I Think Biden is Done

If the Republican Party ignores the 74 million Little Trumpsters and nominates Cheney or Hogan or Powell, they stand no chance of all of vanquishing Sleepy Joe.

At least I don't see a path for them if they tell their base to go to perdition.
The Dems know how to beat Trump
85 million voted to get rid of him

Nominate him again and you will lose by a wider margin
The funniest part is that the video creator has to tell people "this is fake," because it is so easy to believe with this clown

that was both real and fake. It was real because Biden now has an elderly person his age as a body double every time has to go down the stairs, but yea, that was not really Biden

Sadly, the death toll is mounting for the body doubles who are lured to the stairs and pushed over. More death and dying, just like at Planned Parenthood and Covid deaths every day.

Well done Mr. President.
"I think Biden is done"

I think Biden was done a long time ago, even before Obama picked him to be his VP. That was a political decision, same as the one the DNP made when they picked him to be their nominee against Trump. Biden was never a very smart guy, he knew politics and he knew people but he was and is a follower rather than a leader. This is a man who ought to be in a home somewhere watching Oprah reruns.
Anyone who still supports this disgusting old child molester needs to be shamed publicly. This evil bastard is on video pinching the nipple of a little girl and she confirms it happened and crickets. You people are feckn SICK and amoral.

Proving the fascist flock will believe any lie, little or big.

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