I Spit On "da federal gubermint"........

Slow Joe, kinda hard to save for your later years when "da gubermint" takes 35 to 40 percent of what you earn during the year....know what I mean, dumb ass?

You're right. You'd probably wouldn't live 35-40 years without a government making sure you had clean water or no one slit your throat.

Have you considered moving to Somalia?

"Clean water"? It has sodium fluoride in it which by itself is a bio hazard. It is a industrial waste by-product and if you dumped it into a stream, lake or river? You would be heavily fined....but it's safe for human consumption to idiots like you. Tell me more about how great this federal "gubermint" is.......I need the laughs.
Please don't "tihnk" too hard....that little gerbil running the treadmill in that empty skull of yours (that keeps you from pissing yourself) might drop over from exhaustion...then you are gonna have some serious laundry to do.

wow, dude, that's the best your crazy ass comes up with?

I'm just wondering how you function in the real world. Now, wait, I think we have film on that.

"Clean water"? It has sodium fluoride in it which by itself is a bio hazard. It is a industrial waste by-product and if you dumped it into a stream, lake or river? You would be heavily fined....but it's safe for human consumption to idiots like you. Tell me more about how great this federal "gubermint" is.......I need the laughs.

Holy fucking shit! Fluoridation in the water!!! The cutting edge conspiracy theory of the 1950's!!!
Slow Joe, kinda hard to save for your later years when "da gubermint" takes 35 to 40 percent of what you earn during the year....know what I mean, dumb ass?

You're right. You'd probably wouldn't live 35-40 years without a government making sure you had clean water or no one slit your throat.

Have you considered moving to Somalia?

"Clean water"? It has sodium fluoride in it which by itself is a bio hazard. It is a industrial waste by-product and if you dumped it into a stream, lake or river? You would be heavily fined....but it's safe for human consumption to idiots like you. Tell me more about how great this federal "gubermint" is.......I need the laughs.

Dale is posting from the 1950s.
"Clean water"? It has sodium fluoride in it which by itself is a bio hazard. It is a industrial waste by-product and if you dumped it into a stream, lake or river? You would be heavily fined....but it's safe for human consumption to idiots like you. Tell me more about how great this federal "gubermint" is.......I need the laughs.

Holy fucking shit! Fluoridation in the water!!! The cutting edge conspiracy theory of the 1950's!!!

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! Slow Joe SEZ???? Flouride be good fore my tooth!!! Thank you, gubermint!!!!! Thank you!!!!!

Dale is posting from the 1950s.

Dale is posting from the crazy part of the 1950's.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! Slow Joe SEZ???? Flouride be good fore my tooth!!! Thank you, gubermint!!!!! Thank you!!!!!

I'm 54 years old, and have all of my teeth, thanks. The same can not be said of my parents generation that didn't drink fluoridated water.

So let's look at the list of Dale Crazy

Sandy Hook was a False Flag
Charleston was a False Flag
VA Tech was a false flag
Chemtrails are spreading chemicals into our atmosphere
Flouridation is poisoning us
America is a fascist state because Libertarians doing bad street drama in a public park are busted.

Dale is posting from the 1950s.

Dale is posting from the crazy part of the 1950's.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! Slow Joe SEZ???? Flouride be good fore my tooth!!! Thank you, gubermint!!!!! Thank you!!!!!

I'm 54 years old, and have all of my teeth, thanks. The same can not be said of my parents generation that didn't drink fluoridated water.

So let's look at the list of Dale Crazy

Sandy Hook was a False Flag
Charleston was a False Flag
VA Tech was a false flag
Chemtrails are spreading chemicals into our atmosphere
Flouridation is poisoning us
America is a fascist state because Libertarians doing bad street drama in a public park are busted.

Do you honestly believe that you have all your teeth because they put a chemical that is harmful into the water? HOLY fuck.....I don't know what to say....your faith in your beloved "gubermint" floors me. People have filtered their water to take out sodium fluoride and other chemicals and shown us the crud that was filtered...but WTF....they are just overly cautious and they are missing out on the benefits of chemicals placed into our drinking water.....right, Slow Joe?

Good God almighty, Slow Joe....you suck down the Kool-Aid as if it was ambrosia.......I thank the good Lord that I am not as blind as you are....

What shows you to be an idiot is that you think anyone getting Social Security is getting a stipend on "da gubermint's" dime instead of simply getting back a penance of what they paid in while liberally giving away benefits to those that paid little to nothing into the system.
Live a healthy life. Don't smoke or drink too much. Don't do drugs. Eat right and exercise. Chances are you will collect all the money you put into SS plus a bunch more while you enjoy retirement.

Yeah and get to enjoy the lost opportunity cost and the chance to be wealthy in retirement for a guaranteed 1300 a month

You can do both at the same time. Almost a century ago America and American decided they did not want seniors to live lives of poverty and destitution so a pay it forward solution was formulated. It has been accepted, reinforced and promoted by every President and Congress since, including the current one and the candidates hoping to become the next one.

