I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

439 miles

A fence along the border was first constructed by Israel in 1994 as a security barrier, and has been rebuilt and upgraded since. It was constructed by Israel to control the movement of people as well as goods between the Gaza Strip and Israel, which it could not achieve by normal border crossings.
The US/Mexico border is 2000 miles.

I can only go by you voting record. You say one thing, but vote for the opposite. Seems as though you are afflicted with the mindset of a child. Trump is a poo-poo head so you won’t vote for him no matter if his policies more closely align with yours. Biden‘s(and Hillary’s) policies suck and he is as corrupt as the day is long, but he didn’t say something mean to you on the playground the other day so he is the only logical choice. Unfortunately, this is the mindset of many supposed Independents.
I can only go by you voting record. You say one thing, but vote for the opposite. Seems as though you are afflicted with the mindset of a child. Trump is a poo-poo head so you won’t vote for him no matter if his policies more closely align with yours. Biden‘s(and Hillary’s) policies suck and he is as corrupt as the day is long, but he didn’t say something mean to you on the playground the other day so he is the only logical choice. Unfortunately, this is the mindset of many supposed Independents.
Perfectly wrong, of course.

My opposition to the cult is sociological, not political.

You won't understand that. I wouldn't expect someone like you to.
I can only go by you voting record. You say one thing, but vote for the opposite. Seems as though you are afflicted with the mindset of a child. Trump is a poo-poo head so you won’t vote for him no matter if his policies more closely align with yours. Biden‘s(and Hillary’s) policies suck and he is as corrupt as the day is long, but he didn’t say something mean to you on the playground the other day so he is the only logical choice. Unfortunately, this is the mindset of many supposed Independents.
To what "policies" are you referring?
Perfectly wrong, of course.

My opposition to the cult is sociological, not political.

You won't understand that. I wouldn't expect someone like you to.

Yes, exactly as I said. You are concerned about behavioral patterns and the like, not actual policy. I’m glad we cleared that up.

A footnote, people like you that oppose Trump with such vitriol would be a good case study as well.
To what "policies" are you referring?

I was replying to Mac. Read his list that describes where he stands on the major issues and you will see they more closely align with Trump’s policies rather than Biden’s.
The US/Mexico border is 2000 miles.
With many natural borders that only need strengthening with diverse methods that meet specific needs all depending. The places where walls serve a good purpose, then let's get them finished or built. You Democrat's are just like Obama stated about Joe Biden, otherwise leave it to Joe to flub things up.
Yes, exactly as I said. You are concerned about behavioral patterns and the like, not actual policy. I’m glad we cleared that up.

A footnote, people like you that oppose Trump with such vitriol would be a good case study as well.
That would be a scary case study. 😂
With many natural borders that only need strengthening with diverse methods that meet specific needs all depending. The places where walls serve a good purpose, then let's get them finished or built. You Democrat's are just like Obama stated about Joe Biden, otherwise leave it to Joe to flub things up.
Given any thought to the cost?

Or even reasons why?

That's a lot of money to spend because Grifty needed something catchy for the campaign trail...
Again you ignore the Biden's, which makes you a fraud when it comes to fairly debating politics in regards to what's best for the American people. Undoubtedly you have an agenda, and it supercedes the fairness that should be expected from the Democrat's, but for whom couldn't give a dam about fairness or what's best for this country.

You all prove it everytime you open your mouths, and therefore reveal the agenda. A little secret for you, the agenda will fail because it's an anti-God and anti-American agenda. Being duped by Satan is your sides ultimate downfall.

Time is not on your side. FACT.
Oh, your response is to shift gears over to Biden….amazing. Fairness ? You have to be shitting Us. All the proposals made by liberals is to help peoples. All proposals by conservatives is to stick it up selected minorities ass.
How many proposals have the repugnants made to lower healthcare costs, do infrastructure and preserve SS and Medicare……HOW MANY. NAME THEM.
Again you ignore the Biden's, which makes you a fraud when it comes to fairly debating politics in regards to what's best for the American people. Undoubtedly you have an agenda, and it supercedes the fairness that should be expected from the Democrat's, but for whom couldn't give a dam about fairness or what's best for this country.

