I saw the true meaning of the crucifixion while watching the Passion last night


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
People ask, why does God allow us to suffer?

We may never know, but the crucifixion of Jesus tells us one thing:

God suffers with us.

God watched his only Son be whipped, spat on, mocked and ridiculed for hours, and then watched him getting nailed to the cross and die.

For any father to watch that happen to his son would be agony.

For God, who loves infinitely, the agony of watching this happen to his Son must have been infinite agony. We can't imagine how much God suffered on that Good Friday.

I think of it as maybe some kind of apology from God.

"I'm sorry," God might be saying. "I created a world where you must suffer. But there was no way to create a world where no one ever suffers. Such would not be possible while allowing humans to have the gift of free will."

But God suffered so enormously that day, and because he is eternal there is no time for him. He suffers now just as much as he did on that day 2000 years ago. He suffers every moment of every day and he will suffer for all eternity for what they did to his Son.
People ask, why does God allow us to suffer?

We may never know, but the crucifixion of Jesus tells us one thing:

God suffers with us.

God watched his only Son be whipped, spat on, mocked and ridiculed for hours, and then watched him getting nailed to the cross and die.

For any father to watch that happen to his son would be agony.

For God, who loves infinitely, the agony of watching this happen to his Son must have been infinite agony. We can't imagine how much God suffered on that Good Friday.

I think of it as maybe some kind of apology from God.

"I'm sorry," God might be saying. "I created a world where you must suffer. But there was no way to create a world where no one ever suffers. Such would not be possible while allowing humans to have the gift of free will."

But God suffered so enormously that day, and because he is eternal there is no time for him. He suffers now just as much as he did on that day 2000 years ago. He suffers every moment of every day and he will suffer for all eternity for what they did to his Son.
Fantastic post, thanks.
People ask, why does God allow us to suffer?

We may never know, but the crucifixion of Jesus tells us one thing:

God suffers with us.

God watched his only Son be whipped, spat on, mocked and ridiculed for hours, and then watched him getting nailed to the cross and die.

For any father to watch that happen to his son would be agony.

For God, who loves infinitely, the agony of watching this happen to his Son must have been infinite agony. We can't imagine how much God suffered on that Good Friday.

I think of it as maybe some kind of apology from God.

"I'm sorry," God might be saying. "I created a world where you must suffer. But there was no way to create a world where no one ever suffers. Such would not be possible while allowing humans to have the gift of free will."

But God suffered so enormously that day, and because he is eternal there is no time for him. He suffers now just as much as he did on that day 2000 years ago. He suffers every moment of every day and he will suffer for all eternity for what they did to his Son.
No matter how messed up things get....I cannot deny that Christ is the son of God.
It's one thing to read about it.....but watching that movie made it real as if I was there myself.
What amazed me about Passion is that there were no dull-eyed extras, staring into space, trying to avoid being noticed, as we see in most movies.

Every character in that movie was played by an ACTOR, and each had a distinct personality and we could track their character arcs as the movie progressed.

And there were literally hundreds of them.

The movie was a monumental achievement that went unnoticed in Hollywood because of its Christian message.
I spent most of my life blaming God for the suffering I've had to endure in my life.

Only recently did I realize what a fool I've been.

Compared to most of my fellow human beings, my suffering is mild.

I have decided to be grateful for the good things God has given me.
It was someone on this forum who showed me the way: be like the man on the left side of the cross, or like the man on the right.

The man on the left mocked Jesus, told him to save himself and them.

The man on the right said, we deserve this punishment. Please Jesus, I ask only that you remember me when you enter your kingdom.

All my life I've been the man on the left: cursing God, condemning him, for all the bad things that happened to me in my life. I told him, you could save me from this any time, but you don't. So obviously, it's a lie that you're a loving God.

But now, I'm the man on the right. I know that whatever I've endured in this life, if there was true justice I'd probably have to endure more. I will be grateful to God for what he has given me, and have faith in God that he will remember me if I remember him.
I watched Passion Of The Christ twice when it first came out in theaters. What I took away from it is that Mel Gibson is a weirdo.
People ask, why does God allow us to suffer?

We may never know, but the crucifixion of Jesus tells us one thing:

God suffers with us.

God watched his only Son be whipped, spat on, mocked and ridiculed for hours, and then watched him getting nailed to the cross and die.

For any father to watch that happen to his son would be agony.