By signing up for S.S, you basically signed over power of attorney to "da gubermint" to be the trustee of your birth certificate bond that was monetized and borrowed against. Da "gubermint" made out pretty good and since you and your employer are the ones that actually funds this? They don't have to worry about funding it...though they sure have dipped into it and left it a bunch of worthless I.O.Us.
I'll probably not think about that every month, rain or shine like clock-work when the guberment deposits funds into my checking account. For some reason nobody I know that collects SS give a crap about what you are blathering about.
Do you honestly believe that you have all your teeth because they put a chemical that is harmful into the water? HOLY fuck.....I don't know what to say....your faith in your beloved "gubermint" floors me.

1) It isn't harmful.
2) It's been scientifically proven to work.

Here's the real problem, you come up with these insanely elaborate conspiracy theories, but most of them just plain old aren't logical.

People have filtered their water to take out sodium fluoride and other chemicals and shown us the crud that was filtered...but WTF....they are just overly cautious and they are missing out on the benefits of chemicals placed into our drinking water.....right, Slow Joe?

People spend money to drink bottled water... which is usually gotten from the same municipal water supplies we get from a faucet.

Good God almighty, Slow Joe....you suck down the Kool-Aid as if it was ambrosia.......I thank the good Lord that I am not as blind as you are...

Wait a minute. You are completely skeptical of anything the government says, but you think there is a Magic Fairy in the Sky who cares how often you whack off?
Do you honestly believe that you have all your teeth because they put a chemical that is harmful into the water? HOLY fuck.....I don't know what to say....your faith in your beloved "gubermint" floors me.

1) It isn't harmful.
2) It's been scientifically proven to work.

Here's the real problem, you come up with these insanely elaborate conspiracy theories, but most of them just plain old aren't logical.

People have filtered their water to take out sodium fluoride and other chemicals and shown us the crud that was filtered...but WTF....they are just overly cautious and they are missing out on the benefits of chemicals placed into our drinking water.....right, Slow Joe?

People spend money to drink bottled water... which is usually gotten from the same municipal water supplies we get from a faucet.

Good God almighty, Slow Joe....you suck down the Kool-Aid as if it was ambrosia.......I thank the good Lord that I am not as blind as you are...

Wait a minute. You are completely skeptical of anything the government says, but you think there is a Magic Fairy in the Sky who cares how often you whack off?

Sodium fluoride is a toxic poison and yet idiots like you claim it is a "good thing"....sodium fluoride lowers the IQ which explains why you are the way you are. As far as God goes? I will put my faith in Him long before I will a "for profit entity" that is the federal "gubermint"....they can kiss my ass ten ways to Sunday. I have no respect for it nor will I ever pledge any allegiance to this corporate entity. I have no respect for the corporate banner nor would I ever stand when the corporate anthem is played. My rights to exist do not come from a benevolent "gubermint".....do ya hear me?
Do you honestly believe that you have all your teeth because they put a chemical that is harmful into the water? HOLY fuck.....I don't know what to say....your faith in your beloved "gubermint" floors me.

1) It isn't harmful.
2) It's been scientifically proven to work.

Here's the real problem, you come up with these insanely elaborate conspiracy theories, but most of them just plain old aren't logical.

People have filtered their water to take out sodium fluoride and other chemicals and shown us the crud that was filtered...but WTF....they are just overly cautious and they are missing out on the benefits of chemicals placed into our drinking water.....right, Slow Joe?

People spend money to drink bottled water... which is usually gotten from the same municipal water supplies we get from a faucet.

Good God almighty, Slow Joe....you suck down the Kool-Aid as if it was ambrosia.......I thank the good Lord that I am not as blind as you are...

Wait a minute. You are completely skeptical of anything the government says, but you think there is a Magic Fairy in the Sky who cares how often you whack off?

Slow Joe SEZ?????? "Love dat gubermint!!!!! Obey!!! Comply!!!!! Your way through this world is to be subservient to da gubermint!!! Due you here me due you????"

Big time double middle finger salute to it....it doesn't represent freedom or liberty at all.
Sodium fluoride is a toxic poison and yet idiots like you claim it is a "good thing"....sodium fluoride lowers the IQ which explains why you are the way you are. As far as God goes? I will put my faith in Him long before I will a "for profit entity" that is the federal "gubermint"....they can kiss my ass ten ways to Sunday. I have no respect for it nor will I ever pledge any allegiance to this corporate entity. I have no respect for the corporate banner nor would I ever stand when the corporate anthem is played. My rights to exist do not come from a benevolent "gubermint".....do ya hear me?

there are no rights. There are only privileges the rest of us let you have.

You see, it used to be, when someone was as batshit paranoid as you are, we used to lock you up. Today we let crazy people like you roam the streets and even buy guns. Then we all scratch our heads and wonder why you just shot up a theater or a school while other crazy people claim it was all staged.
Slow Joe SEZ?????? "Love dat gubermint!!!!! Obey!!! Comply!!!!! Your way through this world is to be subservient to da gubermint!!! Due you here me due you????"

