I Spit On "da federal gubermint"........

The Park police are not wannabe Gendarmes. The requirements and training far exceed that of most law enforcement officers.
The location of this incident was a Memorial to a founding father, literally. Anything deemed disrespectful or offensive is not allowed and activities outside of normal tourism require permits.

Those 2 weren't doing anything disruptive. They were quietly embracing each other. You know enjoying the freedom the founding fathers supposedly revered. Nothing got disruptive until the wannabe cops showed up and started pushing people around

And those guy s are just glorified park rangers who most likely washed out of the FBI or Secret Service and weren't good enough to get a gig in any State police force
You really don't know what you are talking about. You are speculating and guessing about a subject you have no knowledge with. The cops didn't just show up. The Memorial is under constant camera surveillance and officers patrolling the area surrounding the Memorial, which is extensive, would have been dispatched as soon as the activities came to the attention of those manning the camera surveillance
Public displays of affection are not allowed at the Memorials. There are degrees of PDA that are inappropriate in public and allowing any leads to a slippery slope of officers making judgements and decisions, hence, no PDA'S with even a hint of sexual orientation are allowed. The officers were following STP's and orders.

You obviously know nothing about the requirements and training of National Park Police. Individuals trained by the Park Police with experience in that police force on their resume are desired by both state police forces, the secret service and FBI. Their training never ceases as they are trained in the latest law enforcement techniques and methods on a continuous basis. They are a premier law enforcement force in charge of safeguarding and protecting huge areas of the nation's capitol.

That's funny I guess people hugging or kissing (the fucking horror) are now security threats at public monuments

It takes a lot of training and skill to manhandle a couple hugging each other I guess. Park Police to the rescue
They are not security threats except that their actions may be offensive and anger someone which might cause an altercation. Prolonged hugging and kissing can easily lead to groping, but even by itself may be offensive to some. The Memorials are visited by people of all religions, cultures, and moral standards. The PDA rules are designed to assure pleasant experiences for all who visit. A fundamentalist Christian or Amish should not be made to feel uncomfortable by a couple who are not able to restrain themselves until after their visit to the Memorial. Those people were causing a distraction and disturbance inside what many believe is a sacred Memorial to a founding father and were dealt with in a professional manner. All they had to do was stop what they were doing and follow the same rules as everyone else, or leave. They decided to cause a bigger scene and escalate what should have been a routine situation. Don't hug and make out in our National Memorials and don't agrue with law enforcement when they are giving you instructions.

Lil camper believes in toadying to "da gubermint"..........what a gutless wonder.
No, I am rational and realistic. You are just one of those people who obsess with pointing the finger at faults and weaknesses of government but have no rational, realistic and obtainable solutions to the problems of government. Nor do you have the motivation, intelligence or will to challenge the government to make a change. You just whine and complain. You have no solution to the incident or alternate method that could be used by law enforcement other than to just let couples hug and kiss in our Memorials. But as stated, you have none of the skills or motivation to change the current policy. Deep down you know if you attempted such an endeavor you would be mocked and laughed at the same way you are mocked and laughed at here.
Wrong as usual. Great job of exposing your utter stupidity and typical liberal mindset that "da gubermint" is bestowing upon their serfs an incredible "entitlement" with S.S. Between workers and their employers, they together contribute 15 percent of what that person makes over their lifetime until retirement age. This beloved "gubermint" that you love so much has stolen from it for years because more were paying into it then what was being paid out. You really are the typical stupid liberal....seriously.

sooner or later I wont be wrong... you will be cashing your SS check.

Nope, will never happen.

electronic deposit eh ...

Wrong yet again............


