I reject the Trump extremism

If you think you can fight the DC Swamp by being a nice Mr. Goodie Two Shoes then you are naive. The DC Swamp fights dirty. They LIE and scheme. If they can't dig up dirt on you they simply fabricate something. They will unleash government agencies on you to force you into legal bills bankruptcy.

Your opponent is EXTREMELY NASTY.

If only the FF's had woven some kind of "People's Cure" for that into some kind of....I dunno......"Constitution" ?

Guess not. Tyranny it is !!

Your hatred doesn't shape reality.

You ENSURED the Trump will win in 2024 when you went banana republic.

You're not getting any more Trump haters - y'all are fucking insane already.

But now you've caused a shock in those who were in the middle, and galvanized his supporters.

He'll win again, because of this shit you pulled.

Nothing you can do about it.
I can laugh like hell about it. It is eating you up and you are letting it, cause you don't know any better.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Clap ^ demonstrating the paucity of his ability to think deeply about important political matters. Or to think, period.

On topic: I don’t see much extremism from Trump supporters, generally speaking. They support him against the endless thrust of so many obviously political attacks (on his name, his businesses, on his family, on his Presidency, on his future). It’s very curious to me that these Dims don’t even CONSIDER the likelihood that Trump keeps defeating all these attacks BECAUSE he hasn’t done what they’ve claim.
You don't thnk the paranoid delusion that IRS agents are ready to pounce on middle class taxpayer's demanding money & armed with AK's, extreme? Course, you probably believe that horseshit after listening to dinosaur Chuck Grassely & Trump's asseater Lyin Ted.

That's just one example

Your hatred doesn't shape reality.

You ENSURED the Trump will win in 2024 when you went banana republic.

You're not getting any more Trump haters - y'all are fucking insane already.

But now you've caused a shock in those who were in the middle, and galvanized his supporters.

He'll win again, because of this shit you pulled.

Nothing you can do about it.
"But, her emails" he whispered after they slapped on the cuffs. :abgg2q.jpg:
You don't thnk the paranoid delusion that IRS agents are ready to pounce on middle class taxpayer's demanding money & armed with AK's, extreme?

I laugh at the simplistic way you post. I don’t think the number of proposed new IRS agents is paranoia. We know the IRS issued (and later withdrew) the job listing calling for willingness to use weapons, so that’s not paranoia either. And I also don’t think it’s paranoia to believe that they will be unleashed on the middle class. In fact, wtf would lead you to any other conclusion? Why should any tax collecting IRS agent have to be armed anyway?
Course, you probably believe that horseshit after listening to dinosaur Chuck Grassely & Trump's asseater Lyin Ted.
No, you retard. There are lots of sources to get all this information. Even assholes like you should be able to do it. It’s not even difficult.
That's just one example

Of what? How pointless your posts are? I’ll give ya that much. It’s not even deniable.
Let say, it was all partisan bullshit. Just what did the democrat investigations prevent him from doing?
They did not prevent him publicly siding with Russia on the world stage at the first NATO conference he attended.
It did not prevent him from firing every republican General he hired, when they outlived their usefulness as a visual prop, when he rejected their counsel.
It did not prevent him from hiring all those assholes to his inner circle of leadership, whose criminal behavior was both admitted and convicted by juries of their peers.
It did not prevent him misappropriating money allocated by Congress to repair bases damaged by hurricane, or school construction on our military bases, or to clean up water and sewage systems on military bases to provide proper sanitation, in line items of budget he lauded at signing as a major win for his party, before exercising line item control, he is not supposed to have, in order to build a wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for, and his own party in power in Congress would not fund.
It did not prevent him from attacking Gold Star Families of our fallen heroes.
It did not prevent him siding with Russia and Libya to allow cross border attacks on people that had fought by our side.
It did not prevent him from attempting to blackmail Ukraine into launching investigations for his own political benefit into his political opponent's son.
It did not stop him from making light of the injuries to our soldiers, who suffered reprisal in a combat zone, due to his earlier action against a foreign military asshole, that needed taking out.
It did not stop him from trying to overthrow the 2020 election, even after losing virtually every recount and court challenge and failing to have a single governor sign off to change their elector vote to support the overthrow.
It did not stop him from having a mob march on Congress to stop the constitutional recording of the vote.
It did not stop him from taking records of his time in office, though the law clear says they belong to the pubic as public record and are not subject to being flushed down toilets or shredded.
It did not make him honor his oath to the constitution.

