I remember back in the day when my mother(God rest her soul) was a very frugal woman and i learned all about the all mighty dollar. And not to spend.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Numbers don’t lie – and according to a recently released report, Gen X has the largest retirement savings wealth gap when compared to any other generation.
"Cut back on spending and increase savings. That's all they could possibly do," Thru the Cycle President John Lonski said on "Varney & Co." Tuesday. "When are they going to go ahead and make that type of move? It's beyond me. But it might well be that this consumer spending spree that's been around 2022 to 2023 may disappear in 2024."
I was taught in school all about economics, how to balance a check book, what you could and couldnt do to make money. When my daughter went to high school, they didnt even bring up economics, because we were told, that she would learn it in College. I asked the person "What happens to those people, who dont end up going to college"? I got the proverbial "Deer in the Headlights" look. Many of the Gen X and now Z have no clue how to save a buck, but to spend it like the Jones, on TV's and electronics, and expensive coffee shops, while never even considering a way to increase their wealth. I guess this is what the Marxists have planned and that is to make everyone poor and miserable. That is Socialism at its worst...

My parents had nothing to save. They raised five kids, supported an elderly granny, and smoked three packs a day (each) for their entire, truncated adult lives. When my mother died, their net worth was far below zero. She had loans that my dad wasn't even aware of. I took my father in to live with me and my wife, and ten years later, he had finally paid off all his debts and had enough saved to bury himself. His retirement "plan" was to struggle by with SS and help from his sons.
My parents had nothing to save. They raised five kids, supported an elderly granny, and smoked three packs a day (each) for their entire, truncated adult lives. When my mother died, their net worth was far below zero. She had loans that my dad wasn't even aware of. I took my father in to live with me and my wife, and ten years later, he had finally paid off all his debts and had enough saved to bury himself. His retirement "plan" was to struggle by with SS and help from his sons.
Not saying that my mother and father lived like kings, but i remember going to the local Hostess bakery store and getting day old bread, going to the grocery store and getting day old meat also. It was a way to save money, and yes, i thank both my parents for not being smokers and drinkers.
If an average person is going to raise a family they aren't going to save much. That's a part of the reason more and more people aren't having kids
I was taught in school all about economics, how to balance a check book, what you could and couldnt do to make money. When my daughter went to high school, they didnt even bring up economics, because we were told, that she would learn it in College.

Hell, I was taught how to balance a check book back in Junior High. Basic finances was a required course back then.

I was amazed when I joined the Army in 2007 when they announced everybody had to go to the base theater for a class. But I was given a pass for it because I was over 40. Turns out it was in basic finance, and afterwards many who had gone were talking about how useless it was to be taught how to do things like make a budget or balance a check book.
If an average person is going to raise a family they aren't going to save much. That's a part of the reason more and more people aren't having kids
Yet i raised a family with 3 children and still save a bunch. Instead of buying 6 dollar a cup coffee, i bought the cheap 7/11 stuff. There are ways to save money, but spending it on bullshit, isnt going to amass to much wealth.

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