I see nothing wrong with a SCOTUS code of conduct.

The controversy surrounding codes of conduct for the SCOTUS seems to be mostly partisan bickering. There is no valid reason whatsoever to stall the process. I know some are concerned that it is targeted at the conservatives on the court but these things always balance themselves out in the long run. Alito and Thomas are being accused but so is Sotomayor. Imo this is an important issue.

“I see nothing wrong with a SCOTUS code of conduct.”

Unfortunately, Republicans do.
He shouldn't have taken it. He should have simply gave it back. But that's not Trump. He made the mess, he can deal with it.
So explain why having those documents would allow the FBI to search the entire house and seize anything dealing with Trump's four years in office? Have you ever heard of a search warrant that broad in scope? I haven't...
So explain why having those documents would allow the FBI to search the entire house and seize anything dealing with Trump's four years in office? Have you ever heard of a search warrant that broad in scope? I haven't...

This has been covered and answered many times.
The fact (as I see it) that Joe Biden failed to control his son, as many of us have failed to control ours is not necessarily the point of culpability or criminal negligence. You have heard me say, Joe should have whipped his ass every damn day growing up, and might not have this problem. The fact, I do not, and am not qualified in the law is to be understood and taken for granted. I look at the family of the out-of-office president, in similar fashion, not being responsible for his transgressions, though not bothered by their reluctance to condemn publicly or legally.
With all due respect, White...should Joe have whipped his brother's ass too? It wasn't just Hunter that was cashing in on that 17 million in dirty cash...it's the whole family! You don't have to be qualified to understand this statute. A family member taking money as Hunter and James (as well as the others!) did violates the statute. Common sense tells you they KNEW that as well because you don't set up 30 shell companies to launder the money through if it was above board! You know I'm right...
Do they have a problem with the code or who makes the code?
The problem is that you can't have the House making up the code of conduct for the Supreme Court because it violates our separation of powers concept that has kept our nation in good stead for hundreds of years! You know as well as I do that the House would make that political. They can claim that it isn't political but anyone with a dollop of common sense knows that it will be! So let's not go there! Let the Supreme Court make it's own code. Criticize it if you want...shame them for what they do if you want but don't start down this slippery slope!
We have border laws and we don't enforce them. The Biden family is racking up the felonies and we don't charge them. We allegedly have free speech but when Dems. are in power, you can only say things they agree with. Hell, Biden is even ignoring the SC ruling stopping student loan forgiveness. So, you tell me WTF rules-laws are good for. Our government has little to no credibility to make good on anything they promise. MAGA- promises made promises kept.
Excuse making right there.
The problem is that you can't have the House making up the code of conduct for the Supreme Court because it violates our separation of powers concept that has kept our nation in good stead for hundreds of years! You know as well as I do that the House would make that political. They can claim that it isn't political but anyone with a dollop of common sense knows that it won't be! So let's not go there! Let the Supreme Court make it's own code. Criticize it if you want...shame them for what they do if you want but don't start down this slippery slope!

So far they refuse to do that.
Give me a short explanation on why a search warrant that broad would ever be issued by a competent judge, Pk. One sentence should suffice.

I care less. Short enough?

I consider it Karma. People came to Trump over having their rights violated and what did he do? He called them SOB's.

Sucks now that the shoe is on the other foot, eh?
I care less. Short enough?

I consider it Karma. People came to Trump over having their rights violated and what did he do? He called them SOB's.

Sucks now that the shoe is on the other foot, eh?
So your answer to someone's right's supposedly being violated is to blatantly violate the rights of someone else? Yeah, that sucks, Pk. It sucks and it's idiotic!
So your answer to someone's right's supposedly being violated is to blatantly violate the rights of someone else? Yeah, that sucks, Pk. It sucks and it's idiotic!

It wasn't just someone else. It was someone who called others SOB's when they asked him for help.

The problem is that you can't have the House making up the code of conduct for the Supreme Court because it violates our separation of powers concept that has kept our nation in good stead for hundreds of years! You know as well as I do that the House would make that political. They can claim that it isn't political but anyone with a dollop of common sense knows that it will be! So let's not go there! Let the Supreme Court make it's own code. Criticize it if you want...shame them for what they do if you want but don't start down this slippery slope!
Yeah I agree....
They would no doubt sculpt it specifically to their politics.
The court must be the author.
With all due respect, White...should Joe have whipped his brother's ass too? It wasn't just Hunter that was cashing in on that 17 million in dirty cash...it's the whole family! You don't have to be qualified to understand this statute. A family member taking money as Hunter and James (as well as the others!) did violates the statute. Common sense tells you they KNEW that as well because you don't set up 30 shell companies to launder the money through if it was above board! You know I'm right...
By all means, bring charges on Hunter and bother James. I certainly do not mind, and they certainly have no protections from prosecutions while in office, as they are not sitting in the big chair.
It wasn't just someone else. It was someone who called others SOB's when they asked him for help.

So calling someone a name justifies violating that person's rights, Pk? You might want to rethink that concept...just saying...
By all means, bring charges on Hunter and bother James. I certainly do not mind, and they certainly have no protections from prosecutions while in office, as they are not sitting in the big chair.
You don't seem to grasp the statute in question, White. If Hunter and James are guilty of influence peddling and Joe Biden knew all about it...then he is fully as guilty as they are!
So calling someone a name justifies violating that person's rights, Pk? You might want to rethink that concept...just saying...

It's not just "someone". It was the president that could have done something but instead turned his back on the people asking for his help.
You don't seem to grasp the statute in question, White. If Hunter and James are guilty of influence peddling and Joe Biden knew all about it...then he is fully as guilty as they are!
You don't seem to grasp it Old guy, you even preface your sentence with "If", yet they have not been charged by your supporting partisan legal people either, yet I am supposed to be upset with Joe and not even a direct link other than being kin to assholes? Don't worry, "if" it gets to trial and one is found guilty and in the course of trial the definitive connecting link to benefit Joe, I will support your position, but until then, cannot get too excited.

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