I stand with Drew Brees

Anyone who think Kap was disrespecting the flag had it precisely backwards.

He was DEPENDING on it.

This is what happens when you don't bother to understand the experiences and perspectives of others.

But he didn't get the discussion he wanted, or the response he wanted. His intent only matters to him, the result was a large part of the country saw it as disrespect, and anything he said to the contrary fell on deaf ears once he doubled down on it.

You only get to decide how you present your message, you don't get to decide how people recieve it.
I'm sure he knew there would be some who would make no effort to understand. That's predictable.

He's more interested, I suspect, in reaching those whose minds are not snapped shut.

One little, silent, peaceful act at a time.

That's kind of hubris to assume that people who reject his view made no effort to understand it.

Again, as the messenger, it's his job to get the message not only out, but understood the way he wants it understood.
I don't disagree at all. I'm just saying that he already knows that not everyone is going to agree.

That's okay, not everyone has to.

if he really cared about the message he would have tried something else. He didn't.
Then perhaps you don't understand him.

What he did may work out just fine.

It sure didn't work out for his career.
Anyone who think Kap was disrespecting the flag had it precisely backwards.

He was DEPENDING on it.

This is what happens when you don't bother to understand the experiences and perspectives of others.

But he didn't get the discussion he wanted, or the response he wanted. His intent only matters to him, the result was a large part of the country saw it as disrespect, and anything he said to the contrary fell on deaf ears once he doubled down on it.

You only get to decide how you present your message, you don't get to decide how people recieve it.
I'm sure he knew there would be some who would make no effort to understand. That's predictable.

He's more interested, I suspect, in reaching those whose minds are not snapped shut.

One little, silent, peaceful act at a time.

That's kind of hubris to assume that people who reject his view made no effort to understand it.

Again, as the messenger, it's his job to get the message not only out, but understood the way he wants it understood.
I don't disagree at all. I'm just saying that he already knows that not everyone is going to agree.

That's okay, not everyone has to.

if he really cared about the message he would have tried something else. He didn't.
Then perhaps you don't understand him.

What he did may work out just fine.

It sure didn't work out for his career.
Maybe some things are more important to him. For some, this is a pretty important issue that doesn't deserve to be diminished.
Failing to pander to misguided emotions over false issues will get you in the same hot water that All Truth Telling does.
Anyone who think Kap was disrespecting the flag had it precisely backwards.

He was DEPENDING on it.

This is what happens when you don't bother to understand the experiences and perspectives of others.

But he didn't get the discussion he wanted, or the response he wanted. His intent only matters to him, the result was a large part of the country saw it as disrespect, and anything he said to the contrary fell on deaf ears once he doubled down on it.

You only get to decide how you present your message, you don't get to decide how people recieve it.
I'm sure he knew there would be some who would make no effort to understand. That's predictable.

He's more interested, I suspect, in reaching those whose minds are not snapped shut.

One little, silent, peaceful act at a time.

That's kind of hubris to assume that people who reject his view made no effort to understand it.

Again, as the messenger, it's his job to get the message not only out, but understood the way he wants it understood.
I don't disagree at all. I'm just saying that he already knows that not everyone is going to agree.

That's okay, not everyone has to.

if he really cared about the message he would have tried something else. He didn't.
Then perhaps you don't understand him.

What he did may work out just fine.

It sure didn't work out for his career.
Maybe some things are more important to him. For some, this is a pretty important issue that doesn't deserve to be diminished.

Rioters, looters, and attempted cop killers have already diminished it!

Where you been, Willis?
Anyone who think Kap was disrespecting the flag had it precisely backwards.

He was DEPENDING on it.

This is what happens when you don't bother to understand the experiences and perspectives of others.

But he didn't get the discussion he wanted, or the response he wanted. His intent only matters to him, the result was a large part of the country saw it as disrespect, and anything he said to the contrary fell on deaf ears once he doubled down on it.

You only get to decide how you present your message, you don't get to decide how people recieve it.
I'm sure he knew there would be some who would make no effort to understand. That's predictable.

He's more interested, I suspect, in reaching those whose minds are not snapped shut.

One little, silent, peaceful act at a time.

That's kind of hubris to assume that people who reject his view made no effort to understand it.

Again, as the messenger, it's his job to get the message not only out, but understood the way he wants it understood.
I don't disagree at all. I'm just saying that he already knows that not everyone is going to agree.

That's okay, not everyone has to.

if he really cared about the message he would have tried something else. He didn't.
Then perhaps you don't understand him.

What he did may work out just fine.

It sure didn't work out for his career.
Maybe some things are more important to him. For some, this is a pretty important issue that doesn't deserve to be diminished.

Rioters, looters, and attempted cop killers have already diminished it!

Where you been, Willis?
Yes they have, because they've given you guys an excuse to change the subject.

But the subject remains, and it's not going away any time soon.
Anyone who think Kap was disrespecting the flag had it precisely backwards.

He was DEPENDING on it.

This is what happens when you don't bother to understand the experiences and perspectives of others.

But he didn't get the discussion he wanted, or the response he wanted. His intent only matters to him, the result was a large part of the country saw it as disrespect, and anything he said to the contrary fell on deaf ears once he doubled down on it.

You only get to decide how you present your message, you don't get to decide how people recieve it.
I'm sure he knew there would be some who would make no effort to understand. That's predictable.

He's more interested, I suspect, in reaching those whose minds are not snapped shut.

One little, silent, peaceful act at a time.

That's kind of hubris to assume that people who reject his view made no effort to understand it.

Again, as the messenger, it's his job to get the message not only out, but understood the way he wants it understood.
I don't disagree at all. I'm just saying that he already knows that not everyone is going to agree.

