I see nothing wrong with a SCOTUS code of conduct.

I object to Republicans

I'm not a Republican.

using their political power in Congress to hound a private citizen just because he is the son of a President.
I also object to characterizations that Hunter is unqualified and has no international business experience. A look at his record shows he has extensive experience

He's a moron. As poor of an excuse of a human being as Trump ever was. Not even Trump tried to skip out on paying for his kids.
I'm not a Republican.

He's a moron. As poor of an excuse of a human being as Trump ever was. Not even Trump tried to skip out on paying for his kids.

Difference is….Trump was President and there is nothing to brag about his personal conduct.

Hunter was a drug addicted scumbag but has no political office. No business of Congress
There is a difference. I don't disagree. Hunter still isn't one anyone should be defending.

What he was getting paid for is still a valid question though.

Not a concern of Congress
Does Congress investigate all international business transactions or only those of the Presidents son?

Why no investigation of a $2 billion business deal between Jared Kushner (a public official) and the Saudis weeks after he left office?
Not a concern of Congress
Does Congress investigate all international business transactions or only those of the Presidents son?

Why no investigation of a $2 billion business deal between Jared Kushner (a public official) and the Saudis weeks after he left office?

I believe things Kushner did was likely equally as shaky. Likely runs in the family.

Why as a country are we not demanding accountability all around?
Do you find it ironic, White that the same people who now think the Supreme Court should be held to a "higher standard" are the very same people who don't think the Biden Family should even be investigated for collecting over 17 million dollars in what is probably the most blatant example of influence peddling the country has EVER seen? Or is that me being a "drama queen"? (Eye Roll)
That is not accurate. You are referring to the partisan political tribesmen. They do not want the Biden's investigated. I suspect most people are like myself, in that not really minding whether they are investigated and not particularly worried of results for better or worse, have the firm opinion, the Supremes are meant (by design) to be the arbiters of legal definition, there is nothing to indicate they are actually superior individuals, of unparalleled moral character and never has been. Throughout government, it has been shown to be necessary, that the people set rules for personal conduct of (particularly) management of the various departments of our government, with sanctions for misconduct or the permissive appearance of misconduct, not to be broken. That there should be standards for those at the top is without question.
As I said, I have no problem with the President being investigated and open to investigation. I only wish they were not as blatantly, publicly political partisan, in the way they carry out the necessary and designed in function of checks on ultimate power, the goal, not so much making sure the sitting president is not involved in an active nefarious scheme, but to find a political reason for simple embarrassment and political advantage. In this day and time, I suppose it is to be expected. They have been smelling smoke and foul stench from Hunter's ass for over 7 years, but unable to link Joe in a provable way, whether he is or not. The lack of provable link that would hold up in a court (our real standard) could be one of three things: (1) A true link does not exist and Hunter being a shit primarily on his own, though taking advantage of his father's name, as spoiled assholes often do. (2) The republicans are further demonstrating their usual standard of legal ineptitude. (3) The Bidens, like the Clinton could actually be that much smarter, simply, their attackers, while not actually inept, but still decidely overmatched by a very small crowd, this being the Supervillain theory, requiring Batman or some other Superhero to intercede on the part of the struggling mismatched partisans hoard. I doubt this one the most.
Don't you feel even a little squeamish defending Hunter?
LOL...he's had a lot of practice defending Hillary so defending Hunter comes naturally, PK! Even someone as slow as Winger knows that Hunter is dirty but he doesn't care. He knew Hillary was dirty too. It's what Winger DOES!
LOL...he's had a lot of practice defending Hillary so defending Hunter comes naturally, PK! Even someone as slow as Winger knows that Hunter is dirty but he doesn't care. He knew Hillary was dirty too. It's what Winger DOES!

Looks like you are going to have as much success against Hunter as you did against Hillary

Good Luck to you
That is not accurate. You are referring to the partisan political tribesmen. They do not want the Biden's investigated. I suspect most people are like myself, in that not really minding whether they are investigated and not particularly worried of results for better or worse, have the firm opinion, the Supremes are meant (by design) to be the arbiters of legal definition, there is nothing to indicate they are actually superior individuals, of unparalleled moral character and never has been. Throughout government, it has been shown to be necessary, that the people set rules for personal conduct of (particularly) management of the various departments of our government, with sanctions for misconduct or the permissive appearance of misconduct, not to be broken. That there should be standards for those at the top is without question.
As I said, I have no problem with the President being investigated and open to investigation. I only wish they were not as blatantly, publicly political partisan, in the way they carry out the necessary and designed in function of checks on ultimate power, the goal, not so much making sure the sitting president is not involved in an active nefarious scheme, but to find a political reason for simple embarrassment and political advantage. In this day and time, I suppose it is to be expected. They have been smelling smoke and foul stench from Hunter's ass for over 7 years, but unable to link Joe in a provable way, whether he is or not. The lack of provable link that would hold up in a court (our real standard) could be one of three things: (1) A true link does not exist and Hunter being a shit primarily on his own, though taking advantage of his father's name, as spoiled assholes often do. (2) The republicans are further demonstrating their usual standard of legal ineptitude. (3) The Bidens, like the Clinton could actually be that much smarter, simply, their attackers, while not actually inept, but still decidely overmatched by a very small crowd, this being the Supervillain theory, requiring Batman or some other Superhero to intercede on the part of the struggling mismatched partisans hoard. I doubt this one the most.
What did that overblown response even mean, White? You have no problem with the President being investigated but wish the investigation wasn't so "blatantly, publically politcal partisan"? Let's be honest here! It's become apparent that elements in the DOJ have conspired to protect Joe Biden and his family's blatant influence peddling scandal! Bank records...shell companies...whistle blower testimony...business partner testimony...emails and even Joe Biden's boasts all point to one thing! A family that cashed in on Joe Biden's political position to the tune of over 17 million dollars and counting! It isn't just a question of guilt by the Bidens at this point...it's a question of which people in power at the FBI, the DOJ and the IRS conspired to hide that scandal from the American people and are we going to hold them to account for their actions!

