I Really Don't Understand The Left

Biden has high disapproval numbers. The majority of Americans can't make ends meet. 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track and heading in the wrong direction. Income inequality is getting worse. Crime is out of control. Polls continue showing a majority of voters, including many of those on the left, trust Trump and the Republicans more regarding the economy, foreign affairs, and crime. And yet these very same lefties in the polling reject Trump's and the Republican's ideas on the economy, foreign affairs, and crime and have agreed with Biden's decisions on these things while claiming they trust Trump and the Republicans more on these issues than Biden. I'm left scratching my head.
Crime is actually down.

Poll show they don’t want the former fuckup either.

And next year when decision time comes America won’t vote for a fascist.
Any Russian leader who gets in bed with the US, will hand over Russia to the American ruling elites. American capitalists, Western ruling elites will rape Russia, as they did in the 1990s. Putin is creating a firm foundation for Russia free of American meddling and intervention.
If They Are Born on Third Base, They Will Steal Home

Now that America's hereditary elites are antisemitic again, wouldn't you want them to own Russia? The Ivy Leaguers are preordained to rule America in the future only because serfish Americans believe in the nation-destroying privilege of inheritance.
You're brainwashed. Here is the American economist chosen by the White House to help the Russian government recover from Soviet communism:

He was the top economist, chosen to guide Russia into capitalism. The US refused to integrate Russia into the world economy, the Western industrialized world. They wanted to keep Russia poor and maybe even break it up into several countries. Watch what he says about how the US government treated him and Russia. After 40 years of a Cold War, you think the US wanted a prosperous, powerful Russia, with nukes and all of the human resources, and expertise that Russia has, not to speak of the natural wealth? They did everything to stunt the growth of Russia. They didn't want another powerful Russia to deal with. Russia was raped economically until Putin nationalized most of Russia's major industries.

Noble Savages

Cold-War nostalgia by hereditary kleptocrats who made money off the MI-Complex's intentionally drawn-out wars and got their sissyboy unpatriotic sons out of having to fight the Communists. When treason becomes a birth privilege, it's time to end all birth privileges forever.
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Inflation is often just greed, just like you said. There are many ways for the government to lower inflation, but these masochistic working-class right-wingers, don't realize that. They've been brainwashed by their capitalist masters, to support government policies that undermine their working-class interests. They vote against their own interests.
The Right Claw of the Vulture Does Know What Its Left Claw Is Doing

That's because Preppy Progressives subconsciously promote a disgusting agenda to purposely drive people into supporting corporate slavery, which is run by their classmates and is the source of their own Daddy's Money. If your meme were sincere, it would call for eliminating integrationists, homophiles, and undesirable immigrants from the Democratic Party.

Besides, Liberals are snobs who have nothing but contempt for the working class. Talking among themselves, they think we are all losers too lazy to go to college.
I'll first answer your question about the rich being bailed out (socialism for the wealthy):

3Ford Motor$7,718,954,966684
4General Motors$7,494,705,750783
5Micron Technology$6,786,681,91519
7Cheniere Energy$5,617,152,52343
9Foxconn Technology Group (Hon Hai Precision Industry Company)$4,820,110,11274
10Texas Instruments$4,286,328,86969
12Sempra Energy$3,828,022,78251
13NRG Energy$3,405,383,876264
14Venture Global LNG$3,285,883,5666
15NextEra Energy$3,008,691,129116
17Tesla Inc.$2,829,855,494114
20Walt Disney$2,483,328,762255
24Shell PLC$2,210,816,246131
27Mubadala Investment Company$2,124,035,09762
29Hyundai Motor$2,048,610,15917
30Alphabet Inc.$2,010,825,527124
31Brookfield Asset Management$1,968,826,437231
32Exxon Mobil$1,906,554,975227
33Paramount Global$1,845,796,313332
35Apple Inc.$1,833,837,44261
37Berkshire Hathaway$1,821,579,7611,190
38Summit Power$1,783,593,4146
39General Electric$1,737,066,990994
40Air Products & Chemicals$1,726,928,43587
42Southern Company$1,694,958,17245
43Energy Transfer$1,680,763,748155
44JPMorgan Chase$1,663,593,0631,147
45Vornado Realty Trust$1,623,857,33633
46Duke Energy$1,580,417,75986
47Wolfspeed Inc.$1,560,125,01563
48Rivian Automotive Inc.$1,532,854,0123
49IBM Corp.$1,495,438,545367
50General Atomics$1,476,687,046111
51OGE Energy$1,427,570,18215
52SCS Energy$1,419,011,7965
55Lockheed Martin$1,334,594,360319
56Sagamore Development$1,320,000,0002
57Northrop Grumman$1,275,514,883284
58Meta Platforms Inc.$1,275,451,77260
59Corning Inc.$1,262,885,869389
61Continental AG$1,244,875,478111
62RTX Corporation$1,168,240,858779
63Jefferies Financial Group$1,144,919,26017
64SK Holdings$1,081,550,2839
65Valero Energy$1,053,812,692207
66Dow Inc.$1,049,354,213640
67AES Corp.$1,030,194,632132
68Hyannis Air Service Inc.$1,018,366,272417
71CF Industries$982,271,715129
72Pyramid Companies$966,050,09791
73Mazda Toyota Manufacturing, U.S.A., Inc.$900,000,0001
74Apollo Global Management$896,345,186586
76Delta Air Lines$878,093,93217
80Shin-Etsu Chemical$828,683,936106
81Enterprise Products Partners$826,988,37189
83Goldman Sachs$800,873,386253
85Archer Daniels Midland$771,819,7731,116
86EDF-Electricite de France$766,205,55036
87Warner Bros. Discovery Inc.$764,594,690217
88Triple Five Worldwide$748,000,0004
89Bank of America$744,566,157929
90EDP-Energias de Portugal$733,674,86814
91Related Companies$687,200,0001
92Koch Industries$673,998,188495
93Caithness Energy$670,379,73829
94Wells Fargo$653,074,103540
97Chevron Phillips Chemical$619,839,44420
98Bedrock Detroit$618,000,0001
99Dominion Energy


