I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

You’re “blaming” Biden now for the lowest unemployment rate and higher GDP now. Why not blame Trump for his recession and his inept handling of covid ?
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
Isn't it amazing how four years of (relative) good policy can be destroyed by a single moment of traitorous behavior (Jan 6, 2021)?

Benedict Arnold was a trusted and successful American general, right up to the moment when he betrayed his country.

Rump is unfit for high office.

He is now un-electable... not within the GOP, but amongst the much larger sampling universe beyond the GOP's borders.
You know why. They can't.
Yup. They all have hemorrhoids. They can’t shit or get off the pot. For some reason they ( Trump and his entire admin, keep pleading incompetence in doing the the right thing at the right time. .
You know why. They can't.

Do you actually think the US would far better if another virus was relea…um…escaped from China under Biden’s leadership? This administrtation would likely use the crisis to push for more green energy policies or add some additional permanent freebees to the docket. Clearly they don’t have a clue how to close our Southern borders, so that would be a disaster. Nothing Biden has done has helped our economy long term, in fact, the economy has been tooling along despite his policies, not because of them, which was to be expected coming out of a huge downturn due to COVID lockdowns.

The current economy sucks if you look at the underlying fundamentals and a recession is still on the horizon. Just because CNN may have told you otherwise doesn’t negate this fact. As the first response to this thread pointed out, people who think Biden is doing a good job only think so because they have been told so by the MSM. It is the same reason they that actually believe that walls don’t work. The mindless masses that vote for Biden only need to be told that everything is fine, reality is irrelevant.
Do you actually think the US would far better if another virus was relea…um…escaped from China under Biden’s leadership?
More Qanon stuff. Everything is a conspiracy. Boring.

The current economy sucks if you look at the underlying fundamentals and a recession is still on the horizon. Just because CNN may have told you otherwise doesn’t negate this fact. As the first response to this thread pointed out, people who think Biden is doing a good job only think so because they have been told so by the MSM. It is the same reason they that actually believe that walls don’t work. The mindless masses that vote for Biden only need to be told that everything is fine, reality is irrelevant.
What is your education, training and practical experience in markets & economics?
Yup. They all have hemorrhoids. They can’t shit or get off the pot. For some reason they ( Trump and his entire admin, keep pleading incompetence in doing the the right thing at the right time. .

This coming from the walls don’t work, wheels don’t work and water isn’t wet crowd that voted for and continues to support Biden. Those of us who can think for ourselves take the opinion of that crowd with a HUGE grain of salt.
Do you actually think the US would far better if another virus was relea…um…escaped from China under Biden’s leadership?

Um, yeah, I think Biden would actually listen to the scientists and the medical experts.

He wouldn't call it a "Hoax" like Trump did.
He wouldn't tell people to drink bleach and use sheep dip to treat it.
He wouldn't fight simple containment measures.

The US had the highest death toll of any country due to Covid because we didn't have the leadership to contain it.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
Let me guess:

What we know about trump is that he is a convicted rapist, denied housing to blacks, stole money from charities, cheated on all his wives, admitted sexual abuser, serial fraudster, attempted to steal an election, failed coup attempt, multiple indictments, marginal intelligence, limited language skills, etc. Largest increase in Debt in history, only one with less employed people than when started, responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths during the pandemic. His most important supporters are:

1- Marjorie "traitor" Greene- QAnon darling, absolute lack of common sense, intelligence or ideas, incoherent and absurd. Disgusting looks, not someone trump would like to rape.
2- "Gym" Jordan- Batshit crazy and uneducated, accused by multiple rape victims of aiding and abetting his coworker to sexually abuse of students. Agrees with trump in every lie and treasonous attempt.
3- Matt Gaetz- one of trump's biggest brown nosers, lack of any kind of values or dignity, conspiracy theorist, believed to possibly be responsible for minor sex trafficking. Cons: none known.
4- Lauren Boebert- Profoundly stupid (failed GED exam), possibly least educated congressperson in history, conspiracy theorist, Multi-tasker: recorded performing a "hand job", while being groped in public, simultaneously vaping and annoying the hell ouit of people. Trashy, and cheap.
5- Kristi Noem; Pros: election denier, conspiracy theorist, trump brown noser, married and in an adulterous relationship.
More Qanon stuff. Everything is a conspiracy. Boring.

Nope, actual reality for many of those who understand science and medicine. I know, the governement told you otherwise and has worked very hard to make you believe that this was not a man-made virus by framing a narrative that the uninformed swallow.

What is your education, training and practical experience in markets & economics?

What is education, training and practical experience in science and medicine? You are forced to read, comprehend and apply some common sense, including real life experience, to come to a reasonable conclusion. In your mind, that is what you have done with regards to COVID. In my mind, I have done the same with the economy and the markets, which are infinitely less complex and more verifiable than the virus.
What is education, training and practical experience in science and medicine? You are forced to read, comprehend and apply some common sense, including real life experience, to come to a reasonable conclusion. In your mind, that is what you have done with regards to COVID. In my mind, I have done the same with the economy and the markets, which are infinitely less complex and more verifiable than the virus.
Yeah, I didn't think so. Okay.
He wouldn't tell people to drink bleach and use sheep dip to treat it.

He didn’t tell people to drink bleach. You and other dullards bought into that nonsense only providing further proof that you will fall for anything.

HCQ and Ivermectin worked well when used in the early stages of COVID, but don’t let the facts get in the way of a windfall for big pharma.
Yeah, I didn't think so. Okay.

I see, so the view you glean from reading opinions of experts about the virus is more valuable than the view I glean from reading experts about the economy? Let me guess, your experts are just better than mine? LOL, what a dolt.
I see, so the view you glean from reading opinions of experts about the virus is more valuable than the view I glean from reading experts about the economy? Let me guess, your experts are just better than mine? LOL, what a dolt.
Well, no.

I just no longer burn time or effort in "discussing" markets and economics -- my profession for 23+ years -- with people whose opinions are distorted by a hardcore political partisan ideology. You, for example. Or some hardcore left winger.

So, you're free to pretend that your experts are better than others' experts. I don't have to participate.
Nope, actual reality for many of those who understand science and medicine. I know, the governement told you otherwise and has worked very hard to make you believe that this was not a man-made virus by framing a narrative that the uninformed swallow.

Except there's no proof that this was a "man-made" virus. (In fact, man can't "make" a virus, he can only alter existing viruses, and there's no evidence of that, either.)

Republicans: "Covid is a devious Chinese Bioweapon designed to Destroy Trump!"
Also Republicans: "Covid is an overhyped flu being used by Democrats to Destroy Trump!"

He didn’t tell people to drink bleach. You and other dullards bought into that nonsense only providing further proof that you will fall for anything.

Well, he told people that maybe we could inject bleach until Drs. Fauci and Blix stared him down like he was some fucking idiot.

Here's exactly what he said..

That doesn't sound any less stupid, really.

HCQ and Ivermectin worked well when used in the early stages of COVID, but don’t let the facts get in the way of a windfall for big pharma.

No, they didn't. Hey, true story: when Trump got COVID-19, he didn't take HCL or Sheep Dip; he got a treatment with an experimental drug that most of us STILL don't have access to.

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