I reject the Trump extremism

That's ok. But I AM interested in countering the horseshit you're posting. It's pushing our nation into a hole we might not be able to climb out of. Is that your intent?
Hes probably from China trying to help start a civil war here. But I call him a Duck anyway.
The country is not destroyed. Trump did not and will not pull it off.
I am not familiar with John Mearsheimer. Do you suppose Mearsheimer is aware, China and Russia, have a history of joint military exercise every 4 years, with one going on now. We don't train with the Russian or the Chinese. Not saying, he could not be correct, as there has been historic enmity and disputed territory between the two, but that is true of both countries along their borders with anybody.
The Country may not be destroyed, but we're getting there. If Trump isn't indicted by DOJ or wherever he stands a good chance of wining in '24. If he does it will be four years of revenge, grievance, the undoing of any institution that he thinks crossed him etc. And as long as right wing media figures continue to treat him as a martyr & lie for him there will be no end to this.

I think Trump is waiting to see what happens in November. If the GOP takes the House, he'll run. If not, why would he bother? His strong arm tactics won't work in the House controlled by Dems & he knows it.

The only way to end this is if every single Republican who has enabled Trump over the past five years is thrown out of office. Maybe then, that party will get the message that he ain't worth it.
I agree 100%.

He was great for the economy, but he upset the fleecing of the taxpayer by the corrupt on the right and left in Washington, so they had to do anything they could to get rid of him.

Notice how we got a huge war only AFTER Trump left office?
That wasn't all he upset. The Dems and the globalists they suck up to have built a global corporation, essentially...which depends on China as #1 supplier and the U.S. as #1 consumer. We are the consumer herd. They dont want things to change. So when Trump started coming up "America First" policies, it threatened to unravel and expose decades of evil work.
No, that's still not a sure thing. The R's may not take the presidency and if they do then Liz Cheney can't be ruled out. However, DeSantis represents Trumpism in my opinion, even though a lot of his pranks are meant to play to Trump's base. He has no choice if he wants to draw those like you who are losing it on Trump and his ambitions.

Do you now agree that Trump's ambition is fascism in America? Why do you leave him?
Everything you don't like you say us Trumpism.

Everything you don't like you say us Trumpism.

No, I favour Trump on foreign policy.
And I guess I really don't care all that much on US domestic policy. I don't see fascism as a bad outcome for America, in that something big needs to happen before America can return to normalcy.
No, that's still not a sure thing. The R's may not take the presidency and if they do then Liz Cheney can't be ruled out. However, DeSantis represents Trumpism in my opinion, even though a lot of his pranks are meant to play to Trump's base. He has no choice if he wants to draw those like you who are losing it on Trump and his ambitions.

Do you now agree that Trump's ambition is fascism in America? Why do you leave him?
Liz Cheney can indeed be ruled out. If she ran, the media would go into hyper drive in an attempt to destroy her. Of course they will do that with any Republican.
No, your country is not destroyed. I'll stay with my opinion on it being at great risk, until I'm satisfied that the risk has been eliminated. Now eliminating Trump isn't enough, as Trumpism/fascism threatens.

He's a professor of political science who has called it from the beginning as America's proxy war with Russia. He considers the current war with Russia foolish and misdirected on account of the above I've mentioned.

There's nothing that Mearsheimer is unaware of that relates to the topic of politics of the war That's what makes it so unusual for him to suggest that America and Russia will ally against China and the countries that form the opposing alliance. However, you don't know of Mearsheimer. I highly recommend you google his name and hear at least an opinion on him. I would place him as one of the most reliable sources of information on the topic of politics related to the war.

Russia and China have issues on which they disagree, and that may provide a hint on why Mearsheimer sees America's alliance with Russia likely. Although I think he should have changed his mind months ago. The information I gave you was Mearsheimer on utube 3 days ago.

One point I'm pretty sure you will understand is that America actively strives to prevent a Russia/China alliance!
Well, while aware of historical precedence for Russia fighting on the same side as the US, I think we are in a different time, with what has come since WWII, so I disagree with the professor. Of course, I am a retired Cold Warrior, have spent half my adult life training, studying and practicing, to meet, greet and defeat the USSR and Russia, so I do not claim clear objectivity.
I cannot say, as to the extent of America "actively" striving to prevent a Russia/China alliance. "Actively" is the key word or your sentence and the one I would have to take object with. If either of the political forces in this country really "actively" plan foreign policy cause, effect and goal, more than one presidential term at a time, I am not aware of it. If so, they are as lousy at it, as they are Nation Building.
Liz Cheney can indeed be ruled out. If she ran, the media would go into hyper drive in an attempt to destroy her. Of course they will do that with any Republican.
I see that as possible, considering that she is an extreme rightist who at least maintains some concern for her country under a Trump fascist regime.
She could never be convinced to bring the necessary change to America.
The Country may not be destroyed, but we're getting there. If Trump isn't indicted by DOJ or wherever he stands a good chance of wining in '24. If he does it will be four years of revenge, grievance, the undoing of any institution that he thinks crossed him etc. And as long as right wing media figures continue to treat him as a martyr & lie for him there will be no end to this.

