I really don't care if Biden bites the dust.......HOWEVER.......

Even the Ukranian anti-corruption folks Trump disingenuously calls Soros pawns pretty much accept Biden was hired simply because of his name and Burisima was trying to appear to have cleaned up.

But Hunter was just doing the same two step as Trump's spawn … except Trump gets the money.
Did you know both Soros' and Hunter Biden's Corruption Investigations were abruptly ended after Joe Biden Extorted The Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor investigating both?
So why were other countries wanting this prosecutor removed?
Do you think The Ukraine and Russia are the only two countries that Have Mobsters heavily involved in Government?
It is rather amusing and expected that Trump cult members act dumb enough to place ALL the Ukraine mess on Biden....that would only confirm that these moronic voters (many hang out on this forum) are indeed morons.

Yet, I can see that Biden and his son did "enjoy" a bit of nepotism and if Joe pays the price for such selfishness, so be it.

However, what Trump did is criminal......and he WILL pay the price for thinking that this country's legal, ethical and moral standing could be run the way this orange clown ran his corrupt businesses.

As the Nixon-era exemplifies, the cover-ups are worse than the original crime. What this country now needs is a few prominent republicans to emulate the honesty of a Howard Baker.

The GOP needs to rid itself of the trash to regain some moral standing......DO IT !!!!

Ah, what Trump did is criminal you say. Tell us all why that is. Show how smart and clear headed you are by explaining.....

A. What did Trump do that was criminal?

B. Cite the statutes and precedents demonstrating why it's criminal.

This is your thread nat4900. Now you have a chance to support your "opinion", which you failed to do in the OP. Others like myself are looking forward to your response.
Wow. I can't believe you haven't figured that out.

So withholding US aid until; a foreign leader helps you with you reelection is OK in your book.
Even the Ukranian anti-corruption folks Trump disingenuously calls Soros pawns pretty much accept Biden was hired simply because of his name and Burisima was trying to appear to have cleaned up.

But Hunter was just doing the same two step as Trump's spawn … except Trump gets the money.
Did you know both Soros' and Hunter Biden's Corruption Investigations were abruptly ended after Joe Biden Extorted The Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor investigating both?
So why were other countries wanting this prosecutor removed?
Do you think The Ukraine and Russia are the only two countries that Have Mobsters heavily involved in Government?
Why would a country act to protect its mobsters? Are you saying these other countries had kids on the board too.
Biden is too old. Let Trump try to save his sass by blabbing lies about Joe.

Lets look at actions Trump has taken that helped his own family. Start looking in China.
I gotta disagree there. Warren is doing the right thing in running on her policy positions. The question is whether those policies will too hostile to those who allocate capital in the economy for her to win.

Politically impeachment is a loser, which Pelosi knows and that's why she resisted until Trump openly solicited at least one foreign country's help in a US election, and at least tried to have the DOJ help. That's a violation of the oath of office. If you don't stand up against that, just don't stand up. Hopefully the media and congressional hearings can show even clearer constitutional failings by Trump and 60% of us will decide …. you just can't abide it.
It is rather amusing and expected that Trump cult members act dumb enough to place ALL the Ukraine mess on Biden....that would only confirm that these moronic voters (many hang out on this forum) are indeed morons.

Yet, I can see that Biden and his son did "enjoy" a bit of nepotism and if Joe pays the price for such selfishness, so be it.

However, what Trump did is criminal......and he WILL pay the price for thinking that this country's legal, ethical and moral standing could be run the way this orange clown ran his corrupt businesses.

As the Nixon-era exemplifies, the cover-ups are worse than the original crime. What this country now needs is a few prominent republicans to emulate the honesty of a Howard Baker.

The GOP needs to rid itself of the trash to regain some moral standing......DO IT !!!!

Ah, what Trump did is criminal you say. Tell us all why that is. Show how smart and clear headed you are by explaining.....

