I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

Gangs and all crime are caused by things like poverty, injustice, lack of opportunity, etc., and the main current cause is the War on Drugs, caused by Republicans.

Sure, explain that one to the folks in places like Chicago and Detroit...dumbass.
"Chicago" and "Detroit" = "black" to some folks. So now you're saying your political/economic system cannot manage that for you either. Vote!

"Chicago" and "Detroit" = "Democrat" to most folks...dumbass.

And why would that be?
Is it because the democrats cause large urban cities, poverty, injustice, lack of opportunity, and crime?
Of is it that only democrats seem to understand the problems these large urban centers have, and offer any sort of solutions?
Free handouts, gang wars and high taxes are a solution to urban problems? Do tell.

No one has ever asked for "free handouts", nor does anyone but children get them.
They want jobs, education, reasonable housing and health care, etc.
Gangs are caused by the War on Drugs.
High taxes are almost entirely the military.
Over 75% of what we pay in taxes goes to current or past military spending, and that includes VA, GIBill, national debt interest, etc.
The problem with gangs and shootings among black people in America is occurring in predominantly democrat controlled cities. Correct me if I'm wrong. Go ahead, make your case.
You already have. Vote for one party, bitch at the other because your party cannot carry the day for you.
I know they cried about Democrats the last 3 years when Dems had no power.

No wonder they lost the house in these last midterms.
Don's wall could have been a done deal by now in terms of passing it all into action. He had 2 years with both houses. And nada.
I agree and a good point. The republican party is almost as corrupt as the democrat party.

AS corrupt and more likely to vote religious laws into place.

Tlaib and Omar Co-sponsor Bill to Recognize Muslim Holidays as Federal Holidays

SHARIA LAW IN AMERICA — Current Status in Michigan, California, Texas, Florida, Minnesota

Muslims Push For Islamic Holidays In Philadelphia

In Bow to Muslims, Christian Holidays Dropped From School Calendar - Moonbattery

San Diego Schools Ordered To Reveal Correspondence With Muslim Advocacy Group

De Blasio Gives Schools Two Days Off For Muslim Holidays

Nancy Pelosi Caught Coaching Congressman On Hot Mic: "Tell 'Em You're A Muslim" | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge
Don't blame us. We have no power. Who started this? Churches. Republicans are the religious ones. You don't know who's screwing you.

Also you should be worrying about santuary companies not cities.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family


But you won't.
Wrong, Democrats run cities like Frisco, Oakland, Chicago, etc. To say that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat policy is a lie. You have absolutely no integrity or credibility.
What is an illegal doing in a sanctuary city? They are working for corporations who hire illegals.

We sent the national guard down to Alabama to stop crackers from picking on blacks I'm sure Trump could send ICE to go raid companies who are hiring illegals and guess what would happen to that sanctuary city? All the illegals would leave.

But Republicans won't go after illegal employers. Need proof?

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So you tell me why Bill Clinton raided 417 companies but Bush only raided 3 in 2004. And then you dumb mother fucking Republicans will deny which party was the party who defended illegal immigrants. It was Bush, McCain and Mitt.

My how quickly they flip flop and forget.
Are you really denying that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat agenda?

Kinda like the statue of liberty..... declaring the US a sanctuary country.

Really pisses me off; being nice and kind and helping people. Makes me want to puke. Only liberal scumbags want to be nice to people. REAL Americans like being mean and rotten, mocking and ridiculing, laughing as they suffer.....

How do you think america got where it is today?

where it is today?

hate radio
I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

Am I the only one who's noticed the huge outpouring of complaints and protests against this thread by Leftards since it opened? It must be because they know they'd lose in any such fight. Badly. Conservatives are fighters and survivors. Progressives are noodling whiners and babies.

If americans had any fight in them at all they would take on the centers concentrated wealth and power that has created the societal conditions they/we decry.
But that's not who amerians are, they/we would rather noodlingly whine and engage in self-subjugating partisanshitheadism rather than confront power.

