I see nothing wrong with a SCOTUS code of conduct.

Got it. No laws, no oversite, nothing is wrong doing, and is completely free in a do-as-you-please society because under the trump administration with control of Congress, DOJ, FBI, etc, you couldn't get somebody charged in the "Russian Collusion" thing, something Donny said wasn't against the law, even if they did collude? Tell it to the cop that pulls you over for speeding, and see if it flies. I doubt he will be impressed, but maybe you can establish yourself as a "sovereign citizen", as we know how well that goes over. I got to admit, might be handy to buy no, rent a Supreme, if you have the money. Afterall, they are above the law and should be, no matter who has a majority, right?
Oversight. Who watches over the President when he is screwing over the people? Oh yeah, the Congress(no, there was no Russian Collusion, but there sure is corruption in the Biden family) who is the group that makes sure the President Doesnt go against the people. Who watches Congress and the President? Oh yeah, the guys who swore on the bible and the Constitution to uphold, LAWFUL laws for the people, not supposed to make laws from the bench. See how that oversight works?
Show us the money.
Where did it go?

Turning The White House into Studio 54

The controversy surrounding codes of conduct for the SCOTUS seems to be mostly partisan bickering. There is no valid reason whatsoever to stall the process. I know some are concerned that it is targeted at the conservatives on the court but these things always balance themselves out in the long run. Alito and Thomas are being accused but so is Sotomayor. Imo this is an important issue.

But it should be either constitutional amendment or the responsibility of the court to establish a code of conduct for the SCOTUS. Once you assume the President or Congress has power to dictate to the SCOTUS
what it must or must not do, you have removed one of the independent branches of government ech of which is intended to be a check and balance on the others. The President cannot dictate to Congress what it can and cannot do and Congress cannot dictate to the President what he or she can or cannot do either. All are bound to the authority given and restrictions on government in the Constitution of the USA.

The Constitution does have an impeachment process to indict any elected or appointed official who commits high crimes or misdemeanors and that process is in the hands of the people's elected representatives in the House of Representatives. If impeached, power to remove the official is then given to the Senate also elected by the people.
But it should be either constitutional amendment or the responsibility of the court to establish a code of conduct for the SCOTUS. Once you assume the President or Congress has power to dictate to the SCOTUS
what it must or must not do, you have removed one of the independent branches of government ech of which is intended to be a check and balance on the others. The President cannot dictate to Congress what it can and cannot do and Congress cannot dictate to the President what he or she can or cannot do either. All are bound to the authority given and restrictions on government in the Constitution of the USA.

The Constitution does have an impeachment process to indict any elected or appointed official who commits high crimes or misdemeanors and that process is in the hands of the people's elected representatives in the House of Representatives. If impeached, power to remove the official is then given to the Senate also elected by the people.
Should be done by the Court.
Separation is Separation.

But they refuse to. Hopefully actions like this will shame them into what they should have done long ago.
The problem with a written code is that it becomes subject to interpretations
Oversight. Who watches over the President when he is screwing over the people? Oh yeah, the Congress(no, there was no Russian Collusion, but there sure is corruption in the Biden family) who is the group that makes sure the President Doesnt go against the people. Who watches Congress and the President? Oh yeah, the guys who swore on the bible and the Constitution to uphold, LAWFUL laws for the people, not supposed to make laws from the bench. See how that oversight works?
Congress and the department of justice, just like with Trump. Congress is strictly partisan and can only impeach but not convict, even if guilty, like Trump, but like trump, DOJ will not prosecute a sitting president or at least will not start a new trial while he is in office. When Trump was president, he said a sitting president could not even be investigated, so by trump rules, there is nothing to be done until they are out of office. I didn't think either of those was correct, nor what the framers had intended, but I guess sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
I hear he's looking for a way to repay 38 billion in student loans, totally against the letter and spirit of the SC ruling.
He is not doing it via repaying but forgiving loans that are 20-25 years old.
As the Supreme Court swings to the most Conservative Court in 50 years they need to establish themselves as nonpartisan only concerned with upholding our Constitution

But they allow their members to openly accept free vacations, private jets, multimillion dollar yacht vacations from openly partisan sources

That is the legacy of the Roberts Court
He did?

