I see nothing wrong with a SCOTUS code of conduct.

Probably not but they also did NOT belong there.

Hypocritical? Yes. Legitimate? Yes.
If they weren't in danger then why wasn't where they belonged decided by the courts like every other instance like this in the past, PK?
Winner, winner Chicken Dinner!

I knew you would have a separate code of conduct for Trump than you did for Hillary

Lock her up!
I hold Donald Trump to the same standard as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden, Winger! It's a disgrace that our DOJ does not! There is an obvious double standard at play here.
If they weren't in danger then why wasn't where they belonged decided by the courts like every other instance like this in the past, PK?

The courts have not made the decision on people taking classified information until after the justice dept has filed charges.

He (like the others before him) had no business taking the information.
The courts have not made the decision on people taking classified information until after the justice dept has filed charges.

He (like the others before him) had no business taking the information.
Remind me again, PK how many previous Presidents have had their private residences raided by the FBI to seize documents under dispute?

Whether or not Trump had any business taking those documents should have been decided the same way it had been decided with other President's prior to him...by the courts.
Then remind me what charges have been filed against Joe Biden for having in his possession secret documents from back when he was a US Senator and had ZERO authority to take them from a secure viewing area!
What did that overblown response even mean, White? You have no problem with the President being investigated but wish the investigation wasn't so "blatantly, publically politcal partisan"? Let's be honest here! It's become apparent that elements in the DOJ have conspired to protect Joe Biden and his family's blatant influence peddling scandal! Bank records...shell companies...whistle blower testimony...business partner testimony...emails and even Joe Biden's boasts all point to one thing! A family that cashed in on Joe Biden's political position to the tune of over 17 million dollars and counting! It isn't just a question of guilt by the Bidens at this point...it's a question of which people in power at the FBI, the DOJ and the IRS conspired to hide that scandal from the American people and are we going to hold them to account for their actions!
It is a matter of guilt, until it is both charged in the courts and proven legally, that there is proven legal culpability on the part of the sitting president, not the asshole son.
Remind me again, PK how many previous Presidents have had their private residences raided by the FBI to seize documents under dispute?


Whether or not Trump had any business taking those documents should have been decided the same way it had been decided with other President's prior to him...by the courts.

And the courts is where it will be decided.
It is a matter of guilt, until it is both charged in the courts and proven legally, that there is proven legal culpability on the part of the sitting president, not the asshole son.
Do you not understand the law, White? While there is mounting evidence that Joe Biden did in fact get paid money from the 17 million that was extorted from those foreign entities...he doesn't have to have received a dime to still be guilty of influence peddling if members of his family received money. The "asshole son" as you've referred to Hunter, cashed in on those millions of dollars and used shell companies to disguise how those funds were distributed to other members of the Biden family!
Interesting how the FBI didn't take that "evidence" when they were at Mar A Lago earlier, PK! They were so unconcerned that their only request was another lock on the storage room door.
That raid was a PR stunt by elements in the Biden DOJ that wanted to attack Trump. You know that...as do I!
And you can tell it was a fishing expedition by the wording of the search warrant and who they went to, to obtain it.
Interesting how the FBI didn't take that "evidence" when they were at Mar A Lago earlier, PK! They were so unconcerned that their only request was another lock on the storage room door.
That raid was a PR stunt by elements in the Biden DOJ that wanted to attack Trump. You know that...as do I!

I don't disagree. You'll not find me defending much of anything the FBI does. I find it quite sad and troublesome they would just leave it.
You aren't fishing when you know it's there.
Are you fishing when your search warrant gives you the ability to seize anything in the same location as the alleged "secret" documents including ANYTHING related to the entire period of time of the Trump Presidency, PK? What competent judge writes a search warrant THAT broad for the home of a former President of the United States?
There is a reason why the Garland DOJ went to THAT Magistrate to obtain their search warrant! He gave them what they wanted which was the right to rifle through a former President's entire residence. Now compare THAT with how the Garland DOJ searched Joe Biden's homes and offices!
As for why the FBI left the materials? Isn't it obvious? They had no fears that those documents were really in danger.
But that was the local FBI office conducting that walk through of Mar A Lago. It was the corrupt leadership of the Washington DC office of the FBI that pushed the raid because they wanted to go after Trump.
Are you fishing when your search warrant gives you the ability to seize anything in the same location as the alleged "secret" documents including ANYTHING related to the entire period of time of the Trump Presidency, PK? What competent judge writes a search warrant THAT broad for the home of a former President of the United States?

He shouldn't have taken it. He should have simply gave it back. But that's not Trump. He made the mess, he can deal with it.
Do you not understand the law, White? While there is mounting evidence that Joe Biden did in fact get paid money from the 17 million that was extorted from those foreign entities...he doesn't have to have received a dime to still be guilty of influence peddling if members of his family received money. The "asshole son" as you've referred to Hunter, cashed in on those millions of dollars and used shell companies to disguise how those funds were distributed to other members of the Biden family!
The fact (as I see it) that Joe Biden failed to control his son, as many of us have failed to control ours is not necessarily the point of culpability or criminal negligence. You have heard me say, Joe should have whipped his ass every damn day growing up, and might not have this problem. The fact, I do not, and am not qualified in the law is to be understood and taken for granted. I look at the family of the out-of-office president, in similar fashion, not being responsible for his transgressions, though not bothered by their reluctance to condemn publicly or legally.

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