That's okay, not everyone has to.

if he really cared about the message he would have tried something else. He didn't.
Then perhaps you don't understand him.

What he did may work out just fine.

It sure didn't work out for his career.
Maybe some things are more important to him. For some, this is a pretty important issue that doesn't deserve to be diminished.

Rioters, looters, and attempted cop killers have already diminished it!

Where you been, Willis?
Yes they have, because they've given you guys an excuse to change the subject.

But the subject remains, and it's not going away any time soon.

Only for tribal Dimms it's a false political subject....:death:.
Anyone who think Kap was disrespecting the flag had it precisely backwards.

He was DEPENDING on it.

This is what happens when you don't bother to understand the experiences and perspectives of others.

But he didn't get the discussion he wanted, or the response he wanted. His intent only matters to him, the result was a large part of the country saw it as disrespect, and anything he said to the contrary fell on deaf ears once he doubled down on it.

You only get to decide how you present your message, you don't get to decide how people recieve it.
I'm sure he knew there would be some who would make no effort to understand. That's predictable.

He's more interested, I suspect, in reaching those whose minds are not snapped shut.

One little, silent, peaceful act at a time.

That's kind of hubris to assume that people who reject his view made no effort to understand it.

Again, as the messenger, it's his job to get the message not only out, but understood the way he wants it understood.
I don't disagree at all. I'm just saying that he already knows that not everyone is going to agree.

That's okay, not everyone has to.

if he really cared about the message he would have tried something else. He didn't.
Then perhaps you don't understand him.

What he did may work out just fine.

It sure didn't work out for his career.
Maybe some things are more important to him. For some, this is a pretty important issue that doesn't deserve to be diminished.

Rioters, looters, and attempted cop killers have already diminished it!

Where you been, Willis?
Yes they have, because they've given you guys an excuse to change the subject.

But the subject remains, and it's not going away any time soon.

Only for tribal Dimms it's a false political subject....:death:.
I know, I know. Racism is fake news. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
What did Drew Brees say that was disrespectful? Be specific. It sounded like a heartfelt statement of what he believes and what the American flag means to him. Someone explain EXACTLY what he said that was insensitive or disrespectful. I will bet not one of you can.
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
To bad Drew did not stand by his original statement
What did Drew Brees say that was disrespectful? Be specific. It sounded like a heartfelt statement of what he believes and what the American flag means to him. Someone explain EXACTLY what he said that was insensitive or disrespectful. I will bet not one of you can.
What Brees said was that his grandfathers fought for that flag and he is proud of them and of America

it takes a real feral pig to be offended by that
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Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
To bad Drew did not stand by his original statement

then at least he would have had half the country on his side

now he’s all alone
What did Drew Brees say that was disrespectful? Be specific. It sounded like a heartfelt statement of what he believes and what the American flag means to him. Someone explain EXACTLY what he said that was insensitive or disrespectful. I will bet not one of you can.
What Brees said was that his grandfathers fought for that flag and he is proud of them and of America

it takes a real feral pig to take offense at that
That's what I heard. I'm asking for someone who is really "Woke" to enlighten me. Still waiting......
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
To bad Drew did not stand by his original statement

then at least he would have had half the country on his side

now he’s all alone

Maybe Kap will invite him over for dinner...
Brees is a coward

His agent called him and said you gotta apologize as we're losing future benjamin's!
Sell-out is a better word.
Brees should retire. If his teammates are pre-occupied with CooperDink's bullshit the Saints aren't going anywhere. Let's see how his SJW teammates do without the "RACIST" "INSENSITIVE" Drew Brees.
If this becomes a kneeing season I’m done with the NFL .. black ppl can destroy it like they did basketball
Brees is a coward

His agent called him and said you gotta apologize as we're losing future benjamin's!
Sell-out is a better word.
Brees should retire. If his teammates are pre-occupied with CooperDink's bullshit the Saints aren't going anywhere. Let's see how his SJW teammates do without the "RACIST" "INSENSITIVE" Drew Brees.
Maybe the saints should replace Brees with Kappernic, they deserve that at least
Brees is a coward

His agent called him and said you gotta apologize as we're losing future benjamin's!
Sell-out is a better word.
Brees should retire. If his teammates are pre-occupied with CooperDink's bullshit the Saints aren't going anywhere. Let's see how his SJW teammates do without the "RACIST" "INSENSITIVE" Drew Brees.
Maybe the saints should replace Brees with Kappernic, they deserve that at least

Anyone who think Kap was disrespecting the flag had it precisely backwards.

He was DEPENDING on it.

This is what happens when you don't bother to understand the experiences and perspectives of others.

But he didn't get the discussion he wanted, or the response he wanted. His intent only matters to him, the result was a large part of the country saw it as disrespect, and anything he said to the contrary fell on deaf ears once he doubled down on it.

You only get to decide how you present your message, you don't get to decide how people recieve it.
I'm sure he knew there would be some who would make no effort to understand. That's predictable.

He's more interested, I suspect, in reaching those whose minds are not snapped shut.

One little, silent, peaceful act at a time.

That's kind of hubris to assume that people who reject his view made no effort to understand it.

Again, as the messenger, it's his job to get the message not only out, but understood the way he wants it understood.
I don't disagree at all. I'm just saying that he already knows that not everyone is going to agree.

That's okay, not everyone has to.

if he really cared about the message he would have tried something else. He didn't.
Then perhaps you don't understand him.

What he did may work out just fine.

It sure didn't work out for his career.
Maybe some things are more important to him. For some, this is a pretty important issue that doesn't deserve to be diminished.
It's interesting that Humpernik suddenly discovered how oppressed he was after he was benched for sucking. You see a gallant crusader for justice. I see a pissy privileged opportunist looking for a new gig.

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