You all prove it everytime you open your mouths, and therefore reveal the agenda. A little secret for you, the agenda will fail because it's an anti-God and anti-American agenda. Being duped by Satan is your sides ultimate downfall.

Time is not on your side. FACT.
Exactly what crimes has Biden been indicted for ? name them.
With many natural borders that only need strengthening with diverse methods that meet specific needs all depending. The places where walls serve a good purpose, then let's get them finished or built. You Democrat's are just like Obama stated about Joe Biden, otherwise leave it to Joe to flub things up.
Are you going to build a roof over them too ? How about a roof over the entire border. Walls and fences are about impenetrable as access to the nearest hardware store.
439 miles

A fence along the border was first constructed by Israel in 1994 as a security barrier, and has been rebuilt and upgraded since. It was constructed by Israel to control the movement of people as well as goods between the Gaza Strip and Israel, which it could not achieve by normal border crossings.
It’s a security border monitored by the military with instructions to use military force. You do get that most if the illegals were here on visa overstays which the US corporations and businesses failed to enforce.
No. YOU are. Since you repeat the "crazy" claim, I will repeat its answer >>
  • Leftists flunk the insanity test daily, there is NO QUESTION about that.
  • Here's the crowd of lunatics who teach schoolkids that LGBT is normal.
  • Who mutilate kids sexually, without even notifying ther parents.
  • Who have nutjob doctors implanting vaginas in nutjob men.
  • Who allow men posing as women to enter women's bathrooms and locker rooms.
  • Who allow disgraceful men too cowardly to compete with other men in sports, compete against women.
  • Who defund police, and then refund them, when criminals start running wild.
  • Who allow criminals to loot stores in gangs.
  • Who teach kids that whites are inherently racist, and that 2023 whites bear guilt for US slavery.
  • Who are OK with letting millions of unvetted, unvaccinated foreigners stream into the country.
  • Pheeeew.
Wow, a list of made up shit with dots. That looks official…not.
A little secret for you, the agenda will fail because it's an anti-God and anti-American agenda. Being duped by Satan is your sides ultimate downfall.

Oh well - Even esteemed military leaders have gone over to Satan’s side against the white Christian nation of America - thanking Nature’s god for that -

This article quotes General Milley as telling friends that if Donald Trump wins back the White House, quote, 'He'll start throwing people in jail, and I'd be at the top of the list,'" said anchor John Berman. "The piece also says, quote, 'At one point during the presidency, Trump proposed calling back to active duty two retired flag officers who had been critical of him, Admiral William McRaven and General Stanley McChrystal, so they could be court-martialed. What goes through your mind when you hear all this?​
Trump never stood on a picket line with American workers his whole life. Why would a billionaire act against billionaires chief interests?

UAW—which represents over 150,000 autoworkers in the U.S.—has yet to announce its endorsement for the 2024 presidential election. Biden and Trump lead their respective parties ahead of the primary elections. In 2020, the union gave their endorsement to Biden.

No shit! In bold. Does anybody think the UAW will endorse Trump after he tried through an alleged criminal enterprise using fake Trump electors on January 6, 2021 to nullify the votes of the Michigan families who make a living in the auto industry after that’s what he did, they can just forget about that and end up
endorsing him this time?

Trump plans on visiting with UAW members in Detroit, Michigan, on the same night as the second GOP primary debate. The former president also passed on the first Republican debate in August.​
Fain denounced Trump's visit earlier this week, writing in a statement Tuesday, "We can't keep electing billionaires and millionaires that don't have any understanding what it is like to live paycheck to paycheck and struggle to get by and expecting them to solve the problems of the working class."​
Given any thought to the cost?

Or even reasons why?

That's a lot of money to spend because Grifty needed something catchy for the campaign trail...
It was already funded until dipstick came along, then millions of taxpayer's dollars were lost and laid rotting in lay down yards awaiting their final destruction because of Democrat spiteful politics.

One thing about you knucklehead's, and that is that you don't give a dam about wasting taxpayer money. FACT.

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