I reject the Trump extremism

You don't thnk the paranoid delusion that IRS agents are ready to pounce on middle class taxpayer's demanding money & armed with AK's, extreme?
Paranoid delusion, fed and maintained by MAGA media, is one of the defining and foundational characteristics of the alternate universe.

Virtually everything they consume in their media is based specifically on grievance, distortion and/or paranoia.

To them, it's not extreme. It's just their day-to-day reality.
Yah, yah, yah, yodda, yodda yadda. I have heard you insurrectionist's anti-constitution candidate supporter here for over two years. It hasn't gotten any more patriotic, shown any belief is our system of government, and still supporting that twice impeached asshole, now being investigated for stealing document, even classified ones as keepsake to share with who the hell knows or why.
Another fool mouthing off about Russian collusion, trying to keep it alive, too stupid to know, we don't even have a federal collusion law. Eat shit and die you Putin supporting unpatriotic anti-American asshole. If you loved your country, you would be against anybody that tried to overthrow a Federal Election for President, especially the anti-American piece of shit oath breaking president himself. You probably cheered when he verbally abused Families of Medal of Honor winners. Supported any good conspiracy theories lately, Einstein? Do you go out and play with the militia misfits on Saturdays, when your wife will let you. Bet you missed out on attacking the Capital on Junuary 6, not striking me as the kind that had the ball or the money to make the trip.
I reject Trumper Extremism and all the unAmerican Asshole, like you that support it. Hope I didn't hurt your dumbass Trumper feelings.
Screw you leftist nut job. Your side for 6 years has made up shit and attacked because you hate Trump. It has been proven that illegal means and use of govt agencies have been used against your political oppinents.

So quite frankly you and your opinion can Kiss My Ass.
Paranoid delusion, fed and maintained by MAGA media, is one of the defining and foundational characteristics of the alternate universe.

Virtually everything they consume in their media is based specifically on grievance, distortion and/or paranoia.

To them, it's not extreme. It's just their day-to-day reality.
MAGA media. Lmao. Your party owns most media and lying sacks.

More drivel from your fake ass. Along with the others on this thread with Terminal TDS.
Feeling a little randy today white :D
Ok. Yea, I get it. Sometimes I just get tired of the same old stuff by the pro-trump extremists.
Screw you leftist nut job. Your side for 6 years has made up shit and attacked because you hate Trump. It has been proven that illegal means and use of govt agencies have been used against your political oppinents.

So quite frankly you and your opinion can Kiss My Ass.
I wouldn't know where to start. You are a complete ass, typical of pro-trump extremists.
Trump is not the source of any ills. He's just one guy.

He is a symptom of them. Sociologically.

Maybe you should just stick to investing the money us sociologically challenged folks make. You could always peddle your services to blue neighborhoods across the country, but then again, that would be pretty stupid. Those voting for freebees don’t tend to have much money to invest.
Paranoid delusion, fed and maintained by MAGA media, is one of the defining and foundational characteristics of the alternate universe.

Virtually everything they consume in their media is based specifically on grievance, distortion and/or paranoia.

To them, it's not extreme. It's just their day-to-day reality.

You don’t even realize that your TDS was caused by the multitude of lies and misquotes that you bought from the MSM do you? Their mind-meld worked on you and you don’t even recognize it.
I reject it on both sides

1. I don't believe Trump is the source of all our ills and needs continually pummeled.

2. And I definitely don't think he is the cure of those ills by electing him again.

Where do you fall?
He accomplished more good for this country than any president in my lifetime (and I have been around a long time). In a second term he would probably prosecute the DC establishment traitors and media liars, and that is why the left is so scared of him.
He will not come back to power. He is toast. Some that think like him but to a lessor degree might come to the Presidency, but I am not worried about that either, as we will vote them out again and limit the damage done, like we (this country) has always done. Through it all, I and probably you will continue to do pretty much as we damn well please. That is my vision for America in my retirement and I get, my way far more often than not, life conforming to my vision. Just a realist, I guess.

Pay as little attention as possible to the nut balls up in arms over Trump getting a search warrant. Big deal. It is just business and business he could have avoided if he just had not tried to exceed his authority. The effect is overblown, by him and his supporters that would not support anybody else doing it and insisting on getting away with it, and at some level the thinking ones know it, and you are correct that not just Americans, but a significan majority of Americans are just plain weary of the Trump nonsense. He just isn't worth it.
I fully understand that Trump is destroying your country and is a real threat to democracy, but I think you should be cautious on your optimism that normal and good will return. From an outsider's POV, it's far from over yet.