For one thing, you can't do anything "noodlingly." Second of all, your hatred of America drips out of ever post you write. Are you that much a failure that you need blame the world for your own inadequacies? Real Americans have plenty of fight in them, you obviously haven't met any of us yet in the real world for most of them would hand you your teeth for half the crap you say, but what you are describing is civil war and anarchy---- always the very LAST resort. We have a legal process for addressing the things you describe, and one of them is in the White House right now tearing the swamp a new ass even as we speak.

No darling, no one hates america and you have no authority to assign views to anyone, your society seems to be so fragile that it cannot withstand a citizenry who questions authority. Fweedumb.

Wow, you forgot already.
Sure, explain that one to the folks in places like Chicago and Detroit...dumbass.
"Chicago" and "Detroit" = "black" to some folks. So now you're saying your political/economic system cannot manage that for you either. Vote!

"Chicago" and "Detroit" = "Democrat" to most folks...dumbass.

And why would that be?
Is it because the democrats cause large urban cities, poverty, injustice, lack of opportunity, and crime?
Of is it that only democrats seem to understand the problems these large urban centers have, and offer any sort of solutions?

Of course, one of our two political parties is bad, but voting for the good one doesn't get you "there" either. Interesting system. No wonder we have to attempt to spread it militarily.
Both parties have failed the American people. That's why Trump is President. The republican party isn't particularly a friend of the President.

Both parties still are, will continue to, and so is Don. The people will keep getting the trajectory they are on so long as all they/we are prepared to do is bow down to authority, vote, and take their/our legitimate frustrations out on each other as opposed to confronting concentrated power and wealth.
I don't see gang shootings in Appalachia like I do in Chicago, Detroit, Oakland, Baltimore, St. Louis, Washington DC, New Orleans, etc. You're comparing a mole hill to a mountain.
That's because gang members don't live in Appalachia.
Agree. Gang members predominantly live in democrat controlled cities.
If your perception of reality was correct, all you would have to do would be vote Republican. Why does the ameican way leave you so disatisfied?

Instead of your usual glib word games, why don't you try actually addressing or refuting what the BS Filter ACTUALLY SAID. It is an undeniable, well-long-documented fact that most of your major cities where the vast amount of crime activity and gun violence occur are in cities RUN BY DEMOCRATS. In fact, it has been determined that if we just eliminated 2-3 such cities, the USA gun crime statistics that are so famously always cited by libs and Tommy Taintass as proof of our blood-thirsty lust for violence would now drop to being one of the safest, lowest crime countries per capita in the world!

Why don't you shove that in your bonnet and stir that around for a while, while you think up your next snarky but irrelevant comment.

Perhaps you can explain to everyone why voting Republican is so utterly feckless in turning any of that around.

I don't need to explain nothing to you. I don't answer to you. Get it? Why don't you ask that of Democrats? You already brought up other things here thrown like so much mud which you've yet to justify, support, prove or defend, and now you want to try to deflect by changing the subject yet again? I think not.
Wrong, Democrats run cities like Frisco, Oakland, Chicago, etc. To say that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat policy is a lie. You have absolutely no integrity or credibility.
What is an illegal doing in a sanctuary city? They are working for corporations who hire illegals.

We sent the national guard down to Alabama to stop crackers from picking on blacks I'm sure Trump could send ICE to go raid companies who are hiring illegals and guess what would happen to that sanctuary city? All the illegals would leave.

But Republicans won't go after illegal employers. Need proof?

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So you tell me why Bill Clinton raided 417 companies but Bush only raided 3 in 2004. And then you dumb mother fucking Republicans will deny which party was the party who defended illegal immigrants. It was Bush, McCain and Mitt.

My how quickly they flip flop and forget.
Are you really denying that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat agenda?

Kinda like the statue of liberty..... declaring the US a sanctuary country.