What shows you to be an idiot is that you think anyone getting Social Security is getting a stipend on "da gubermint's" dime instead of simply getting back a penance of what they paid in while liberally giving away benefits to those that paid little to nothing into the system.
Those 2 weren't doing anything disruptive. They were quietly embracing each other. You know enjoying the freedom the founding fathers supposedly revered. Nothing got disruptive until the wannabe cops showed up and started pushing people around

And those guy s are just glorified park rangers who most likely washed out of the FBI or Secret Service and weren't good enough to get a gig in any State police force
You really don't know what you are talking about. You are speculating and guessing about a subject you have no knowledge with. The cops didn't just show up. The Memorial is under constant camera surveillance and officers patrolling the area surrounding the Memorial, which is extensive, would have been dispatched as soon as the activities came to the attention of those manning the camera surveillance
Public displays of affection are not allowed at the Memorials. There are degrees of PDA that are inappropriate in public and allowing any leads to a slippery slope of officers making judgements and decisions, hence, no PDA'S with even a hint of sexual orientation are allowed. The officers were following STP's and orders.

You obviously know nothing about the requirements and training of National Park Police. Individuals trained by the Park Police with experience in that police force on their resume are desired by both state police forces, the secret service and FBI. Their training never ceases as they are trained in the latest law enforcement techniques and methods on a continuous basis. They are a premier law enforcement force in charge of safeguarding and protecting huge areas of the nation's capitol.

That's funny I guess people hugging or kissing (the fucking horror) are now security threats at public monuments

It takes a lot of training and skill to manhandle a couple hugging each other I guess. Park Police to the rescue
They are not security threats except that their actions may be offensive and anger someone which might cause an altercation. Prolonged hugging and kissing can easily lead to groping, but even by itself may be offensive to some. The Memorials are visited by people of all religions, cultures, and moral standards. The PDA rules are designed to assure pleasant experiences for all who visit. A fundamentalist Christian or Amish should not be made to feel uncomfortable by a couple who are not able to restrain themselves until after their visit to the Memorial. Those people were causing a distraction and disturbance inside what many believe is a sacred Memorial to a founding father and were dealt with in a professional manner. All they had to do was stop what they were doing and follow the same rules as everyone else, or leave. They decided to cause a bigger scene and escalate what should have been a routine situation. Don't hug and make out in our National Memorials and don't agrue with law enforcement when they are giving you instructions.

Lil camper believes in toadying to "da gubermint"..........what a gutless wonder.
No, I am rational and realistic. You are just one of those people who obsess with pointing the finger at faults and weaknesses of government but have no rational, realistic and obtainable solutions to the problems of government. Nor do you have the motivation, intelligence or will to challenge the government to make a change. You just whine and complain. You have no solution to the incident or alternate method that could be used by law enforcement other than to just let couples hug and kiss in our Memorials. But as stated, you have none of the skills or motivation to change the current policy. Deep down you know if you attempted such an endeavor you would be mocked and laughed at the same way you are mocked and laughed at here.

"OUR" memorials? You don't own shit, dude....none of us do. I bet you believe the land the Bundy ranch was using to allow their cattle to graze on was "OUR" land as well.....what a fucking dumb ass (SMH) If you think I give even so much as a fly's fart off of a bald butcher's wig concerning the opinions of leftards, you are beyond stupid with an inflated sense of self. I can't think of any scenario as to where I would ever want the friendship or respect of a leftard....no fucking way.
sooner or later I wont be wrong... you will be cashing your SS check.

Nope, will never happen.

electronic deposit eh ...

Wrong yet again............


What shows you to be an idiot is that you think anyone getting Social Security is getting a stipend on "da gubermint's" dime instead of simply getting back a penance of what they paid in while liberally giving away benefits to those that paid little to nothing into the system.
Live a healthy life. Don't smoke or drink too much. Don't do drugs. Eat right and exercise. Chances are you will collect all the money you put into SS plus a bunch more while you enjoy retirement.
Nope, will never happen.

electronic deposit eh ...

Wrong yet again............


What shows you to be an idiot is that you think anyone getting Social Security is getting a stipend on "da gubermint's" dime instead of simply getting back a penance of what they paid in while liberally giving away benefits to those that paid little to nothing into the system.
Live a healthy life. Don't smoke or drink too much. Don't do drugs. Eat right and exercise. Chances are you will collect all the money you put into SS plus a bunch more while you enjoy retirement.

