I Really Don't Understand The Left

he fact is that Russia got out of its economic depression after Putin nationalized all of the companies that I listed in that post.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Correlation does not prove any actual causation.

Putin certainly did some things right in his early presidency, but fundamentally Russia got out of it's economic depression on the back of it's extraction exports (60% of economy) as energy prices soared.

Any economist that is actually familiar with the Russian economy knows that.
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Russia can't be conducting agressive impealist foreign policy...because America is?

Do you not understand that logically BOTH can be true?

Aside from this basic logical failure there are also factual problems with your claim - United States is not annexing lands of other countries, Russia is. It's not expanding it's empire, Russia is.
How many military bases does Russia have around the world? How many countries is Russia sanctioning economically? Ukraine is a neighbor of Russia that for decades has been threatening to join NATO, a Cold War military alliance that is inherently hostile to Russia. NATO is strategically, doctrinally, historically hostile to Russia, hence why should Russia allow more countries on its border to become bulwarks of Western imperialist aggression? The military-industrial complex here in the US and in Europe loves NATO because it's an extremely lucrative business. Taking a big stick out and poking Russia while saying "Look at that big scary bear, you need to join NATO..", and the big scary Russian bear growls, showing its fangs and claws. Just top poking it. Hello?

If Mexico or Canada was entering into a military alliance with Russia or China, allowing these two countries to build military bases and deploy their troops and hardware on our border, we wouldn't allow it. I who is generally against military interventions, would be 100% in favor of stopping Mexico or Canada from turning themselves into launching pads for Russia or China. I would be completely against Russia deploying its military on our border and conducting military exercises with Mexico or Canada. Naval war games off of our coast in the Gulf Of Mexico or a few miles from California. I would be incensed. Pissed off. I believe in the golden rule. Don't do unto others, what you don't want done to you. Why are we poking the bear in Eastern Europe?

Most Democrats hate Russia due to the idea that they helped Trump win the election in 2016. Russia is also socially conservative and has zero tolerance for this shit:







The Russians don't allow this deviant shit in their country. Russian children are safe, from getting their genitals and breasts cut off by crazy transvestite surgeons. So American liberals hate Russia for all of the wrong reasons.
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Fossil fuels, as the name implies, are derived from the remains of ancient plants and animals that lived millions of years ago on Earth. These remains, under high pressure and heat over geological timescales, transformed into coal, oil, and natural gas. This process requires biological material and specific Earth-like conditions, which is why fossil fuels are associated with planets that have hosted life.

Regarding the outer planets having "enormous amounts of fossil fuels," this is a misconception. These planets do have abundant hydrocarbons, like methane and ethane, but they are not fossil fuels in the traditional sense, as they were not formed from decomposed organic matter. Instead, they are the result of chemical processes in those planets' atmospheres or interiors, unrelated to biological processes. Therefore, while hydrocarbons exist elsewhere in the solar system, they are not "fossil fuels" as we understand them on Earth. They are not the result of decomposing plants or animals.

Or, the theory of fossil fuels, other than coal, are wrong and the Earth, just like the outer planets, creates them continuously.

Dr. Gold proved his theory correct by discovering oil in a borehole in the middle of the continental kraton, where the current theory says is impossible.
Or, the theory of fossil fuels, other than coal, are wrong and the Earth, just like the outer planets, creates them continuously.

Dr. Gold proved his theory correct by discovering oil in a borehole in the middle of the continental kraton, where the current theory says is impossible.
Fossil fuels are called that because they were generated by decomposing plants and animals. They're hydrocarbons and such materials are found on other planets as well. What are you debating? Like what's the point? You don't like nuclear energy? At this point you're just debating for the sake of debating. You're now disagreeing with me, just for the sake of disagreeing.
How many military bases does Russia have around the world? How many countries is Russia sanctioning economically? Ukraine is a neighbor of Russia that for decades has been threatening to join NATO, a Cold War military alliance that is inherently hostile to Russia. NATO is strategically, doctrinally, historically hostile to Russia, hence why should Russia allow more countries on its border to become bulwarks of Western imperialist aggression? The military-industrial complex here in the US and in Europe loves NATO because it's an extremely lucrative business. Taking a big stick out and poking Russia while saying "Look at that big scary bear, you need to join NATO..", and the big scary Russian bear growls, showing its fangs and claws. Just top poking it. Hello?