Really pisses me off; being nice and kind and helping people. Makes me want to puke. Only liberal scumbags want to be nice to people. REAL Americans like being mean and rotten, mocking and ridiculing, laughing as they suffer.....

How do you think america got where it is today?

where it is today?

hate radio
Yeah, the left hates radio because it educates the masses to what the left is up to.
"Chicago" and "Detroit" = "black" to some folks. So now you're saying your political/economic system cannot manage that for you either. Vote!

"Chicago" and "Detroit" = "Democrat" to most folks...dumbass.

And why would that be?
Is it because the democrats cause large urban cities, poverty, injustice, lack of opportunity, and crime?
Of is it that only democrats seem to understand the problems these large urban centers have, and offer any sort of solutions?

Yea, those "solutions" have worked wonders.

They could, if democrats were not also now in the pocket of the banks, Wall St., etc.

Sure...and pigs could fly....if it weren't for banks, wall street, etc.

It is well documented during the Teddy Roosevelt administration, that left to do what they want, banks and Wall St. types would enforce feudalism again, through economic means and police, just like they did 500 years ago with royal land ownership and armed knights.
Roosevelt limited it by Trustbusting legislation, but that was to little and too long ago.
I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

Am I the only one who's noticed the huge outpouring of complaints and protests against this thread by Leftards since it opened? It must be because they know they'd lose in any such fight. Badly. Conservatives are fighters and survivors. Progressives are noodling whiners and babies.

If americans had any fight in them at all they would take on the centers concentrated wealth and power that has created the societal conditions they/we decry.
But that's not who amerians are, they/we would rather noodlingly whine and engage in self-subjugating partisanshitheadism rather than confront power.

For one thing, you can't do anything "noodlingly." Second of all, your hatred of America drips out of ever post you write. Are you that much a failure that you need blame the world for your own inadequacies? Real Americans have plenty of fight in them, you obviously haven't met any of us yet in the real world for most of them would hand you your teeth for half the crap you say, but what you are describing is civil war and anarchy---- always the very LAST resort. We have a legal process for addressing the things you describe, and one of them is in the White House right now tearing the swamp a new ass even as we speak.

No darling, no one hates america and you have no authority to assign views to anyone, your society seems to be so fragile that it cannot withstand a citizenry who questions authority. Fweedumb.

Wow, you forgot already.

It seems to me that any conservative who wants a civil war (to kill americans who aren't conservatives) in order to create a NEW COUNTRY that is NOT the USA are people who sound like THEY hate America.

or is destroying America an example of love for it?
Wrong, Democrats run cities like Frisco, Oakland, Chicago, etc. To say that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat policy is a lie. You have absolutely no integrity or credibility.
What is an illegal doing in a sanctuary city? They are working for corporations who hire illegals.

We sent the national guard down to Alabama to stop crackers from picking on blacks I'm sure Trump could send ICE to go raid companies who are hiring illegals and guess what would happen to that sanctuary city? All the illegals would leave.

But Republicans won't go after illegal employers. Need proof?

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So you tell me why Bill Clinton raided 417 companies but Bush only raided 3 in 2004. And then you dumb mother fucking Republicans will deny which party was the party who defended illegal immigrants. It was Bush, McCain and Mitt.

My how quickly they flip flop and forget.
Are you really denying that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat agenda?

Kinda like the statue of liberty..... declaring the US a sanctuary country.

Really pisses me off; being nice and kind and helping people. Makes me want to puke. Only liberal scumbags want to be nice to people. REAL Americans like being mean and rotten, mocking and ridiculing, laughing as they suffer.....

How do you think america got where it is today?

where it is today?

hate radio

No. The vastly outnumbered colonial aristocracy began pitting the masses against one another in the aftermath of Bacon’s Rebellion.
"Chicago" and "Detroit" = "black" to some folks. So now you're saying your political/economic system cannot manage that for you either. Vote!

"Chicago" and "Detroit" = "Democrat" to most folks...dumbass.