The state shouldn't have to subsidize your workforce. If you start a business and need to hire other human beings to work your business full-time, you must pay them a living wage. I'm all for cutting taxes for employers and providing incentives and perks, provided they take care of their workers. The working class needs affordable housing, education (job training), healthcare..etc. At the moment, small businesses need to spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars providing healthcare benefits to their employees. If we had universal Medicare or Medicaid for everyone, that would lift the burden off of small businesses, allowing them to further expand.

When I was in high school back in the 1980s, we had a machine shop class, woodworking, and a few other trades we could learn. There were several public high schools in Miami, Dade, that any student could apply for and attend that were 100% focused on helping students acquire a trade. They had auto mechanics, autobody repair, machining, construction, welding..etc. Almost all of those public "polytech" high schools are gone. They've closed. They don't have machine shops in public high schools anymore, they have LGBT+ arts and crafts (learn how to make a rainbow banner that glows in the dark).

Your source does not say what their definition of a "subsidy". So it means nothing but a list of numbers.

You're brainwashed. Here is the American economist chosen by the White House to help the Russian government recover from Soviet communism:

He was the top economist, chosen to guide Russia into capitalism. The US refused to integrate Russia into the world economy, the Western industrialized world.


Can you answer what America specifically did to "refuse to integrate Russia into world economy" and how did "Putin nationalizing most of Russia's major industries" resolve that issue?

You say a lot of things that don't add up to a concise, coherent answer.
Yep, works like a charm, when it's done right.


No, you can't. There are rent controls. Why? Workers need affordable housing. People need a roof over their heads and the closer they live to their workplace the better. If they can live in the city near the restaurant where they work, that's good for the workers and the owner of the restaurant. Good for everyone. Gross inequality, high cost of living, stagnant wages, expensive education and technical training..etc, undermines the economy. It's not all about you, the market must serve the public good.
As you know, price controls have never worked and never will work. We tried them, and there was a massive failure.
How did he do that? What would a correct response have done differently

Nothing for far too long, that is the problem.

The US and South Korea had their first case on virtually the same day in Jan 2020. Within a week the leader of South Korea called together the heads of industry and told them what was coming and what would be needed to fight it. By the time COVID hit Korea in force they had testing kits waiting, they had COVID tracking in place and had more than enough PPE gear for their first responders and medical personnel.

Trump did not do any like this till late March and even then it was a half effort.

That is why Korea had 685 deaths per million compared to almost 3500 for the US
Biden has high disapproval numbers. The majority of Americans can't make ends meet. 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track and heading in the wrong direction. Income inequality is getting worse. Crime is out of control. Polls continue showing a majority of voters, including many of those on the left, trust Trump and the Republicans more regarding the economy, foreign affairs, and crime. And yet these very same lefties in the polling reject Trump's and the Republican's ideas on the economy, foreign affairs, and crime and have agreed with Biden's decisions on these things while claiming they trust Trump and the Republicans more on these issues than Biden. I'm left scratching my head.
Life has been getting very good for the lower income brackets. My wife and I have seen a very nice boost in our income. I think Biden actually is doing a good job.

What we need more is a more socialist agenda though, then things will get even better. Socialized medicine would be a great start.

Democrats have done good, but they a lot of work to do yet before this country transforms into the Socialist country I always dreamed one day it could become. I am a proud fan of Marxism.
Life has been getting very good for the lower income brackets. My wife and I have seen a very nice boost in our income. I think Biden actually is doing a good job.

What we need more is a more socialist agenda though, then things will get even better. Socialized medicine would be a great start.

Democrats have done good, but they a lot of work to do yet before this country transforms into the Socialist country I always dreamed one day it could become. I am a proud fan of Marxism.
...a lot of these left wrong wing economic policies, superficially sold as being intended to be helpful to consumers, are harmful to the economy a a whole, and end up even harming those that they are supposed to help.