A. What did Trump do that was criminal?

B. Cite the statutes and precedents demonstrating why it's criminal.

This is your thread nat4900. Now you have a chance to support your "opinion", which you failed to do in the OP. Others like myself are looking forward to your response.
Wow. I can't believe you haven't figured that out.

So withholding US aid until; a foreign leader helps you with you reelection is OK in your book.
Aid a bipartisan congress approved to fight against a Russian invasion.
It is rather amusing and expected that Trump cult members act dumb enough to place ALL the Ukraine mess on Biden....that would only confirm that these moronic voters (many hang out on this forum) are indeed morons.

Yet, I can see that Biden and his son did "enjoy" a bit of nepotism and if Joe pays the price for such selfishness, so be it.

However, what Trump did is criminal......and he WILL pay the price for thinking that this country's legal, ethical and moral standing could be run the way this orange clown ran his corrupt businesses.

As the Nixon-era exemplifies, the cover-ups are worse than the original crime. What this country now needs is a few prominent republicans to emulate the honesty of a Howard Baker.

The GOP needs to rid itself of the trash to regain some moral standing......DO IT !!!!

Guess you didn't read the transcript.

Trump never mentioned Biden or his son.


“There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, what Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that, so whatever you can do with the attorney general would be great,”

You are right he did mention Biden and his son. I missed it when I read the transcript.

One other thing. There is a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he had stopped the prosecution. So if you can look into it. Sounds horrible to me.

Biden did let everyone know what he did. On national television no less.
So you admit that what Biden did was 100% corrupt. But President Trump is still the bad guy because he said the matter should be looked into again.

Do you even know how pathetic you sound?

Here's yet another Trump 3rd grade "logic".......

If Biden did something wrong by helping his son make some bucks......THAT is wrong.....

If Trump told another world leader "....if you want the money that congress has appropriated, fuck you unless you give me some dirt on my potential opponents......"........THAT is TREASON.

See the difference??? Probably not.....that is why the 3rd grade logic does NOT work.
Even nut4900 can admit that, and she is the biggest shill here. Or so I thought...

As a 72 year old MALE......your "perception" is exactly why you're a Trump ass kisser........LMAO
It is rather amusing and expected that Trump cult members act dumb enough to place ALL the Ukraine mess on Biden....that would only confirm that these moronic voters (many hang out on this forum) are indeed morons.

Yet, I can see that Biden and his son did "enjoy" a bit of nepotism and if Joe pays the price for such selfishness, so be it.

However, what Trump did is criminal......and he WILL pay the price for thinking that this country's legal, ethical and moral standing could be run the way this orange clown ran his corrupt businesses.

As the Nixon-era exemplifies, the cover-ups are worse than the original crime. What this country now needs is a few prominent republicans to emulate the honesty of a Howard Baker.

The GOP needs to rid itself of the trash to regain some moral standing......DO IT !!!!
Joe Biden's son took money from The Ukrainian-Russian Mob, and you don't care?

$84,000 a month is a lot of money to spend on Cocaine and Hookers for a drug addict.

Dummy, it's not in itself illegal to take money from anyone.

Biden's son was paid to be a board member of a legitimate enterprise. That is not illegal.

What these Trumpist morons refuse to distinguish is what may be deemed UNETHICAL....and what is downright ILLEGAL.
It is rather amusing and expected that Trump cult members act dumb enough to place ALL the Ukraine mess on Biden....that would only confirm that these moronic voters (many hang out on this forum) are indeed morons.

Yet, I can see that Biden and his son did "enjoy" a bit of nepotism and if Joe pays the price for such selfishness, so be it.

However, what Trump did is criminal......and he WILL pay the price for thinking that this country's legal, ethical and moral standing could be run the way this orange clown ran his corrupt businesses.

As the Nixon-era exemplifies, the cover-ups are worse than the original crime. What this country now needs is a few prominent republicans to emulate the honesty of a Howard Baker.

The GOP needs to rid itself of the trash to regain some moral standing......DO IT !!!!

