Zone1 I suggest that foreign posters have an "F" designation on their avatar. Americans get "A".

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Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
It should be easy to ascertain when a poster is located outside the US. Why do this, you ask? My answer: this is a US message board and US citizens have a vested interest in what is happening in the US. Foreigners do not and are largely here for their own entertainment. So what do you think? F for foreigner A for American. Tell me what is wrong with this idea.
It should be easy to ascertain when a poster is located outside the US. Why do this, you ask? My answer: this is a US message board and US citizens have a vested interest in what is happening in the US. Foreigners do not and are largely here for their own entertainment. So what do you think? F for foreigner A for American. Tell me what is wrong with this idea.
This is fair and I agree with such sentiments as long as it is accurately reflecting ones origins. As Occupied rightly stated, it's difficult to ascertain due to VPN. In my case, I had a Canadian continually express to me and the board that I wasn't even Canadian. Desperaration. on their part I suppose.
It should be easy to ascertain when a poster is located outside the US. Why do this, you ask? My answer: this is a US message board and US citizens have a vested interest in what is happening in the US. Foreigners do not and are largely here for their own entertainment. So what do you think? F for foreigner A for American. Tell me what is wrong with this idea.

The only people who would want this are people who's arguments are shit, so they have to attack the poster rather than the argument.

This isn't US government where a person with questionable ideas could have a huge impact, it's a forum where loads of Americans talk complete and utter shit and don't bother with proper political talk in the first place. They're not going to be influenced by a foreign poster. They're already being manipulated on a much higher scale with a lot of money for this board to change anyone's mind.
The only people who would want this are people who's arguments are shit, so they have to attack the poster rather than the argument.

This isn't US government where a person with questionable ideas could have a huge impact, it's a forum where loads of Americans talk complete and utter shit and don't bother with proper political talk in the first place. They're not going to be influenced by a foreign poster. They're already being manipulated on a much higher scale with a lot of money for this board to change anyone's mind.
Nonsense. You know full well I make it a point to NOT attack the posters who personally attack me. I just think it is fair on a US message board to know who is posting from a foreign country. They clearly have NO VESTED INTEREST and are here to instigate and blow smoke.
It should be easy to ascertain when a poster is located outside the US. Why do this, you ask? My answer: this is a US message board and US citizens have a vested interest in what is happening in the US. Foreigners do not and are largely here for their own entertainment. So what do you think? F for foreigner A for American. Tell me what is wrong with this idea.

Got no problem w/ this actually. Maybe auto-assign flags in profiles based on IP addresses?
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Nonsense. You know full well I make it a point to NOT attack the posters who personally attack me. I just think it is fair on a US message board to know who is posting from a foreign country.

Totally 100% agree.

They clearly have NO VESTED INTEREST and are here to instigate and blow smoke.

Disagree. The US is the world's most influential country. Other posters have a vested interested in US politics even if not from here.
Nonsense. You know full well I make it a point to NOT attack the posters who personally attack me. I just think it is fair on a US message board to know who is posting from a foreign country. They clearly have NO VESTED INTEREST and are here to instigate and blow smoke.
Yes, I do. I'm not talking about you.

You put this in place and foreigners will find it very difficult to have a decent conversation because half the board will literally be "you're a foreigner, fuck off".

A good argument is a good argument, no matter where it comes from. Do you care where I come from? Am I American? Zambian? Chinese? Does it matter?

I can tell you that I do not come on here for "vested interests", I come on here to use my brain, keep up knowledge of current events and see different views.
The only people who would want this are people who's arguments are shit, so they have to attack the poster rather than the argument.

This isn't US government where a person with questionable ideas could have a huge impact, it's a forum where loads of Americans talk complete and utter shit and don't bother with proper political talk in the first place. They're not going to be influenced by a foreign poster. They're already being manipulated on a much higher scale with a lot of money for this board to change anyone's mind.
Foreigners come on this forum and negotiate with Americans over American rights

They make me sick
Yes but they are expensive, I doubt most of the foreigners here us VPNs.
It doesn't matter anyway. It's not something that will ever happen. People in other countries might want to post here anonymously out of fear of reprisal in their own country.
Foreigners come on this forum and negotiate with Americans over American rights

They make me sick

What do you mean that they "negotiate" with Americans over American rights?

America controls international banking. America has military bases on all major continents. American corporations literally change local cultures and even local politics. America starts wars 8000 miles away from its shores. Sorry, but the rest of the world is entitled to give a fuck or two about this stuff once in a while.
It should be easy to ascertain when a poster is located outside the US. Why do this, you ask? My answer: this is a US message board and US citizens have a vested interest in what is happening in the US. Foreigners do not and are largely here for their own entertainment. So what do you think? F for foreigner A for American. Tell me what is wrong with this idea.
It should be easy to ascertain when a poster is located outside the US. Why do this, you ask? My answer: this is a US message board and US citizens have a vested interest in what is happening in the US. Foreigners do not and are largely here for their own entertainment. So what do you think? F for foreigner A for American. Tell me what is wrong with this idea.
J for Jews also!
America controls international banking. America has military bases on all major continents. American corporations literally change local cultures and even local politics. America starts wars 8000 miles away from its shores. Sorry, but the rest of the world is entitled to give a fuck or two about this stuff once in a while.
Sorry, but the rest of the world is entitled to give a fuck or two about this stuff once in a while.

Not with me they arent

Fuck them and their opinions
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