If Mexico or Canada was entering into a military alliance with Russia or China, allowing these two countries to build military bases and deploy their troops and hardware on our border, we wouldn't allow it. I who is generally against military interventions, would be 100% in favor of stopping Mexico or Canada from turning themselves into launching pads for Russia or China. I would be completely against Russia deploying its military on our border and conducting military exercises with Mexico or Canada. Naval war games off of our coast in the Gulf Of Mexico or a few miles from California. I would be incensed. Pissed off. I believe in the golden rule. Don't do unto others, what you don't want done to you. Why are we poking the bear in Eastern Europe?

Most Democrats hate Russia due to the idea that they helped Trump win the election in 2016. Russia is also socially conservative and has zero tolerance for this shit:

The Russians don't allow this deviant shit in their country. Russian children are safe, from getting their genitals and breasts cut off by crazy transvestite surgeons. So American liberals hate Russia for all of the wrong reasons.

Are you on drugs? Serious question, because you post like someone on coke or some other strong stimulants.

A lot of words about all kinds of irrelevancies without any direct reposonse to what you quote.

Russia has been expanding it's borders by millitarily annexing lands of it's neighboring countries. It is of course the very difinition of agressive imperialism. There is zero refute of that in your post.
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Fossil fuels are called that because they were generated by decomposing plants and animals. They're hydrocarbons and such materials are found on other planets as well. What are you debating? Like what's the point? You don't like nuclear energy? At this point you're just debating for the sake of debating. You're now disagreeing with me, just for the sake of disagreeing.

I love nuclear power. I am also a geologist so know more about fossil fuels than you ever will.

The only true fossil fuel is coal. Oil and Gas are not. They are a naturally replenishing fuel source. There are more proven oil reserves now, then at any time in our history.
I love nuclear power. I am also a geologist so know more about fossil fuels than you ever will.

The only true fossil fuel is coal. Oil and Gas are not. They are a naturally replenishing fuel source. There are more proven oil reserves now, then at any time in our history.

Where did you get your geology degree? At Oral Roberts University? Did you purchase your diploma from the back of a comic book 30 years ago along with some sea monkies?


Your claim that oil and gas are not fossil fuels and are "naturally replenishing fuel sources" contradicts the widely accepted scientific understanding of fossil fuels:
  1. Formation of Fossil Fuels: Fossil fuels, including oil, natural gas, and coal, originated from the remains of ancient organisms. Coal primarily formed from plants in bogs and swamps, while oil and natural gas originated from small organisms like plankton in ancient seas. These organic materials underwent transformation over millions of years under high pressure and heat, leading to the formation of fossil fuels.
  2. Kerogen and Hydrocarbons: In the case of oil and natural gas, the process starts with the formation of kerogen, a waxy substance produced from the burial and chemical alteration of organic materials. Over time and under the right conditions of temperature and pressure, kerogen transforms into hydrocarbons, forming crude oil and natural gas.
  3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The burning of fossil fuels, including oil and natural gas, releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change and global warming. This environmental impact is a significant concern, leading to the advocacy for alternative energy sources like nuclear, wind, and solar power, which do not produce greenhouse gases.
Regarding your silly claim about Dr. Thomas Gold's theory and the discovery of oil in unexpected locations, it's important to note that while some oil deposits have been found in unconventional locations, this does not negate the biological origin of oil. Gold's "abiogenic" theory, suggesting a non-biological origin for petroleum, has not been widely accepted in the scientific community, with the majority of evidence supporting the organic origin of oil and natural gas.
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Are you on drugs? Serious question, because you post like someone on coke or some other strong stimulants.

A lot of words about all kinds of irrelevancies without any direct reposonse to what you quote.

Russia has been expanding it's borders by millitarily annexing lands of it's neighboring countries. It is of course the very difinition of agressive imperialism. There is zero refute of that in your post.
You're obviously the one smoking crack, confusing the US and EU with Russia. With the exception of Ukraine, Russia hasn't been invading other countries. As I said, it's the capitalist US, Zionist-run government that has 700+ military installations around the world and is constantly warmongering. If you don't want Russia taking Eastern Ukraine or Crimea, two areas that actually wanted to become part of the Russian Federation, then stop orchestrating coups (2014 - Ukraine) and stop trying to further expand NATO on Russia's doorstep. Simple.

