I think being critical of the side you believe in is more important than being critical of the opposition.

Ultimately I would love to have it your way and withdraw all troops from the Middle East.

Or, keep a presence there and not have to bomb terrorists in places like Yemen.

What ever happened to fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here.

And sorry but has any republican here agreed with you? Because you seem to be more liberal on war than me. Or maybe you’re one of those libertarian non interventionist types.

Anyways, ill look forward to see the times you do battle with republican on here. Since you’re such a straight down the middle moderate independent centrist

Lol, you should check my thread history. There are Republicans here waiting for me to prove I'm not a Marxist. That's why I criticized you. You're pointing at Donald to make your what about point, but that means nothing to me. I don't support Donald.
Why are you not voting democratic?
1. How do we pull out? We don’t want to leave and let the terrorists take over, right?

As quickly and safely as possible. We can't bring stability to the whole world while we lack it at home. We shouldn't be spending billions of dollars annually trying to referee everything. I think we should take a step back and focus on improving our nation.

2. If we allow terrorists a place in the world to train and plot against us, isn’t that the mistake we made with bin Ladin?

I don't buy that coming home puts us in danger. I think it would make people less pissed off at us. We lost 3,000 people almost 20 years ago now. We're not under constant attack. We can't completely safeguard ourselves.

3. what do you think would happen if we closed all our bases around the world and brought every soldier home?

We'd save a lot of money. I don't see Russia or China making a move any time soon.

4. Maybe it’s not as easy as you think?

Maybe it's easier than you think.

Ultimately, if we aren’t turning over land to bad guys, I’m with you. Let’s bring them home. Let’s not piss off iran by having battleships in the waters surrounding them. Come home, save shit loads of money.

This would mean us no longer being the superpower. We no longer are financially. China is probably the new superpower. So should we let them police the rest of the world when trouble happens? We would save a lot of money and they would waste a lot on their military industrial complex

Im a moderate on this. I see both sides. on this you’re either a liberal or libertarian. Which is it?

China hasn't taken the lead yet. We make ourselves weaker by spreading ourselves thin. We're not going to stop China from exerting influence either way. Our best bet is to get Americans as educated and healthy as possible in preparation for the future.

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