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I see no way that Obama gets impeached

I see no way that Obama gets impeached. And by impeached, I don't mean like how the media is fond of saying Clinton was impeached. I'm talking about there being a vote and then there being enough votes that he is thrown out of office.

I doubt that there is even one democrat who would vote to impeach Obama. And I'm sure there's more than enough Republicans for sale on top of that. So, we are stuck with the most corrupt administration. Buckle up. It's going to be a wild ride.

Since there is not one shred of credible evidence implicating President Obama in the commission of a crime,

what are you going to impeach him on? An impeachment is a formal accusation the the President committed crimes...

...what are the crimes and what is the evidence supporting the argument that President Obama committed them?

Well, they figure they got away with impeachment for frivolous reasons with President Clinton so it should work here too..
I see no way that Obama gets impeached. And by impeached, I don't mean like how the media is fond of saying Clinton was impeached. I'm talking about there being a vote and then there being enough votes that he is thrown out of office.

I doubt that there is even one democrat who would vote to impeach Obama. And I'm sure there's more than enough Republicans for sale on top of that. So, we are stuck with the most corrupt administration. Buckle up. It's going to be a wild ride.

Since there is not one shred of credible evidence implicating President Obama in the commission of a crime,

what are you going to impeach him on? An impeachment is a formal accusation the the President committed crimes...

...what are the crimes and what is the evidence supporting the argument that President Obama committed them?

Well, they figure they got away with impeachment for frivolous reasons with President Clinton so it should work here too..

Perjury isn't a frivolous reason.:eek:
I see no way that Obama gets impeached. And by impeached, I don't mean like how the media is fond of saying Clinton was impeached. I'm talking about there being a vote and then there being enough votes that he is thrown out of office.

I doubt that there is even one democrat who would vote to impeach Obama. And I'm sure there's more than enough Republicans for sale on top of that. So, we are stuck with the most corrupt administration. Buckle up. It's going to be a wild ride.

Since there is not one shred of credible evidence implicating President Obama in the commission of a crime,

what are you going to impeach him on? An impeachment is a formal accusation the the President committed crimes...

...what are the crimes and what is the evidence supporting the argument that President Obama committed them?

Well, they figure they got away with impeachment for frivolous reasons with President Clinton so it should work here too..

The thing is, they don't even have a case that rises to the level of frivolous with President Obama; they can't even name the 'high crimes and misdemeanors' they would impeach Obama on.
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I see no way that Obama gets impeached. And by impeached, I don't mean like how the media is fond of saying Clinton was impeached. I'm talking about there being a vote and then there being enough votes that he is thrown out of office.

I doubt that there is even one democrat who would vote to impeach Obama. And I'm sure there's more than enough Republicans for sale on top of that. So, we are stuck with the most corrupt administration. Buckle up. It's going to be a wild ride.

Since there is not one shred of credible evidence implicating President Obama in the commission of a crime,

what are you going to impeach him on? An impeachment is a formal accusation the the President committed crimes...

...what are the crimes and what is the evidence supporting the argument that President Obama committed them?

Well, they figure they got away with impeachment for frivolous reasons with President Clinton so it should work here too..

Frivolous? Being derelict of duty while Americans die and then lying about it? Using the IRS and DOJ to intimidate Americans. Using drones to kill Americans abroad. Supplying Mexican gangs with guns to kill Americans. I guess these types of things can be chopped up to frivolous to the amoral left.
Since there is not one shred of credible evidence implicating President Obama in the commission of a crime,

what are you going to impeach him on? An impeachment is a formal accusation the the President committed crimes...

...what are the crimes and what is the evidence supporting the argument that President Obama committed them?

Well, they figure they got away with impeachment for frivolous reasons with President Clinton so it should work here too..

Frivolous? Being derelict of duty while Americans die and then lying about it? Using the IRS and DOJ to intimidate Americans. Using drones to kill Americans abroad. Supplying Mexican gangs with guns to kill Americans. I guess these types of things can be chopped up to frivolous to the amoral left.

We're as corrupt as Mexico. Fact.
You might well be that corrupt, Matthew.

But to your great dismay, and that of the echo chamber, the fact is that the current Administration has a very clean record. Obama has done nothing impeachable.

Now I know that the wingnuts like to think that the conspiracy theories "prove" evildoing, but they're just made-up stories. You know, like the way ABC News completely made up what was in the e-mail. Or the way your rulers told you that Obama slept through Benghazi while Hillary watched it on hi-def TV.

Nope, nothing to see here, nor will there be.

Go get yourselves some lives.
Since there is not one shred of credible evidence implicating President Obama in the commission of a crime,

what are you going to impeach him on? An impeachment is a formal accusation the the President committed crimes...