I have no interest at all in sticking around any longer than is required on this plantation.
The first 2 weren't disrupting anything they were just minding their own business doing their own thing

The problem is the wannabe Gendarmes who aren't good enough to be real police
The Park police are not wannabe Gendarmes. The requirements and training far exceed that of most law enforcement officers.
The location of this incident was a Memorial to a founding father, literally. Anything deemed disrespectful or offensive is not allowed and activities outside of normal tourism require permits.

Those 2 weren't doing anything disruptive. They were quietly embracing each other. You know enjoying the freedom the founding fathers supposedly revered. Nothing got disruptive until the wannabe cops showed up and started pushing people around

And those guy s are just glorified park rangers who most likely washed out of the FBI or Secret Service and weren't good enough to get a gig in any State police force
You really don't know what you are talking about. You are speculating and guessing about a subject you have no knowledge with. The cops didn't just show up. The Memorial is under constant camera surveillance and officers patrolling the area surrounding the Memorial, which is extensive, would have been dispatched as soon as the activities came to the attention of those manning the camera surveillance
Public displays of affection are not allowed at the Memorials. There are degrees of PDA that are inappropriate in public and allowing any leads to a slippery slope of officers making judgements and decisions, hence, no PDA'S with even a hint of sexual orientation are allowed. The officers were following STP's and orders.

You obviously know nothing about the requirements and training of National Park Police. Individuals trained by the Park Police with experience in that police force on their resume are desired by both state police forces, the secret service and FBI. Their training never ceases as they are trained in the latest law enforcement techniques and methods on a continuous basis. They are a premier law enforcement force in charge of safeguarding and protecting huge areas of the nation's capitol.

That's funny I guess people hugging or kissing (the fucking horror) are now security threats at public monuments

It takes a lot of training and skill to manhandle a couple hugging each other I guess. Park Police to the rescue
They are not security threats except that their actions may be offensive and anger someone which might cause an altercation. Prolonged hugging and kissing can easily lead to groping, but even by itself may be offensive to some. The Memorials are visited by people of all religions, cultures, and moral standards. The PDA rules are designed to assure pleasant experiences for all who visit. A fundamentalist Christian or Amish should not be made to feel uncomfortable by a couple who are not able to restrain themselves until after their visit to the Memorial. Those people were causing a distraction and disturbance inside what many believe is a sacred Memorial to a founding father and were dealt with in a professional manner. All they had to do was stop what they were doing and follow the same rules as everyone else, or leave. They decided to cause a bigger scene and escalate what should have been a routine situation. Don't hug and make out in our National Memorials and don't agrue with law enforcement when they are giving you instructions.

Another stupid law enforced by equally stupid government functionaries

The founders would be soooooo proud
Nope, will never happen.

electronic deposit eh ...

Wrong yet again............


What shows you to be an idiot is that you think anyone getting Social Security is getting a stipend on "da gubermint's" dime instead of simply getting back a penance of what they paid in while liberally giving away benefits to those that paid little to nothing into the system.
Live a healthy life. Don't smoke or drink too much. Don't do drugs. Eat right and exercise. Chances are you will collect all the money you put into SS plus a bunch more while you enjoy retirement.

Yeah and get to enjoy the lost opportunity cost and the chance to be wealthy in retirement for a guaranteed 1300 a month

electronic deposit eh ...

Wrong yet again............


What shows you to be an idiot is that you think anyone getting Social Security is getting a stipend on "da gubermint's" dime instead of simply getting back a penance of what they paid in while liberally giving away benefits to those that paid little to nothing into the system.
Live a healthy life. Don't smoke or drink too much. Don't do drugs. Eat right and exercise. Chances are you will collect all the money you put into SS plus a bunch more while you enjoy retirement.

