I really wish the left would stop acting like obama created this country

listen you fucking nitwit. Read anyone of RDeans threads or any of the other crazy lefts posts on here. If you don't get the connection after that then you should avoid forums as to not upset your sensitive nature. Now fuck off.
Getting hostile when unable to document your statements only draws attention to your failure.

This isn’t about rdean, other posters, or what ‘the left’s’ threads are about, it’s about your tedious, inane, and unsubstantiated claims.
Oh goodie, another insane flame thread from the Tea-Tards. These threads would be a little more entertaining if they contained some facts.
If it fits a description of you deal with it. If it doesn't stop being a fucking idiot and deal with the metaphor.

Christ some people are too anal for their own good.

So, to expect you to actually have truthful titles on your threads is "too anal". You, sir, are a Great Republican. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

The title is 100% truthful as it is my perception. Or would you like to take that away as well?

And yet you admit that your perception cannot be backed by any facts or examples.

Gotcha. :up: :lol:
I really wish the left would stop acting like obama created this country
what? who ever on the left says Obama created this country?

True. Or anyone of any political philosophy, for that matter.

You really need to get a grip, Gramps. Everyone understands you ‘really hate’ Obama, that’s fine. And everyone understands you and other partisan rightists will ignore the facts, such as the fact that GWB did indeed leave Obama an horrendous economic mess, that’s fine as well and well within your rights.

But you might want to consider not sounding like a complete lunatic about it.

Great post; all true.
And yet you admit that your perception cannot be backed by any facts or examples.

Gotcha. :up: :lol:

Fail troll is fail

How many troll threads have you failed at now? I've seriously lost track.

Why don't you give yourself some busy work and hunt them down. Then you can truly feel accomplished.

Your so silly, you act as if any of this shit matters. My opinion isn't yours so I must be wrong. Obama has failed at recovering our economy as bad as you have failed at recognizing that your disdain for me is going largely unnoticed except for the wacky people on the left.

You have been very annoying with your stupidity though so you may be lucky enough to join tm and the other few schmucks on ignore.
Or any case, for that matter.

Where on Earth is the right getting this nonsense?

It must be from the ConWeb, the blogs, the AM radio, and Fox. Such fiction seems to have found its way into the rightist echo chamber, to the exclusion to facts and reality.

It must be nice to be like the OP, making shit up and then getting all indignant when people actually want him to show the source of his made-up shit.

A Great Republican, it would appear.

listen you fucking nitwit. Read anyone of RDeans threads or any of the other crazy lefts posts on here. If you don't get the connection after that then you should avoid forums as to not upset your sensitive nature. Now fuck off.

You're funny when you get psychotic. As for this thread...yawn!
We get it, you hate the man. When/if he wins re-election, I hope you don't have any sharp objects near you.
This has been the Pub obstruction economy since 4/4/2010. "Jobs jobs jobs" my butt...
Leave it to the left to create a falsehood. Reading is not in your list of accomplishments apparently.

I challenge any of you to quote me saying that the left SAY Obama created America.

Go on, go ahead and quote me saying that, ill wait.

Funny thing is Obama can't even create a stable economy and that is what he was hired for.

I'll be waiting for your quote of me but looking for the diversion. Good luck
Fail troll is fail

How many troll threads have you failed at now? I've seriously lost track.

Why don't you give yourself some busy work and hunt them down. Then you can truly feel accomplished.

Your so silly, you act as if any of this shit matters. My opinion isn't yours so I must be wrong. Obama has failed at recovering our economy as bad as you have failed at recognizing that your disdain for me is going largely unnoticed except for the wacky people on the left.

You have been very annoying with your stupidity though so you may be lucky enough to join tm and the other few schmucks on ignore.
Your opinion that you have not once been able to back up with any concrete examples as to why you would form such an opinion...such as:

1. Left thinks of Obama as God....but can't give any examples of even one Lefty thinking so.

2. Left thinks Country started with Obama...but can't give any examples of even one Lefty thinking so.

3. Gets VERY VERY cranky when asked to give any examples of any of your Thread titles...and starts calling names....you call us trolls because we want evidence...you call us stupid because we want evidence....you call us very annoying because we want evidence.