I think Trump is waiting to see what happens in November. If the GOP takes the House, he'll run. If not, why would he bother? His strong arm tactics won't work in the House controlled by Dems & he knows it.

The only way to end this is if every single Republican who has enabled Trump over the past five years is thrown out of office. Maybe then, that party will get the message that he ain't worth it.
Well, that ain't happening. So, I doubt they get the message in November, because politics is no longer about the good and welfare of conducting the country's business (if it ever was), but certainly the fundraising (once a pain in the ass of politicians everywhere) is now the apple in the eye of people who only want to raise fungible funds off other people's money. What better way to stimulate the contributions is to make up and promote attractive lies to be accepted by the rubes, as if spouting and receiving the prattle of carnival barkers fleecing the masses at the county fair?
Well, while aware of historical precedence for Russia fighting on the same side as the US, I think we are in a different time, with what has come since WWII, so I disagree with the professor.
I disagree with him too, but with great caution and trepidation I just can't bring myself to agreeing that America and Russia could ally together against China.
Of course, I am a retired Cold Warrior, have spent half my adult life training, studying and practicing, to meet, greet and defeat the USSR and Russia, so I do not claim clear objectivity.
Thanks for that! I have wondered about your objectivity but I still am of the opinion that you haven't lost it. In any case, I'm still bewildered with Mearsheimer's opinion.
You say you don't claim clear objectivity?? Amazing! Tell me what's not clear and I may be able to clarify it for you.
I cannot say, as to the extent of America "actively" striving to prevent a Russia/China alliance. "Actively" is the key word or your sentence and the one I would have to take object with.
I really don't see the debating of that question of great importance right now. Maybe we'll get around to the question later? If you wish to firm up your opinion, I would at least find it interesting.
If either of the political forces in this country really "actively" plan foreign policy cause, effect and goal, more than one presidential term at a time, I am not aware of it. If so, they are as lousy at it, as they are Nation Building.
I hear you but it's not totally clear to me what you are saying. Americans of both political persuasions have never demonstrated 'enough' reluctance against the other party's war to make the difference that would have it called off.

Maybe the closest would be Clinton's 99 Kosovo war.
I see that as possible, considering that she is an extreme rightist who at least maintains some concern for her country under a Trump fascist regime.
She could never be convinced to bring the necessary change to America.
How was the Trump regime fascist? What policies denonstrated fascism?
How was the Trump regime fascist? What policies denonstrated fascism?
We've covered that question on this board several times over and I won't get into all the details for you when it's obvious you don't want to know, but you do want to deny.

A hint: Fascism is in large part eliminating government employees and civil servants and replacing them with people who ar solidly biased toward the ideals of the would-be fascist dictator.

Can you contribute more to the question on what fascism entails? Some sincerity and commitment on your part is necessary before I spend more time with you.
I can read between the lines and so I can tell you that it's not just Votto. Confidence in Trump is fading and that's mostly because nobody wants to be left sitting by themselves on the losing side.

I wouldn't suggest it's over for Trump, but there's no denying a pretty big downturn in his prospects now. The FBI/DOJ are very capable foes and they won't abide by any rules of fairplay in a situation in which they believe their country is at stake.

Yes, focus on the corruption or extremism of government agencies. That's going to be a difficult task now that Americans on both sides have very little concerns about foulplay being used to win. That's gone now.
truth mixed with error

Trump is hardly on the way out. His candidates are winning all over and the non-T backed ones are losing.

And frankly, my own confidence in Trump just goes up and up every day when I htink of... the alternative(s)
I consider the great reset as the biggest threat to our sovereignty and our freedoms we have ever faced as a nation and the Democrat party is now a servant to these ambitions.

If some sort of Desantis/Gabbard ticket could emerge, I would prefer them or something similar, but if Trump is the only choice to stop the great reset, this time around I will hold my nose and vote for him for the first time.
truth mixed with error

Trump is hardly on the way out. His candidates are winning all over and the non-T backed ones are losing.
you've missed the point completely, but I won't argue or disagree with you on Trump's popularity. I consider you as representative of America's lowlife scum.
And frankly, my own confidence in Trump just goes up and up every day when I htink of... the alternative(s)
Sorry to have to cut right to the chase on your character, but I judge it to be the correct approach this time.
I disagree with him too, but with great caution and trepidation I just can't bring myself to agreeing that America and Russia could ally together against China.