Yeah and get to enjoy the lost opportunity cost and the chance to be wealthy in retirement for a guaranteed 1300 a month

You can do both at the same time. Almost a century ago America and American decided they did not want seniors to live lives of poverty and destitution so a pay it forward solution was formulated. It has been accepted, reinforced and promoted by every President and Congress since, including the current one and the candidates hoping to become the next one.
Wrong yet again............


What shows you to be an idiot is that you think anyone getting Social Security is getting a stipend on "da gubermint's" dime instead of simply getting back a penance of what they paid in while liberally giving away benefits to those that paid little to nothing into the system.
Live a healthy life. Don't smoke or drink too much. Don't do drugs. Eat right and exercise. Chances are you will collect all the money you put into SS plus a bunch more while you enjoy retirement.

Yeah and get to enjoy the lost opportunity cost and the chance to be wealthy in retirement for a guaranteed 1300 a month

You can do both at the same time. Almost a century ago America and American decided they did not want seniors to live lives of poverty and destitution so a pay it forward solution was formulated. It has been accepted, reinforced and promoted by every President and Congress since, including the current one and the candidates hoping to become the next one.

By signing up for S.S, you basically signed over power of attorney to "da gubermint" to be the trustee of your birth certificate bond that was monetized and borrowed against. Da "gubermint" made out pretty good and since you and your employer are the ones that actually funds this? They don't have to worry about funding it...though they sure have dipped into it and left it a bunch of worthless I.O.Us.
When you start acquiescing to authority and turning over your basic human rights, you no longer live in a free country.

Not at all. We all give up the ability to do something for good order and civility.

These people were being assholes. They deserved a much bigger beatdown than they got.

I only know of 4 of these mass shootings that were staged. I haven't taken the time to look at the others. You think that they wouldn't do this? Look up "Operation Northwoods" and "Operation Gladio". Learn, grow....evolve.

Guy, the problem is, I have no desire to evolve into a crazy person wearing a tin-foil hat so the Chem-Trails don't get him.

Those 2 weren't doing anything disruptive. They were quietly embracing each other. You know enjoying the freedom the founding fathers supposedly revered. Nothing got disruptive until the wannabe cops showed up and started pushing people around

And when they were told to stop, they should have stopped.
When you start acquiescing to authority and turning over your basic human rights, you no longer live in a free country.

Not at all. We all give up the ability to do something for good order and civility.

These people were being assholes. They deserved a much bigger beatdown than they got.

I only know of 4 of these mass shootings that were staged. I haven't taken the time to look at the others. You think that they wouldn't do this? Look up "Operation Northwoods" and "Operation Gladio". Learn, grow....evolve.

Guy, the problem is, I have no desire to evolve into a crazy person wearing a tin-foil hat so the Chem-Trails don't get him.

Those 2 weren't doing anything disruptive. They were quietly embracing each other. You know enjoying the freedom the founding fathers supposedly revered. Nothing got disruptive until the wannabe cops showed up and started pushing people around

And when they were told to stop, they should have stopped.

Slow Joe, you really are a liberal pussy......
Wrong as usual. Great job of exposing your utter stupidity and typical liberal mindset that "da gubermint" is bestowing upon their serfs an incredible "entitlement" with S.S. Between workers and their employers, they together contribute 15 percent of what that person makes over their lifetime until retirement age. This beloved "gubermint" that you love so much has stolen from it for years because more were paying into it then what was being paid out. You really are the typical stupid liberal....seriously.

are you some kind of retard? The thing is, if you had gotten that 12%, you'd have probably blown in the stock market, or putting tin foil on your windows. Social Security is there because we don't want people to starve when they can't earn a living anymore.
Wrong as usual. Great job of exposing your utter stupidity and typical liberal mindset that "da gubermint" is bestowing upon their serfs an incredible "entitlement" with S.S. Between workers and their employers, they together contribute 15 percent of what that person makes over their lifetime until retirement age. This beloved "gubermint" that you love so much has stolen from it for years because more were paying into it then what was being paid out. You really are the typical stupid liberal....seriously.

are you some kind of retard? The thing is, if you had gotten that 12%, you'd have probably blown in the stock market, or putting tin foil on your windows. Social Security is there because we don't want people to starve when they can't earn a living anymore.