You hate Russia because they don't allow gay pride parades or homosexuals to adopt children. You American liberals are all the same. You accuse Russia of imperialism but your rancor for Russia is because Russia is a socially conservative country. You're a degenerate so you hate everything wholesome and good.
You're obviously the one smoking crack, confusing the US and EU with Russia. With the exception of Ukraine, Russia hasn't been invading other countries.
Nope, nowhere did I confuse US, EU and Russia - strike one.

Russia invaded Georgia in 2008 and annexed South Ossetia and Abkhazia - strike two.

Clearly your grasp on facts is not good.

As I said, it's the capitalist US, Zionist-run government

Yep straight from Russian propaganda into anti-semitic conspiracies and shitting on America.

Do you at least get paid for shilling this ludecrous bullshit here?
You hate Russia because they don't allow gay pride parades or homosexuals to adopt children. You American liberals are all the same.

I don't hate Russia and sexuality has little to do with it. In fact having been born and raised there I was Russian before I was an American. - so strike 3.

What I hate is the way the coutry has regressed into a periah state as Putin consolidated all power under his corrupt ass. Russia is now almost a purely autocratic regime that survives by propaganda, repression and killing off of any political opposition to it's imperialist Czar.
Nope, nowhere did I confuse US, EU and Russia - strike one.

Russia invaded Georgia in 2008 and annexed South Ossetia and Abkhazia - strike two.

Clearly your grasp on facts is not good.

Yep straight from Russian propaganda into anti-semitic conspiracies and shitting on America.

Do you at least get paid for shilling this ludecrous bullshit here?

  • NATO Expansion
    : Russia views the expansion of NATO towards its borders, including efforts to include Georgia, as a direct threat to its national security. Stop poking the bear shithead.
  • US Military Interventions: The United States has a long history of military interventions across the globe, far from its own borders (THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY FROM ITS BORDERS). Conflicts in Iraq, Libya, and Syria (Just to name a few) are examples of the U.S. imposing its will throughout the world (we have troops right now in Syria, controlling Syrian oil wells). Russia doesn't have 700+ military installations around the world, the US does. So comparing Russia to the US, as if somehow you have the moral high ground is ridiculous. You're the one who's obviously smoking crackrock.
  • Economic Sanctions: The United States uses economic sanctions extensively, affecting the economies and civilian populations of targeted nations. These sanctions often have profound humanitarian implications, contributing to crises rather than resolving them. Don't you realize that asshole? Russia doesn't commit the crimes that the Zionist-run US government commits. The American ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government) is currently facilitating the genocidal bombing of civilians in Gaza.
  • Scope of Conflicts: Russia's involvement in regions like Georgia and Ukraine is regionally confined and connected to historical, ethnic, and political ties. In contrast, the U.S. engages in conflicts worldwide, often without direct regional ties. They're starting shit all over the place. A big bully going around starting trouble with everybody.
  • Respect for Sovereignty: Russian foreign policy is framed around the respect for national sovereignty, opposing interventions that contravene international law. This stance is in stark contrast to the U.S.'s unilateral and often unauthorized military actions. Don't you realize that? No you don't, because you're smoking crackrock.
  • Global Military Presence: The extensive network of U.S. military bases around the world demonstrates its global reach and influence, contrasting with Russia's more regionally focused military presence.
Your charge that Russia is an empire is pathetic, given US foreign policy and what it's doing now. Only a crackhead like you can delude himself into thinking he has the moral high ground upon which to stand and point his crooked feculent finger at Russia. As far as your accusation of anti-Semitism, that's so worn out and old. Try another ad-hom, gaslighting strategy. Criticizing Zionism isn't anti-Semitic. However, even if it were, that doesn't render the criticism incorrect. I can dislike Jews, and their religion, their xenophobia, their narcissistic superiority complex, and tribalism, and still be correct. Just because I don't like Jews doesn't by default make me wrong. Ad hominem attacks are the refuge of a weak argument. I'm "anti-Semitic", OK? Yeah?

