I Should Have an AR-15, but not YOU! Gun grabber speaks honestly

Those over the shoulder and behind the back shots'll come in handy for the zombie apocalypse. Practice doing it while on the run for bonus points. :113:

Shit ... I need to get some Claymores for the zombies ... :thup:
I am not greedy for the points in style when it comes to the walking dead.

Really, you need an emoji to tell every one you’re trying to be funny ?

Is that what it told you ... Or better yet, why are you trying to think about what I may need?
If I want something from you, I'll ask, you ignorant twat ... :thup:

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Is that what it told you ... Or better yet, why are you trying to think about what I may need.
If I want something from you, I'll ask, you ignorant twat ... :thup:

You do get upset easily. That’s good.
You do get upset easily. That’s good.

Why would you think I am upset?
What makes you think you could make dent with your pathetic assed attempts ... :dunno:

If you just want to smack talk ... You better up your game ... Bitch.
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As will the .223. And that’s what the article was talkin* about. No one walks around with higher powered rifle stopping body armor. And you guys pretend you don’t know that and wrongfully criticized it. You stepped right into it as usual. You had to be straightened out again. You’re far from being an informed adult. All you do is babble.

Yes, you babble. You're like an annoying field-goal dog...you have no idea what's going on, but you just keep yapping.

I am more of an FN guy, this is my latest .308


I still want a Garand...
Yes, you babble. You're like an annoying field-goal dog...you have no idea what's going on, but you just keep yapping.

I still want a Garand...

I had a good hunting buddy that still used a Garand for deer hunting until recently.

It was a legacy firearm passed down to him from his grandfather.
He finally bought a modern bolt action for hunting when he no longer trusted his eyes on long distances and wanted a scope.

He killed a lot of deer with that Garand though, and it still looked nice.
They had taken good care of it ... And I doubt it will ever be for sale.

Yes, you babble. You're like an annoying field-goal dog...you have no idea what's going on, but you just keep yapping.

I still want a Garand...

Yeah, I have a couple of Garands. One is a real nice Winchester made example.
Yes, very true.

The author of that article was talking about AR15s being likely to penetrate walls and harm a family member or apartment neighbor, which people who actually understand guns are well aware of. Alone in an isolated house, I would prefer a short barreled AR15 with collapsing stock for home defense. In the 'burbs, I have a shotgun with a pistol holster on the butt for home defense.

I use a .380 for carry, having switched from a J-frame .38. I've seen studies showing that this is the most likely caliber to fully disable an attacker, to which I attribute the relative ease of a double tap.

I actually don't have an AR15 yet. I need to get one. A liberal poster convinced me (without meaning to) that I have a duty to have a semi-auto rifle with detachable magazine, in case the government goes full on authoritarian.
The popularity of AR15 stems from being “ soft shooters” with little recoil. Kids and old people and weeners can use them for defense vs a herd of wild pigs. Otherwise, you’re better off with a mid caliber handgun for self defense.
What a self-important twat.

My response: No bitch, if we have to lose ours, we will fucking blow your goddamn head off and take yours.

I hope this miserable piece of cocksucking shit is one who volunteers to go round them up.
Internet tough guy…impressive. But not a place to preach violence. That post is go enough reason to regulate any fiream.
The popularity of AR15 stems from being “ soft shooters” with little recoil. Kids and old people and weeners can use them for defense vs a herd of wild pigs. Otherwise, you’re better off with a mid caliber handgun for self defense.
More stupid. Lots of rifles have little recoil. My 308 bolt action is one. So is my ak.
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A rifle is not the best choice for self defense in an urban environment or in the suburbs.
Or even an AR15. It has many of the same characteristics that make many fire arms unsafe for self defense. Close quarter handling, over penetration , single action only…these characteristics are Not promoted for self defense use.

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