I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Not exactly. Herbert Hoover, the first Donald Trump, started with about 47 million jobs and left office with 39 million.

Fair. So the first president since Herbert Hoover. I wouldn't re-elect either of them.
Trump is in DC today meeting with Republican members of Congress promising to cut taxes again for the wealthy donors who don’t give dying fluck about our rights to vote against Republicans or a woman having the right to autonomy over her own body.,

Those 2018 tax cuts gave us nine months of a little above mediocrity in the economy and then back to normal dried up non-existsnt trickle down wealth to the economy’s bottom half of voters. - Before the pandemic recession was on the minds of investors. But Trump voters remember it the way the Republican billionaires tell it.
Recessions become more likely when one of the biggest employer and buyer of goods and services becomes strapped for cash. That’s the US govt.; it seems like repugnants don’t give a flying fk when their beloved SS and Medicare funds start to dry up. They live in a dream world waiting for the wizard to tell them how good things are when they lose their jobs and health insurance during recessions while they are in office.
Recessions become more likely when one of the biggest employer and buyer of goods and services becomes strapped for cash.
Exactly why we shouldn't tolerate government being "the biggest employer and buyer of goods and services,".
Exactly why we shouldn't tolerate government being "the biggest employer and buyer of goods and services,".
That’s seems cool to say, until your Medicare payment ceases and your SS dries up and the shipping lane protection ceases and you start paying twice what you are now for all imported goods…or you can’t get them at all.
You may not give a fk, till it happens. Of course, the gop loves recessions.
Not "cool", but critical to maintaining a free society.
When you support a candidate for president, who was the president for one term and when he lost his bid for reelection, he ran a nationwide criminal conspiracy to stay in power, and then in the next breath, say you support maintaining a free society; you are a luar:

You show no interest in maintaining a free society by your support for Trump after what he did on January 6, 2021.

Just because he failed to disenfranchise eighty million Biden voters doesn’t mean he supports free and fair elections. He didn’t, he doesn and he won’t; so quit lying to yourself. you do not give a fuck about a free society with your support for Trump.
When you support a candidate for president, who was the president for one term and when he lost his bid for reelection, he ran a nationwide criminal conspiracy to stay in power, and then in the next breath, say you support maintaining a free society; you are a luar:

You show no interest in maintaining a free society by your support for Trump after what he did on January 6, 2021.

Just because he failed to disenfranchise eighty million Biden voters doesn’t mean he supports free and fair elections. He didn’t, he doesn and he won’t; so quit lying to yourself. you do not give a fuck about a free society with your support for Trump.
I'm not a Trumpster. Is that all you got?
What are we upset about.

1 Million dead from Covid.
65 Million jobs lost
265,000 small businesses shuttered.
riots in the streets
assaults on Democracy

No one misses Trump except for the die hards who can't admit they made a mistake.

It's why half your party wants to move on to DeSatan and hope that no one notices he's a twit.
Trump's fault?
The reason we get shittier and shittier government is because you morons vote for Ds and Rs regardless of how bad they are. Stop it.

I'm not a Trumpster.

Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive
231118 {post•2814} dblack Nov’23 said: there's a large swath of Republicans (certainly enough to tilt the election) who would welcome a Democrat who wasn't hell bent on transforming them, who was more interested equal rights, rather than "equity", and hasn't marked rural white males for extinction. dblvck.23.11.18 #2,814

If you don’t vote Democrat after seeing what happened on January 6, 2021 and the fake elector scheme to overturn the election that you know Trump lost. Are you a white rural male Saint Dblvck?
Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive
231118 {post•2814} dblack Nov’23 said: there's a large swath of Republicans (certainly enough to tilt the election) who would welcome a Democrat who wasn't hell bent on transforming them, who was more interested equal rights, rather than "equity", and hasn't marked rural white males for extinction. dblvck.23.11.18 #2,814

If you don’t vote Democrat after seeing what happened on January 6, 2021 and the fake elector scheme to overturn the election that you know Trump lost. Are you a white rural male Saint Dblvck?
I didn't really follow that. Are you drunk?
You say, “Democrats mark rural white males for extinction. dblvck.23.11.18 #2,814

That lie helps Trump. You support Trump when you lie for him.
Okay man. You seem pretty out to lunch and clearly have very little reading comprehension.

I suppose that's really why the country is so fucked. Idiots like you vote, and there are lots of idiots like you.
I'm not voting for your shitty candidate.
To help a convicted felon ex president win a second term who tried to throw out all the black votes for Biden in 2020 to make the rural white guys sappy, I guess if rural white guys are happy you are happy, right Saint_Dblack?
I'm not a Trumpster. Is that all you got?

I don't fall for the lesser-of-two-evils con

You are more Trumpster than Trump himself.

You say women should have liberty to have full control over their on body but you vote for Presidents who appointed Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas and Amy Barrett while thinking you are so fucking smart to not be conned by the party of Christian blacks and independent women.

Got news for you Saint_Dblack - you are in fact a member of the biggest sucker club the history of mankind has ever known, unless you are one. Republican billionaires have got you by your brain and your ballld and your stupid trigger finger snd they are milking every last drip of sweat of your labor to get another Trump tax cut that 83 percent of the benefit sent to the top 1 percent who can’t vote for such largess without suckers like you being born every minute.

You might stop to think about Vladimir Putin too. He is a billionaire too. Probably a trillionaire before invading Ukraine. His favorite American is Trump. He needs you not to vote for a Democrat - now more than ever.

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