Why? Because he was working illegal deals while his boss was working covertly to overthrow a duly elected govt in Ukraine.
It is rather amusing and expected that Trump cult members act dumb enough to place ALL the Ukraine mess on Biden....that would only confirm that these moronic voters (many hang out on this forum) are indeed morons.

Yet, I can see that Biden and his son did "enjoy" a bit of nepotism and if Joe pays the price for such selfishness, so be it.

However, what Trump did is criminal......and he WILL pay the price for thinking that this country's legal, ethical and moral standing could be run the way this orange clown ran his corrupt businesses.

As the Nixon-era exemplifies, the cover-ups are worse than the original crime. What this country now needs is a few prominent republicans to emulate the honesty of a Howard Baker.

The GOP needs to rid itself of the trash to regain some moral standing......DO IT !!!!

Ah, what Trump did is criminal you say. Tell us all why that is. Show how smart and clear headed you are by explaining.....

A. What did Trump do that was criminal?

B. Cite the statutes and precedents demonstrating why it's criminal.

This is your thread nat4900. Now you have a chance to support your "opinion", which you failed to do in the OP. Others like myself are looking forward to your response.

Didn't you hear?

Trump had an unauthorized phone call with the President of Ukraine. (He didn't ask the dems for permission)

He then took the transcript of that call and instead of locking it in the GSA file container (able to be accessed by many, including treasonous spies) he locked it in a more secure safe, unable to be accessed by the treasonous spies.
Yet, I can see that Biden and his son did "enjoy" a bit of nepotism and if Joe pays the price for such selfishness, so be it.

You can? From what?

Maybe from the fact his son mysteriously got a job for a Ukrainian energy company making millions when he had zero experience and didn’t speak the language?

Even nut4900 can admit that, and she is the biggest shill here. Or so I thought...

Why is it "mysterious"? He is a high profile American, that would certainly add prestige to the company and bring in invaluable American connections with it.

Nothing about that is inherently suspicious.

Trump kids get paid left and right by all kinds of people and organizations.

If he had the skills then it’s fine, but still looks bad. Are any of the Trumps working at foreign companies?
Even nut4900 can admit that, and she is the biggest shill here. Or so I thought...

As a 72 year old MALE......your "perception" is exactly why you're a Trump ass kisser........LMAO
well you certainly act like a dumb c***.
So you admit that what Biden did was 100% corrupt. But President Trump is still the bad guy because he said the matter should be looked into again.

Do you even know how pathetic you sound?

Here's yet another Trump 3rd grade "logic".......

If Biden did something wrong by helping his son make some bucks......THAT is wrong.....

If Trump told another world leader "....if you want the money that congress has appropriated, fuck you unless you give me some dirt on my potential opponents......"........THAT is TREASON.

See the difference??? Probably not.....that is why the 3rd grade logic does NOT work.

Except he never said that. You fail again. Take your meds and go to bed.
It is rather amusing and expected that Trump cult members act dumb enough to place ALL the Ukraine mess on Biden....that would only confirm that these moronic voters (many hang out on this forum) are indeed morons.

Yet, I can see that Biden and his son did "enjoy" a bit of nepotism and if Joe pays the price for such selfishness, so be it.

However, what Trump did is criminal......and he WILL pay the price for thinking that this country's legal, ethical and moral standing could be run the way this orange clown ran his corrupt businesses.

As the Nixon-era exemplifies, the cover-ups are worse than the original crime. What this country now needs is a few prominent republicans to emulate the honesty of a Howard Baker.

The GOP needs to rid itself of the trash to regain some moral standing......DO IT !!!!
Joe Biden's son took money from The Ukrainian-Russian Mob, and you don't care?

$84,000 a month is a lot of money to spend on Cocaine and Hookers for a drug addict.

Dummy, it's not in itself illegal to take money from anyone.

Biden's son was paid to be a board member of a legitimate enterprise. That is not illegal.

