I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

The incompetency and corruption that we've seen with the Biden Administration has nothing to do with the Trump Administration.

The better pre-COVID economy and the coincidental more peaceful global framework do not excuse his grievous sins.

Four years of idiotic 2:00 AM tweets and four years of morning-after clean-up by a frazzled Communication staff...

And then dividing the country by his Big Lie about the legitimate 2020 general election results being false after all...

And then summoning, inciting and aiming an Insurrectionist mob to assault the Congress of the United States...

And then running again merely to keep himself out of jail and threatening revenge and aspiring to dictatorship...
1. Generally, his tweets are GREAT.

2. The 2020 election was NOT legitimate, and the results WERE false ( I posted 10 pages of evidence of fraud in 7 states.)

3. Trump did NOT summon, incite, anybody to do anything other than to march to the capitol and PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY make their VOICES heard. His exact words (shown on video thousands of times)

4. There was nothing "insurrectionist". That was a silly leftwing media word, never seen in a single charge against anybody on jan 6.

5. The jail scenario comes from Biden, imposing false (and ridiculous) charges to try to stop Trump fom running.

6. Easy to see they've got YOU programmed. :rolleyes:

I can tell you what those tax cuts meant to me personally, $27. That's it! 27 bucks!
I post FACTS substantiated by links to dept of Commerce, BEA, and CNBC, and you say "bullshit". That's a loss for you, and a victory for me, but you're too scatterbrained to know that.

As for how much you tax cut got, I couldnt care less. I was talking about the difference between the tax cuts for the rich, and the lower income groups, not what happened to you. :rolleyes:
Of course you did…like all so called evidence, it’s unsubstantiated babble. Proof ? Why do you post it here and not give it to a federal or state judge !
It was given to judges. They declined to examine it. CNN "forgot" to tell you ?

As for calling it an "unsubstantiated babble", HOW DO YOU KNOW ? You haven't examined it either, right ? A yes answer gets you a QUIZ, which you won't be able to take because you havent got a clue.
Biden was the challenger in 2020. Trump wa the incumbent. The fake elector criminal conspiracy to commit election fraud can only work if the incumbent loses the bid for a second term and the loser party has a majority in there House to help carry out the election fraud.

It is factually impossible for Biden the challenger to have his VP choice recognize fake electors because he was the certified winner all fifty states. And if that is not enough to convince you. Kamala Harris could not preside over the J6 counting of the electors because only Mike Pence could fill that role.
Not fooled. The electors that were accepted as legit, were not. They were Democrat election officials, with no connection to state legislatures, as the Constitution prescribes. Trump's electors did come from the legislatures.
Trump briefly said that in the middle of his long rambling speech, but then went right back to his nutty conspiracy theory rhetoric and ended his speech by saying the following,

"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore.

So we're going to, we're going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I love Pennsylvania Avenue. And we're going to the Capitol, and we're going to try and give.

The Democrats are hopeless — they never vote for anything. Not even one vote. But we're going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones because the strong ones don't need any of our help. We're going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country."

How you end a speech is monumentally more significant than randomly tell his flock to peacefully make their way to the capitol, one time.

I agree that Trump probably wasn't calling for the end of the constitution.......that day. But he was looking to satisfy his ego and see what his follower would do for him, so he is absolutely guilty of inciting a riot. If he had any guts and smarts instead of being the sniveling coward that he is, he would have gone all in and organized an actual take over, winner takes all, but that's not how he works. He gets people to do all the work for him. Fortunately riots tend to not go anywhere without anyone actually leading them.

Trump was convicted by a jury of his peers, handpicked by Donald's own lawyers, and will await his sentencing a month from now. It's time to put on your big boy pants, dry your tears and accept reality, as hard as that might be for you.
FALSE! The notion that Trump is guilty of inciting a riot, is one of the biggest pieces of pure IDIOCY in all of Amerian history. And nothing you wrote here, indicates anything even close to inciting a riot.

