I see nothing wrong with a SCOTUS code of conduct.

You don't seem to grasp it Old guy, you even preface your sentence with "If", yet they have not been charged by your supporting partisan legal people either, yet I am supposed to be upset with Joe and not even a direct link other than being kin to assholes? Don't worry, "if" it gets to trial and one is found guilty and in the course of trial the definitive connecting link to benefit Joe, I will support your position, but until then, cannot get too excited.
I'm curious, White...do you REALLY believe Joe Biden when he claims he never spoke to Hunter or James about any of their business deals? I mean come on...nobody can be that naive!
You don't seem to grasp it Old guy, you even preface your sentence with "If", yet they have not been charged by your supporting partisan legal people either, yet I am supposed to be upset with Joe and not even a direct link other than being kin to assholes? Don't worry, "if" it gets to trial and one is found guilty and in the course of trial the definitive connecting link to benefit Joe, I will support your position, but until then, cannot get too excited.
You can't "get excited" about the worst influence peddling scandal ever in the history of America, White? 17 million in the pockets of the Biden's doesn't piss you off? Them taking money from the CCP doesn't make you cringe? The blatant cover up at the DOJ doesn't make that cringe worse?
I'm curious, White...do you REALLY believe Joe Biden when he claims he never spoke to Hunter or James about any of their business deals? I mean come on...nobody can be that naive!
It would surprise me.
You can't "get excited" about the worst influence peddling scandal ever in the history of America, White? 17 million in the pockets of the Biden's doesn't piss you off? Them taking money from the CCP doesn't make you cringe? The blatant cover up at the DOJ doesn't make that cringe worse?
It is not the worst, until proven in court. I have said go after Hunter, if you are waiting for some kind of blessing from me, though can't imagine why it would be important. Forgetting Joe and going after the ones unprotected from prosecution is the way (possibly the only way) to get your goal accomplished. You know, I give a rat's ass less about the court of public opinion. It does not matter what is thought, only what can be proven.
How about these two rules:

You can't be President if you were born in Kenya.

You can't be President if you stole an election with the scam of using the Pandemic to create fraudulent mail in and harvested balloted, counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts?

Sounds fair?
It would surprise you that he had?
It would surprise me if he had never spoken to either on their business deals, but impossible to say what capacity it was discussed as.
It is not the worst, until proven in court. I have said go after Hunter, if you are waiting for some kind of blessing from me, though can't imagine why it would be important. Forgetting Joe and going after the ones unprotected from prosecution is the way (possibly the only way) to get your goal accomplished. You know, I give a rat's ass less about the court of public opinion. It does not matter what is thought, only what can be proven.
You can't go after Hunter without going after Joe, White! They're connected at the hip on this whole sordid mess. You can't bring criminal charges against Joe Biden while he's sitting in the Oval Office. You can impeach him for what he's done. Then the question becomes will a Democratically controlled Senate decline to vote to convict a fellow Democrat even though the evidence against him is overwhelming? If they don't...which I believe would be the case...then how does the American public react to that?
It would surprise me if he had never spoken to either on their business deals, but impossible to say what capacity it was discussed as.
Come on, White...you're a reasonable person! You know as well as I do that Biden knew EXACTLY what his son and his brother were doing! They're a close family. Hunter is Joe's pride and joy. The smartest guy he knows! Anyone who thinks business wasn't discussed between all three has their head buried in the sand.
You can't go after Hunter without going after Joe, White! They're connected at the hip on this whole sordid mess. You can't bring criminal charges against Joe Biden while he's sitting in the Oval Office. You can impeach him for what he's done. Then the question becomes will a Democratically controlled Senate decline to vote to convict a fellow Democrat even though the evidence against him is overwhelming? If they don't...which I believe would be the case...then how does the American public react to that?
Why not? Your way, you can't go after either one for a year and a half, maybe five and a half. It is unlikely you would get an impeachment, without concrete proof. You could be letting political vindictiveness override what you wish to represent as seeking justice. Have you ever thought of yourself as a partisan, or is introspection bad for the soul?
The controversy surrounding codes of conduct for the SCOTUS seems to be mostly partisan bickering. There is no valid reason whatsoever to stall the process. I know some are concerned that it is targeted at the conservatives on the court but these things always balance themselves out in the long run. Alito and Thomas are being accused but so is Sotomayor. Imo this is an important issue.


I don't take issue with it either. But I think if such a code of conduct were to be established, it needs to have some teeth. If it is just some overarching set of principles that justices ought to comport themselves by with absolutely no negative consequence if they don't live up to it, there's absolutely no point.
Why not? Your way, you can't go after either one for a year and a half, maybe five and a half. It is unlikely you would get an impeachment, without concrete proof. You could be letting political vindictiveness override what you wish to represent as seeking justice. Have you ever thought of yourself as a partisan, or is introspection bad for the soul?
Truth be told, White? I could care less about the Biden's. They're their own worst enemy. Hunter is a piece of shit addict who will at some point kill himself with drugs. His father will go down in history as one of the worst Presidents of all time and will be dead or drooling on himself in a few years! They sold their country out for money. That will be their legacy.

You know who I want to see held accountable for what's been happening? The people at the DOJ that let it happen and then covered it up. Liars like Garland and Wray. Scum like Clapper and Brennan. They're what's wrong with the country right now. The assholes like those 4 who weaponized parts of the Federal Government against those they didn't agree with politically.
I don't take issue with it either. But I think if such a code of conduct were to be established, it needs to have some teeth. If it is just some overarching set of principles that justices ought to comport themselves by with absolutely no negative consequence if they don't live up to it, there's absolutely no point.
Well unfortunately most codes of conduct suffer the same fate
I don't take issue with it either. But I think if such a code of conduct were to be established, it needs to have some teeth. If it is just some overarching set of principles that justices ought to comport themselves by with absolutely no negative consequence if they don't live up to it, there's absolutely no point.
Would we be having this conversation in a lib dominated court?
Excuse making right there.
I look at it as problem identification. If we continue to let money laundering, shakedowns, influence peddling, disregarding laws and the weaponization of the DOJ continue, we will never see what our founders envisioned again. We'll just have criminal gangs-families, fighting to gain control of all that corrupt money and power, just like the criminal Biden family has done. The well-being of the people doesn't get any consideration when people like the Biden family get their greedy paws on power. But in fairness, most of our establishment politicians, neocons and Democrats, would do the same corrupt things as the Biden family. We need to bring back "of the people, by the people and for the people".

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