What these Trumpist morons refuse to distinguish is what may be deemed UNETHICAL....and what is downright ILLEGAL.
It's Illegal for Hunter Biden to take money from The Ukraine-Russian Mob, and Illegal for Joe Biden to shut down an Investigation in to The Ukraine-Russian Mob influence in politics through Extortion and abuse of power.

Burisma is associated with The Ukraine-Russian Mob.
Yet, I can see that Biden and his son did "enjoy" a bit of nepotism and if Joe pays the price for such selfishness, so be it.

You can? From what?

Maybe from the fact his son mysteriously got a job for a Ukrainian energy company making millions when he had zero experience and didn’t speak the language?

Even nut4900 can admit that, and she is the biggest shill here. Or so I thought...

Why is it "mysterious"? He is a high profile American, that would certainly add prestige to the company and bring in invaluable American connections with it.

Nothing about that is inherently suspicious.

Trump kids get paid left and right by all kinds of people and organizations.

If he had the skills then it’s fine, but still looks bad. Are any of the Trumps working at foreign companies?

What makes you think he didn't have the skills?

Suit and a functional mouth? Check.
High profile? Check.
Connections? Check.
It is rather amusing and expected that Trump cult members act dumb enough to place ALL the Ukraine mess on Biden....that would only confirm that these moronic voters (many hang out on this forum) are indeed morons.

Yet, I can see that Biden and his son did "enjoy" a bit of nepotism and if Joe pays the price for such selfishness, so be it.

However, what Trump did is criminal......and he WILL pay the price for thinking that this country's legal, ethical and moral standing could be run the way this orange clown ran his corrupt businesses.

As the Nixon-era exemplifies, the cover-ups are worse than the original crime. What this country now needs is a few prominent republicans to emulate the honesty of a Howard Baker.

The GOP needs to rid itself of the trash to regain some moral standing......DO IT !!!!
As though you're to judge on who does or doesn't have moral standing?!?...ROFLMFAO!

There's absolutely NOTHING that the GOP (or anyone else for that matter) that could ever do to mollify and satisfy screeching, spoiled little asshole children like you...There never has been...The moment you get what you claim to want, you set about bitching, demanding, recriminating, and bullying your way into getting something else.

There's no pleasing you pricks...Go fuck yourself with a cactus.
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It is rather amusing and expected that Trump cult members act dumb enough to place ALL the Ukraine mess on Biden....that would only confirm that these moronic voters (many hang out on this forum) are indeed morons.

Yet, I can see that Biden and his son did "enjoy" a bit of nepotism and if Joe pays the price for such selfishness, so be it.

However, what Trump did is criminal......and he WILL pay the price for thinking that this country's legal, ethical and moral standing could be run the way this orange clown ran his corrupt businesses.

As the Nixon-era exemplifies, the cover-ups are worse than the original crime. What this country now needs is a few prominent republicans to emulate the honesty of a Howard Baker.

The GOP needs to rid itself of the trash to regain some moral standing......DO IT !!!!
Moral standing. That's a laugh, bottom feeding Democrats claiming moral high ground. "When they go low, we go high". Democrats in the last 3 years have done more to damage America than ISIS.

So, the Democrats without the White House and without the senate & without the house for2 of those 3 years, somehow are to blame

I get it.
The Democrats control American Media, American Intelligence and a large percentage of the higher courts. They have been blatantly abusing that power for 3 years to tear down the Trump Presidency. And they began that abuse BEFORE Donald Trump spent a day in office.
The Democrats control American Media, American Intelligence and a large percentage of the higher courts. They have been blatantly abusing that power for 3 years to tear down the Trump Presidency. And they began that abuse BEFORE Donald Trump spent a day in office.

The Trump mafia is IMPLODING,,,,The idiot-in-chief "thought" that he run this country as he did his corrupt empire that was always on the verge of bankruptcy.

Blame everyone else all you want, but the fat lady is beginning to sing her arias.......

The only reason for your cultists to vote for the clown, is to help him stay out of prison after 2021..

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