I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

We’ll never know. Liberals are much better prepared for emergencies.

Walls never worked…they don’t even work on a house with out a ceiling dufus. So do you plan on putting a ceiling over the US. Walls/barricades only work with dumb animals…..that pretty much means they work with Humpers. .
There are now 77 major or significant Walls built around the world, with 45 countries planning or building Walls. Over 800 miles of Walls have been built in Europe since only 2015. They have all been recognized as close to 100% successful.

LOL..hey genius, the appropriate border wall would be difficult to traverse and slows people down. Coupled with cameras, this can alert authorities that an area of the wall is being breached and give them time to respond. As it is, there is no alert and there is no breaching of anything, people just walk/swim across the border. This isn't rocket science, but for lefties, it may as well be.
Biden doesn't want to stop illegal immigration. He wants to increase it, seeing every migrant coming across the border as another desperately needed VOTE for him.
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Of course Trump is popular with his fellow buffoons…Of course his language skills match that of his audience at his rallies. They are all bat shit crazy.
No. YOU are. Since you repeat the "crazy" claim, I will repeat its answer >>
  • Leftists flunk the insanity test daily, there is NO QUESTION about that.
  • Here's the crowd of lunatics who teach schoolkids that LGBT is normal.
  • Who mutilate kids sexually, without even notifying ther parents.
  • Who have nutjob doctors implanting vaginas in nutjob men.
  • Who allow men posing as women to enter women's bathrooms and locker rooms.
  • Who allow disgraceful men too cowardly to compete with other men in sports, compete against women.
  • Who defund police, and then refund them, when criminals start running wild.
  • Who allow criminals to loot stores in gangs.
  • Who teach kids that whites are inherently racist, and that 2023 whites bear guilt for US slavery.
  • Who are OK with letting millions of unvetted, unvaccinated foreigners stream into the country.
  • Pheeeew.
Trump does nothing for the economy, nothing.
He had a recession illiterate.
Exclude the pandemic in which would have challenged the economic viability of any president, and Trump beats everyone hands down. Now stop your dog-gosa lying.
No. YOU are. Since you repeat the "crazy" claim, I will repeat its answer >>
  • Leftists flunk the insanity test daily, there is NO QUESTION about that.
  • Here's the crowd of lunatics who teach schoolkids that LGBT is normal.
  • Who mutilate kids sexually, without even notifying ther parents.
  • Who have nutjob doctors implanting vaginas in nutjob men.
  • Who allow men posing as women to enter women's bathrooms and locker rooms.
  • Who allow disgraceful men too cowardly to compete with other men in sports, compete against women.
  • Who defund police, and then refund them, when criminals start running wild.
  • Who allow criminals to loot stores in gangs.
  • Who teach kids that whites are inherently racist, and that 2023 whites bear guilt for US slavery.
  • Who are OK with letting millions of unvetted, unvaccinated foreigners stream into the country.
  • Pheeeew.
The jury rest, and you are awarded life's "common sense award", otherwise for best thought processes and analysis of a situation. 👍

What's amazing is how people like dogosa can't realize simple truth's about the state of our nations health, and how he just goes and and on and on and on with his delusional thinking, and his political ridiculousness in life.
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His own words....the guy is a pervert, porn star groupie and he admits it on tape.
How you can say anything like this, and then ignore your guy is purely political bull shite on your part. So what's in it for you if Biden remains in office, even though you know damned good and well that won't happen because of how bad he is cognitively declined already ? No way does Biden get inaugurated in 2025, because he'll be to old and cognitively impaired at that point. He's failing fast right before your Democrat eye's, and yet y'all keep wishing and hoping that he'll somehow defy his apparent date with time, otherwise a date that will issue him his ultimatum in life, and it won't be the presidency again that's for sure, but rather instead it'll be a room at the nursing home where Jill will have to remind him that he is not in Trump's shadow anymore, and so he can finally relax. However, once Biden enters the nursing home, he will look like Captain Kirk yelling KHAAAAAN, KHAAAAAN, otherwise who will instead be Trump to him.
The jury rest, and you are awarded life's "common sense award", otherwise for best thought processes and analysis of a situation. 👍

