I reject the Trump extremism

I reject TDS. You have a full blown case of it.

Used to be polite to you. Thats over

Trump Devotion syndrome.
Oh no, I enjoyed it very much :D

I am getting quite vexed myself. It is turning into a reddit forum over here. Facts are meaningless on these forums and reality simply is ignored.

It is getting to the point where I will flatly be unable to vote for a republican ever again. Not because the politicians, low quality crap they are, but the voters. Holy shit it is getting beyond reasonable.
I understand, but not willing to give up on all them yet. There are left wing nut ball, aplenty and quite few, already sitting in Congress. No way, I would support one party Democrat rule. I could support voting for a "First I will do no harm, and swear to abide by the rule of law and constitution candidate". It ought to be asked in every forum they speak at, and by every reporter of every leaning in every interview. Character and a belief in the constitution, used to be givens. We now know, supreme court justices will shade their answers on direct question on issues. Politicians for President go through a longer process before the people and must be repeatedly questioned and answers must be believable, based on their history or lack of it.
I reject it on both sides

1. I don't believe Trump is the source of all our ills and needs continually pummeled.

2. And I definitely don't think he is the cure of those ills by electing him again.

Where do you fall?
Dude, you are so awesome, so above us peons who ascribe to political parties.

If only I could be as wise as you, to shit on both sides in the act of a true rebel.

However, if you have a set of balls, you have to stand into a voting booth like the rest of us.

Trump or Biden.. who do you vote for today?

It's a one word answer question.. Go
Dude, you are so awesome, so above us peons who ascribe to political parties.

If only I could be as wise as you, to shit on both sides in the act of a true rebel.

However, if you have a set of balls, you have to stand into a voting booth like the rest of us.

Trump or Biden.. who do you vote for today?

It's a one word answer question.. Go
Neither as that will not be the only two options. And if they really were the only 2 options then I can find better ways to spend my time than telling either of those useless authoritarians that they have yet one more person willing to say they should have any power over anything past the McDonalds drive through window. Punching myself in the nuts would be a better use of my time rather than showing support for either of them.

Why this is so hard for the partisans to understand is beyond me.
Don't vote for Joe if you don't want to. Heck, if given a viable alternative, I won't either next time. One thing for certain though, my vote will not be for somebody that thinks elections should be overthrown after all the states have sent there electoral votes for recording, and certainly will not be for anybody that would encourage others to turn their backs on their oaths to protect the constitution, or that sends a mob to march on the capital to change the outcome by hook or violent crook. God Bless Mike Pence for standing up to the bastard when push came to shove, and are representative republic in the balance.
You were singing this tune during the four plus years of "Russian Collusion"; stole the election from SHillary ???

I really doubt it.
We could start with the attempt to overthrow the election, even after losing the recount and in the courts.
A few hundred (at most) people, unarmed,
probably including a major percentage AntiFa 'fifth columnists',
engaging in "illegal entry and occupy",
though in some cases with the aid of the "defending" police,
of one Capital building,
for a few hours,
is not the sort of thing that can overthrow an election.

At most it is political street theater, and likely motivated to discredit the Right, and distract from the Left's insurrection of Summer 2020.
A few hundred (at most) people, unarmed,
probably including a major percentage AntiFa 'fifth columnists',
engaging in "illegal entry and occupy",
though in some cases with the aid of the "defending" police,
of one Capital building,
for a few hours,
is not the sort of thing that can overthrow an election.

At most it is political street theater, and likely motivated to discredit the Right, and distract from the Left's insurrection of Summer 2020.
Then it was stupid and destructive to the country for the loser, Donny to push for it.

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