Thanks for that! I have wondered about your objectivity but I still am of the opinion that you haven't lost it. In any case, I'm still bewildered with Mearsheimer's opinion.
You say you don't claim clear objectivity?? Amazing! Tell me what's not clear and I may be able to clarify it for you.

I really don't see the debating of that question of great importance right now. Maybe we'll get around to the question later? If you wish to firm up your opinion, I would at least find it interesting.

I hear you but it's not totally clear to me what you are saying. Americans of both political persuasions have never demonstrated 'enough' reluctance against the other party's war to make the difference that would have it called off.

Maybe the closest would be Clinton's 99 Kosovo war.
I am clear enough for me, but many might take contention, if I claimed total objectivity, knowing I grew up living with the Cuban missile crisis, being told to hide under my school desk while air raid sirens went off to test responses, (the stupidity of ducking under a school desk beside a bank of single glazed window from just over the radiators almost to the 15 ft ceiling running the entire length of the class not even lost on a 1st grader) learning to never trust the Russian and their stated desire to wipe out the US, so that Communism could rule across the world. The actions and words of Russian leaders re-inforcing their ideal throughout my life. Being a Cold Warrior including assignments in German and part internation NATO missions, I knew the cold war was not over, though politicians happily declared victory with self-satisfaction, when the wall came down and the satellite countries broke away to seek their own independence. The goal to rebuild and advance never faltered and they have worked to reclaim lost republics, ever closer to NATO, ever since, along with there invasion of Afghanistan and support for dictator countries around the world. So is that objectivity or a statement of Objectivist Philosophy that "reality is real"?
If some sort of Desantis/Gabbard ticket could emerge, I would prefer them or something similar, but if Trump is the only choice to stop the great reset, this time around I will hold my nose and vote for him for the first time.
Good for you!!
I had you pegged as one of the last who would waffle on your support. And then you go and do a lot more than just waffling!

Votto certainly did get the ball rolling!

Now you are a phobe, sans the dogma.
you've missed the point completely, but I won't argue or disagree with you on Trump's popularity. I consider you as representative of America's lowlife scum.

Sorry to have to cut right to the chase on your character, but I judge it to be the correct approach this time.
what u think of my character or alleged lack thereof does not faze me in the slightest because I see that you yourself have so little of it, if any.

I'm not saying that as a reflexive, defensive or even offensive comment bc you insulted me so I have to insult you back... I'm not that kind of person. I say it just because it is true and as it is truthful, I worry about your eternal destination..

Spending your life attacking a good man who was possibly the best president we've ever had (think: ends legalized baby killing... respects a nation's boundaries...etc) cannot come to a good end..

We've covered that question on this board several times over and I won't get into all the details for you when it's obvious you don't want to know, but you do want to deny.

A hint: Fascism is in large part eliminating government employees and civil servants and replacing them with people who ar solidly biased toward the ideals of the would-be fascist dictator.

Can you contribute more to the question on what fascism entails? Some sincerity and commitment on your part is necessary before I spend more time with you.
I get it. You made a comment you can't defend, so you attack me when I Challenged you to support it
I am clear enough for me, but many might take contention, if I claimed total objectivity, knowing I grew up living with the Cuban missile crisis, being told to hide under my school desk while air raid sirens went off to test responses, (the stupidity of ducking under a school desk beside a bank of single glazed window from just over the radiators almost to the 15 ft ceiling running the entire length of the class not even lost on a 1st grader)
But that explains it my friend, you are aware of the errors in the exaggerations and now you are saying so.
learning to never trust the Russian and their stated desire to wipe out the US, so that Communism could rule across the world. The actions and words of Russian leaders re-inforcing their ideal throughout my life. Being a Cold Warrior including assignments in German and part internation NATO missions, I knew the cold war was not over, though politicians happily declared victory with self-satisfaction, when the wall came down and the satellite countries broke away to seek their own independence. The goal to rebuild and advance never faltered and they have worked to reclaim lost republics, ever closer to NATO, ever since, along with there invasion of Afghanistan and support for dictator countries around the world. So is that objectivity or a statement of Objectivist Philosophy that "reality is real"?
Of course I disagree with your analysis of Russia's intentions, and so we would be better to not debate your assertions. However, I won't refuse the debate.

Is your understanding and position real?

On that question, I don't know, but I find it troubling when you have already said that you don't claim clear objectivity!

For that reason alone I have to doubt that you're firm on your positions.

Mearsheimer's opinion leaves me cold, but I can't help thinking that only a closed minded ass would disagree with him.

Maybe I've been wrong on him all along, but on the question of it being America's proxy war with Russia, he can't be wrong!

White 6, you elevate the level of discussion on this board. Thank you for making it worth my time to continue.

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