For God, who loves infinitely, the agony of watching this happen to his Son must have been infinite agony. We can't imagine how much God suffered on that Good Friday.

I think of it as maybe some kind of apology from God.

"I'm sorry," God might be saying. "I created a world where you must suffer. But there was no way to create a world where no one ever suffers. Such would not be possible while allowing humans to have the gift of free will."

But God suffered so enormously that day, and because he is eternal there is no time for him. He suffers now just as much as he did on that day 2000 years ago. He suffers every moment of every day and he will suffer for all eternity for what they did to his Son.

Not only did He suffer watching what was being done to His Son...…..but also knowing we (His children & creation) were the cause of it.

But the best message from all of that is He is Risen, Life has overcome death & sin and we are forgiven by His gracious mercy. Amen
I watched Passion Of The Christ twice when it first came out in theaters. What I took away from it is that Mel Gibson is a weirdo.
Many geniuses are weirdos.

Did you notice all the small roles.

Each played by an actor who sometimes had to convey it all with a facial expression and body movements.

The "good" Roman soldier who kept looking at Jesus with a kind expression while the others tormented at him.

The "crazy" Roman soldier who was the worst of the mockers.

The stern looking centurion with a soft expression on his face when he looked at Jesus.

The Jewish high priest who gradually realized that he had maybe made the biggest mistake of his life, ending with his anguish when the Temple was split in two with an earthquake.

Mary, who suffered constantly throughout the movie, but finally had a look of peace as she held her dead son in her arms.
Sorry, I'm that guy. I agree with the message in your post. What happened that day was horrible. When I watched the passion it came off as nothing more then a snuff flick that gets a fat payday on Easter every year. For me it was seeing what a scourge was.


That about says it all. And what you said about God suffering, 100% agree. I get uppity when my kids get shots. Think about it, what parent wouldent destroying a planet for beating, humiliating their kid? For me it's the fact that Jesus is alive right now and that's all that matters! Happy Easter! Jesus is risen!
Religion is bonkers.

Agreed. 'Religion' is not what we are called too.

Religion is bonkers.
I almost pity you. You have no idea on what you're missing out on.

Why? I follow the teachings of Jesus. Not the maniacal God of the Bible.

In reality, you can't ignore the Father in favor of the Son, that He created. They go hand in hand. The Bible is our 'textbook' that is the Word of God used to teach us of Himself.

The only real 'maniac'(s) have been man's interpretation of that Word used to create a 'religious' following. If you took all Christian denominations, you'd see that each one is just a bit different from the other, yet the basic foundation is the same. Those differences are what the founders of each, focused on in order to create their different 'sect'........but all of them share basically the same foundation of God, Christ and the Word. Whether it's Catholic, Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist, Lutheran, Methodist, etc.......and yes even Mormon & Jehovah Witness.

I tend to stay away from those 'religions' for the most part, and adhere to my Bible, faith in the Almighty God and Jesus as my Savior.

Remember, Bible is Basic Instructions Before leaving Earth
Yep, there’s nothing like a two hour torture fest with sub titles to lift your spirits.
People ask, why does God allow us to suffer?

We may never know, but the crucifixion of Jesus tells us one thing:

God suffers with us.

God watched his only Son be whipped, spat on, mocked and ridiculed for hours, and then watched him getting nailed to the cross and die.

For any father to watch that happen to his son would be agony.

For God, who loves infinitely, the agony of watching this happen to his Son must have been infinite agony. We can't imagine how much God suffered on that Good Friday.

I think of it as maybe some kind of apology from God.

"I'm sorry," God might be saying. "I created a world where you must suffer. But there was no way to create a world where no one ever suffers. Such would not be possible while allowing humans to have the gift of free will."

But God suffered so enormously that day, and because he is eternal there is no time for him. He suffers now just as much as he did on that day 2000 years ago. He suffers every moment of every day and he will suffer for all eternity for what they did to his Son.

Since we're telling stories about that movie. Hubby and I saw it in the theaters when it came out. We had both been Christians for years. In the building I teach, there was a student teacher also watching the movie. I didn't hardly know her at all, nor her me, to be honest.

But this happened:

She found me in the crowded lobby afterward and point blank asked "Is that true, about Jesus? Is it all true?"

I answered, "It's the truest thing I've ever known." I don't know what happened after that. Sometimes you don't.

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