And why would that be?
Is it because the democrats cause large urban cities, poverty, injustice, lack of opportunity, and crime?
Of is it that only democrats seem to understand the problems these large urban centers have, and offer any sort of solutions?

Of course, one of our two political parties is bad, but voting for the good one doesn't get you "there" either. Interesting system. No wonder we have to attempt to spread it militarily.
Both parties have failed the American people. That's why Trump is President. The republican party isn't particularly a friend of the President.

Both parties still are, will continue to, and so is Don. The people will keep getting the trajectory they are on so long as all they/we are prepared to do is bow down to authority, vote, and take their/our legitimate frustrations out on each other as opposed to confronting concentrated power and wealth.
The election of Trump was a direct challenge to the concentration of corrupt power in both parties.
Sure, explain that one to the folks in places like Chicago and Detroit...dumbass.
"Chicago" and "Detroit" = "black" to some folks. So now you're saying your political/economic system cannot manage that for you either. Vote!

"Chicago" and "Detroit" = "Democrat" to most folks...dumbass.

And why would that be?
Is it because the democrats cause large urban cities, poverty, injustice, lack of opportunity, and crime?
Of is it that only democrats seem to understand the problems these large urban centers have, and offer any sort of solutions?
Free handouts, gang wars and high taxes are a solution to urban problems? Do tell.

No one has ever asked for "free handouts", nor does anyone but children get them.
They want jobs, education, reasonable housing and health care, etc.
Gangs are caused by the War on Drugs.
High taxes are almost entirely the military.
Over 75% of what we pay in taxes goes to current or past military spending, and that includes VA, GIBill, national debt interest, etc.

Say what? So the free healthcare and free college aren't true?
Sure, explain that one to the folks in places like Chicago and Detroit...dumbass.
"Chicago" and "Detroit" = "black" to some folks. So now you're saying your political/economic system cannot manage that for you either. Vote!

"Chicago" and "Detroit" = "Democrat" to most folks...dumbass.

And why would that be?
Is it because the democrats cause large urban cities, poverty, injustice, lack of opportunity, and crime?
Of is it that only democrats seem to understand the problems these large urban centers have, and offer any sort of solutions?
Free handouts, gang wars and high taxes are a solution to urban problems? Do tell.

No one has ever asked for "free handouts", nor does anyone but children get them.
They want jobs, education, reasonable housing and health care, etc.
Gangs are caused by the War on Drugs.
High taxes are almost entirely the military.
Over 75% of what we pay in taxes goes to current or past military spending, and that includes VA, GIBill, national debt interest, etc.

You are a moron. There is enough fentanyl imported in to this country illegally to kill every Man Woman and Child in The US. 75% in taxes does not go to military spending. We have spent 21 Trillion on Social Spending, which is the exact amount we are in debt to an Unconstitutional Private Banking Consortium called The Federal Reserve.

Social spending and supporting a large government bureaucracy are overwhelmingly our largest expenditures.

Oh, and you are a liar and a propagandist. Probably a Russian Shill.
What is an illegal doing in a sanctuary city? They are working for corporations who hire illegals.

We sent the national guard down to Alabama to stop crackers from picking on blacks I'm sure Trump could send ICE to go raid companies who are hiring illegals and guess what would happen to that sanctuary city? All the illegals would leave.

But Republicans won't go after illegal employers. Need proof?

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So you tell me why Bill Clinton raided 417 companies but Bush only raided 3 in 2004. And then you dumb mother fucking Republicans will deny which party was the party who defended illegal immigrants. It was Bush, McCain and Mitt.

My how quickly they flip flop and forget.
Are you really denying that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat agenda?

Kinda like the statue of liberty..... declaring the US a sanctuary country.

Really pisses me off; being nice and kind and helping people. Makes me want to puke. Only liberal scumbags want to be nice to people. REAL Americans like being mean and rotten, mocking and ridiculing, laughing as they suffer.....

