depicting the assassination of a sitting US President? The movie "Death of a President" was released during George W. Bush's presidency and describes the investigation into his unsolved assassination. What could be more offensive and yet the movie is rated with three stars and received an Emmy as well as "best made for TV drama"- Banff film festival, "best picture" Brussels film festival, "Int. film critics award" Toronto film festival and "best picture" The UK TV society. Today a movie that defends religious freedom is immediately condemned by the US mainstream media. No surprises here.
What could be more preposterous or offensive or have more of a bizarre premise than a movie depicting the assassination of a sitting US President? The movie "Death of a President" was released during George W. Bush's presidency and describes the investigation into his unsolved assassination. What could be more offensive and yet the movie is rated with three stars and received an Emmy as well as "best made for TV drama"- Banff film festival, "best picture" Brussels film festival, "Int. film critics award" Toronto film festival and "best picture" The UK TV society. Today a movie that defends religious freedom is immediately condemned by the US mainstream media. No surprises here.

Have you seen Death of a President?

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