I reject the Trump extremism

What "fears" are those? What catastrophe would happen if Trump supporters get what they want, prosperity? Equal justice? Control of our borders?
None of the above. The trump supporters would not be living in a country of laws, adhering to a constitution that guaranteed rights. I cannot think of a historic example where that has worked well, certainly on for 246 years. Don't Be Shortsighted.
Agreed, but following him down his rabbit hole with his rabid supporters has potential to be bring us to our worst fears, including the destruction of this country, based on voting in and voting out our representatives and leaders as we feel the need.
You're confused. Destroying the corrupt elitist political class of both parties will actually save this country and return the power back to the people.
None of the above. The trump supporters would not be living in a country of laws, adhering to a constitution that guaranteed rights. I cannot think of a historic example where that has worked well, certainly on for 246 years. Don't Be Shortsighted.
That doesn't describe America under Biden. We have a two-tier system of justice where only Republicans are subject to the law.
None of the above. The trump supporters would not be living in a country of laws, adhering to a constitution that guaranteed rights. I cannot think of a historic example where that has worked well, certainly on for 246 years. Don't Be Shortsighted.
Tell that to the left and Biden who openly ignore our laws on the border. Who not long ago pushed Defund the police during BLM riots
Supported chants pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon.

Those poeople and anyone who supports them can kiss my ass.
Oh. I guess we do disagree. Ukraine is fighting to maintain its independence from Russian rule, its interference, and it's encroachment on land, territory, ports and access legally under Ukrainian legal control as recognized by the world. Fuck Russia. We support Ukraine, and it's desire to maintain its independence against the aggressor nation Russia. It is better we support than to wait until they are actively attacking NATO countries. The actions of Russia against neighbors is part of their pattern while in communist rule, and carried forward. We stand against this continued adherence to acts of oppression, invasion and control by this bad actor, now, just as we did before foolishly declaring the Cold War had been won.
Now do you get it?
I just see it as Americas ongoing effort to encroach further on Russia's border by bring the Ukraine into the Nato fold.

The evidence for that is in America's efforts to sidetrack Zelensky's intentions on a peacefu.l settlement of the Donbass issues.

There is much more to say but I know I'm not talking to one of the no-mind idiots.

And it's not a debate for us two when it obviously won't produce any agreement.
On the subject of Mearsheimer, he's with me on that. That's the reason I trust his opinion and then I'm baffled on his opinion that America and Russia could be allies against China, etc.

I reject the Trump extremism​

A thread title in so few words, but has already produced 13 pages of gnashing of teeth!

And might even produce 10 or 20 more.

And nobody should miss how it's borne fruit with it being sympathized with by a few of the hardest of the hard core!
I just see it as Americas ongoing effort to encroach further on Russia's border by bring the Ukraine into the Nato fold.

The evidence for that is in America's efforts to sidetrack Zelensky's intentions on a peacefu.l settlement of the Donbass issues.

There is much more to say but I know I'm not talking to one of the no-mind idiots.

And it's not a debate for us two when it obviously won't produce any agreement.
On the subject of Mearsheimer, he's with me on that. That's the reason I trust his opinion and then I'm baffled on his opinion that America and Russia could be allies against China, etc.
How is allowing Ukraine to join NATO "encroaching on Russia's border?"
Tell that to the left and Biden who openly ignore our laws on the border. Who not long ago pushed Defund the police during BLM riots
Supported chants pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon.

Those poeople and anyone who supports them can kiss my ass.
The left has it's nutball, also, which I likewise reject.
How is allowing Ukraine to join NATO "encroaching on Russia's border?"
Zelensky agreed and understood that the solution was in a neutral state that would permanentlly separate the West from Russia. That is also the suggestion from Mearsheimer as the solution.

America obviously never did want any part of that happening and so took measures to ensure it couldn't happen.

America is intent of taking more than just the Ukraine, as is plainly seen with other countries that moved Russia to defensive military action.

Can you add to the story to show you're not just a childish spammer with a naughty temper?
Zelensky agreed and understood that the solution was in a neutral state that would permanentlly separate the West from Russia. That is also the suggestion from Mearsheimer as the solution.
Zelensky has never said anything that indicates he agreed with such a proposition. Zelensky wanted Ukraine to join NATO.
America obviously never did want any part of that happening and so took measures to ensure it couldn't happen.

America is intent of taking more than just the Ukraine, as is plainly seen with other countries that moved Russia to defensive military action.

Can you add to the story to show you're not just a childish spammer with a naughty temper?

Why would I add anything to this pile of horseshit?
Zelensky has never said anything that indicates he agreed with such a proposition. Zelensky wanted Ukraine to join NATO.

Why would I add anything to this pile of horseshit?
I do not see Ukraine joining NATO in the next 10 years or more, but have not heard Zelensky considering give Russia any territory, as he knows they will be back for more. It is their thing.
Out of the woodwork:

When asked by Fox 2 Detroit anchor Roop Raj whether she'd support a 14-year-old rape victim getting an abortion, nominee Tudor Dixon said had spent time talking with the children of rape victim and believes their birth provides a sense of "healing."

"The bond that those two people made and the fact that out of that tragedy there was healing through that baby, it's something that we don't think about," she said in the interview.

Bond. In a rape. This is a madness.
Ok. Yea, I get it. Sometimes I just get tired of the same old stuff by the pro-trump extremists.
Oh no, I enjoyed it very much :D

I am getting quite vexed myself. It is turning into a reddit forum over here. Facts are meaningless on these forums and reality simply is ignored.

It is getting to the point where I will flatly be unable to vote for a republican ever again. Not because the politicians, low quality crap they are, but the voters. Holy shit it is getting beyond reasonable.
Out of the woodwork:

When asked by Fox 2 Detroit anchor Roop Raj whether she'd support a 14-year-old rape victim getting an abortion, nominee Tudor Dixon said had spent time talking with the children of rape victim and believes their birth provides a sense of "healing."

"The bond that those two people made and the fact that out of that tragedy there was healing through that baby, it's something that we don't think about," she said in the interview.

Bond. In a rape. This is a madness.

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