Hey, dumbfuck...the argument was about how the leftard I was replying to claimed that S.S was a benevolent "gubermint" program that we should be grateful about when it is us and our employer that funds it....get it, ya stupid fuck?
Slow Joe, you really are a liberal pussy......

Not at all. I frankly WANT the government to keep a boot on the necks of crazies like you.

The worst thing we ever did was close down mental institutions and let people like you roam free range.
Hey, dumbfuck...the argument was about how the leftard I was replying to claimed that S.S was a benevolent "gubermint" program that we should be grateful about when it is us and our employer that funds it....get it, ya stupid fuck?

Yes, most of us don't do a good job of saving. Too many rich people looking for ways to rip us off. So kind of awesome the government makes sure we don't spend our latter years eating dog food.
Slow Joe, you really are a liberal pussy......

Not at all. I frankly WANT the government to keep a boot on the necks of crazies like you.

The worst thing we ever did was close down mental institutions and let people like you roam free range.

Slow Joe SEZ????? "Your crazy for not loving our beloved gubermint due you here me due you? Oh how I wish that we coud put you in a, mental place because you due not belong in this republik for witches stands...due you here me due you???" BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

They have no boot on my neck. I know how to deal with them and how to deal with citations when I am accused of breaking one of their acts, statutes and codes. Requires nothing but blue ink and a notary republic. You see, under the UCC, everything is about cohesion contracts and I am not obligated to contract with them. Yeah, I know a lot more than you do.....infinitely more.
Hey, dumbfuck...the argument was about how the leftard I was replying to claimed that S.S was a benevolent "gubermint" program that we should be grateful about when it is us and our employer that funds it....get it, ya stupid fuck?

Yes, most of us don't do a good job of saving. Too many rich people looking for ways to rip us off. So kind of awesome the government makes sure we don't spend our latter years eating dog food.

Slow Joe, kinda hard to save for your later years when "da gubermint" takes 35 to 40 percent of what you earn during the year....know what I mean, dumb ass?
Slow Joe SEZ????? "Your crazy for not loving our beloved gubermint due you here me due you? Oh how I wish that we coud put you in a, mental place because you due not belong in this republik for witches stands...due you here me due you???" BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

They have no boot on my neck. I know how to deal with them and how to deal with citations when I am accused of breaking one of their acts, statutes and codes. Requires nothing but blue ink and a notary republic. You see, under the UCC, everything is about cohesion contracts and I am not obligated to contract with them. Yeah, I know a lot more than you do.....infinitely more.

And he goes full crazy...

Seriously, I was starting to tihnk you were just a troll, but i really do think you are that nuts.
Slow Joe, kinda hard to save for your later years when "da gubermint" takes 35 to 40 percent of what you earn during the year....know what I mean, dumb ass?

You're right. You'd probably wouldn't live 35-40 years without a government making sure you had clean water or no one slit your throat.

Have you considered moving to Somalia?
Slow Joe SEZ????? "Your crazy for not loving our beloved gubermint due you here me due you? Oh how I wish that we coud put you in a, mental place because you due not belong in this republik for witches stands...due you here me due you???" BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

They have no boot on my neck. I know how to deal with them and how to deal with citations when I am accused of breaking one of their acts, statutes and codes. Requires nothing but blue ink and a notary republic. You see, under the UCC, everything is about cohesion contracts and I am not obligated to contract with them. Yeah, I know a lot more than you do.....infinitely more.

And he goes full crazy...

Seriously, I was starting to tihnk you were just a troll, but i really do think you are that nuts.

Please don't "tihnk" too hard....that little gerbil running the treadmill in that empty skull of yours (that keeps you from pissing yourself) might drop over from exhaustion...then you are gonna have some serious laundry to do.


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