I understand it hurt your feelings, but what did it prevent him from doing? Are you positive the Republicans won't be launching investigations next time they come to power, if investigation is such a bad thing?
Partisan BS. You are far more leftist than I thought. Playing the Russia collusion BS. Russia didnt invade on his watch now did they. And calling out NATO to beef up their military and honor their word was the right thing to do.

Hillary funded the dirt digging and Steele Dosier. The Dosier was utter BS and didnt have confirnation. Without confirmaton they obtained 3 FISA warrants without meeting the standards to have them issued.

Admiral Rogers caught all this crap and shut it down. The FISA courts confirmed this in their investigations. Emails from FBI showed their bias as they used entrapment to try and stopbthe ligitimate election of Trump. Further more they used the Logan Act which is useless bs in history to wire tap Trump towers.

Rogeres warned Trump of this and he pulled out of Trump towers.

The left are the guilty ones.

Ukraine Biden is damn money lauderer there.

Libya. That is Obsmas fuck up from hell.

Afghanistan. Bidens Clusterfuck.

Your TDS and facts are BS
I laugh at the simplistic way you post. I don’t think the number of proposed new IRS agents is paranoia. We know the IRS issued (and later withdrew) the job listing calling for willingness to use weapons, so that’s not paranoia either. And I also don’t think it’s paranoia to believe that they will be unleashed on the middle class. In fact, wtf would lead you to any other conclusion? Why should any tax collecting IRS agent have to be armed anyway?

No, you retard. There are lots of sources to get all this information. Even assholes like you should be able to do it. It’s not even difficult.

Of what? How pointless your posts are? I’ll give ya that much. It’s not even deniable.
There ya go. IRS agents will be unleashed on middle class taxpayer's!

Did that thought ever occur to you before GOP fascists like Grassley planted that seed in your empty head? Nope.

Guess what? Guys like Grassley are pissed because IRS employees may be looking harder at THEIR tax returns & the returns of THEIR wealthy buddies who bankrolled the campaigns of hacks like him. This rant about middle class taxpayers is just a ruse to get you rubes all riled up but you're too stooooopid to know it.

But go ahead, keep your eyes peeled for those big bad IRS agents.
There ya go. IRS agents will be unleashed on middle class taxpayer's!

Did that thought ever occur to you before GOP fascists like Grassley planted that seed in your empty head? Nope.

Guess what? Guys like Grassley are pissed because IRS employees may be looking harder at THEIR tax returns & the returns of THEIR wealthy buddies who bankrolled the campaigns of hacks like him. This rant about middle class taxpayers is just a ruse to get you rubes all riled up but you're too stooooopid to know it.

But go ahead, keep your eyes peeled for those big bad IRS agents.
Screw the IRS. You love them because you live taxation and are a thief. Your side will use them as a weapon like you have already done before.

Inflation solution.....taxes and more govt. You are a complete idiot.
There ya go. IRS agents will be unleashed on middle class taxpayer's!

Did that thought ever occur to you before GOP fascists like Grassley planted that seed in your empty head? Nope.
Uhm, clap, you diseased fucking retard: grassley isn’t the sole source. Other people know it too, you moron. Honest! It’s been all over the net!
Guess what? Guys like Grassley are pissed because IRS employees may be looking harder at THEIR tax returns

Oh no. You mean people are concerned about the possible further politicization of law enforcement? Shocking. I wonder why? 🤔
& the returns of THEIR wealthy buddies who bankrolled the campaigns of hacks like him.
Yeah. Sure. That must be it. People just don’t want to pay their fair share. Whatever the fuck that means today. Or tomorrow.
This rant about middle class taxpayers is just a ruse to get you rubes all riled up but you're too stooooopid to know it.
No. You’re too stupid to take note of what we can all plainly see. Listen, you ignorant twit. If Brandon gets raises money by getting those evil rich people to pay more, tools like you say “great!” You have no clue how things actually work.
But go ahead, keep your eyes peeled for those big bad IRS agents.
Listen, ya shit for brains. Follow along a bit. Our big “here to help you” federal government is going to be forever raising taxes. Why? Because they recognize no bounds. And their desire to spend is no match for their desire to get more money.

Here’s how it boils down. You can’t tax more than 100% of income. So, you claim to have a right to tax accumulated wealth. This is obviously against the law. But that doesn’t seem to deter our government from committing crimes, all the time, does it?

Anyway, raising taxes on corporations is actually just raising costs for you. Which, by the way, you can’t afford anyway, because you’re already paying almost everything your on in taxes.

