I Thank God I Don't Live in Not so Great Britain

Wow....it really is the "Thought Police" over there....

Boy, I bet our liberals are envious. They'd love nothing more than to be able to round up anyone who expresses opposing thought to the liberal PC madness.
In case you've missed it, we have Thought Police here. If you are involved in a Tea Party group, the IRS may request info on your prayers and books.
I drove through downtown Newark last week.....
I was the only white person in that whole area...
The area didn't look bad at all,but that was the commercial area with all the stores and
business.But I would not have liked driving through there at midnight just about out of gas
with a broken GPS and a wallet full of cash.This fat white boy would be easy prey.
Heck... even their Prime Minister says that Multi-Culti has failed over there.

Now, if only they would align Policy with Strategic Assessment, they might still have a fighting chance.

But that's way too much to ask from that bunch... they just don't have it in 'em any longer... they've pretty much folded their poker hand and given up.
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I don't think attitudes are going to change much.
Politicians look at life differently.
If they don't abide by the way of political correctness they will have to deal with shit.
They choose to take the easy road and try not to offend those who are easily stirred up.

The end result.If they lose a few citizens along the way to the crazy Islam fucks they feel like it's just the cost of doing business.

If a few of us get taken out every now and then it's preferable to a whole bunch.If the terrorists kill a few of us they feel better and the rest of us are supposed to feel better that it wasn't our turn.
From BBC3: and in a related story, sales of screw drivers and hammers have mysteriously soared throughout Great Britain over the weekend. No Bloody theory has yet been deciphered.

And I am consistently told by my more liberal friends how those in Europe are so much more ‘free’ than we are over here. I always wondered why they do not move there if they felt that it was so much better.

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