Show us the money.
Where did it go?
Up Hunter's nose? To pay the bills at Joe's beach house? Who the hell knows what pieces of shit like the Bidens did with the 17 million they took in, Winger! I can tell you where that money DIDN'T go! It didn't go to child support payments for Hunter's kids by his former wife and his stripper girl friend! Think about that! That piece of garbage, Hunter was getting millions and somehow couldn't do something as basically decent as paying child support!
Congress and the department of justice, just like with Trump. Congress is strictly partisan and can only impeach but not convict, even if guilty, like Trump, but like trump, DOJ will not prosecute a sitting president or at least will not start a new trial while he is in office. When Trump was president, he said a sitting president could not even be investigated, so by trump rules, there is nothing to be done until they are out of office. I didn't think either of those was correct, nor what the framers had intended, but I guess sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Oh you mean that FIB who has been weaponized by the Marxists/Demofascists to go after parents of girls who were raped by a Tranny? That FIB? That FIB that colluded with Hitlery Clinton with the Fake Russian Dossier, in trying to subvert an election with voter fraud? That FIB?
Up Hunter's nose? To pay the bills at Joe's beach house? Who the hell knows what pieces of shit like the Bidens did with the 17 million they took in, Winger! I can tell you where that money DIDN'T go! It didn't go to child support payments for Hunter's kids by his former wife and his stripper girl friend! Think about that! That piece of garbage, Hunter was getting millions and somehow couldn't do something as basically decent as paying child support!
Hunter had his personal demons

Yet, Republicans can’t link anything to the President
Hunter had his personal demons

Yet, Republicans can’t link anything to the President
Hunter was a drug addled piece of shit, whoring his way through life...the ONLY thing that was keeping him in money was selling access to his father. I think we've all come to understand that Joe Biden is dumb as a box of rocks, Winger but even someone as clueless as Joe is HAD to have known about the MILLIONS of dollars that were being paid to his family! Claiming that he knew nothing about that is laughable!
Hunter was a drug addled piece of shit, whoring his way through life...the ONLY thing that was keeping him in money was selling access to his father. I think we've all come to understand that Joe Biden is dumb as a box of rocks, Winger but even someone as clueless as Joe is HAD to have known about the MILLIONS of dollars that were being paid to his family! Claiming that he knew nothing about that is laughable!

Hunter had his personal problems that Conservatives mock

Marjorie Trailer Queen insisted on displaying a blowjob picture of Hunter in front of all of Congress

Yet, Republicans have yet to provide any solid evidence against our President
The controversy surrounding codes of conduct for the SCOTUS seems to be mostly partisan bickering. There is no valid reason whatsoever to stall the process. I know some are concerned that it is targeted at the conservatives on the court but these things always balance themselves out in the long run. Alito and Thomas are being accused but so is Sotomayor. Imo this is an important issue.

I was shocked when I found out they don’t have to abide by the same code as the rest of the judiciary.
I was shocked when I found out they don’t have to abide by the same code as the rest of the judiciary.
I was shocked when i found out that a government official like Hitlery was able to destroy government property and scrub 33,000 government emails and not be punished for it. Talk about being above the law......
Oh you mean that FIB who has been weaponized by the Marxists/Demofascists to go after parents of girls who were raped by a Tranny? That FIB? That FIB that colluded with Hitlery Clinton with the Fake Russian Dossier, in trying to subvert an election with voter fraud? That FIB?
What a political melodramatic old fk, you are. Your drama queen post has what to do with SCOTUS having no code of conduct, and not wanting one imposed?
Oh you mean that FIB who has been weaponized by the Marxists/Demofascists to go after parents of girls who were raped by a Tranny? That FIB? That FIB that colluded with Hitlery Clinton with the Fake Russian Dossier, in trying to subvert an election with voter fraud? That FIB?
What a political melodramatic old fk, you are. Your drama queen post has what to do with SCOTUS having no code of conduct, and not wanting one imposed, exactly?

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