What's amazing is how people like dogosa can't realize simple truth's about the state of our nations health, and how he just goes and and on and on and on with his delusional thinking, and his political ridiculousness in life.
It is AMAZING indeed. I'd say their adherence to loonieness has little to do with knowledge of facts (which they don't get from left media), and their partisanship to the left is more like the way people root for a sports team - baseball or football.
His own words....the guy is a pervert, porn star groupie and he admits it on tape.
How you can say anything like this, and then ignore your guy is purely political bull shite on your part. So what's in it for you if Biden remains in office, even though you know damned good and well that won't happen because of how bad he is cognitively declined already ? No way does Biden get inaugurated in 2025, because he'll be to old and cognitively impaired at that point. He's failing fast right before your Democrat eye's, and yet y'all keep wishing and hoping that he'll somehow defy his apparent date with time, otherwise a date that will issue him his ultimatum in life, and it won't be the presidency again that's for sure, but rather instead it'll be a room at the nursing home where Jill will have to remind him that he is not in Trump's shadow anymore, and so he can finally relax. However, once Biden enters the nursing home, he will look like Captain Kirk yelling KHAAAAAN, KHAAAAAN, otherwise who will instead be Trump to him.
It is AMAZING indeed. I'd say their adherence to loonieness has little to do with knowledge of facts (which they don't get from left media), and their partisanship to the left is more like the way people root for a sports team - baseball or football.
How you can say anything like this, and then ignore your guy is purely political bull shite on your part. So what's in it for you if Biden remains in office, even though you know damned good and well that won't happen because of how bad he is cognitively declined already ? No way does Biden get inaugurated in 2025, because he'll be to old and cognitively impaired at that point. He's failing fast right before your Democrat eye's, and yet y'all keep wishing and hoping that he'll somehow defy his apparent date with time, otherwise a date that will issue him his ultimatum in life, and it won't be the presidency again that's for sure, but rather instead it'll be a room at the nursing home where Jill will have to remind him that he is not in Trump's shadow anymore, and so he can finally relax. However, once Biden enters the nursing home, he will look like Captain Kirk yelling KHAAAAAN, KHAAAAAN, otherwise who will instead be Trump to him.
His own words on tape ! Who the shit brags about it, especially when they pay damages for sexual abuse. You’re a lunatic if you don’t think paying off people isn’t an admission of guilt. He’s a fraud. Has been all of his life.
He admits to everything.
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NO, you DON'T know that Trump is a convicted rapist (which BTW the word "convicted" has become meaningless in today's "justice" system circus quagmire.)

If Trump denied housing to blacks, it was over half a century ago. Please dont post idiocy.

If you have some proof of Trump stealing money from charites, post it. Otherwise keep quiet.

Cheating on wives is a personal family matter, not one of political concern. If Trump cheated on Melania, that is Trump's business, Melania's business, and none of yours.

Show proof of admission of sexual abuse by Trump. You post things wildly, without any substantiation.

Show proof of any instances of fraud by Trump.

Trump did NOT attempt to steal an election. He attempted to CORRECT an election, that was stolen from him. Don't talk stupid.

There was no coup attempt. All you're doing is repeating the standard lying, left media catchwords.

Multiple indictments all coming from Joe Biden, attempting to stop Trump from running against him, and you're dumb enough to be DUPED by it. :rolleyes:

:puhleeze:Trump's intelligence has been enough to be able to amass a multibillion fortune, own real estate all over the world, and fly around in a multimillion $$$$$$ private jet. And how is your private jet doing these days ? :laugh:

I'd say Trump's language skills are good enough to stand in front of crowds of tens of thousands of supporters, and continue to do these large rallies for years. And your latest rally had ? 6 people (in a laundromat) ?

The large increase on debt came from the Covid pandemic, created and maintained by Democrats (Biden, Obama, NIH, Fauci, Pelosi).

Less employed people than when started is also ramification of the pandemic (again a Democrat thing). You're doing a marvelous job of repeating left-media, BS, propaganda jibberish.

