I really wish the left would stop acting like obama created this country

Question: What did Clinton give Bush? What did Bush give Obama.

There's your sign.
Fucking hilarious. And you even got some clowns to agree with you. Truly fucking hilarious.

Look folks, our guest of honor is here.

Yea when taken out of context it appears funny. Course I would expect no less hackery from our guest of honor.

As if you could take:

Bush did not give Obama a mess.

out of context. Truly fucking hilarious.

A bipartisan group after decades of frivolous spending did

^^^^^ Big print, must be true eh?
From healthcare to the war to regulations to the economy to international affairs.

Gop wants to repeal HC. Yup, and I'm sure they will replace it with laws to protect us not enslave us. You all act like everyone was on their death beds before this law passed. It's laughable. We were fine before Obama and will be fine after him.

Gop wants dirty water etc..... That's just so fucking stupid on its face its hard to have a serious conversation about it. Were we all in danger of death from toxic water before Obama came along? Get a fucking clue

The wars. He's done some good some bad as every president before him during wartime did and every president after will. Nothing special here.

Economy. Did he stop the bleeding? No one can say and those that do are idiots with magic 8 balls from their youths. One thing is for sure....we blew a shit ton of money and got very little in return.

International affairs. China LOVES US NOW. Need I say more? The middle east is falling apart day by day with no clues as to if its a good thing or bad.

Bush did not give Obama a mess. A bipartisan group after decades of frivolous spending did. All Obama has done is continued that spending.

In closing ill say this. No matter how many anti gop threads you create it doesn't excuse Obamas failures. And no matter how many terrorists he kills with drones our country is still in the shitter. 10 threads a day about Obama killing so and so doesn't change his domestic failures. Our military doing a fine job is not a substitute for good leadership domestically.

Fucking hilarious. And you even got some clowns to agree with you. Truly fucking hilarious.
This shit has been going on in varying degrees deany since the Progressives gave us the 16th, and 17th Amendments, and the Federal Reserve as manipulating tools to make government larger than the people almost 100 years ago.

WE are witnessing the obvious, and pre-engineered crescendo. The end of the path they laid out is about to take us down as they had intended, and right over the cliff into Socialism.
Fucking hilarious. And you even got some clowns to agree with you. Truly fucking hilarious.

Look folks, our guest of honor is here.

Yea when taken out of context it appears funny. Course I would expect no less hackery from our guest of honor.

As if you could take:

Bush did not give Obama a mess.

out of context. Truly fucking hilarious.
Dean did you go back into the thread you started about the infamous letter Qaddafi wrote to Congress and show us were he said he sent it to the Republicans?..... just askin,i dont want to think your a Dishonest Dick or something....

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