How do you think america got where it is today?

where it is today?

hate radio
Yeah, the left hates radio because it educates the masses to what the left is up to.

with lies and fear and misinformation and hate.
I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

Am I the only one who's noticed the huge outpouring of complaints and protests against this thread by Leftards since it opened? It must be because they know they'd lose in any such fight. Badly. Conservatives are fighters and survivors. Progressives are noodling whiners and babies.

If americans had any fight in them at all they would take on the centers concentrated wealth and power that has created the societal conditions they/we decry.
But that's not who amerians are, they/we would rather noodlingly whine and engage in self-subjugating partisanshitheadism rather than confront power.

For one thing, you can't do anything "noodlingly." Second of all, your hatred of America drips out of ever post you write. Are you that much a failure that you need blame the world for your own inadequacies? Real Americans have plenty of fight in them, you obviously haven't met any of us yet in the real world for most of them would hand you your teeth for half the crap you say, but what you are describing is civil war and anarchy---- always the very LAST resort. We have a legal process for addressing the things you describe, and one of them is in the White House right now tearing the swamp a new ass even as we speak.

No darling, no one hates america and you have no authority to assign views to anyone, your society seems to be so fragile that it cannot withstand a citizenry who questions authority. Fweedumb.

Look jackass, you are not questioning authority, you are trying to challenge it. If you do not like authority, why don't you go out right now and challenge a cop, a judge, or some other and show us some of what you claim no one else is willing to do? You're just another leftard whining, bullshitter. And yes, you HATE America.
What is an illegal doing in a sanctuary city? They are working for corporations who hire illegals.

We sent the national guard down to Alabama to stop crackers from picking on blacks I'm sure Trump could send ICE to go raid companies who are hiring illegals and guess what would happen to that sanctuary city? All the illegals would leave.

But Republicans won't go after illegal employers. Need proof?

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So you tell me why Bill Clinton raided 417 companies but Bush only raided 3 in 2004. And then you dumb mother fucking Republicans will deny which party was the party who defended illegal immigrants. It was Bush, McCain and Mitt.

My how quickly they flip flop and forget.
Are you really denying that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat agenda?

Kinda like the statue of liberty..... declaring the US a sanctuary country.

Really pisses me off; being nice and kind and helping people. Makes me want to puke. Only liberal scumbags want to be nice to people. REAL Americans like being mean and rotten, mocking and ridiculing, laughing as they suffer.....

How do you think america got where it is today?

where it is today?

hate radio
Yeah, the left hates radio because it educates the masses to what the left is up to.

When "hate" is used as an adjective and not a verb, it is a label of a category of radio talk shows that is intended to deliberately provoke hateful emotional reactions in order to prevent clear thought. If one has a point, then emotions are not necessary.
Am I the only one who's noticed the huge outpouring of complaints and protests against this thread by Leftards since it opened? It must be because they know they'd lose in any such fight. Badly. Conservatives are fighters and survivors. Progressives are noodling whiners and babies.

If americans had any fight in them at all they would take on the centers concentrated wealth and power that has created the societal conditions they/we decry.
But that's not who amerians are, they/we would rather noodlingly whine and engage in self-subjugating partisanshitheadism rather than confront power.

For one thing, you can't do anything "noodlingly." Second of all, your hatred of America drips out of ever post you write. Are you that much a failure that you need blame the world for your own inadequacies? Real Americans have plenty of fight in them, you obviously haven't met any of us yet in the real world for most of them would hand you your teeth for half the crap you say, but what you are describing is civil war and anarchy---- always the very LAST resort. We have a legal process for addressing the things you describe, and one of them is in the White House right now tearing the swamp a new ass even as we speak.

No darling, no one hates america and you have no authority to assign views to anyone, your society seems to be so fragile that it cannot withstand a citizenry who questions authority. Fweedumb.

Wow, you forgot already.

It seems to me that any conservative who wants a civil war (to kill americans who aren't conservatives) in order to create a NEW COUNTRY that is NOT the USA are people who sound like THEY hate America.

or is destroying America an example of love for it?

