I see nothing wrong with a SCOTUS code of conduct.

Why the senate, since the senate doesn't follow their own rules of conduct?

The Supreme Court consists of the chief justice of the United States and eight associate justices. The president has the power to nominate the justices and appointments are made with the advice and consent of the Senate.
Thomas claims he is allowed his own friends and doesn’t have to report it

But when all your friends are high end Conservative donors and you accept use of their private jets and travel half way around the world it goes beyond just hanging out
Oh, thats the way it works? So, the Supremes are holding out until you guys can get something that will stick on Biden and then will give up the tips and off the books perks of office, deciding what is best for everyone else? I had not read that. I thought they were against any kind of ethics, ever on general, for profit, better than everybody else forever, motivations.
What are you gonna do if they use Republican lawyers to try to prosecute? You know they never win even when every trumper in the country believes there is crime. So, other than a miracle, you're good with us having the best justice money can buy, right?
Of course it is, why should anyone listen to crap from the left until the left comes clean. Just the other day, RFK jr was reamed for supposedly spreading misinformation, and the Marists/Demofascists were all in agreement RFK should be kept from talking in the hearing. Yet, and i repeat yet, all those dumbass motherfuckers spread misinformation about the Russian Collusion, so they, Marxists have no foot to stand on. Fuck em all.
No argument
But I do think the structure should be formed inside the federal courts system. Roberts could draft a committee of say six bench judges 3 R and 3 D to outline a reasonable code.
Subject to approval by a vote of the 9.
Sorry but if the SC ever swings back to the Marxists, they will not follow the codes agreed on by the 3 by 3 outline. Fuck the Marxists, soon it will be party time.
Sorry but if the SC ever swings back to the Marxists, they will not follow the codes agreed on by the 3 by 3 outline. Fuck the Marxists, soon it will be party time.
The teabagger SCOTUS has already swung back to the marxist............ bribes, from donors, free vacations and the need in reporting them ?
Who really needs to know?
Of course it is, why should anyone listen to crap from the left until the left comes clean. Just the other day, RFK jr was reamed for supposedly spreading misinformation, and the Marists/Demofascists were all in agreement RFK should be kept from talking in the hearing. Yet, and i repeat yet, all those dumbass motherfuckers spread misinformation about the Russian Collusion, so they, Marxists have no foot to stand on. Fuck em all.
Got it. No laws, no oversite, nothing is wrong doing, and is completely free in a do-as-you-please society because under the trump administration with control of Congress, DOJ, FBI, etc, you couldn't get somebody charged in the "Russian Collusion" thing, something Donny said wasn't against the law, even if they did collude? Tell it to the cop that pulls you over for speeding, and see if it flies. I doubt he will be impressed, but maybe you can establish yourself as a "sovereign citizen", as we know how well that goes over. I got to admit, might be handy to buy no, rent a Supreme, if you have the money. Afterall, they are above the law and should be, no matter who has a majority, right?
The controversy surrounding codes of conduct for the SCOTUS seems to be mostly partisan bickering. There is no valid reason whatsoever to stall the process. I know some are concerned that it is targeted at the conservatives on the court but these things always balance themselves out in the long run. Alito and Thomas are being accused but so is Sotomayor. Imo this is an important issue.

It’s pretty damn meaningless. Who the fuck enforces it?

What I mean is pretty obvious. If a SCOTUS Justice is alleged to have committed a crime or engaged in other significant misbehavior, the Constitution already put a remedy in place.
That's because teabaggers HAVE no sense.
BUT cry, whine and investigate WHAT?
Favors and $$$ given to the Biden family?
The bribes and favors are proven and unreported by the corrupt SCOTUS.
You’re a one note symphony of stupid.

Please consider the benefits to society that would occur if you were to contract fire-AIDS and die.
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It’s pretty damn meaningless. Who the fuck enforces it?

What I mean is pretty obvious. If a SCOTUS Justice is alleged to have committed a crime or engaged in other significant misbehavior, the Constitution already put a remedy in place.
The Left can't win enough elections to have their way through constitutional processes so they're always looking for a way to go around the constitution.

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