Looks like you are going to have as much success against Hunter as you did against Hillary

Good Luck to you
Hillary's actions landed her on the dust heap of history, Winger! She escaped charges simply because James Comey laughably deemed her "too inexperienced" to understand that she'd broken the law...a week after Slick Willie had his secret meeting on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch! The stench of that lingers but it pales in comparison with what has occurred with the coverup of this scandal! With each passing day more is exposed in the Biden families' influence peddling scheme and the evidence against them gets more compelling.
Hillary's actions landed her on the dust heap of history, Winger! She escaped charges simply because James Comey laughably deemed her "too inexperienced" to understand that she'd broken the law...a week after Slick Willie had his secret meeting on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch! The stench of that lingers but it pales in comparison with what has occurred with the coverup of this scandal! With each passing day more is exposed in the Biden families' influence peddling scheme and the evidence against them gets more compelling.


And how do you feel about Trump’s cache of Secret Documents?
What did that overblown response even mean, White? You have no problem with the President being investigated but wish the investigation wasn't so "blatantly, publically politcal partisan"? Let's be honest here! It's become apparent that elements in the DOJ have conspired to protect Joe Biden and his family's blatant influence peddling scandal! Bank records...shell companies...whistle blower testimony...business partner testimony...emails and even Joe Biden's boasts all point to one thing! A family that cashed in on Joe Biden's political position to the tune of over 17 million dollars and counting! It isn't just a question of guilt by the Bidens at this point...it's a question of which people in power at the FBI, the DOJ and the IRS conspired to hide that scandal from the American people and are we going to hold them to account for their actions!

Political investigations.........Benghazi and the IRS were just that. Both exposed actionable items and what did the Republicans do?


And how do you feel about Trump’s cache of Secret Documents?
I feel the raid on Mar A Lago was a political stunt by the same elements of the DOJ that have been protecting the Biden's! Those documents were not in danger...the FBI had visited the site prior to that and only requested an additional lock be put upon the door of the storage area. Whether Trump had the Constitutional authority to possess those documents should have been decided by the courts like any other President before him!

The fact that the Biden DOJ went ahead with that raid while Joe Biden literally had secret documents scattered over multiple unsecured locations dating back to when he was a US Senator (with ZERO authority to have them in his possession at that point!) simply underscores the hypocrisy of this administration. Our legal system is based on equal protection under the law. Where did THAT take place in this instance, Winger?
Political investigations.........Benghazi and the IRS were just that. Both exposed actionable items and what did the Republicans do?

What did the Democrats do? Did any of them even condemn Hillary Clinton for her blatant lies and attempts to destroy evidence of her criminal activity?
I feel the raid on Mar A Lago was a political stunt by the same elements of the DOJ that have been protecting the Biden's! Those documents were not in danger...

Probably not but they also did NOT belong there.

the FBI had visited the site prior to that and only requested an additional lock be put upon the door of the storage area. Whether Trump had the Constitutional authority to possess those documents should have been decided by the courts like any other President before him!

The fact that the Biden DOJ went ahead with that raid while Joe Biden literally had secret documents scattered over multiple unsecured locations dating back to when he was a US Senator (with ZERO authority to have them in his possession at that point!) simply underscores the hypocrisy of this administration. Our legal system is based on equal protection under the law. Where did THAT take place in this instance, Winger?

Hypocritical? Yes. Legitimate? Yes.
What did the Democrats do? Did any of them even condemn Hillary Clinton for her blatant lies and attempts to destroy evidence of her criminal activity?

Again, you are arguing the Democrats should have done what the Republicans refused to do. It's not going to work that way.

Sadly we can not trust people to investigate themselves.
I feel the raid on Mar A Lago was a political stunt by the same elements of the DOJ that have been protecting the Biden's! Those documents were not in danger...the FBI had visited the site prior to that and only requested an additional lock be put upon the door of the storage area. Whether Trump had the Constitutional authority to possess those documents should have been decided by the courts like any other President before him!

The fact that the Biden DOJ went ahead with that raid while Joe Biden literally had secret documents scattered over multiple unsecured locations dating back to when he was a US Senator (with ZERO authority to have them in his possession at that point!) simply underscores the hypocrisy of this administration. Our legal system is based on equal protection under the law. Where did THAT take place in this instance, Winger?
Winner, winner Chicken Dinner!

I knew you would have a separate code of conduct for Trump than you did for Hillary

Lock her up!

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