I stand with Rand, but Marco Rubio won the debate.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
I think Rand Paul did very good, I love how he handed Chris Christie's fat ass to him, but Rubio won the debate. I don't trust Rubio on immigration, and his association with the gang of 8 raises questions as well. However, Rubio was outstanding, he's very sharp, quick witted and has good answers.

Ben Carson and Gov. Kasich both showed great class. Rubio, Cruz, and Paul were the most informative, I also liked Cruz's conviction.

Jebama Bush and fatso came off as completely untrustworthy and most deceptive, what are they even doing in the Republican Party.

Scott Walker neither helped or hurt himself.

I'm no Huckabee fan, but he did a good job, he helped himself out a lot.

Donald Trump - will you please answer a fuckin question instead of dodging it?

Best line was from Marco Rubio, about God blessing the Republican Party with several good candidates, and the Democrats can't find one.
Rand is justa rant man..
Rubio has no ideas...he talks in theory..they all do.
What has Rubio ever done?

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