Meh. Talking to you is like talking to the wall. And the wall is more interesting.
Partisan BS. You are far more leftist than I thought. Playing the Russia collusion BS. Russia didnt invade on his watch now did they. And calling out NATO to beef up their military and honor their word was the right thing to do.

Hillary funded the dirt digging and Steele Dosier. The Dosier was utter BS and didnt have confirnation. Without confirmaton they obtained 3 FISA warrants without meeting the standards to have them issued.

Admiral Rogers caught all this crap and shut it down. The FISA courts confirmed this in their investigations. Emails from FBI showed their bias as they used entrapment to try and stopbthe ligitimate election of Trump. Further more they used the Logan Act which is useless bs in history to wire tap Trump towers.

Rogeres warned Trump of this and he pulled out of Trump towers.

The left are the guilty ones.

Ukraine Biden is damn money lauderer there.

Libya. That is Obsmas fuck up from hell.

Afghanistan. Bidens Clusterfuck.

Your TDS and facts are BS
Yah, yah, yah, yodda, yodda yadda. I have heard you insurrectionist's anti-constitution candidate supporter here for over two years. It hasn't gotten any more patriotic, shown any belief is our system of government, and still supporting that twice impeached asshole, now being investigated for stealing document, even classified ones as keepsake to share with who the hell knows or why.
Another fool mouthing off about Russian collusion, trying to keep it alive, too stupid to know, we don't even have a federal collusion law. Eat shit and die you Putin supporting unpatriotic anti-American asshole. If you loved your country, you would be against anybody that tried to overthrow a Federal Election for President, especially the anti-American piece of shit oath breaking president himself. You probably cheered when he verbally abused Families of Medal of Honor winners. Supported any good conspiracy theories lately, Einstein? Do you go out and play with the militia misfits on Saturdays, when your wife will let you. Bet you missed out on attacking the Capital on Junuary 6, not striking me as the kind that had the ball or the money to make the trip.
I reject Trumper Extremism and all the unAmerican Asshole, like you that support it. Hope I didn't hurt your dumbass Trumper feelings.
No, I don't have to say that, and it would be utterly stupid to do so.


Was he raving about the "White Supremacist Problem" and offering a final solution?

Wait, that was our Nazi democrats.

Did he call for supreme power to the state?

Nope, our Nazi democrats.

Did he end individual rights and grant privilege based on race the way Hitler did?

Oops, our Nazi democrats again.

I know, he sent Brown Shirt troops across the nation to Burn, Loot, and Murder.

Nah, that was the Nazi democrats again.

Looks like you're completely full of shit.

Unfortunatelly it's exactly in the opposite. You are the Nazi your parents warned you never to be - specially in your stupid form how you speak with others. You use the word "Nazi" how the old Nazis used the word "Jew". And today exist more and more absurde new Nazis who call others Nazis. The propagandistc fake-idea the political party "the democrats" of the USA has anything to do with Nazis is just simple absurde. It's an empty propagandistic case. The "hope" of such intrigant propagandists is it that an endless repitition of always the same stupidities will be believed one day from a mayorite. That's brainwash. The Nazis knew very well that political propaganda never is stupid enough. When many people always say grass is blue and the sky is green then slolwly more and more people will believe such an absurdity. But indeed the political party "the democrats" of the USA and Hitlers NSDAP have absolutelly nothing to do with each other - never had.
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Yah, yah, yah, yodda, yodda yadda. I have heard you insurrectionist's anti-constitution candidate supporter here for over two years. It hasn't gotten any more patriotic, shown any belief is our system of government, and still supporting that twice impeached asshole, now being investigated for stealing document, even classified ones as keepsake to share with who the hell knows or why.
Another fool mouthing off about Russian collusion, trying to keep it alive, too stupid to know, we don't even have a federal collusion law. Eat shit and die you Putin supporting unpatriotic anti-American asshole. If you loved your country, you would be against anybody that tried to overthrow a Federal Election for President, especially the anti-American piece of shit oath breaking president himself. You probably cheered when he verbally abused Families of Medal of Honor winners. Supported any good conspiracy theories lately, Einstein? Do you go out and play with the militia misfits on Saturdays, when your wife will let you. Bet you missed out on attacking the Capital on Junuary 6, not striking me as the kind that had the ball or the money to make the trip.
I reject Trumper Extremism and all the unAmerican Asshole, like you that support it. Hope I didn't hurt your dumbass Trumper feelings.
Feeling a little randy today white :D

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