CDZ I think Bill Maher is coming around.

Wrong....the worst mass murder since 1917 has been at the hands of leftists......there is no check to their ability to murder people...

Russian leftists....25 million murdered.

Chinese leftists....over 70 million murdered.

Cambodian leftists, over 1/3 of their population murdered......

And you would then have to define what you consider extremists on the American Right...since the American Right isn't the same as the "Right" in Europe or around the world, which is really simply one set of leftists ...

The American Right believes in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights....individual Freedom and a limited don't get to mass graves with those beliefs....

Believing that government should have more and more power, and that individuals getting in the way of that power keeps the government from doing "good things," the way the leftists how you get to mass graves...they think checks and balances, and the separation of powers.....used to limit the accumulation of murderous power in the hands of government....are wrong and need to be removed....

The American Right believes the exact no...the extremists are not the same..
We don't have real conservative representation in government, and too many everyday conservatives are either too stupid to notice or too dishonest to care. Republicans are not the party of peace, financial responsibility and liberty. Not even close. You want it to be true that the Republicans are more virtuous but it's simply not.
We don't have real conservative representation in government, and too many everyday conservatives are either too stupid to notice or too dishonest to care. Republicans are not the party of peace, financial responsibility and liberty. Not even close. You want it to be true that the Republicans are more virtuous but it's simply not.

I didn't say Republicans...I said the American Right...conservatives...the Republican Party is not controlled by conservatives....the democrat party is controlled by leftists...violent leftists....who support the terrorist groups blm and know, the groups that burned, and looted our cities for 7 months, wounded over 400 police officers, burned court houses and police stations and murdered around 40 Americans..........

And then were bailed out and supported by the democrat party, the democrat media, democrat Hollywood, and democrat academia...

There is no comparison between the left and right in the U.S....
I didn't say Republicans...I said the American Right...conservatives...the Republican Party is not controlled by conservatives....
Well then all of these real conservatives need to hurry up and gain control of the government so they can become relevant to the conversation. Also I could easily use a similar rationale to absolve the left of the crimes of the Democrats. See how that works?
Well then all of these real conservatives need to hurry up and gain control of the government so they can become relevant to the conversation.

We are trying.......but the democrats have spent the last 61 years taking over Hollywood, Universities, the press.........and now they have google, Facebook, twitter, amazon and the corporation's...........
We are trying.......but the democrats have spent the last 61 years taking over Hollywood, Universities, the press.........and now they have google, Facebook, twitter, amazon and the corporation's...........
If conservatives aren't responsible for Republicans then why should it be assumed that left wingers are responsible for Democrats? Both sides feel ignored by and alienated from their representation.
If conservatives aren't responsible for Republicans then why should it be assumed that left wingers are responsible for Democrats? Both sides feel ignored by and alienated from their representation.

Because the left is in control of the party...conservatives are not in control of the Republican Party....
Because the left is in control of the party...conservatives are not in control of the Republican Party....
If the left was in control Bernie would have been nominated either time over corporate shills like Hillary and Joe. Republicans and Democrats work for the international business elites (globalists) that fund their campaigns. None of us have true representation in government. That's why Democrats and Republicans both look so ugly to anybody that's actually looking.
If the left was in control Bernie would have been nominated either time over corporate shills like Hillary and Joe. Republicans and Democrats work for the international business elites (globalists) that fund their campaigns. None of us have true representation in government. That's why Democrats and Republicans both look so ugly to anybody that's actually looking.

The left runs the policy........they want Bernie but know he can't be they nominated the house plant, Joe Biden...and all of the policy decisions are made by the leftists behind him....
The left runs the policy........they want Bernie but know he can't be they nominated the house plant, Joe Biden...and all of the policy decisions are made by the leftists behind him....
I think your view won't be complete until you realize that the Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same corporate coin. Everyday people are not truly being represented and fought for by either side. You can disagree with left wing ideology, but it's unrealistic to say that Republicans aren't actually right wing while also saying Democrats are actually left wing. You refuse or fail to humanize and cognitively empathize with your enemies. That's your blind spot.
I think your view won't be complete until you realize that the Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same corporate coin. Everyday people are not truly being represented and fought for by either side. You can disagree with left wing ideology, but it's unrealistic to say that Republicans aren't actually right wing while also saying Democrats are actually left wing. You refuse or fail to humanize and cognitively empathize with your enemies. That's your blind spot.

but it's unrealistic to say that Republicans aren't actually right wing while also saying Democrats are actually left wing.