I'm much more concerned about America's foreign policy but I don't think we could find any agreement or middle ground on that. I think I have an advantage as a Canadian in understanding that Russia is not going to accept defeat. And I'm convinced that this war is the culmination of all of America's wars and it represents the final attempt to assert it's power as uncontested world leader.

For your information, John Mearsheimer considers it foolish because he believes that in the end Russia will choose to ally with America against the alliance with China that is forming. It certainly doesn't appear to be shaping up like that, but it's hard to not believe Mearsheimer. Do you have any thoughts on that?
I fully understand that Trump is destroying your country and is a real threat to democracy, but I think you should be cautious on your optimism that normal and good will return. From an outsider's POV, it's far from over yet.

I'm much more concerned about America's foreign policy but I don't think we could find any agreement or middle ground on that. I think I have an advantage as a Canadian in understanding that Russia is not going to accept defeat. And I'm convinced that this war is the culmination of all of America's wars and it represents the final attempt to assert it's power as uncontested world leader.

For your information, John Mearsheimer considers it foolish because he believes that in the end Russia will choose to ally with America against the alliance with China that is forming. It certainly doesn't appear to be shaping up like that, but it's hard to not believe Mearsheimer. Do you have any thoughts on that?
Agreed. Back in 2016 I was hoping that this was just a final, ugly, primal scream by a tribe of cavemen. But over time it's become clear that this is a larger part of the population than I imagined. A large portion of the population is under the spell of a spectacularly blatant con man. No way this could ever happen here. Ever.

Who knew that this is us, to a large extent. So yeah, this isn't going away soon.
I'm frankly disappointed in Votto

he seems to be going over to the not-so-conservative side..

I don't see one damn thing that is terribly "extremist" about Trump

We need to focus on the extremism of

corrupt gov agencies

and those who protect same..

that is an extremism we all should be deeply concerned about

I can read between the lines and so I can tell you that it's not just Votto. Confidence in Trump is fading and that's mostly because nobody wants to be left sitting by themselves on the losing side.

I wouldn't suggest it's over for Trump, but there's no denying a pretty big downturn in his prospects now. The FBI/DOJ are very capable foes and they won't abide by any rules of fairplay in a situation in which they believe their country is at stake.

Yes, focus on the corruption or extremism of government agencies. That's going to be a difficult task now that Americans on both sides have very little concerns about foulplay being used to win. That's gone now.
I fully understand that Trump is destroying your country and is a real threat to democracy, but I think you should be cautious on your optimism that normal and good will return. From an outsider's POV, it's far from over yet.

I'm much more concerned about America's foreign policy but I don't think we could find any agreement or middle ground on that. I think I have an advantage as a Canadian in understanding that Russia is not going to accept defeat. And I'm convinced that this war is the culmination of all of America's wars and it represents the final attempt to assert it's power as uncontested world leader.

For your information, John Mearsheimer considers it foolish because he believes that in the end Russia will choose to ally with America against the alliance with China that is forming. It certainly doesn't appear to be shaping up like that, but it's hard to not believe Mearsheimer. Do you have any thoughts on that?
The country is not destroyed. Trump did not and will not pull it off.
I am not familiar with John Mearsheimer. Do you suppose Mearsheimer is aware, China and Russia, have a history of joint military exercise every 4 years, with one going on now. We don't train with the Russian or the Chinese. Not saying, he could not be correct, as there has been historic enmity and disputed territory between the two, but that is true of both countries along their borders with anybody.
Agreed. Back in 2016 I was hoping that this was just a final, ugly, primal scream by a tribe of cavemen. But over time it's become clear that this is a larger part of the population than I imagined. A large portion of the population is under the spell of a spectacularly blatant con man. No way this could ever happen here. Ever.

Who knew that this is us, to a large extent. So yeah, this isn't going away soon.
And why did millions of people accept Trump as their saviour?

There can be no other answer but that the people trusted him to deliver a fair piece of the American pie to them. The pie that the very wealthy is still hoarding to themselves.

American working people are looking outward from their borders and wondering why they can't have an equal quality of life as the other democracies. Especially when America has the greatest ability in the world to provide it.

Biden's advisors seemed to understand that and hence his government has at least made an attempt to bring it.