Trump was convicted by a "jury" NOT of his peers. They were New York jerks (like who I grew up with, so I know them well), all leftist loons biased against Trump. Whole thing was a SHAM kangaroo court.

The "reality" is that Trump is the overwhelming choice of the American people to be elected president in 2024.
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The OP of this thread has racked up 26 positive ratings >>
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Americans from across the political spectrum oppose Trump and this whole bizarre socio-political disaster. Not just leftists.

His own staffers, top to bottom, having worked closely with him, have come out publicly against him with very strong words and warnings.

Most of his own cabinet have done the same, refusing to endorse him for this election, referencing his poor temperament & intellectual weakness.

This has never happened in the history of this country. Ever. Not even close. His followers/fans can deny this, but it's true. They are in a cult.
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Americans from across the political spectrum oppose Trump and this whole bizarre socio-political disaster. Not just leftists.

His own staffers, top to bottom, having worked closely with him, have come out against him with very strong words and warnings.

Most of his own cabinet have done the same, refusing to endorse him for this election, referencing his poor temperament and intellectual weakness.

This has never happened in the history of this country. Not even close. His followers/fans can deny this, but it's true. They are in a cult.
His followers/fans are the overwhelming majority of the American people. YOU are the weird cult.
I'm sure that's what you're told.

Meanwhile, you can't deny what I posted.
I certainy DO deny it, based on the polls showing Trump ahead of Biden. And that is in spite of the polls being heavily skewed toward Democrats , (because generally, Republicans don't answer polls ) as we saw in the 2016 election, when the polls showed that Hillary was going to win)
I certainy DO deny it, based on the polls showing Trump ahead of Biden. And that is in spite of the polls being heavily skewed toward Democrats , becasue generally, Republicans don't answer polls ) as we saw in the 2016 election, when the polls showed that Hillary was going to win)
Again, you mention the polls. Great. You can change the subject all you'd like. I'm not arguing with the polls (although your "overwhelming majority of the American people" line is pure MAGA fantasy), and I think Trump may very well win.

The specific points I made remain. You can try to change the subject all you'd like.
From the Fox News link below:

“to have 16 Georgia Republicans sign a certificate declaring falsely that Trump won the state and declaring themselves the state’s "duly elected and qualified" electors”​

Trump's electors did come from the legislatures.

Some Reality Therapy for Saint_Protectionist

Chesebro, who lives in Puerto Rico, was initially charged with felony racketeering and six other counts as part of a wide-ranging scheme to keep the Republican president in power after he lost the 2020 election to Democrat Joe Biden. The indictment alleges Chesebro coordinated and executed a plan to have 16 Georgia Republicans sign a certificate declaring falsely that Trump won the state and declaring themselves the state’s "duly elected and qualified" electors.

Kenneth Chesebro
Lawyer Kenneth Chesebro appears before Judge Scott MacAfee in Atlanta, Oct. 10, 2023. (Alyssa Pointer/Pool Photo via AP, File)​
For prosecutors, the plea deal assures that Chesebro publicly accepts responsibility for his conduct in the case and removes the uncertainty of a trial by a jury of his peers. It also compels him to testify about communications he had with Trump’s campaign lawyers and close associates, including co-defendant Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor and a Trump attorney.​
His followers/fans are the overwhelming majority of the American people.
Not on abortion:

No Women: You Do NOT Have the Right To Choose 221023 {post•1}. protectionist Oct’22 Snwydn: The fact is, abortion is a matter between 3 entities. The woman, her doctor, and the person attempting to be born. prtctnst 221023 Sneydn00001

I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240616 {post•1954}

NotfooledbyW Jun’24 V: The person attempting to be born has no standing in a unanimous Supreme Court decision last week:
The mifepristone case began five months after the Supreme Court overturned Roe. Abortion opponents initially won a sweeping ruling nearly a year ago from U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, a Trump nominee in Texas, which would have revoked the drug’s approval entirely. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals left intact the FDA’s initial approval of mifepristone. But it would reverse changes regulators made in 2016 and 2021 that eased some conditions for administering the drug.​
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Fourth Plea Deal: Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis reaches plea deal in Georgia election interference case 232025 {post•251}. protectionist said: Trump's electors came from the state legislatures as the Constitution calls for. prtctnst 231025 Sfpdft00251

Trump's electors did come from the legislatures.