Yet it's fine for liberals who wants a civil war (to kill Americans who aren't liberal) in order to create a NEW COUNTRY that is NOT the USA?
Are you really denying that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat agenda?

Kinda like the statue of liberty..... declaring the US a sanctuary country.

Really pisses me off; being nice and kind and helping people. Makes me want to puke. Only liberal scumbags want to be nice to people. REAL Americans like being mean and rotten, mocking and ridiculing, laughing as they suffer.....

How do you think america got where it is today?

where it is today?

hate radio
Yeah, the left hates radio because it educates the masses to what the left is up to.

with lies and fear and misinformation and hate.
Provide one example and a name of who is disseminating the lies and hate.
I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

Am I the only one who's noticed the huge outpouring of complaints and protests against this thread by Leftards since it opened? It must be because they know they'd lose in any such fight. Badly. Conservatives are fighters and survivors. Progressives are noodling whiners and babies.

If americans had any fight in them at all they would take on the centers concentrated wealth and power that has created the societal conditions they/we decry.
But that's not who amerians are, they/we would rather noodlingly whine and engage in self-subjugating partisanshitheadism rather than confront power.

For one thing, you can't do anything "noodlingly." Second of all, your hatred of America drips out of ever post you write. Are you that much a failure that you need blame the world for your own inadequacies? Real Americans have plenty of fight in them, you obviously haven't met any of us yet in the real world for most of them would hand you your teeth for half the crap you say, but what you are describing is civil war and anarchy---- always the very LAST resort. We have a legal process for addressing the things you describe, and one of them is in the White House right now tearing the swamp a new ass even as we speak.

No darling, no one hates america and you have no authority to assign views to anyone, your society seems to be so fragile that it cannot withstand a citizenry who questions authority. Fweedumb.

Look jackass, you are not questioning authority, you are trying to challenge it. If you do not like authority, why don't you go out right now and challenge a cop, a judge, or some other and show us some of what you claim no one else is willing to do? You're just another leftard whining, bullshitter. And yes, you HATE America.

In a democratic republic, the ONLY legal source of any authority at all comes from inherent individual rights.
There are only 3 choices.
1 is might makes right of a dictatorship
2 is divine right of a theocracy
3 is the inherent rights of all individuals, in a democratic republic.

I pick door number 3, and that is legally what the founders picked as well.
So then cops, judges, and other members of government at not a legal source of any authority at all, but merely people we hired in order to do what we tell them to.
If they start making decision over us, like the War on Drugs, then they have illegally taken over and made a dictatorship.
"Chicago" and "Detroit" = "Democrat" to most folks...dumbass.

And why would that be?
Is it because the democrats cause large urban cities, poverty, injustice, lack of opportunity, and crime?
Of is it that only democrats seem to understand the problems these large urban centers have, and offer any sort of solutions?

Yea, those "solutions" have worked wonders.

They could, if democrats were not also now in the pocket of the banks, Wall St., etc.

Sure...and pigs could fly....if it weren't for banks, wall street, etc.

It is well documented during the Teddy Roosevelt administration, that left to do what they want, banks and Wall St. types would enforce feudalism again, through economic means and police, just like they did 500 years ago with royal land ownership and armed knights.

The technology is so much better for population control these days. That’s why the police have been militarized and trained by the Israeli military in population subjugation and Palestinianization. That’s why we have the most expansive incarceration and internment/detention apparatus ever known to humanity, with a for profit component and convict labor leasing to corporations. That’s why the entire population is already under constant surveillance. That’s why the public water supply is left contaminated in many communities across america as the infrastructure is being allowed to decay. We’re wandering unaware into a new feudal age in which capital no longer requires as many hominids as it once did to generate profit margin growth to infinity. Something will need to be done to “manage” the surplus of human beings; their worth as economic units will continue to evaporate as it has over the past half century.

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