Do you even know you're deranged?

Jobs added under the last 3 Democratic presidents...


Jobs added under the last 3 Republican presidents...



Can you answer what America specifically did to "refuse to integrate Russia into world economy" and how did "Putin nationalizing most of Russia's major industries" resolve that issue?

You say a lot of things that don't add up to a concise, coherent answer.

Watch the Jeffrey Sachs video, he was the head economist charged with advising Russia by the GHW Bush administration.

Go to 4:45 and watch what he says until 11:05.

4:45 - 11:05

He explains how the US refused to help Russia. They didn't send money as you claim. When Sachs offered the same economic program for Poland, the White House was in complete agreement and hence canceled 60% of their debt, and aided Poland to get on its feet financially. They refused to assist Russia, demanding full payment of all debts and denying Russia the assistance that it needed. These policies continued into the Clinton administration.

During the 1990s, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia privatized all of its state-owned industries. This period saw the rapid rise of a group of businessmen who became the ruling oligarchal elite-class of Russia. They took advantage of the privatization process and the loosening of government controls under Mikhail Gorbachev's "perestroika" reform policies to amass vast fortunes and significant influence over key sectors of the Russian economy.

Vladimir Putin, upon assuming the presidency in 2000, was faced with a situation where these oligarchs had enormous wealth and political influence. Many Russians viewed the oligarchs with resentment, seeing them as having profited enormously while the vast majority struggled to survive. Putin believed that these oligarchs "looted" Russia during this time, a view that resonated with most Russian citizens.

Putin initiated a campaign to regain control over these major centers of economic power. This involved a combination of legal measures and political pressure to reduce the influence of the oligarchs, particularly those who challenged his authority or involved themselves in politics. This effort can be seen as a form of re-nationalization or at least a move towards greater state control over vital industries (these industries were completely state-owned in the Soviet era). Some prominent oligarchs who opposed Putin or became politically ambitious, like Mikhail Khodorkovsky, faced legal charges and imprisonment, while others were forced to align themselves with the Kremlin or leave the country. Many of them left and the ones who now remain in Russia are under the heel of Putin.

It's disingenuous of you to poopoo this:

Russia's economy has grown exponentially since 2000. I explained in a previous post how the Ruble's collapse in 1998, and the Russian government's default on its debts, led to more government involvement in the economy, increasing productivity and hence confidence in the market, leading to a modest rise in GDP. Putin took it much further by essentially nationalizing the nation's industries that are vital to Russia's national infrastructure. He laid a firm foundation for Russia to develop its economy and is continuing to do that now. Is Putin perfect? No. Could he have done better? Yes. But for you to flippantly ignore the progress that Russia has seen in the last 23 years is simply dishonest.

Do you actually believe Russia would be better off under the rule of oligarchs in bed with Western elites? They will rape Russia again, and balkanize it (Breaking it up into several nations). Without a strong leader like Putin, Russia would be "gangbanged" by Western powers, including NATO. You've been brainwashed by American pop culture and the status-quo narrative that the US is simply "Spreading democracy throughout the world". You're so naive. We're an empire with 700+ military installations and bases around the world, and all our rulers (ruling elites) care about is FULL SPECTRAL DOMINANCE. That's the bottom-line. Power and control of the world's resources and markets. American politicians are in the pockets of the wealthy ruling-elites. Big Money.
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Biden has high disapproval numbers. The majority of Americans can't make ends meet. 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track and heading in the wrong direction. Income inequality is getting worse. Crime is out of control. Polls continue showing a majority of voters, including many of those on the left, trust Trump and the Republicans more regarding the economy, foreign affairs, and crime. And yet these very same lefties in the polling reject Trump's and the Republican's ideas on the economy, foreign affairs, and crime and have agreed with Biden's decisions on these things while claiming they trust Trump and the Republicans more on these issues than Biden. I'm left scratching my head.
liberals simply cannot govern.....they are mentally unfit................the only thing they can run are gay bars and erotic fantasy clubs
Everybody doesn't have credit cards and the stock market set an all time high last week. Inflations has falled dramatically, gas prices lower, unemployment a record levels. The problem here is that Biden is not a blowhard who wants to give himself credit for everything every day. But as the infrastructure projects continue and more jobs get created along with the fed planning to cut interest rates, the results of the Biden plan is going to hit right on time next year and you guys will be left holding your dicks and clits.
lol....a family is spending 10k more a yr for the same stuff 3 yrs ago...lolol...you dumb fucking racist schvartza....lolol..........................you would have been better off a miscarriage in a toilet bowl

Life has been getting very good for the lower income brackets. My wife and I have seen a very nice boost in our income. I think Biden actually is doing a good job.

What we need more is a more socialist agenda though, then things will get even better. Socialized medicine would be a great start.

Democrats have done good, but they a lot of work to do yet before this country transforms into the Socialist country I always dreamed one day it could become. I am a proud fan of Marxism.

99% of Americans will be financially worse-off than they were pre-pandemic by mid-2024, JPMorgan says​


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