Big time double middle finger salute to it....it doesn't represent freedom or liberty at all.

Guy, there's liberty and then there's being a crazy person.

You are a crazy person. I don't want to keep breaking this to you. Somehow, I don't think you talk to people like this IRL, because they'd run away from you as quickly as they can.
Wrong yet again............


What shows you to be an idiot is that you think anyone getting Social Security is getting a stipend on "da gubermint's" dime instead of simply getting back a penance of what they paid in while liberally giving away benefits to those that paid little to nothing into the system.
Live a healthy life. Don't smoke or drink too much. Don't do drugs. Eat right and exercise. Chances are you will collect all the money you put into SS plus a bunch more while you enjoy retirement.

Yeah and get to enjoy the lost opportunity cost and the chance to be wealthy in retirement for a guaranteed 1300 a month

You can do both at the same time. Almost a century ago America and American decided they did not want seniors to live lives of poverty and destitution so a pay it forward solution was formulated. It has been accepted, reinforced and promoted by every President and Congress since, including the current one and the candidates hoping to become the next one.

So what? None of that makes it right.

All SS does is deny people the opportunity to have real personal wealth. It continues the cycle of government dependency
When you start acquiescing to authority and turning over your basic human rights, you no longer live in a free country.

Not at all. We all give up the ability to do something for good order and civility.

These people were being assholes. They deserved a much bigger beatdown than they got.

I only know of 4 of these mass shootings that were staged. I haven't taken the time to look at the others. You think that they wouldn't do this? Look up "Operation Northwoods" and "Operation Gladio". Learn, grow....evolve.

Guy, the problem is, I have no desire to evolve into a crazy person wearing a tin-foil hat so the Chem-Trails don't get him.

Those 2 weren't doing anything disruptive. They were quietly embracing each other. You know enjoying the freedom the founding fathers supposedly revered. Nothing got disruptive until the wannabe cops showed up and started pushing people around

And when they were told to stop, they should have stopped.

Why? They weren't bothering anyone.
They were minding their own business
That's something more of us and especially you should do
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So what? None of that makes it right.

All SS does is deny people the opportunity to have real personal wealth. It continues the cycle of government dependency

You mean it protects people from starvation when you have events like 1929 or 2008.

Oh, the horror. Don't you know we need to starve out the unworthy in an act of natural selection, so that the world can only be populated with Malignant Narcissists?

You can judge a society by how it treats its very young and its very old.

The movement that wants to cut social security and school lunches so they can give tax breaks to Billionaires can't be judged very well.
Why? They weren't bothering anyone.
They were minding their own business
That's something more of us and especially you should do

It strikes me that if you go to a website to discuss politics, you are expecting to be bothered.

Obviously, they were bothering someone, as someone complained to the park police about their behavior.

again, the whole incident was stages with at least six people being involved in it.
So what? None of that makes it right.

All SS does is deny people the opportunity to have real personal wealth. It continues the cycle of government dependency

You mean it protects people from starvation when you have events like 1929 or 2008.

Oh, the horror. Don't you know we need to starve out the unworthy in an act of natural selection, so that the world can only be populated with Malignant Narcissists?

You can judge a society by how it treats its very young and its very old.

The movement that wants to cut social security and school lunches so they can give tax breaks to Billionaires can't be judged very well.

Funny and you can't prove any of that as usual

And FYI billionaires do not pay SS, you Idiot.

FICA taxes take the equivalent of 15% of the average person's lifetime income and squanders it all in the name of security. There is no security in a $1300 a month check

If people had control of that money they'd be better off even if they left it in a simple money market account
Why? They weren't bothering anyone.
They were minding their own business
That's something more of us and especially you should do

It strikes me that if you go to a website to discuss politics, you are expecting to be bothered.

Obviously, they were bothering someone, as someone complained to the park police about their behavior.

again, the whole incident was stages with at least six people being involved in it.

Who complained? You are assuming facts not in evidence.

It was 2 people the others started protesting the ridiculous cops after they decided to manhandle the first 2
Funny and you can't prove any of that as usual

And FYI billionaires do not pay SS, you Idiot.

Then why does Paul Ryan keep wanting to cut social security, then?

FICA taxes take the equivalent of 15% of the average person's lifetime income and squanders it all in the name of security. There is no security in a $1300 a month check

quite the contrary, if you pay off your mortgage and debts, you can probably do pretty good on $1300 a month.

If people had control of that money they'd be better off even if they left it in a simple money market account

Again. 2008. Every time I hear that argument, I check out my 2008 401K statement with the 60% losses.

Who complained? You are assuming facts not in evidence.

It was 2 people the others started protesting the ridiculous cops after they decided to manhandle the first 2

And they just happened to have buddies there with cameras and their buddies all participated in the protest.


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