Boy is your brain ever distorted, Trump SAVED hundreds of thousands of lives during the DEMOCRAT pandemic.
  • Through the COVID pandemic, our Covid mortality rate was REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April 2020, to about 2000/week in June 2020. and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that the president did..
  • Massive production of Ventilators - These were left in short supply after the Obama/Biden admin (we now have so many we're exporting them),
  • the Navy hospital ships sent to New York & LA.
  • the stimulus checks,
  • The Task Force advice (ex. social distancing),
  • opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
  • federal aid to hospitals, rapidly expanding production & distribution of medical supplies
  • travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for)
  • Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron.
  • fast, continual development of a vaccine, and rapid success of Operation Warp Speed.
  • Matt Gaetz, Criti Noem, Laueren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene - all top notch, slandered, libeled, patriotic members of Congress, hard at work stopping Democrat lunatics and sex perverts from tearing our county apart, and driving it into a sewer.
Yeah, sure, trump(the thug)'s intelligence led to record braking deficits, and huge national debt increases, also the the over 100 million covid-19 cases, remember he promised 3 or 4 cases and then it would disappear, also the 1 million associated deaths. And yes, he is a convicted rapist and lifelong criminal, a total piece of shit. Biden will destroy him again... 😅
His own words on tape ! Who the shit brags about it, especially when they pay damages for sexual abuse. You’re a lunatic if you don’t think paying off people isn’t an admission of guilt. He’s a fraud. Has been all of his life.
He admits to everything.

Again you ignore the Biden's, which makes you a fraud when it comes to fairly debating politics in regards to what's best for the American people. Undoubtedly you have an agenda, and it supercedes the fairness that should be expected from the Democrat's, but for whom couldn't give a dam about fairness or what's best for this country.

You all prove it everytime you open your mouths, and therefore reveal the agenda. A little secret for you, the agenda will fail because it's an anti-God and anti-American agenda. Being duped by Satan is your sides ultimate downfall.

Time is not on your side. FACT.
Yeah, sure, trump(the thug)'s intelligence led to record braking deficits, and huge national debt increases, also the the over 100 million covid-19 cases, remember he promised 3 or 4 cases and then it would disappear, also the 1 million associated deaths. And yes, he is a convicted rapist and lifelong criminal, a total piece of shit. Biden will destroy him again... 😅
You people keep creating these false comparisons, and keep exploiting known crisis that no president could have faired any better than Trump did in these situations. So you all are caught playing politics for power in everything that you do.

Remember that your knucklehead's in charge currently, had swore that they would never take a Trump vaccine, and then took them when they finally realized that their idiocy might come back to haunt them if they didn't break with their lies about Trump over the issue, and to stop playing politics if it meant life or death. 😂
It is AMAZING indeed. I'd say their adherence to loonieness has little to do with knowledge of facts (which they don't get from left media), and their partisanship to the left is more like the way people root for a sports team - baseball or football.
Hmmm, you thanked my post in post #1707 above, and then when scrolling back I noticed that the thanks is gone ? Wonder if thanks and such can be removed without our knowledge here ?
There are now 77 major or significant Walls built around the world, with 45 countries planning or building Walls. Over 800 miles of Walls have been built in Europe since only 2015. They have all been recognized as close to 100% successful.

Remember the wall in Israel also. That is some serious security backed up by their military with check points etc. No one is walking into Israel without them knowing it.
He did have the best economy, up until the pndemic, and the pandemic wasn't his. It was created and maintained by Democrats. And when Republicans discovered they were being had, Trump responded with the best economy (Q3-2020) in US history (35.3% GDP)
How did he do that?
Remember the wall in Israel also. That is some serious security backed up by their military with check points etc. No one is walking into Israel without them knowing it.

How many miles of border is Israel protecting with its wall?
How many miles of border is Israel protecting with its wall?

439 miles

A fence along the border was first constructed by Israel in 1994 as a security barrier, and has been rebuilt and upgraded since. It was constructed by Israel to control the movement of people as well as goods between the Gaza Strip and Israel, which it could not achieve by normal border crossings.

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