That isn't what I said...I stated the Republican Party is not controlled by the conservatives...the democrat party is completely controlled by leftists....

Also, Right Wing in the U.S. is different from "Right Wing" in Europe......"Right Wing," in Europe is essentially leftism as well......Conservatives in the U.S. are the exact opposite.....they believe in limited government, checks and balances and the separation of powers to reduce government consolidation of power...individual Rights......the exact opposite of the left here and the "right" in Europe.
Bill Maher has been quite consistent over the years, so this isn't anything new.

He is a liberal who follows actual liberal values and has never shown any hesitation in calling out the Stalinists who hate liberalism.
Ok, I have to write something, about this. I'd rather people just like watch it and decide for themselves. Most people don't care what anyone has to say, unless they can argue about what was said.

So to keep the comments from getting blocked, I'll say this. Bill Maher is right about millennials and GenZ. They're destroying the planet.

New Rule: OK, Zoomer | Real Time with Bill Maher​

When he has Trump on and endorses him , I'll start watching again.
Bill Maher has been quite consistent over the years, so this isn't anything new.

He is a liberal who follows actual liberal values and has never shown any hesitation in calling out the Stalinists who hate liberalism.
I love Bill Maher. I think he goes over the rails sometimes, but he is a comedian after all.
Most people are ignorant and so throw out words like liberal and conservative without the slightest inkling of what they mean. They simply attach the word "conservative" to anything republican and "liberal" to anything democrat.

Take the way government has gone about shutting down the economy. Actual LIBERAL policy would have involved protecting the little guy, but the democrat party was gung ho on preventing small businesspeople from earning a living so the technocrats could make bank. Conversely, people like Ron DeSantis are being eviscerated by the left for allowing a level playing field.
Another example is identity politics. Tribalism is the most absolutely primitive social construct and actual liberalism seeks to eliminate tribalism and foster a color-blind society. Despite this, the left has embraced a tribal world view complete with a certain caste system of privilege based upon tribe. Those who can claim membership in a tribe considered "oppressed" (and there are certainly more and more of these created all the time) gain advantage over those considered as "oppressor', and all of this derived by fixed, innate traits and not anything meaningful.

In any case, I find Bill Maher is usually pretty much on the mark as he does call out the Stalinists, but could do a better job in regards to articulation. He, like millions of others, needs to stop using the word "liberal" to describe authoritarians whose views are anything BUT liberal in essence.
We don't have real conservative representation in government, and too many everyday conservatives are either too stupid to notice or too dishonest to care. Republicans are not the party of peace, financial responsibility and liberty. Not even close. You want it to be true that the Republicans are more virtuous but it's simply not.

Us conservatives have been told by the Republican Party to sit down and shut up. The few conservatives we have left, are doing just that.
Bill Maher has been quite consistent over the years, so this isn't anything new.

He is a liberal who follows actual liberal values and has never shown any hesitation in calling out the Stalinists who hate liberalism.

And yet he supports, financially and with his time, the very people implementing cancel culture.....
No, he isn't........he supported every aspect of cancel culture in its creation...but now, now that it is destroying the lives of leftists, now he is coming out against it. He knows that many of his past positions could now be used to destroy him, get him he is trying to protect himself ahead of being targeted.......

He still supports the very people destroying the lives of innocent Americans...he simply doesn't want to be the next victim.
Now that what he’s endorsed over the years is beginning to encroach on his own insulated white-bread reality, he’s rethinking his position. Funny how that works.
It’s like diversity-loving white democrats moving away when their neighborhoods become increasingly diverse.

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