...what are the crimes and what is the evidence supporting the argument that President Obama committed them?

Well, they figure they got away with impeachment for frivolous reasons with President Clinton so it should work here too..

Frivolous? Being derelict of duty while Americans die and then lying about it? Using the IRS and DOJ to intimidate Americans. Using drones to kill Americans abroad. Supplying Mexican gangs with guns to kill Americans. I guess these types of things can be chopped up to frivolous to the amoral left.

Where's your evidence that the President did anything criminal? What are you going to charge him with,

and what are you going to present as evidence to support the charges?
The Pope is more likely to be impeached than Obama. Just conjuring up conspiracy theories won't push Obama out of office.

Conjuring? This is as real as it gets without concentration camps and genocide.

no, i think lies to get us into a war is the closest thing to genocide. the closest thing to millions dying needlessly is hundreds of thousands dying needlessly.

besides, no one thinks political groups should be getting tax exempt status anyway, whether or not they endorse candidates. the fact is the vast majority of new political orgs during the last few yrs were conservative, so necessarily they represented the bulk of the irs's work. we act like targeting 'tea party' equals targeting political opponents, when its not. obama's investigating to save face, but this isnt the scandal ppl make it out to be. if mistakes were made then mistakes were made, we'll see, but to compare it to widespread persecution is pretty ridiculous.

Of course targeting tea party members equals targeting politicak opponents. Everyone who isn't a complete political partisan hack has a problem with the IRS targeting based on political affiliation. Your post was absolutey preposterous.
Democrats have no problem with the IRS targeting based on political affiliation. Democrats don't think the IRS went far enough.

obama has been given enough plausible deniability that it isn't likely he will be impeached. But his administration can be removed. His loyalists can be nullified. He can be neutered. If we are to get through the rest of his term that is exactly what will happen. If he is not neutered and keeps up with his punishment of perceived political enemies the nation will not survive him.

The regime has set itself against half the nation. Half the country are his enemies to be identified and punished. No nation can survive this for long.
I see no way that Obama gets impeached. And by impeached, I don't mean like how the media is fond of saying Clinton was impeached. I'm talking about there being a vote and then there being enough votes that he is thrown out of office.

I doubt that there is even one democrat who would vote to impeach Obama. And I'm sure there's more than enough Republicans for sale on top of that. So, we are stuck with the most corrupt administration. Buckle up. It's going to be a wild ride.

Obama is bored!
Remember what Obama friend Valerie Jarrett: "I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. ... He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability -- the extraordinary, uncanny ability -- to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. ... So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy. ... He's been bored to death his whole life. He's just too talented to do what ordinary people do."
Obama Advisor: "He is bored to death and too talented for ordinary people"
The presidency was a goal and he's bored.
So he'll resign... after all he is too smart for all of us!!!
obama is just too smart to be presidebt. He needs to be put someplace quiet where he can think.
Obama has committed offenses in which one could and should be impeached but he will not be impeached as there will be a sufficient number of underlings to throw under the bus. The only one that will be more protected than him from all these many scandals is Hillary Clinton.
The Pope is more likely to be impeached than Obama. Just conjuring up conspiracy theories won't push Obama out of office.
Conjuring? This is as real as it gets without concentration camps and genocide.
no, i think lies to get us into a war is the closest thing to genocide. the closest thing to millions dying needlessly is hundreds of thousands dying needlessly.besides, no one thinks political groups should be getting tax exempt status anyway, whether or not they endorse candidates. the fact is the vast majority of new political orgs during the last few yrs were conservative, so necessarily they represented the bulk of the irs's work. we act like targeting 'tea party' equals targeting political opponents, when its not. obama's investigating to save face, but this isnt the scandal ppl make it out to be. if mistakes were made then mistakes were made, we'll see, but to compare it to widespread persecution is pretty ridiculous.

"The memory of this gaffe reverberates in the contemporary rhetoric of many Democrats, who, when attacking the Bush administration's case for war against Saddam Hussein, employ essentially the same argument. In 2006, John F. Kerry explained the Senate's 77-23 passage of the Iraq war resolution this way: "We were misled. We were given evidence that was not true." On the campaign trail, Hillary Rodham Clinton dodged blame for her pro-war vote by claiming that "the mistakes were made by this president, who misled this country and this Congress."

Nearly every prominent Democrat in the country has repeated some version of this charge, and the notion that the Bush administration deceived the American people has become the accepted narrative of how we went to war.

Yet in spite of all the accusations of White House "manipulation" -- that it pressured intelligence analysts into connecting Hussein and Al Qaeda and concocted evidence about weapons of mass destruction -- administration critics continually demonstrate an inability to distinguish making claims based on flawed intelligence from knowingly propagating falsehoods.