I don't think it will make enough difference to persuade the people. Mostly because the very wealthy will fight to the death, the country's death, to preserve the American way.
The country is not destroyed. Trump did not and will not pull it off.
No, your country is not destroyed. I'll stay with my opinion on it being at great risk, until I'm satisfied that the risk has been eliminated. Now eliminating Trump isn't enough, as Trumpism/fascism threatens.
I am not familiar with John Mearsheimer. Do you suppose Mearsheimer is aware, China and Russia, have a history of joint military exercise every 4 years, with one going on now.
He's a professor of political science who has called it from the beginning as America's proxy war with Russia. He considers the current war with Russia foolish and misdirected on account of the above I've mentioned.

There's nothing that Mearsheimer is unaware of that relates to the topic of politics of the war That's what makes it so unusual for him to suggest that America and Russia will ally against China and the countries that form the opposing alliance. However, you don't know of Mearsheimer. I highly recommend you google his name and hear at least an opinion on him. I would place him as one of the most reliable sources of information on the topic of politics related to the war.
We don't train with the Russian or the Chinese. Not saying, he could not be correct, as there has been historic enmity and disputed territory between the two, but that is true of both countries along their borders with anybody.
Russia and China have issues on which they disagree, and that may provide a hint on why Mearsheimer sees America's alliance with Russia likely. Although I think he should have changed his mind months ago. The information I gave you was Mearsheimer on utube 3 days ago.

One point I'm pretty sure you will understand is that America actively strives to prevent a Russia/China alliance!
The country is not destroyed. Trump did not and will not pull it off.
I am not familiar with John Mearsheimer. Do you suppose Mearsheimer is aware, China and Russia, have a history of joint military exercise every 4 years, with one going on now. We don't train with the Russian or the Chinese. Not saying, he could not be correct, as there has been historic enmity and disputed territory between the two, but that is true of both countries along their borders with anybody.
Here's the Mearsheimer utube. It's not the exact one but it's one of at least two with the same message.

And why did millions of people accept Trump as their saviour?

There can be no other answer but that the people trusted him to deliver a fair piece of the American pie to them. The pie that the very wealthy is still hoarding to themselves.

I don't think that's it. People don't trust Trump. Even his supporters. They don't care. Trump is a giant middle finger to progressive statists who think that they, and only they, know the way forward (and are willing to use the government to force us all to follow). That's the message dems don't want to hear, can't hear.

American working people are looking outward from their borders and wondering why they can't have an equal quality of life as the other democracies. Especially when America has the greatest ability in the world to provide it.

Biden's advisors seemed to understand that and hence his government has at least made an attempt to bring it.

And look how wonderfully that's worked out. People don't want what Dems are selling. People don't want nanny-state socialism. If they don't offer something better, the country will be consumed by the impotent rage and stupidity of Trump's populism.
I don't think that's it. People don't trust Trump. Even his supporters. They don't care. Trump is a giant middle finger to progressive statists who think that they, and only they, know the way forward (and are willing to use the government to force us all to follow). That's the message dems don't want to hear, can't hear.

And look how wonderfully that's worked out. People don't want what Dems are selling. People don't want nanny-state socialism. If they don't offer something better, the country will be consumed by the impotent rage and stupidity of Trump's populism.
I'm not interested in your spam or your opinion on your domestic politics, lack of understanding
I wouldn't know where to start. You are a complete ass, typical of pro-trump extremists.
Proud to be. I will continue to call out you TDS clowns. Facts back me up that your side uses govt as a weapon for politics. Especially since Obama.

I wouldnt piss on you and your TDS if you were in fire. At least we know where we stand huh??
I'm not interested in your spam or your opinion on your domestic politics, lack of understanding
That's ok. But I AM interested in countering the horseshit you're posting. It's pushing our nation into a hole we might not be able to climb out of. Is that your intent?
Agreed. Back in 2016 I was hoping that this was just a final, ugly, primal scream by a tribe of cavemen. But over time it's become clear that this is a larger part of the population than I imagined. A large portion of the population is under the spell of a spectacularly blatant con man. No way this could ever happen here. Ever.

Who knew that this is us, to a large extent. So yeah, this isn't going away soon.
We are tired of you lying asses. Your disregard for law especially at the border, and use of govt as a weapon.

Now we see each other for who we are. We didnt like your sorry ass long before Trump came along. He just used it

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