I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240616 {post•1955}

NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Visdkw: No! Trump’s fake electors came out of Rudy Giuliani’s ass.

Fourth Plea Deal: Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis reaches plea deal in Georgia election interference case 232025 {post•261}. NotfooledbyW said: Georgia is similar to Michigan because DJT was the leader of the fake elector criminal enterprise in seven states that Biden won. nfbw 231025 Vfpdft00261 Reply to prtctnst Sfpdft00251
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Nothing illegal.
Being connected to reality tells me that if certain Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, New Mexico, Republican operatives are contacted by the losing presidential candidates. Bella attorneys after the elections in those states have been certified as a win for Joseph Biden that those Republican operatives are being asked to simulate a procedure for their state, resulting in producing a document that says they are the duly sworn electors and they certify that their state has certified that Donald J Trump had won their state, cannot be considered a type of fraud. In the world of reality when fraud is put into action to achieve a certain end like overturning the election for Donald Trump, it has to be illegal. It just has to be. We have chaos if it’s not.
1. Generally, his tweets are GREAT.
Uhhh... yeah... sure... that's why his press people spent half their time batting clean-up on his overnight train wrecks.
2. The 2020 election was NOT legitimate, and the results WERE false ( I posted 10 pages of evidence of fraud in 7 states.)
You had sixty-two (62) chances in courts... often before GOP and Trump-appointed judges... and you got laughed out of court.
3. Trump did NOT summon, incite, anybody to do anything other than to march to the capitol and PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY make their VOICES heard.
Bull$hit... he and Bannon and others issued the call days before... then whipped 'em up... aimed 'em... then set 'em in motion.
His exact words (shown on video thousands of times)
Clearly unmistakable innuendo on his part and the more explicit words of his proxies and cronies were enough to accuse.
4. There was nothing "insurrectionist". That was a silly leftwing media word, never seen in a single charge against anybody on jan 6.
Insurrection can be difficult to prove at-law but that does not preclude the use of the term... charges or no...

Vast numbers of Confederates were never CHARGED with Insurrection and yet they PARTICIPATED in one...

5. The jail scenario comes from Biden, imposing false (and ridiculous) charges to try to stop Trump fom running.
They do all they can within the law to try to prevent that ignorant, arrogant autocrat-in-the-making from regaining power.
6. Easy to see they've got YOU programmed. :rolleyes:
By whom? I'm not the one spouting MAGAtt Talking Points and trying to "run cover" for your Orange Baboon-God.
I post FACTS substantiated by links to dept of Commerce, BEA, and CNBC, and you say "bullshit". That's a loss for you, and a victory for me, but you're too scatterbrained to know that.

As for how much you tax cut got, I couldnt care less. I was talking about the difference between the tax cuts for the rich, and the lower income groups, not what happened to you. :rolleyes:
Well I am a member of that lower group and I'm telling you for the record from that lower group that his tax cut didn't mean jack shit for us so fuck you, the horse you rode in on and anyone else that even looks like you!
So when the leader of one of the two main political parties in the United States of America decides to not accept the results of an election that he lost, and then tries by committing fraud in seven states that he lost to overturn an election by taking it away from the voters and handing it over to Congress or the Supreme Court based on fraud How is it authoritarian to make that political candidate responsible for what he did

Do you mean to say that committing fraud to overturn an election cannot be punished because only a dictator would punish someone for conspiracy to commit fraud against the United States of America .
Geez, your mind gets so scrambled during these episodes....the ^above^ response you gave is an explanation on your comment abost F-16's and Ukraine and the F-16'S and Ukraine was an explanation about your authoritarian mindset...and it's all so typical of you.

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