You, Sir, fit in quite nicely with the Right. Indeed you do.
Leave it to the left to create a falsehood. Reading is not in your list of accomplishments apparently.

I challenge any of you to quote me saying that the left SAY Obama created America.

Go on, go ahead and quote me saying that, ill wait.

Funny thing is Obama can't even create a stable economy and that is what he was hired for.

I'll be waiting for your quote of me but looking for the diversion. Good luck

What an incredibly Ironic statement coming from you.
How many troll threads have you failed at now? I've seriously lost track.

Why don't you give yourself some busy work and hunt them down. Then you can truly feel accomplished.

Your so silly, you act as if any of this shit matters. My opinion isn't yours so I must be wrong. Obama has failed at recovering our economy as bad as you have failed at recognizing that your disdain for me is going largely unnoticed except for the wacky people on the left.

You have been very annoying with your stupidity though so you may be lucky enough to join tm and the other few schmucks on ignore.
Your opinion that you have not once been able to back up with any concrete examples as to why you would form such an opinion...such as:

1. Left thinks of Obama as God....but can't give any examples of even one Lefty thinking so.

2. Left thinks Country started with Obama...but can't give any examples of even one Lefty thinking so.

3. Gets VERY VERY cranky when asked to give any examples of any of your Thread titles...and starts calling names....you call us trolls because we want evidence...you call us stupid because we want evidence....you call us very annoying because we want evidence.

You, Sir, fit in quite nicely with the Right. Indeed you do.

1. Again, learn to read. That's not what I said.

2. Lie, never said that.

3. Only calling you names because your the idiot that doesn't understand a metaphor. Twit
Leave it to the left to create a falsehood. Reading is not in your list of accomplishments apparently.

I challenge any of you to quote me saying that the left SAY Obama created America.

Go on, go ahead and quote me saying that, ill wait.

Funny thing is Obama can't even create a stable economy and that is what he was hired for.

I'll be waiting for your quote of me but looking for the diversion. Good luck

What an incredibly Ironic statement coming from you.

That's what I thought troll. Nothing but diversions. Later hack.
From healthcare to the war to regulations to the economy to international affairs.

Gop wants to repeal HC. Yup, and I'm sure they will replace it with laws to protect us not enslave us. You all act like everyone was on their death beds before this law passed. It's laughable. We were fine before Obama and will be fine after him.

Gop wants dirty water etc..... That's just so fucking stupid on its face its hard to have a serious conversation about it. Were we all in danger of death from toxic water before Obama came along? Get a fucking clue

The wars. He's done some good some bad as every president before him during wartime did and every president after will. Nothing special here.

Economy. Did he stop the bleeding? No one can say and those that do are idiots with magic 8 balls from their youths. One thing is for sure....we blew a shit ton of money and got very little in return.

International affairs. China LOVES US NOW. Need I say more? The middle east is falling apart day by day with no clues as to if its a good thing or bad.

Bush did not give Obama a mess. A bipartisan group after decades of frivolous spending did. All Obama has done is continued that spending.

In closing ill say this. No matter how many anti gop threads you create it doesn't excuse Obamas failures. And no matter how many terrorists he kills with drones our country is still in the shitter. 10 threads a day about Obama killing so and so doesn't change his domestic failures. Our military doing a fine job is not a substitute for good leadership domestically.
Just another one of your typical anti-Obama rants - long on rhetoric, short on substance!

Let's set the record straight on at least one item - it was not "a bipartisan group" that created America's public debt. Prior to 2009, not one Democratic presidents since 1945 had increased the federal debt/GDP ratio.

The federal debt had reached 84.2%/GDP when GW Bush left office in January 2009 - before Obama ever set foot in the White House.

Let's drop "bipartisan group" smoke screen and name names - the following Republican presidents increased the federal debt/GDP ratio by a combined 61.4%
- Ronald Reagan had a 20.6% increase in the debt/GDP increase.
- GHW Bush had a 13.0% increase in the debt/GDP increase.
- GW Bush had a 27.8% increase in the debt/GDP increase.

Obama did not create America, BUT 3 Republican presidents did create the debt crisis!

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