You people are always insulting others on this forum. I never insult anyone, until they start insulting me. It's easy to insult people when you're hiding behind a computer. Huh?
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I don't hate Russia and sexuality has little to do with it. In fact having been born and raised there I was Russian before I was an American. - so strike 3.

What I hate is the way the coutry has regressed into a periah state as Putin consolidated all power under his corrupt ass. Russia is now almost a purely autocratic regime that survives by propaganda, repression and killing off of any political opposition to it's imperialist Czar.
Any Russian leader who gets in bed with the US, will hand over Russia to the American ruling elites. American capitalists, Western ruling elites will rape Russia, as they did in the 1990s. Putin is creating a firm foundation for Russia free of American meddling and intervention.
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  • Scope of Conflicts: Russia's involvement in regions like Georgia and Ukraine is regionally confined and connected to historical, ethnic, and political ties.

I'm sure some brainwashed fools buy that pig-on-lipstick bullshit. To the rest of the developed world Russia is a periah state that invades and annexes it's neighboring countries.

In 2004 Putin signed (and ratified) recognition of all Ukrainian territories and borders.

In 2008 when he invaded Georgia Putin was specifically asked if Russia will similarly attack Ukraine and he answered directly that Russia has absolutely zero claims to any Ukranian territories in their internationally recognized borders.

In 2014 Putin ordered annexation of Ukranian Crimea and hybrid separatist warfare in eastern Ukraine. Followed by full scale invasion in 2022.
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Any Russian leader who gets in bed with the US, will hand over Russia to the American ruling elites. American capitalists, Western ruling elites will rape Russia, as they did in the 1990s. Putin is creating a firm foundation for Russia free of American meddling and intervention.

What the fuck? America...raped Russia in the 90's?

How exactly did that happen? Maybe by America sending food assistance, which was enexpensively sold by Russian government to hold down inflation and sustain pensions?

You are seriously brainwashed.
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Where did you get your geology degree? At Oral Roberts University? Did you purchase your diploma from the back of a comic book 30 years ago along with some sea monkies?

Your claim that oil and gas are not fossil fuels and are "naturally replenishing fuel sources" contradicts the widely accepted scientific understanding of fossil fuels:
  1. Formation of Fossil Fuels: Fossil fuels, including oil, natural gas, and coal, originated from the remains of ancient organisms. Coal primarily formed from plants in bogs and swamps, while oil and natural gas originated from small organisms like plankton in ancient seas. These organic materials underwent transformation over millions of years under high pressure and heat, leading to the formation of fossil fuels.
  2. Kerogen and Hydrocarbons: In the case of oil and natural gas, the process starts with the formation of kerogen, a waxy substance produced from the burial and chemical alteration of organic materials. Over time and under the right conditions of temperature and pressure, kerogen transforms into hydrocarbons, forming crude oil and natural gas.
  3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The burning of fossil fuels, including oil and natural gas, releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change and global warming. This environmental impact is a significant concern, leading to the advocacy for alternative energy sources like nuclear, wind, and solar power, which do not produce greenhouse gases.
Regarding your silly claim about Dr. Thomas Gold's theory and the discovery of oil in unexpected locations, it's important to note that while some oil deposits have been found in unconventional locations, this does not negate the biological origin of oil. Gold's "abiogenic" theory, suggesting a non-biological origin for petroleum, has not been widely accepted in the scientific community, with the majority of evidence supporting the organic origin of oil and natural gas.

Yeah, actually, it does eliminate the theory that oil is from the breakdown of little critter bodies.

Based on that theory it would be IMPOSSIBLE to find oil in igneous rock.

He did, thus the accepted theory is WRONG.
I'm sure idiots like you buy that pig-on-lipstick bullshit. To the rest of the developed world Russia is a periah state that invades and annexes it's neighboring countries.

In 2004 Putin signed (and ratified) recognition of Ukrainian territories and borders.

In 2008 when he invaded Georgia Putin was specifically asked if Russia will similarly attack Ukraine and he answered directly that Russia has absolutely zero claims to any Ukranian territories in their internationally recognized borders.