In 2004, the Senate Intelligence Committee unanimously approved a report acknowledging that it "did not find any evidence that administration officials attempted to coerce, influence or pressure analysts to change their judgments." The following year, the bipartisan Robb-Silberman report similarly found "no indication that the intelligence community distorted the evidence regarding Iraq's weapons of mass destruction."

The White House didn't lie about Iraq - Los Angeles Times

Stop repeating your lying propaganda. Bush never lied about Iraq.
I see no way that Obama gets impeached. And by impeached, I don't mean like how the media is fond of saying Clinton was impeached. I'm talking about there being a vote and then there being enough votes that he is thrown out of office.

I doubt that there is even one democrat who would vote to impeach Obama. And I'm sure there are more than enough Republicans for sale on top of that. So, we are stuck with the most corrupt administration. Buckle up. It's going to be a wild ride.

My first response to your thread title is, "Well, duh!!" There isn't anything in the Obama administration that is essentially different than any other administration. Especially when it comes to these so-called scandals. Other administrations have had as many if not more, and often much more serious.

This is an interesting link:
List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It shows Obama with 14, GW Bush with 42, Clinton with 14, George Bush the elder with 8, Reagan with 24, Carter with 11, Ford with 12, Nixon with 10, Johnson with 8, Kennedy with 2, Eisenhower with 6, Truman with 5, Roosevelt with 4, Hoover with 2, and so on.

It seems to me that so called scandals are far more prevalent nowadays not because presidents behave better, but because partisan politics and the media play a huge role in calling foal and making a huge deal out of everything, trying to topple whoever is in power, not to mention creating scandals that don’t exist by manufacturing facts that are later found out to be untrue or completely unsupportable.

Since there is not one shred of credible evidence implicating President Obama in the commission of a crime,

what are you going to impeach him on? An impeachment is a formal accusation the the President committed crimes...

...what are the crimes and what is the evidence supporting the argument that President Obama committed them?

Well, they figure they got away with impeachment for frivolous reasons with President Clinton so it should work here too..

Frivolous? Being derelict of duty while Americans die and then lying about it? Using the IRS and DOJ to intimidate Americans. Using drones to kill Americans abroad. Supplying Mexican gangs with guns to kill Americans. I guess these types of things can be chopped up to frivolous to the amoral left.

Not only do you have no evidence as to any of the above, but much of it isn’t even a ‘crime.’

If lying were an impeachable offence, for example, every president would have been impeached, including Reagan, Bush, and GWB.

This nonsense about ‘impeaching’ Obama is predicated solely on subjective partisan politics, not objective facts and evidence.

“I hate Obama” is not an impeachable offense.
I see no way that Obama gets impeached. And by impeached, I don't mean like how the media is fond of saying Clinton was impeached. I'm talking about there being a vote and then there being enough votes that he is thrown out of office.

I doubt that there is even one democrat who would vote to impeach Obama. And I'm sure there's more than enough Republicans for sale on top of that. So, we are stuck with the most corrupt administration. Buckle up. It's going to be a wild ride.

There IS no way for The ONE to get impeached. It simply is not going to happen (unless some genuine scandal involving actual problems of high crimes or misdemeanors comes down the 'pike).

and it is a silly exercise anyway. The Senate is controlled by the Dims and they -- on that basis alone -- would never "convict" the guy, anyway , even if he deserved to be impeached and convicted.

We can loathe his politics and policies and actions, but unless somebody shows me some high crimes or misdemeanors, then there is no value in any discussion about impeaching him.

There are more important things to attend to.
Impeachment is a political process not a legal one. The House simply needs a majority vote to impeach. The term "high crimes" misleads people into believing a crime must be committed, America has no "high crimes" that was a British term. One of the crimes Johnson was accused of was that he spoke disrespectfully about the Congress.
The question politicians have to decide when voting in the impeachment process is will my vote help or hurt me in the next election, and for most, that's their total reason for being.
Impeachment is a political process not a legal one. The House simply needs a majority vote to impeach. The term "high crimes" misleads people into believing a crime must be committed, America has no "high crimes" that was a British term. One of the crimes Johnson was accused of was that he spoke disrespectfully about the Congress.
The question politicians have to decide when voting in the impeachment process is will my vote help or hurt me in the next election, and for most, that's their total reason for being.


I agree that it is ofetn treated as mere cheap politics, but that is not what it is supposed to be about.

If your "thesis" were true, then any time we had a HOUSE majority from a political Party other than the President's political Party, impeachments would have been common.

Impeachments are the tiny exception, not the rule. Johnson & Bubba (plus an effort that likely WOULD have become another impeachment in the case of Nixon).

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