I reject the Trump extremism

Good for you!!
I had you pegged as one of the last who would waffle on your support. And then you go and do a lot more than just waffling!

Votto certainly did get the ball rolling!

Now you are a phobe, sans the dogma.
Next time I need input from the inbred Pakistani point of view, I'll ask for it, k?
Interesting how you left out the part in my post that said

Spending your life attacking a good man who was possibly the best president we've ever had (think: ends legalized baby killing... respects a nation's boundaries...etc) cannot come to a good end..
Next time I need input from the inbred Pakistani point of view, I'll ask for it, k?
It was the opportunity I've waited for with you for quite a while.

But I still feel embarrassment for you. LOL

Now we can finally be finished!
I reject it on both sides

1. I don't believe Trump is the source of all our ills and needs continually pummeled.

2. And I definitely don't think he is the cure of those ills by electing him again.

Where do you fall?
Trump was the best President of modern times.

The Democrats hated his agenda to make America great again because their agenda is to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.

They couldn't beat him on his record because it was a million times better than The Worthless Negro/Potatohead administration.

They tried a coup with the silly Russia Coup but that failed.

They tried a couple of bogus impeachments but those failed.

They had to steal an election to get rid of him.

Now they are lying about him and using the Justice Office and filthy traitorous FBI to undermine him. They know with their disastrous record nobody with an IQ of higher than about 60 will be voting for a Democrat in the midterm or next Presidential race.

Democrats have to lie, cheat or steal because they have nothing but disaster for this country.
But that explains it my friend, you are aware of the errors in the exaggerations and now you are saying so.

Of course I disagree with your analysis of Russia's intentions, and so we would be better to not debate your assertions. However, I won't refuse the debate.

Is your understanding and position real?

On that question, I don't know, but I find it troubling when you have already said that you don't claim clear objectivity!

For that reason alone I have to doubt that you're firm on your positions.

Mearsheimer's opinion leaves me cold, but I can't help thinking that only a closed minded ass would disagree with him.

Maybe I've been wrong on him all along, but on the question of it being America's proxy war with Russia, he can't be wrong!

White 6, you elevate the level of discussion on this board. Thank you for making it worth my time to continue.
Oh, it is a proxy war, to be sure. Better for them to deal with it, than us, as it is their ass only the line, to stand up for their freedom at this time, not ours. Freedom from oppression, invasion and control, cannot be given as a gift. You must want it and fight for it and then be ready to fight to retain it. It has always been this way.
No, that's still not a sure thing. The R's may not take the presidency and if they do then Liz Cheney can't be ruled out. However, DeSantis represents Trumpism in my opinion, even though a lot of his pranks are meant to play to Trump's base. He has no choice if he wants to draw those like you who are losing it on Trump and his ambitions.

Do you now agree that Trump's ambition is fascism in America? Why do you leave him?
Liz Cheney has already been ruled out. She is universally reviled by Republicans

Nobody is "losing it." We agree that you're a delusional NAZI.
Trump was the best President of modern times.

The Democrats hated his agenda to make America great again because their agenda is to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.

They couldn't beat him on his record because it was a million times better than The Worthless Negro/Potatohead administration.

They tried a coup with the silly Russia Coup but that failed.

They tried a couple of bogus impeachments but those failed.

They had to steal an election to get rid of him.

Now they are lying about him and using the Justice Office and filthy traitorous FBI to undermine him. They know with their disastrous record nobody with an IQ of higher than about 60 will be voting for a Democrat in the midterm or next Presidential race.

Democrats have to lie, cheat or steal because they have nothing but disaster for this country.
Your comments are attached to your pride in flying the racists' banner. That can only add credibility to your positions, in the eyes of Americans who are embracing the Trump agenda.
Oh, it is a proxy war, to be sure. Better for them to deal with it, than us, as it is their ass only the line, to stand up for their freedom at this time, not ours. Freedom from oppression, invasion and control, cannot be given as a gift. You must want it and fight for it and then be ready to fight to retain it. It has always been this way.
I don't think our understandings on that which is a proxy war, are consistent.

I'm making myself clear in saying that it's America's war with Russia, with America using the Ukraine for nothing more than convenience.
I won't argue that it's the same on the part of Russia, even though I don't believe it.
Well, that ain't happening. So, I doubt they get the message in November, because politics is no longer about the good and welfare of conducting the country's business (if it ever was), but certainly the fundraising (once a pain in the ass of politicians everywhere) is now the apple in the eye of people who only want to raise fungible funds off other people's money. What better way to stimulate the contributions is to make up and promote attractive lies to be accepted by the rubes, as if spouting and receiving the prattle of carnival barkers fleecing the masses at the county fair?
TDS runs deep in this clown. Seved same time so that Virtue you keep spouting is BS
I don't think our understandings on that which is a proxy war, are consistent.

I'm making myself clear in saying that it's America's war with Russia, with America using the Ukraine for nothing more than convenience.
I won't argue that it's the same on the part of Russia, even though I don't believe it.
Oh. I guess we do disagree. Ukraine is fighting to maintain its independence from Russian rule, its interference, and it's encroachment on land, territory, ports and access legally under Ukrainian legal control as recognized by the world. Fuck Russia. We support Ukraine, and it's desire to maintain its independence against the aggressor nation Russia. It is better we support than to wait until they are actively attacking NATO countries. The actions of Russia against neighbors is part of their pattern while in communist rule, and carried forward. We stand against this continued adherence to acts of oppression, invasion and control by this bad actor, now, just as we did before foolishly declaring the Cold War had been won.
Now do you get it?
Trump’s foreign policies were awesome. He was helping to create a more stable ME through the Abraham Accord.

He was forcing NATO nations to foot more of the bill for their security.

He was keeping China in check.

He was reducing our military footprint overseas in a safe and calculated way.

Domestic policy was sound as well. He lowered the tax burden on the middle and working classes.

He promoted corporations to bring their profits back to the US where they provided more tax revenues to the US treasury than to other countries with a lower tax burden.

He got industry to bring manufacturing jobs back home.

He returned us to being energy independent.

He was keeping our southern border secure.
TDS runs deep in this clown. Seved same time so that Virtue you keep spouting is BS
You might as well save it Bozo, for somebody else.

I reject the Trump extremism​

Trump’s foreign policies were awesome. He was helping to create a more stable ME through the Abraham Accord.

He was forcing NATO nations to foot more of the bill for their security.

He was keeping China in check.

He was reducing our military footprint overseas in a safe and calculated way.

Domestic policy was sound as well. He lowered the tax burden on the middle and working classes.

He promoted corporations to bring their profits back to the US where they provided more tax revenues to the US treasury than to other countries with a lower tax burden.

He got industry to bring manufacturing jobs back home. He returned us to bring energy independent.

He was keeping our southern border secure.

Which, of course, is why the globalists spent such effort on taking him down.
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Agreed, but following him down his rabbit hole with his rabid supporters has potential to be bring us to our worst fears, including the destruction of this country, based on voting in and voting out our representatives and leaders as we feel the need.
What "fears" are those? What catastrophe would happen if Trump supporters get what they want, prosperity? Equal justice? Control of our borders?
You might as well save it Bozo, for somebody else.

I reject the Trump extremism​

What is extreme about Trump is his behavior.

His policies are actually liberal in some areas, not extreme. Take tarrifs, for instance - anybody who knows anything about pilitics realizes this has always been a liberal position as it acts to protect hobs for American workers.

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