In 2014 Putin ordered annexation of Ukranian Crimea and hybrid separatist warfare in eastern Ukraine. Followed by full scale invasion in 2022.
You conveniently forgot to mention the 2014, US-backed coup. The fact that American politicians were traveling to Ukraine, giving speeches to the protestors at Maidan.

The US through Victoria Nuland in Kyiv supported right-wing Svoboda party nationalists, who I would support if it wasn't for their rabid racism and Russophobia. Supposedly they're National Socialists, but they tried to impose the new right-wing, Russophobic government on Eastern Ukraine, a region full of ethnic Russians. You can't do that. They insist on joining NATO. Another big mistake, because Russia isn't going to allow it.

I have more in common with the right-wing, nationalist Ukrainians than I do with Putin or the Russian government, but unfortunately, the Ukrainian Nationalists were trying to eliminate the Russian language and everything that is Russian from Ukraine, including forcing the Donbas region to accept their authority. They can't do that. That's what led to a brutal 8-year war that took the lives of 14,000 Eastern Ukrainian civilians. The people of Crimea wanted nothing to do with the new Nationalist government of Ukraine. Poroshenko was a Russophobe, who hated everything Russian. How do you expect the Russo-Ukrainians to accept a leader like that? There's no comparison between American imperialism and Russian foreign policy and aggression.
What the fuck? America...raped Russia in the 90's?

How exactly did that happen? Maybe by America sending food assistance, which was enexpensively sold by Russian government to hold down inflation and sustain pensions?

You are seriously brainwashed.
You're brainwashed. Here is the American economist chosen by the White House to help the Russian government recover from Soviet communism:

He was the top economist, chosen to guide Russia into capitalism. The US refused to integrate Russia into the world economy, the Western industrialized world. They wanted to keep Russia poor and maybe even break it up into several countries. Watch what he says about how the US government treated him and Russia. After 40 years of a Cold War, you think the US wanted a prosperous, powerful Russia, with nukes and all of the human resources, and expertise that Russia has, not to speak of the natural wealth? They did everything to stunt the growth of Russia. They didn't want another powerful Russia to deal with. Russia was raped economically until Putin nationalized most of Russia's major industries.
Today's wages are NOT stagnant. They have been going up but inflation is going up faster than wages are so workers are falling behind. The minimum wage means absolutely nothing because you would be very hard pressed to find any business paying $7.25 per hour. Business 101 teaches you that as business's costs go up, so do prices.

In fact, one of the biggest problems the left fails to understand is that there is a huge difference between restaurant or retail jobs and the service sector. When the cost of labor goes up in restaurant or retail then can get by with raising the cost of their products by 30 cents an item but in the service sector, for every dollar increase in wages, service businesses have to raise their prices by more than a dollar. Example, if a service sector had been paying $10 per hour to service employees, and wages go up $5 per hour, the business has to raise their prices up by about $7.50 per hour, not 30 cents.
The Real Solution Is Employee-Only Ownership

It is very stupid, bootlicking, and dishonest to ignore the fact that businesses can lower their profits instead of increasing prices. Sick of getting the crumbs, proud workers want a bigger piece of the pie. Slaves to corporate masters believe that the profit loot is set in stone. Besides, even a union-hater isn't going to pay a higher price out of sympathy for the business's labor problems.
The Real Solution Is Employee-Only Ownership

It is very stupid, bootlicking, and dishonest to ignore the fact that businesses can lower their profits instead of increasing prices. Sick of getting the crumbs, proud workers want a bigger piece of the pie. Slaves to corporate masters believe that the profit loot is set in stone. Besides, even a union-hater isn't going to pay a higher price out of sympathy for the business's labor problems.
Inflation is often just greed, just like you said. There are many ways for the government to lower inflation, but these masochistic working-class right-wingers, don't realize that. They've been brainwashed by their capitalist masters, to support government policies that undermine their working-class interests. They vote against their own interests.
He's not an economist; he's just a trust-fund baby, born to wealthy parents.
Preppy Progressives and Richkid Rightists

Leftist leaders are trust-fund babies, too. Without their Daddy's Money, both bossy cliques would be nobodies and Americans would be able to do some independent thinking. So take that unearned wealth away from the spoiled brats. Nobody else would have to pay taxes ever again.

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