I reject the Trump extremism

Ok. Yea, I get it. Sometimes I just get tired of the same old stuff by the pro-trump extremists.

But you never tire of being a TDS addled extremist yourself.

Hating Trump is the first thing on your mind when you awaken each day. Hating Trump is the last thought before you doze off. Trump hate fills you dreams.
But you never tire of being a TDS addled extremist yourself.

Hating Trump is the first thing on your mind when you awaken each day. Hating Trump is the last thought before you doze off. Trump hate fills you dreams.
Just because you have tortured dreams, doesn't mean everybody does. I sleep great.
He didn't, moron.
I sure don't remember the Dems organizing a stop the steal rally for the day of recording the electoral votes and having speeches to fight if they want to win. Whatever you say, though.
It's the TDS that causes you to lie like this.

"Peacefully and patriotically."

Ah, but you have to lie to slander the object of your insanity, you're compelled by the burning hate that consumes you.
Cheer up. So, your boy lost. Big deal. He didn't have to act like spoiled child about it, and should not have organized a stop the steal rally for that day and sent that mob to the capital. He took an oath to the constitution, and should not have broken it, nor tried to talk the VP into breaking his. The man is scum. The man is history, at least as far as the presidency goes. Good riddance. :auiqs.jpg:
Cheer up. So, your boy lost. Big deal. He didn't have to act like spoiled child about it, and should not have organized a stop the steal rally for that day and sent that mob to the capital. He took an oath to the constitution, and should not have broken it, nor tried to talk the VP into breaking his. The man is scum. The man is history, at least as far as the presidency goes. Good riddance. :auiqs.jpg:

One standard for thee, a different for me... It's the democrat way.

But that was different, because reasons.
Just who have the Independents put forth? Nobody, since maybe Ross Perot.

Right, you're "independent." 99.994% voting for democrats, but you're really not a party man... :rofl:

Trump was the most independent president we ever had - and you hated him BECAUSE of it.

If he would have just been Mitt and would submit....
Then it was stupid and destructive to the country for the loser, Donny to push for it.
Even more stupid and destructive for the country for the Donny haters to think he pushed it; while ignoring and/or downplaying the role of the Democrat Party leaders whom incited and supported the insurrections of the Summer of 2020.

Plus reflective of the blindered and narrow perceptions of the so-called progressives with their focus on plundering our nation via 'wealth redistribution' while denigrating the Free Enterprisers whom want more focus on 'wealth creation'.

Both Clinton's, both Obama's and both Biden's have post college resumes' of collecting Guv'mint checks and side slush funding, building their personal gain at the expense of our Nation, it's economic growth and the well-being of the workers and producers in this country.

"Donny" is the only POTUS of recent decades from either major party with any sort of real, free enterprise, capitalist, wealth making background. That was and is his major selling point, especially to those of us tired of generations of career politicians whom form the nouveau"royalty"(social elites) that have become the self-appointed ruling class in the USA.

The real "deplorables" are the Democrats and Leftists whom are social and economic parasites of negative nature and impact.

Despite your claims to the contrary, you talk the way they do, Komrade.
I'm saying you're an idiot.
You say many stupid things.

Still, is it your claim that as long as you eradicate our Constitution that will "save duhmobcracy?"

Back in the AWE days a leftist like you tried to claim that democrats are not hostile to the constitution. So I played a little game with her called "where is THAT in the Constitution?"

We would take acts from the opposing party and challenge the opponent to show where the Constitution justified it.

I'll start,

Joe Biden and the Nazi democrats claim they have the authority to shut down the Keystone pipeline, and in fact did that (rescuing Russia and Iran's economy) - where is that in the Constitution? What empowered Quid Pro to do that?

I mean, bribes from Russia and Iran are WHY he did it, but what constitutional authority does he have for such an act?
I sure don't remember the Dems organizing a stop the steal rally for the day of recording the electoral votes and having speeches to fight if they want to win. Whatever you say, though.
You haven't described a crime.
Blackmail to stop the investigation and prosecution of his son?
Dumbest narrative I’ve heard yet with zero supporting proof…. There’s tons of supporting proof to show he was executing foreign policy objectives of the USA backed by both parties.
Dumbest narrative I’ve heard yet with zero supporting proof….

Says the Nazi even as video was provided.

It's impossible to communicate with you Nazis because lies to you are equal to facts - provided they promote your Reich.

There’s tons of supporting proof to show he was executing foreign policy objectives of the USA backed by both parties.

He blackmailed Ukraine using those funds. There was nothing that authorized him to use taxpayer money to blackmail a foreign government to stop investigating his corruption.

Yes, he's a democrat and not subject to laws. Yet he still blackmailed Ukraine - as the video shows.
Says the Nazi even as video was provided.

It's impossible to communicate with you Nazis because lies to you are equal to facts - provided they promote your Reich.

He blackmailed Ukraine using those funds. There was nothing that authorized him to use taxpayer money to blackmail a foreign government to stop investigating his corruption.

Yes, he's a democrat and not subject to laws. Yet he still blackmailed Ukraine - as the video shows.
The video where he was sitting in front of cameras in a diplomatic negotiation? You think he just decided to go off script and commit a felony for the world to see? You’re delusional. He was strong arming a national objective. Now Trump on the other hand had a phone call where he was strong arming a personal objective which is an abuse of his office. He was rightfully impeached for it
The video where he was sitting in front of cameras in a diplomatic negotiation?

No, the video where he is bragging to the CFR about blackmailing Ukraine.

I posted it before.

You think he just decided to go off script and commit a felony for the world to see?

Why not? He's a democrat - it's not like he's subject to laws. Besides, these are the CFR, fellow global Fascists working to end America
You’re delusional.

You lie blatantly even as video proves you're lying- yet I'm delusional?

As I said, you Nazis cannot be communicated with - you are mindless automatons blindly serving your Reich. You have no capacity for reason or thought.

He was strong arming a national objective.

A national objective of covering up his kickback scheme with Burisma?

Now Trump on the other hand had a phone call where he was strong arming a personal objective which is an abuse of his office. He was rightfully impeached for it

What "personal objective" was that?

Did he use the FBI to raid the home of his political opponent or something?

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